Tanzanian President John Magufuli has given people who committed financial crimes a chance to return the money to government, an initiative UTM president Saulos Chilima also promised to implement in Malawi.
In the run up to the May 21 elections, Chilima said if elected as president he would give a 30-day amnesty to people involved in plunder of public funds to return the money to Malawians. The UTM leader added that some would be given 24 hours.
Chilima lost in the presidential elections and could not implement his plans.

In neighboring Tanzania, the plan is being implemented. President Magufuli has opened a bank account in which those accused of economic sabotage, and have asked for an amnesty, can return the money.
According to the country’s public prosecutor, Biswalo Mganga, 467 people charged with tax evasion, money laundering and other financial crimes have already pledged to return stolen money to the state in exchange for having their charges dropped.
He added that those who want to be pardoned will have to deposit the money into the account after approval by a court.
Initially, the deadline for the amnesty was 29 September but it has now been extended 6 October.
This is the kind of leadership that is lacking in Malawi–Cry The Beloved Country–where is this ship called Malawi headed to with the Captain of the ship being corrupt to the bone with the few members of his crew he has encircled himself with to benefit from massive looting under official corruption? It is time for the poor masses of Malawi to wake up and stop this rot!
Isn’t this the kind of leadership that Malawi needs? The DPP led government has entrenched ‘official’ corruption to the bone to enrich the ‘privileged’ few even within the ‘corrupt’ political system, not everyone of the members are direct beneficiaries of the system! Time is ripe for people’s power to dismantle this evil and corrupt system of government which overloads just a few with the loot of official corruption.