Two youth develop solar energy solution


Two young people in Machinga have developed an innovative solar energy solution to deal with electricity challenges in the country.

The two are Peter Mango and Bennict Kankhulungo. Through a company called Clean Energy Engineering Limited which they founded in 2016, the two young men have developed a UNIFIED solar energy system (CEE-P200).

According to Russell Chimbayo who met the young men, the CEE-P200 doubles the output of solar panels such that a 100 Watts panel ends up producing 200 Watts.

“Such a great output of power seems to be a good solutions towards irrigation farming, which can easily lead to food security considering that rain fed agriculture easily disappoints in this era as a result of climate change,” said Chimbayo.

He added the power produced can be used domestically and safety is guaranteed as the system has been tailored to detect short circuits, and shut down automatically.

Chimbayo hailed the young men for their innovation saying it is in line with Sustainable Development Goal number 7, which emphasises on affordable and clean energy.