One of the country’s political experts has piled praise on Blantyre city Mayor, Noel Chalamanda for what she terms as a job well done during his two years term on position.
This comes as days draw near for the elections of new Mayors in three major city councils of Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre on 9th January 2017.
According to the expert, Emily Kamanga, Chalamanda has beaten all other mayors and said he has shown that he had a plan and wishes the commercial city well.

“Some of the mayors seems to have performed very well like the Blantyre mayor, he is the only one who has done better during his term. It seems he had a plan when he got himself on that position but the other mayors i don’t think they have done much. He has done better in all the areas, you can agree with me that he is looking after the city by making sure that it is always clean and making sure that buildings being raised in the city are of high standard” said Kamanga.
Reports reaching this publication indicates that six candidates including the current mayor Noel Chalamanda have expressed interest to contest for the position in the commercial city of Blantyre in the coming polls.
Meanwhile, BCC Facebook page has posted an update on the polls.
“Blantyre City Council, like any other City Council in the country, will be holding Mayoral elections in January. Blantyre City Council will hold its elections on 9th January 2017. Only elected Councillors are eligible to contest. But voters include Eight Members of Parliament who are Council Members,” reads in part the statement.
According to information at hand, Chalamanda faces competition from about five contestants including his deputy Wild Ndipo who represents Chigumula Ward.
The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development said through spokesperson Mulhabase Mughogho that there will be no elections at the Zomba City Council since Mayor, Melia Likoswe, is yet to exhaust her two and half year term of office.
Meanwhile, the Malawi local government association (Maga) has proposed the increase tenure for mayors from two and half years to five years.
Maga president Samson Chazila said the two and half year term is not enough for Mayors to develop their cities and has said this has also contributed much to wrangles in the country’s councils.
Machine Chalamanda
And if it was possible i could have said the next two years he should be appointed as Mayor for Lilongwe osati azangwali tili nawo kunowa,,,useless. Hats off to U Mr chalamanda,,,mulowanso opanda opikisana naye.
He deserves all the praise Good job indeed
I have not been to Blantyre for the past 3 years. Can someone highlight a few positives that have taken place curtisy of this young man, Chalamanda.
Proud of u big man muli ndi vision ya bho keep it up mubwere Ku Lilongwe kuno ndeeee mmmmmmm zilo
I salute him. Done great job. Give him another term please
Kodi chasintha mninji chibwerereni iye ngati mayor abale?
Kodi ku Lilongwe kuli mayor? its news to me. Chalamanda ndi dolo heavy.
Alipo khazeni wa Joji Chaponda, akuti ndi Willy Chapondera, nkhalamba yopanda ma pulano
Chalamanda ulemu wako wamva kagwire
No wonder bcoz he is young and energytic
Nyasa Big Bullets O, Mighy Beforward Nyerere 2…All Goals Scored By Jafali Chande.
Bola Blantyre mayor ku lilongwe ka nseu kakalekale anasiya kamuzu ndi short high way from LL hotel to maula roundabout .plus kena city centre . A mayor athu ku lilongwe we need four lane roads ma que to much.
Ukafuna kukoza mtown sikuvutika kwake
Indeed he is innovative
Inu amene mukukavotanu pls let chalamanda 2 continue saving as our moyor
zabodza palibe chimene wapanga kuletsa zoimba ma dance komanso ma topup madera monga ngati mbayani ndiye ndi chitukoko icho?
Umakonda zausavage iwee!
inunso ndindani umauziwa usavage ukumazitenga ngati ozindikila koma uli sasamba