VAM coffers run dry


Volleyball Association of Malawi (VAM) has depleted all its 2018/2019 annual subvention from the Government, through Malawi National Council of Sports (MNCS).

This was confirmed by the Association’s Treasurer, Florence Nthakomwa.

No money for volleyball

“When we were getting the MK1,900,000.00 cheque for allowance for the group that travelled to Maputo, Mozambique early December last year for para volley (sitting volleyball) courses, MNCS said VAM had depleted its annual subvention because the Vice President, James Kaunda had travelled as well. So, yes it’s been depleted according to the council,” she confirmed.

The vice president travelled to Cancun, Mexico mid-November, 2018 for 36th Federation International Volleyball (FIVB) World Congress. He got about MK365,000.00 (US$500.00) from MNCS for his trip.

She said: “From MK1,900,000.00 we got from Sports Council, each participant who attended the sitting volleyball course got about MK236,000.00 as allowance.”

This means VAM spent about MK1,888,000.00 on eight participants in sitting volleyball.

“Currently we are yet to see the benefits of such investment,” she said.

One of the participants, Ambilike Mwangulu, confirmed of receiving the allowance.

“Yes, I can confirm with you that we got the money from VAM and the transport money refunded by the organisers in Mozambique. But VAM gave us the allowances here in Malawi after we returned from Mozambique, of course they were supposed to give us before we left for Maputo. The total amount we got for eight people must be close to MK2,000,000.00″, he declared.

Malawi in Mozambique for sitting volleyball courses had the following: Fredson Gonela, Emily Anita Hara, Harry Kholowa, Chimwemwe Patricia Msowoya, Ambilike Mwaungulu, Martin Hausi and Florence Nthakomwa.

The participants are expected to introduce sitting volleyball in Malawi.

It was also revealed that the participants for sitting volleyball course from Central Region Volleyball League (CRVL) borrowed transport money from the League as they were requested to use their own transport to Mozambique and be refunded by the organisers.

This is contrary to reports that only CRVL was asked by VAM to sponsor its participants to Mozambique and that VAM did not give any money to the eight who travelled to Maputo.

This was confirmed by both CRVL General Secretary, Tarsizio Chikaonda and Treasurer, Philip Chibwana.

Chikaonda said: “No. VAM did not ask us to fund the participants. As a League, we just took an initiative to lend them the money so that we are assured of them traveling especially that the money was to be refunded by the organisers. The agreement was that they will pay back the League when they are back from Mozambique.”

However, four months since they come back from Mozambique, the two participants from CRVL have not lived to the agreement and are yet to pay back the League.

“It’s true, as a League, we lent them MK75,000.00 each and we are yet to get our money back. It’s been overdue, but I have also been busy to follow up. We expect them to pay back the money. It’s for the League.”

However, the two participants from CRVL, Emily Hara and Fred Gonela, despite confirming that they got the money, did not confirm if they have paid back or not.

“I am not comfortable to tell you about whether I have settled the money I got from CRVL or not on the phone. Unless we have to meet in person and talk about it”. Gonela said.

On the other hand, when we asked Hara about the development, she had this to say:  “The Public Relations Officer of CRVL is in a good position to talk about that. So you are busy with money issue why not ask about the knowledge we got from the trip and the plan on how we want to implement it?”

On his part, the VAM General Secretary, was concerned on many people’s perception towards its funding.

“Many people think as if VAM is given a lot of money. But they don’t know that in taking Volleyball at this stage, it’s us individuals who spend more for the love of the sport and country. But Iam also surprised to note that, even the people who went to Mozambique cannot tell their friends the truth of what they got and up to now no one has formed any team. To run sports in Malawi we need people with passion,” he complained.

VAM basically depends on MNCS and some individuals for its operation funding. This means, the next funding VAM is likely to expect from MNCS is for the 2019/2020 budget.

VAM got an annual allocation of about MK2,500,000 from  government for  2018/2019 financial year and it is one of the ‘underfunded’ affiliates of MNCS, with Football Association of Malawi (FAM) getting the biggest share of MK300, 000, 000. 00 in the same financial year