Song review: Finca by Kell Kay

Kell Kay

Singer Kell Kay says no to silence in music. His story can be simply branded, song after song. His latest release is Finca.

Firstly, the title of the song raises a lot of questions. Upon hearing the word Finca which is an institution that lends people money, one may be driven to the thought that the song is an advert for the organisation. This is despite the song carrying a strong message of love.

Kell Kay
Kell Kay

Credit to the artist for creatively expounding on the relationship between love and the financial institution in his work. However he should have found a better tittle for the song, one whose literal meaning is not far from the connotation.

Secondly, Kell Kay has come out smartly on the pace and voice projection. Being a slow song that is a fusion of an Afro element and RNB, he does not go off key. Since he is assuring a woman, he just knows that raising the voice in such a scenario is not a requirement.

However, there was no need to include a female voice unless she was expressing delight with her lover’s guts to take financial risks in an effort to make her happy.

The message is very much clear and one that is rarely delivered in local music. In the song, the man admits that money is not love but he will chase the financial resources for his lovers’ wellbeing.

That speaks a lot of sweet love melodies, one of them being “I love and care about you very much.”
On production, it is awesome.

The tune was mastered by Henwood which to a certain extent explains the quality in Finca, given his good reputation in production.

The instrumentation and the vocals are handsomely conjoined in the tune.

The song scores a high rating out of 10. A gorgeous 8 out of 10.
