Teachers accused of ignoring day students, preferring night students

Mzimba Secondary School

Education authorities in the southern region have expressed concern over lack of seriousness among teachers when teaching students at day secondary school as compared to those in night schools.

Education Manager for South East Education Division McGregory Alufandika raised the concern over the weekend.

Mzimba Secondary School
Segregations at secondary schools like these ones. (Library Image)

Alufandika said the conduct is affecting the performance of students in the day secondary schools.

He explained that the ministry of education introduced open schools in order to address the challenge of limited number of secondary schools in the country hence the teachers need to show up for classes at both schools.

Alufandika advised teachers in the region to take notice of the issue and to change their conduct.

He said that officials at the division will be checking if the teachers will be following on what has been communicated to them.

Classes in day secondary schools start from 7:30 and ends at 1:30 while in open secondary schools classes begin from 2:30 and students knock off at 5:30.

Teachers who teach at day secondary schools also teach students at open secondary schools.