Up Close with Ritaa: “I am a lot of things but being shy is not on the list


Singer Ritaa has recently dropped two singles and instantly proved why she should be considered as one of the best in Malawi.

Besides her music, she is making inroads into the hearts of her fans due to her envious pretty face and curves. I had the time to talk with the twenty one year old Blantyre based singer about her music career, the two recent releases and being a female singer in the rising Malawi urban industry.


RITAA: Hello

A chat with Ritaa.

WONDERFUL: Recently, two great songs, ‘One Time’ and ‘Down Down’. How has been the response from the fans?

RITAA: So far so good. ‘Down Down’ seems to be the people’s favorite.

WONDERFUL: Yeah, that club beat is impressive. But people have mostly come to know you this year. Briefly, how has your music career been shaping up? What is your story?

RITAA: This year has been the year that I have made the right connections with the right people, and you know the outcome, good music and results. I am not where I wanna be but I am surely closer than before. I owe it to a good rebranding strategy and some guts.

WONDERFUL: Urban music is on a fast rise. Girls as well are claiming their spot in it. With you as part of it now, do you see yourself as one of the stars up there? RITAA: I am one in the making. You will not have to ask when I am finally up there. WONDERFUL: And when will that probably be?

RITAA: I wish I could see the future/

WONDERFUL: People have seen you through your released songs. Should they have hopes of seeing you on the stage soon?

RITAA: Yes. They should.

WONDERFUL: What shows have you lined up for the fans?

RITAA: I am definitely planning on something for early next month. They should be on the lookout for that.

WONDERFUL: Great. How about the videos for the two recent singles. Are they in the kitchen, being prepared?

RITAA: Nope. No video has been scheduled for either.

WONDERFUL: But are there any plans in the future for a video on the two singles?

RITAA: I am considering ‘Down Down’. What do you think?

Ritaa: Telling her story.

WONDERFUL: Yeah. With a good director and you waking up well, that song can result into a great video. But as people are waiting for a video from you, give us a picture, what kind of videos can you like for your songs? Are you that girl who can handle being explicit in your videos or you belong to the reserved world?

RITAA: I am a lot of things but being shy is not on the list. Music is art. It is an expression.

WONDERFUL: You are not new to being criticized for your expressions. Your cover art was one time rated ‘explicit’ by the fans. How did you handle it?

RITAA: I will be honest with you, it was not so easy to deal with. But at the end of the day, I decided I cannot let negative vibes get to me. It will only slow me down. I will do my cover arts however I wanna do them.

WONDERFUL: Do you recognize any competition with other female singers in the Malawi urban music industry or you are just doing your own thing?

RITAA: I do not view other females as people to compete with. We are all trying to improve the music industry in this country which to my side has been dominated by males for long. I like to see women doing well.

WONDERFUL: As you are trying to push your music career to its limits, are there collaborations you look forward to?

RITAA: Yes! On the local scene that is. There are a couple of them and believe you me, I will make sure they happen.

WONDERFUL: Who are the potential collaborators?

RITAA: I am not giving you names, for now. Lol

WONDERFUL: And finally, how has been your experience and challenges with being a female singer in Malawi? If any, how do you overcome them?

RITAA: As I already said, this is a male dominated industry. And besides that, it is quiet an ugly place also. Too much hate, jealousy and the risk of being taken advantage of is very high. I think the only way to progress is by not focusing on the negatives, and giving everything my best shot. WONDERFUL: Thank you for your time Ritaa.

RITAA: Thank you as well Wonder.

About the writer: Wonderful Mkhutche is a professional speech writer, a political scientist and a manuscript editor and developer.