Professor Gertrude Mutharika: Malawi to emulate Lessotho


First Lady Gertrude Mutharika  has said it is important for Malawi to emulate Lesotho.

Mutharika said Malawi can learn from Lesotho which is a model country on issues of cleanliness.

Gertrude Mutharika : Malawi can learn from Lesotho.

She was speaking at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe during a state dinner organised for visiting Lesotho First Lady Maesaiah  Thabane.

“The green environment that engulfs the city of Maseru reminds me of our duty to also keep Malawi clean and green

“Through this visit, we will learn more about how you are providing leadership to address environmental challenges in your country,” said Mutharika.

The first lady then highlighted some of the initiatives she is implementing through  Beautify Malawi (BEAM).

Mutharika said BEAM mobilises people to clean sorroundings and also has activities aimed at encouraging girls to go back to school.

“I am proud to say, Your Excellency, that traditional chiefs are on the forefront working hard to rescue girls and take them back to class,” Mutharika said.

She added that her organization has also embarked on campaign to increase awareness on cervical cancer and women are being mobilised to go for cancer screening.

“This is because cervical cancer is increasingly becoming a challenge to most Malawian women,” said Mutharika.

As part of her stay in Malawi, Thabane visited Mchinji and will tour rice fields in Dedza district.