Man aged 31 rapes 5-month-old baby


A 31-year-old man has been arrested in Zomba for raping a five-month-old baby.

Zomba Police publicist Patricia Sipiliano has identified the suspect as Muderanji Kanjila who raped the child on November 21.

According to Sipiliano, the child’s parents were with their baby when the suspect came and asked them to take the child so that he could chat her at his home since they are neighbours.

But when Kanjila came back with the child after an hour, the baby was crying uncontrollably.

The mother noticed blood spots on the child’s clothes and private parts which prompted them to report the matter to police.

Medical tests at Zomba Central Hospital showed that the child had been raped.

Kanjila who is expected to be charge with defilement hails from the area of Traditional Authority Mlumbe in the same district.
