As one way of containing the spread of the deadly Coronavirus, the Malawi government has scaled up joint border patrols involving the Malawi Defence Force (MDF), Police and Immigration in Mwanza .
Confirming the development to Malawi24 was Mwanza border public relations officer Pasqually Zulu who said the move will among other things sensitise the general public on this deadly COVID-19.
Zulu also said that these joint patrols will as well educate the public evils of aiding and abetting illegal immigrants during this period with an aim of controlling people who gets in and out using unchartered routes.
He added that government has established that there is need for cooperation amongst communities and all key stakeholders if the country is to defeat further spread of the pandemic on its citizenry hence intensifying joint border patrols.
“From the word go, the joint team quickly established an evidence based response that included cooperation with the communities along the border line and all key stakeholders in the operation which are Healthy, MDF, Police and Immigration so that access to information should be available to all key sectors.
“Apart from the joint border patrols, Mwanza immigration and Port healthy office have also embarked on ad hoc roadblocks and snap checks within and outside Mwanza as a way of monitoring, screening and surveillance of covid-19 cases following reports that some travellers defy new border formalities upon arrival at the border.” Said Zulu.
The publicist further added that so far, Chikombe, William, Ntasa and Changoima crossing points have been visited by the joint team.
He noted that people are still moving around but expressed hope that their awareness will change people’s mindset on the importance of social distancing.
He then emphasized that travellers found passing through the border without proper documentation – such as COVID-19 clearance pass from port healthy personnel and Immigration – will face the long arm of law.
The novel Coronavirus which has defied geographical and political boundaries has brought in a number of norms in a society where social distancing, washing hands and staying home have been key messages from the healthy experts.
In Malawi, 33 coronavirus cases have been recorded. There have been three recoveries and coronavirus.