Radio listeners donate to patients at Thyolo Hospital


Listeners of Living Waters Church Radio Top 20 Chart on Saturday visited the children’s ward at Thyolo district hospital to cheer the sick and give them items.

Founder of the initiative, Dzizwani Dzimbi, said the initiative involves listeners of Top 20 Chart program aired on LWC Radio with the main goal of doing charitable works like visiting patients in hospitals, visiting inmates in prisons as well as assisting orphans.

Living waters listeners

Dzimbi said they decided to visit those who are in hospital as one way of celebrating Christmas with them.

“This is Christmas season, so we thought of coming here at Thyolo district hospital to cheer the sick and give them Christmas gifts. We have chosen Thyolo just because district hospitals that are far are rarely visited,” said Dzimbi.

He further said that they thought it wise to give the food items to children because children are prone to malnutrition as they lack food.

The items which were distributed to 43 patients in the ward include rice, sugar, soya pieces and soap. The items cost the group MK700,000.

Commenting on the development, a nurse in the children’s ward Lucy John said the gifts will supplement nutritious food given to children patients.

One of the guardians, Estelle Misomali said the items will help patients as some of them came from remote areas and did not have food to give their children.

“May God bless them abundantly,” said Misomali.

Besides cheering and giving Christmas gifts, the group also shared with guardians the words of encouragement from the book of Psalms 46 verse 1 preached by the Reverend Mulonya of Thyolo Living Waters Church.