If you are still poking fun at the President, you would better quit at hearing this news.
A primary school teacher in Blantyre has been handed a 12 month suspended sentence having mocked President Peter Mutharika, Malawi24 has learnt.
The teacher identified as one Mike Suedi was overheard mocking Mutharika over his recent official activities.
Mutharika has been laying foundation stones for numerous projects the government is into lately.
While a social media storm on this remains tight, Suedi was overheard by women donning ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regalia saying the president was laying ‘useless stones’.
It is understood the women went ahead to report to police having heard him say so when the Presidential convoy was passing by.
Suedi was arrested and later the Blantyre First Magistrate Court convicted him on charges of conduct likely to cause breach of peace and insulting the president.
He was ordered to do 80 hours of community service for the first count and sentenced to a 12 month suspended sentence for the second count.
When delivering the ruling, first grade magistrate Kitty Nkhoma said the president should be respected.
“The punishment will teach others that it is an offence to insult the president,” she said.
Earlier last year, a man in Limbe was also arrested after smashing Mutharika’s portrait.
A recent one involved a man in Zomba who snatched an envelope from Mutharika’s hands as his convoy was passing by.
Khani yabwino
Free him please,so akufuna adziopedwa ngati ndani
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netted for mocking bwampini???? we are really moving back to dictatorship!!!!
What kind of teacher is this.. Apart from this what else is he /she teaching the kids
president wa ku malawi anamwalira nde galu uyu mduleni chimbenene
Pali chommangira munthu pamenepo useless president and judges as well mukulephera kupanfa Chaponda mukukalimbana ndi teacher idiots judges
Zimenezo ndiye fodyayo
24 can you just tell us kuti maphuzo amuphunzitsiwa anati chani. Tikunfomva za insult, insult.
We need real democracy lyk in south africa.
Lemekeza atate ako ndi amako osati a president ako
A lesson to those who make senseless noise
too bad hes never going to be here reading your comments. his still the president, God’s elect and some of us will always love him. wishing that teacher a nice time behind bars
no matter what ameneyu akagwire ukaidi basi!! amalawi mwambo taiwala!!!
Zomwezi akadzapanga chakwera akadzatenga boma nomwenu a DPP mudzati nkhaza zayambika chomwe tikuiwala amalawi lerolo tikukakamizidwaso kumapanga zinthu ngati sitikuona pamene mmbuyomo timkadana ndimakadi pamene kuchipatala simkasowa mankhwala ,lerolo tikugula buku 100 ngati ulibe sukuyenera kulandira mankhwala .makadi aja alipobe
Lerolo msonkho tikuchita kudulidwa mokakamiza ma shop .
Onyoza boma kale lo amkamangidwa lerolo mumati MCP idali ndinkhaza tsono apa ufulu wo olankhula zakukhosi ulipati .
Kodi ndimiyala ingati yomwe mtsogoleri wadziko lino waika
That’s totally idiotisise family party!
Kkkkkk Ndani Tizimulemekezayo? Hahahahaha Bola Kulemekeza Malemu Bingu Wamuthalika Koma Kulemekeza Galuyu Nde Kubetsatu
Atimange tose he is mad ufulu wathu wapita kuti?
Kkkkkkk okay koma mchipululu simofela
Who is he?
Mxm fokof poor malawi, muthalikayo ndi mulungu ndani? Akuzipanga ngati sapita Ku chimbuzi bwanji? Uwill end up kunyela pepala ngati m’bale wako Peter
Mutharika will leave office jst like others, let me make it clear this guy will win again in 2019 general elections but unfortunately of him will be recalled as how zimbabweans and south africans have done it. He will not finish his second term , will either be impeached or stepdown . Thats what am seeing as his future is a doomed one. He has grown wings of late like Julius ceaser of old Rome , never listens from pple but riduculosly he says he is a democratically smart leader, nosense , why then does he not pay attention to pples calls, greedy politicians, gold diggers. I agree with that locked up teacher to indult him thats the only ways perhaps he can pay attention , he will still be mocked.
You r full of hate and that will not take you anywhere, and the laws of Malawi and South Africa are quite different. Don’t expect what has happen in SA can happen here. The problem is that the opposition party which Want to rule this country has no solutions to the problem, what they want is to be in gvt. The devil you know is better than an Angel you don’t know.
Neither the ruling part does not have the solutions but rather looting the state resourses . Democratically they difer not , if he doesnt do what democracy asks for he is prone to dance the same tune his two friends have danced. I speak not out of hatred but the truth is that Malawi is being ruled by mafias , scandalits , kings of lootings , mr know it all ; never listen to the cries of the voters , gold diggers ,greedy folks. Am not a fan or a voter of any wounded elephants , even if it were UDF or MCP were the ones doing this mal administration my stand would have bn the same , am not sitting on the bench for any nonsense, I know some of u are happily watching your country going to drain , becoming one of the teary nations in Africa, am not an entertainer of any nonsense , politicians have messed n failed Malawi
Amuchita bwino,tiphunzire kulemekeza atsogoleri athu ufulu oyankhula sikutukwana!
Tisayang’ane Pomwe Pagwera Mtengo Koma Tiyang’ane Chomwe Chagwetsa Mtengo-wo
Kumanga mnyamata wazaka 25 bcoz of a dying 80 old granny. Mwaganiza bwanji?
“Useless stone” and “useless Muthalika” are two different things. The former refers to a stone, a natural thing and the later to a person. Where is the president insulted here? Is he a stone? Teacher appeal your case ukanene kuti ndimanena mwala ndinawuponda osati apm. Iyeyo Apm amaika kachipirala kokhala ngati khoma la nyumba so kkkkkkk.
Mutharka wake uti?
Then this president must fall. Africa is changing and we don’t have time for crappy sensitive dictator boys like them. He is a human being not a God. If he can’t handle insult, then he should not be ruling
Kkkkk apolice nawo kumvera miseche ya azimayi mpaka kumanga munthu…
Koma Bwanawo nkhaniyi ayimva?….nanga apangapo chani??
Mbiri ya KAMUZU imkaipa chifukwa cha zimenezo…..
Which president?
Don’t mock the President: Teacher netted for insulting Mutharika
Corrupt presidents must leave the offices
Net me
Wadyapo kadxidxi ameneyo aphunxire kulemekeza atsogo
Kwazaza mbuzi zokhazokha bs
Wasting tym people in Malawi instead of taking the corrupt people to jail u care about stupid thing’s which means the malawi government is composed of stupid people
President wake nyapapiyu? Amzaketu akupanga resign iyeyu tichita kupha ngat galu openga
The teacher called a spade by its name, ” useless stones”. This is not an insult at all.
Jesus called people fools because that is how people behaved then. They behaved foolishly. So it is not wrong to call somebody who behaves foolishly #a_fool.
However it is wrong to call somebody who does not behave foolishly a #fool.
Back to the issue at hand; how many stones has the president laid? ANSWER: MANY STONES.
How many stones have remained stones till today am writing this?
Are those stones valuable?
What does it mean to say not valuable?
You mean he said “useless stones”. Chichewa chake ndi “miyala yachabechabe”. Hahahaha
Aliyese wonyoza Tate wa fuku la Malawi anjatidwe basi kaya ndi chamba kaya ndi ufiti tithana onyoza musogoleli wa dziko la Malawi’ chifukwa musogoleli sangachoke ku mwamba ndi udzalamulila Malawi
Iweyo sulikuno2 ife ndamene tkuva kuwawa
What a bad example to our children, a teacher without respect to those in authority! Shame. We send our children to school on trust knowing that they are rabbis who will teach good manners
RIP Morgan
Munthu uyu sadanyoze , palibe chifukwa chongodzala miyala yamaziko yambiri yomwe simukwanitsa kumanga ,kapena chimechi ndiye mumati chitukuko .Nda amene sakudziwa kuti akuluwa alephera kutipatsa zomwe anthu tikufuna.
Not only the President bt every leader should be respected and everyone needs respect
why insulting him? if u know that u can do more than him, why can’t u join politics?. a problem deliberately provoked.
Arresting someone after insulting malawi leader is a quick way of being promoted in mps.
oyamba ndineyo Peter Muthalika pa nyopake arrest me now
Tikubwera tikupezen mwamva
muchite changu opusa inu manyi anu ndi muthalika amweyo..
ndipo kutukwanidwa kosayamba kapolo wa President uyu
Ufulu sikutukwana. All those who r backing amene wamangidwa nkumanena kuti chakwera adzawina ndiye mukungoonetsa kuti MCP ndiyokonda ziwawa ndi mwano. Democracy without responsibility is nothing. Iweyo mwana wako atakutukwana sungampase chilango? unganene kuti kuli democracy?wake up poor malawians.
so what
poorest monkey
Bambo anga akhale ameneyuyu ?
Sizikugwirizana achimwene ndimwana wako apa
aaaah tel him amange toxe ! coz sitikumufuna or pang’ono. mbuzi ya pumbwaaa ya munthu.
aaaah tel him amange toxe ! coz sitikumufuna or pang’ono. mbuzi ya pumbwaaa ya munthu.
Concrete yonyodza president ndiye kuti pdt ufulu alibe zitsiluso nanu otsutsa pitirizani kurira mukatopa munena.
Hungry police dogs
Learn to respect senior citizens. Uzilemekeza atate ako ndi mai ako, siamene anakubala okha ayi koma onse a usinkhu wa makolo ako.Be cultured please, see now you are on the wrong side of the law.
Koma ndiye we’re back to dictatorship
There is Freedom of expression
But no Freedom after expression!
This president is a fool!
Freedom of expression yes, but with responsibility.
a Malawi umunthu wathu wapita kuti? insulting the president for what?
Mmmmm a Malawi timaonjeza, tilibe ulemu. Mpofunika tizimangidwa kumene!
Back in history during Nero’s reign ( Roman Emperor )
Kkk exacly- burning of xians + gutterling the city with his on hand- what a shameful leader
Kuno Zuma amthotha wakeup Nyasaland please we need Concrete Democracy not this Dictatorship…..
but with this rigime malawian wil continue insuit, & insuit the president until government change the way they treat it’s citizen
Zimangovuta poti ndife mbuli zophunzira Zinthu sizingasinthe chifu kwa choti mwatukwana
Akakhala okumva Nthawi zina zimatha kusintha Man! Ife Mp wa2 pano wasinthika bcz timalimba mtimba ndi kumamuzuzula! Pano wasinthiratu
Again and again we gonna mock him until he says guys am resigning this post. .. We don’t even care if he can arrest half population of this country and if prisons are full he can change that shit august house kukhalaso ndende “Vumbwe ameneyu watikwana”
What kind of the leader is this,?
Moya tulapansi udindo zakukanika patsa ena ozitsata
Eti nyakula ipose apa?
ine ndzanvotelabe basi kkkkkkk and kutukwana sikungachose APM pa mpando anzanga otsutsa pitilizani kulira mpaka mpaka
poorest dpp monkey in the bush
Amalawi moti muzithandiza president wanu kutukula ziko ur busy kunyoza. Malawi will never grow
Hahahahahahahaha president omuthandiza muzimuona inu mbuzi yachabechabe yikungoba Ndalama zaboma ndi mtundu wakwawo basi a Malawi tizisekelera zimenezi, shit
Mungosamuka basi chifukwa ameneyu sachoka mpaka term yake ithe! kkk. komanso 2019 ngati chisomo chingamugwere akupitiliza.
Galu amene ali ndi plan yomanga nyumba yoti design yake Africa yonse inkhala yoyamba komaso ati itenga ndalama zambili zakhanikhani .fuso nkumati where did he gets that money?
M.G. ndani amene akufuna kupanga zimenezo??
APM and DPP in my veins
Akumabweleka ndalama zambr tzangova dziko lamalawi lagulisidwa ndkuzan guyz kmso maguyziwa amayida lilongwe heavy chfkw ndkwawo kwachakwela
Kaya Zanu Zmenezo!
He is a fool and stuped, come and arrest me.
Uku Ndiye Timati Kupusa.
iwe ngat pitayo amakupasa gaga umakaphika nsima izo ndizako me i hate him, he is a corrupt president open your eyes dont support this old man blindly! love your people and your country.
Thus good ,,,,
Ndizoonad kuli ufulu olankhula koma enanu mukuonjeza, ndi nyasi zomwe anthu azikusekerelani ndi mau oti democracy/ufulu mwaitha apolice….
The president is a fool wants to establish mugabe style we are in democratic era
Democracy does not mean insults onditukwana ineso wautali,
Ine kumastand…kuonelera basi
Enanu ndi choncho basi tikuziwa
That’s unfair
Koma munthuyu amanama?Useless foundation stones!Mangani zinthuzo kenako mukatsekulire.
Kupusa komaso kupanda nzeru
Mtsogoreli wake chona galu wachabe wina ndine ngati zikupezeka zida zomangilazo mwauze abwele nazo kun
Mtsogoreli wake chona galu wachabe wina ndine ngati zikupezeka zida zomangilazo mwauze abwele nazo kun
Umakudziwa kundende iwe?
Nkhandwe ngati iweyo uli ndichani chonyozela president?? Bakha ngati iwe
Mwanyanya u think he is your uncle
Mmawonjeza pena abale
Womangidwayo plus abale ake onse azavotera chakwera. Ubwino wake ndiumeneo
If someone insulting me, me two ihove ther rits to take him to court.
I smell a Mugabe-ish tendency here,wtf does APM is gorvening?We not bloody chickens.That’s the very reason why we chose democracy;to kick ass for a better Mw.
Nde Zachamba Tilephele Kupanga Comment Chfukwa Chakuti Muli Ku Mbuyo Kwa Peter? this is a democratic country
U dont have the right to .
Continue !!’to What?
U blessings wake up don’t be stupid man we have the right to speak thas why we call it democracy mutharika is an idiot
Mesa tapanga apply Za registration azakhaula amanga olak wika
This is what was happening during the one party rule. Why doing it in this multiparty democracy and where is freedom of speaking? Over and above that; the teacher was not lying.
Akuchotsera ma Voti …
Kkkkk chomwe chimanvesa chisoni anthu ngt inu mukaphedwa dziko limarila kenako bc zimaiwalika mining kt mwafela nkhondo yopanda ntchito zisamaleni nokha kmanxo mabanja anu abale anu amakukondani?
Wake up Malawi,it’s a democratic country and where is freedom of expression?????lts not an insulte it might be misunderstanding.
We dont have a freedom of insulting others, is good move well done
Freedom of expression does not mean insulting other people. Amangidwe ameneyo.
The teacher was not insulting the president, but he was talking about the layering of the numerous foundation stones.
Inuso Zuma wanyozedwa heavy koma sitinaveko kuti anthu akumangidwa chifukwa chonyaza president koma Malawi ndi nkhaza basi and ZUMA was batter than MUNTHARIKA
Vuto ndi umbuliwo mukumanyoza mtsogoleri wa dziko kumati ndi ufulu wanu ziwaninso kuti musamaphwanye ma ufulu a ena..mumangidwa ndithu!@
That’s bullshit, the president deserve that insult and if he sees that it’s not fair why don’t he just resign? We are fade up and we don’t want him, sakuthakumvetsa pati galu ameneyu kuti we are really tired with Muthalika and his DPP regime? Come and arrest me pokunena kuti nkhope ngati Munthu wotsala pang’ono kumaliza chigololo. .. No excuse no apology, f***k Mr president
Mr Aron inuyo ndwopepera kwambiri ndwopanda bongo chifukwa palibe cha nzeru mwalembapo apa
I fully support the move
Nkhani yonse ikuti chani? Enafe tiri pa free data
Enafe nde takondwera nazo hevy chifukwa palibe ufulu wotukwana nzako, iweso #aron usamauze kuti we are uziti ine ndikuti chifukwa sitiri nawe rimozi mu zoputsa zakozo.
Simbi Unyolo opepera ndi ambuyako akulephera kulamulira dzikowo. .. And if you are one of them then f***k
Aron ndi big moron
Wa youth league umamudziwira kutukwana basi. Coz wankhalitsa Ku opposition.