TB Joshua resurrects ‘dead’ man

T.B. Joshua

Here we go again! Prophet T.B. Joshua has resurrected a man who had been declared by doctors as clinically dead.

According to a clip released by T.B. Joshua’s Emmanuel TV, the man, identified as Sergey Park from South Korea, had been ‘dead’ for 2 weeks.

T.B. Joshua

Pak had died after falling from a multistorey building while on duty.

“Pak had been in the coma for 2 weeks after falling for a multistorey rooftop while working. He suffered multiple fractures allover his body”.

“After the fall, he was rushed to the hospital where he was declared clinically dead for one hour”
According to the clip, Pak’s relatives disagreed with the medical verdict of death and decided to continue “proclaiming life while praying”.

After their prayers, he was ‘miraculously’ resurrected but remained in coma.

T.B. Joshua’s Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) claims that doctors had declared that he would remain in vegetative state “because his brain had been damaged for staying long without oxygen.

It is alleged that the doctors said “Pak would be on life support machine for the rest of his life”.

However, Elvira Wi who happens to be the friend of the resurrected man decided to seek spiritual interventions.

She traveled with the ‘dead’ man’s photographs to be prayed for by T.B. Joshua when he was in Nazareth.

“In Nazareth, when I got into the prayer line with a photograph of Sergey, TB Joshua laid his hands on me.

“At that moment, Sergey’s father, Pastor Igor Pak  who was also watching the live service on Emmanuel TV, felt a force touch his own head. The next day, Sergey regained consciousness” narrates Elvira Wi.

Wi says Sergey is “recovering remarkably” ever since being resurrected.

“By God’s grace, he can now speak and communicate freely with those around him”.

In his part, Sergey Pak thanked everyone who prayed for him including Prophet T.B. Joshua interceding on his behalf.

“I want to thank all those who prayed for me. I also want to thank T.B. Joshua for praying for me in Nazareth” says Pak in the clip that has been viewed over 60 thousand times within 24 hours.

Wi says Pak’s “resurrection” and “miraculously recovery” has shocked all the medical doctors who treated and declared his friend as clinically dead following the near-fatal accident.