President Peter Mutharika has warned People’s Land Organisation (PLO) leader Vincent Wandale against causing anarchy saying he is the only president in Malawi.
Mutharika said this Saturday during the 10th Mulhakho wa Alhomwe festival which was held at Chonde in Mulanje.

Wandale has been claiming that he is the president of the United States of Mulanje and Thyolo (MUST) which he said will secede from Malawi due to government’s failure to resolve concerns raised by people of the two districts.
Speaking at Chonde, Mutharika said he is the only president in the country and will not allow Wandale to cause anarchy in Malawi through the calls for secession.
“Don’t push me to the limit, I am the only president in this country no one else is. I have had talks with Wandale on the issue and he does not want to listen,” said Mutharika.
He added that his government is working hard to deal with the land issue in Mulanje and Thyolo.
The president also claimed that there is a businessman who is funding Wandale. He did not mention the businessman but promised to deal with Wandale and his sponsor.
“I am asking him to stop now because I will drop on him like a tonne of bricks,” said Mutharika.
On October 26 Wandale was expected to announce secession of the two districts under MUST but was stopped by police.
Unconfirmed reports indicate that Wandale has been arrested by police.
Mulibwino Mani
Wandale akumenyela ufulu anthu osauka osowa polima from thyolo and mulanje ndi munthu osalakwa mwini nthaka akusowa palo pomwe malo azungu atenga what it this what is freedom them ngati mumadya mbatata chimanga chinangwa zikuchokera ku thyolo and mulanje people they manage from a small pice of land if they can given large land how much crops they can have to feed Malawi our leader they have got thinking problem for me wandale he is a great man
Kodi akuoneka mkamwao mano?
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Kkkkk lest we forget, we also have DR of nyika up north
APM and his DPP cadets are thieves.
Jesus is the only one in Malawi
One day iwill be wandale too enough is enough. Kupopana pano ayi koma wandale wandale .kma president uyuuuuuu aaaaaaa.
Chitukuko sakakamila Peter iwe.Let others try their best
Nchifukwa tu ndimati Malawi wathuyi tasowa kosamukira,,,,tikanati tonse tipangane zoti tisamuke Mmalawi,,,,Peter Muthalika anganene zoti ndi Best President Mmalawi mo…??? Tiyeni tisamukemo iyeyo atsalemo yekha aziti ndi Best President aziwauza anache iyaaaaaaa
Team chakwela mwalimaliza bwanji tsiku’mcp man ndi one ndawonela chisakho chachibweleza.
Yes sir and put this sh…..t in jail for life we don’t want prblms in our country
Kkkkkk. Peter is lost in the wilderness.. Wandale only capitalize on Thyolo Mulanje. Why does he say is the only president in Malawi?..kkkk. Maybe was referring to Chakwera? I doubt it.
Apita apita apita heeeede
Iwe usamachite masewera wamva? Ineso ndikamafika kumuziko chaka chamawachi,uziwiretu kuti Nothern Region ndikukulanda, sindizafunaso ma Vote ndizangokuuza kuti kumupoto kuno usazafikeko otherwise uzaona zakuda, ziko lakulephera bwanji osavomereza..DIKIRA.
Zammudzi Izzi if ndiongoyangana
But how can the president work on another countrys ministry of agriculture
It shows he is mental I’ll
Wandale bravo
Iam sure these Ngolongoliwa’s sons are taking us for fools.
Wainyumwa kamagweru kkkkk
Yes in Malawi but not in USTM( united states of thyolo and mulanje) Viva Wandale viva
Write a comment…all creatures are equal but wandale is more creature some than Apm
Hehehehehe..Mr.president has really failed us…2019 tioneko zina ndithu…aLomwe okhaokha kulandana dziko laling’ono kaleli..kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Godfrey Machi
I totally agree with you. Arthur Peter Mutharika is behind this Wandale chap. Arthur Peter Mutharika wants a safe heaven after May 2019.
alls in dpp are fools koz of their poor leadershp…
Yaa you are only, but you are out of our focus
Mmmmmmmmmmmm or mwana zainu anachosa
Wandale wavuta ndekutitu eti?
Amangidwe basi ….anathamangisa Harry mkandawire ku parliament chifukwa chonena kuti mpoto akhale pa yekha nde uyo ndi ndani …wakumaula basi .munthu tizikamupasila nsima pa window
Kunoso zidzachitika za Julius Malema pitala akupanga zopusa heavy
in the 20th century ,there are types of leaders who are muted in silence even if they see things gettting worse and the only time you get them loud is when they have been twisted THEIR shoulders to b robbed power upon missconception- ANNIE KHRUGER, 1845″
take from that and see to whom it reflects …..in this 20th century
Zikachitika mumvera kwa ife
Wandale is nicknamed different names but he is for the people to have land in Mulanje and Thyolo. Their land is in the hands of tea estates. They are saying, the idle land has to be given to them. This is possible, how did Bingu Wa Munthalika acquired ndata Farm. He is saying for the sake of the people not him alone. Some of you rich people, how did you acquire land their up to extend of donating to MUST university while people don’t have anywhere to cultivate. We acknowledge Bingu for the university. PLEASE THE IDLE LAND THEIR SHOULD BE REDEEMED FROM THE OWNERS THAT OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE AREA SHOULD HAVE SOMEWHERE TO CULTIVATE FOR FOOD SUSTENANCE.
Wandale is not saying he is the president of Malawi but for must. Maybe he wring because he entered Malawi capital Lilongwe without permission from APM as APM also do the same when he want to enter must country.
That’s great not just appreciate even things went wrong wandale is perfect.
Kukuonani pachithunzi, ndendende Mr Ibu!
Muntharika is a president of Malawi and wandale is a president of his country so chavuta ndichani musiyeni wandale mudziko mwake alamulile mwantendele
Mtayeni heeee
You are the only president but failing to deliver
president kodi eti?
Kuopa wandale sizowona
ahahhah ahahhah useless n no sense talk, DO WE HAVE A PRESIDENT IN MALAWI ¿¿¿
Birds of the same feathers.
Is it a stand up comedy?
Same district,language and zochitika.
The only difference is the age.
This issue has been there for years no one seems to revive this land reform. ..non should cheat the peoples of Thyolo and Mulanje that this issue will be solved by politicians. …we need one like Wandale to lead the masses. Look at the cost which Zimbabwe went through with the land reform. It takes a man who’s brave enough to start the wheels
Its true,petter is the only president in Malawi but wandale is a president in thyolo n mulanje good move wandale
Ur veri true mr President just until u finish yo term no mata wat Ivn though we ar not happi with this lawlessness wandale ur just watching we ar in 1720 the tym pipo gona vote wisely He will also be the only president no petitions
Every man claiming that is the only king is not a true king…
2019 Muyimaso bwana udindo wa u President supita Kwa mbuli za ku mpoto ndi chigawo chapakati kkkkkkkkk
Idiot,full of tribalism,regionalism @ heart,ndinu amene mukuononga Malawi ndimaganizo onyasa!
u too u r idiot do u think boma mudzatenga? forget about it we dont like u and we wu never like u until infinity
Stupid piece of shit moron
u r stupid either, u foolish ppo from there can not lead us, u gonna b there maybe am still hesitating
Pamusundu wanyoko,dadawako,wapulika ..mulikuchitapo chivich .ulije nkhalo wamwana,chindele iwe
zandisangalasa Poti wanena zi sinnamve zomwe zikupangisa kukukanidzani boma lathu la Malawi, kkkkkkkkk muliratu
one damn big got.yu cant create jobs for yungstars.yes yu only got from thyolo not malawi
President koma Peter
Or mutero koma akunena zowona! chilungamo chimawawa nthawi zonse! kuipa mtima a Malawi mudatani?
Zitokukanika nawe mbwiyache anraaaaghhhh
Everybody knows by name but with no conclusion people staying as foreigners in there mother’s land where to go
Dpp Kulibe Chilungamo Likumanga Wandale coz of politics and left Chaponda free man on maizegate how can Malawians evaluate this equation
Release our President
I think what wandale is doing is a move, it seems these people have gathered a lot of wealth and they can start with that in a new country called PLO. You will be surprised to have best of best hospitals school and I mean everything best in this small state .
For even themselves they know more than us that the hand is wrtting something on the wall . know that Wandale is not alone they are together.
If you say am lying ,its easy to prove. Just try to do what Wandale is doing then you will know.
I think somewhere some how u have an important I dea
Wandale must be arrested.
How would u feel if u were still under colonial rule? so let de pipo b independent just like Catalonia.!
APM mpaka 2024 woooo,, osaiwalatu kuti nyau zidatembeleledwa sidzidzalowaso m’boma
mukunamuzana chotcho come 2019 mudzalilira ku utsi
Abraham mutu wako sukuyenda bwino,,, mutu ngati chidhina
Dpp pachiongolero mpaka 2024
ngati mudakanika kumugwila kalulu ali ndi bele nde mungamukwanitse atabeleka?
ngati mudakanika kumugwila kalulu ali ndi bele nde mungamukwanitse atabeleka?
Iweyo chilikukusangalatsa ndi chani pa ulamuliro wa Peter muthalikayu? Magetsi palibe, madzi palibe, chitetezo palibe, chitukuko palibe, anthu akuba ndalama momwe angafunire, akulephera kuthetsa mavuto ochepa omwe alipo mma university, malipiro mochedwa, katundu wakwela mtengo, ndalama zikusowa kwambiri ndiye munthu wanzelu mkumati akavotera Dpp kaya kamuvoteleni koma ine ndekha yanga vote ndi chakwela basi tionepo zina izi taziona zalephera azathu pa zambia pompa apa akusangalara komaso pa Tanzania pompa akunjoya koma ife ndi mlendoyu mavuto okha okha
palibe president amene azidzakugulirani sugar, ufa kapena ndiwo muzinyumba zanu gwilani mikhetse thukuta sikadza kokha kamaopa kulaula
Thukuta lakuti apa nawenso uli mbuuu….Abraham…dolla akudya ndi amzako koma iwe busy kuwombera mmanja mfiti zikukutambirani….Wake up ase ukuchedwa a Malawi achangamuka…Kalulu ukunenayo amugwira kale nchira atabereka pa ma by elections….kkkkkk musamale
5-1! Uja anali kalambula bwalo chabe! 2019 mulira kuti pyooooo! ndi apm wanuyo.
@ abraham linda madzi apite ndiye uziti ndadala chimandidabwitsa achinyamata inu mukungomwa kachaso midzimu ndiye muli pa 1 kuombela nyapapiu aaaa after u got nothing to do u all depends on ur parents and cadet donation instead to empower u with something shame on u 2019 some1 is going to state house not ur brother Peter there am 95%
paja ku Nkhotakota mumalima chamba
Komatu bvuto tiri nalo ndi la magetsi. Uyu muti wandale yu tiribe naye ntchito.
Just Say u r the current President not the only one
koma dziko lino false rumour afuna atuluke posachedwapa .
I thnk bcoz Mr president wayankhulako nde kumumanga. n u hear he has bn charged with false rumours….Albert is sayn the truth, we would hav bn hearing of treason
Nthawi yonse unali kuti bwampini. Uli mu last mins. Come 2019. Adzakuuzani ndi anebatu.
Kkkkkkk 2019 ayalure basi
Zichoke zimenezi basi
Wandale is in police custody in LL
Chatsala chaka chimodzi kuno Peter achoke pa mpando ndi vote yanga
Mulanje nd thyolo sikumalawiso ayi iwe president waku Malawi kuno
iiyah asatikwane
Mr puppet 2019 is not too far
Jst slp lyk dt u will c who gona be president.
Very true he is only president of malawi
Ameneyu amasuta wa mkulu apite ku mikuyu osokoneza dziko lake lomweli kugawana?Kufuna kumaba ndalama eti?Ife apresident athu ndi a Muthalika basi once at a time.Asatuluke ameneyu mwamva apolice akutibowa musamunyengelere alule amene akumtuma
We don’t have president in Malawi, only Mbava nyapapi, mathanyura, bwampini
APM has run out of ideas. Why reacting to a novice, Wandale. Wandale shouldn’t be bothering the democratically elected president. If anything Wandale deserves one on one with the law that inculcates all the boundaries left behind by Sir Harry Hamilton Johnstone. What APM has done by reacting to Wandale’s behaviours now gives me an impression that Wandale is APM’s puppet. APM is sought of weighing his international law prowess to prove to the whole world that he does what is intended.
Zimenezi akanakhala kut wandaleyi siwaku mulanje bwenzi pano ali kundende atafanso kale kale …
Aaaa! Kodi ku Malawi kulinso president? Zamanyazi!!!!
I think government is failing to arrest him simply bcz he is of lomwe tribe, bt had it been tht he is a tumbuka or he is just frm north or eastern region, bwenzi ataona ngat dziko lakondela ameneyu. Chilungamo palibepo apa zaonekelatu kusakhana mitundu
He is arrested in LL
Mwina sanaziwe kut walowA kare
Mmmmmmm angomu sasatitsa mumvaso kuti wabwera wayambiraso!
Hey whats wrong he is fightin for poor people these whites they jst come and still everthing from Black men.Land back to the owner finish and kraal
jou manse pues mr
we know that you’re only our President in Malawi, but these fight is a bout the Land ,between estate (rpm) they needs to paying people enough money ,but why you don’t settle down and discussed with the owner of company’s and sort out us our president ,if these is not done thn basically give the Land back to poor peoples
U r one of the few who understand Wandale’s point.only reason ndiyot anthu sakumumvetsa chimene akutathauza
yes brother
u might be the only president here but u do not own us,..
Kodi kanakuwawani
Sorry Mutharika,we don’t have a president in Malawi since 20 May 2014.
ndipo maula maula akamusunge kumeneko chifukwa akamusekerera kwambili kumamunyambita poti ndimwana wam’udzi alinsi wachipongwe wamwano akalowe akanakhala wachigao china pano atalowa kale asasiidwe apangisa anthu kusokonezeka maula maula akakhuzumuke
ur nt president mr bt jst an image, jst wait 2019, u wl c real president, mo fire wandale
Mo Fire,,,
Ukuopanji kkkk
The only president in MW with no brains.
Shity. Tudzi teniteni.
Kuyankhulaso kumene ai samathaso iiiii kkkk
Chipukwani ichi guys
President My ass
Apite Ku Maula
Osamayesa zida…
Dont be scared man look @ Catalans today it all started as a rumour then reality#FailureCausedItAll
Kodi samasuta chamba ameneyu
I hope 2019 being a new year, it will bring something new as well.
Ndiwe president koma opanda phinda leave him alone pita uzikaba ndalama kudziko lako lamalawiro umusiye wandale ndi dziko lake mwana kukhala kopanda black out
Ngambwe imeneyi kkk
Wandaleyi pofunika ku Chichiri,chifukwa pakuoneka ngati akulekeleledwa kwambiri.Nthawi zina aboma inu sibwino kumangoyang’anira zinthu zikupita komayesa boma.
Wandale’s bravery idea to secede Thyolo and Mulnje from Mainland Malawi got my vote also , he awaken the sleeping elephant