Mutharika summons Chilima over corruption remarks


President Peter Mutharika on Monday met Vice President Saulos Chilima to seek clarification on remarks Chilima made on Saturday.

Mutharika summoned his deputy to explain remarks about corruption in government and that he (Chilima) wants to leave the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Your Govt. is corrupt-Chilima as if telling Mutharika.(File)

In Ntchisi on Saturday, Chilima said there is rampant corruption in government and warned that if the vice continues there will be no hope for Malawi.

He also hinted that he might be forced to leave the ruling DPP.

The remarks seems to have irked Mutharika who told Chilima to meet him at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre.

Presidential spokesperson Mgeme Kalirani told the local media that the two met but he does not know what they discussed.

This comes at a time when a movement in the DPP has endorsed Chilima as the party’s presidential candidate for the 2019 elections.

The pro-Chilima DPP members say Mutharika is old hence youthful Chilima should replace him as the party’s president.