MHRC to consult Malawians on gays

Tiwonge Chimbalanga & Steve Monjeza are a gay couple who were arrested and jailed to 14 years in Malawi

The Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) has begun preparations to carry out public consultations on the rights of gays following a request by government.

MHRC Chairperson Justin Kusamba Dzonzi revealed this to the local media.

In early November government asked the human rights body to carry out the consultations in order to test public opinion on reforming Malawi’s homosexuality laws.

Justin Kusamba-Dzonzi
Justin Kusamba-: Malawians views on the matter count.

Dzonzi said the commission decided to accept government’s request after conducting consultations on the legality of the request.

“We had to examine our mandate before accepting the request by looking at the legality of the request,” he explained.

He said government asked the commission to conduct the public inquiry considering international bodies’ push on the issue.

The MHRC Chairperson however said the commission does have not enough resources to carry out the exercise.

After asking MHRC to test public opinion on the gay laws, government said the results of the consultations will inform its position on gay rights.

Last year government imposed a moratorium on anti-homosexual laws pending a decision on whether to repeal the legislations. But a court in Mzuzu in February annulled the moratorium saying there was need for judicial review.