Devotion: Be Glad about God


Psalms 122:1  “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

Are you a child of God? Then the House of God is your house. Everybody should feel more comfortable when they are in their house than elsewhere. Only rebellious children don’t want to be closer to their Father.

BibleThey run away when dad is coming.  Whatever you do in life, whether you are a student or a professional or whatever career it may be, you should never be too busy to the extent of putting God aside. Some think God will understand them because of the nature of whatever they do. God will never accept any excuse that takes you away from Him.

In the opening scripture, the Word, glad is a Hebrew Word Sâmach and it also means to be merry, cheerful, rejoice and brighten up. The writer tells us that he was glad, was merry and he rejoiced with the call to the house of God.

If you are a believer and are not excited with the things of God, then you need to do something. Apart from whatever you do, the things of God should excite your spirit and you need to look forward to do the Word and work of God with passion. Be excited to share the Word, be excited to read the Bible and do some spiritual activities. Never be slow in the things of God. The Family of God is our family and everybody should be excited to do something in the family. Never  lack in zeal but to keep the fire burning in us. Romans 12:11 (NIV) “ Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

Maintain your zeal and fire for the Gospel. Remain passionate about the spiritual things; that is, be on fire in your spirit.

How do you achieve that? Spend sometime in prayer.  If you want to excel spiritually and make lasting impact in this world, learn to spend quality time praying especially in spirit. Do it quite often. When you’re alone, rather than being idle, or thinking about unimportant things, pray. Every minute invested in prayer is never wasted.

Study and meditate on the Word of God. Have quality time and make a plan for the study of the Word. Don’t study the Word at you are too tired to concentrate or when you are seconds away from sleeping. It will not have much impact. Have a timetable of the Word embeded in your programs and stick to it.

I dwell in the House of the Lord. My heart is always aglow with spiritual matters. I will always be glad and excited with the things of God. I will obey the voice of the Holy Spirit  leading me to the desires of the Father. In Jesus Name. Amenk
