Police questioned for forcing woman to delete convoy pictures

Mutharika's convoy

The Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) says it has instituted an investigation into an incident in which the police forced a woman to delete pictures of the presidential convoy.

It is reported that a woman in Blantyre a few weeks ago took photos of the presidential convoy when President Peter Mutharika was travelling to Chileka for an official engagement.

Robert Mkwezalamba
Mkwezalamba: We are investigating the matter.

Later on, some police officers who were on duty this day forced the lady who captured the photos to delete them immediately.

The issue has led to a debate among members of the public and commentators with people questioning whether or not it is wrong to take pictures of the president when he is performing public functions.

Board Chairperson of HRCC Robert Mkwezalamba told the local media that they are investigating the matter through their member organisation, Centre for Human Rights Education Advice and Assistance.

Mkwezalamba further said everything regarding the matter will be made public after the completion of their investigations.



  1. I think the issue is what was the use of the pictures? Kodi munthu ungalole aliyense kutenga chithunzi chako asanakupemphe? I think nthawi zina Amalawi timatailira kwambiri. Head of State kumujambula akudutsa zoona? What for?

  2. Pena zinthu zina zimangosowekela kuzindikila sizinthu zololedwa kudyambula nsogoleli wa dziko mopanda chilolezo zokanakhala kuti anthu amaloledwa kudyambula bwezi kukumakhala zisokonezo.

    Kodi atakhala kuti akujambula ndi ma technology amasiku anowa ndikukhala futi sangaphe president? ?

  3. Amajambula mtsogoleri iiiiiiiii ndimlandu walakwa amati zithuzizo adzikazitani ?
    Samalolatu mtsogoleri wa DPP

  4. Mchifukwa chake amangopsa ndi dzuwa mmiseumu president akamafuna kudutsa mpaka 6hrs alipompo ali achenjerere pa anthu….no problem there.

  5. Inde kunjambula convoy ndikulanda dziko.anthu simudziwa kodi ziwani kuyambira lero iyi ndi Malawi watsopani

  6. A polisi a ku Malawi ndi mbutuma zenizeni. Ine tsiku lina ndinapita ku Mangochi, Ndinachita chidwi ndi pa polisi station pomwe panaimikidwa mfuti za mbiri ya Kale ya dziko lino. Pokhala mMalawi ndinajambula mfutizo. Koma apolisi anandifutira zithunzizo. Kodi chithunzi cha mfuti ya mbiri ya kale ya dziko chingawophyeze chitetezo? Apo ndinangodziwa kuti wapolisiyo ndi mbutuma yeniyeni. Ndinangonyamuka kumapita.

  7. Malawi is still backward in the way she conducts herself. Democracy will take time to settle in the hearts of people. We re dominated by FEAR all the time. My Bible says FEAR is a sin. Shame!

  8. Kujambula msogoleri wako palibe mulandu,ngati kuli kulakwa kulibwino kukhala opanda msogoleri kapena msogoleriyo asamayende nanga sianthu asamamuone.Kumbali ya a Police sakulakwa ndintchito yawo,ojambula aliyense amayenera kukhala ndichilolezo chojambula maka momwe pali msogoleri waziko.

  9. For security reasons, the police has shown their professionalism to do that…. maybe that lady amafuna kudzachita chipongwe mtsogoleri wa dziko kudzera mzithunzizo, we dont know!

    [those under security agencies can understand this]

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