Education authorities in the southern region have expressed concern over lack of seriousness among teachers when teaching students at day secondary school as compared to those in night schools.
Education Manager for South East Education Division McGregory Alufandika raised the concern over the weekend.

Alufandika said the conduct is affecting the performance of students in the day secondary schools.
He explained that the ministry of education introduced open schools in order to address the challenge of limited number of secondary schools in the country hence the teachers need to show up for classes at both schools.
Alufandika advised teachers in the region to take notice of the issue and to change their conduct.
He said that officials at the division will be checking if the teachers will be following on what has been communicated to them.
Classes in day secondary schools start from 7:30 and ends at 1:30 while in open secondary schools classes begin from 2:30 and students knock off at 5:30.
Teachers who teach at day secondary schools also teach students at open secondary schools.
Night xool zathindiza kuti ana athu ochepekedwa apeze mwayi wamaphunziro
Do not blame teachers but yourself for poor policies and illtreatment of teachers.
1.Teachers are poorly paid and not in time.
2. If they have an issue with the office they have to travel to the DEMs office which sends the to division which sends them to the ministry headquarter without even an allowance. If there are documents to be filled they have to go to private printing offices which are linked with the offices to have them photocopied. Paying for them, if they can not appear in person their issues are never addressed. How long has the areas issue taken, how about deserving promotions? They just turn out to be campaign tools. Many officers are just sleeping in offices.
3. The fact that night schools have been sructured in a way that they pay the teacher pompopompo is another tempting factor for teachers. Let night school fees go to government coffers and pay teachers handsomely.
4. There is the so called partime teaching in primary schools. Teachers engaged coerce pupils to attend part time teaching . These teachers tell pupils that what they teach during part time is what will come during exams. Some work hard during part time for pompopompo payment. You have termed this animal. Gone are the days a teacher could arrange remedial lessons for his/ her pupils.
You therefore need to address the real causes before you condemn and criticise teachers. Good day.
yah night itsekedwe a
yah nihmg
So why putting Mzimba secondary school picture?
Pay zem reasonable salaries ku nyt kuli koonjezera..anàwauża za nyt ndani?
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk inu mukamapanga ma deal kuntchito kwanuko ife timalowerera? Ndiye bwanji inu mukulowerera field yathu? Leave us alone
I Blame Uhe Govt 4 The Delay Of Salaries.Ask The Teachers Hw Much They Earn From Teaching Evening Lessons
We earn 2 to 3 times salary as compared to what govt pay us
…..the gvt chud smply abolish 9t classes full stop
how will they concetrate when the government delays their salaries? go on teachers, u have families, relatives n friends who wants ut help…
Nigerian thief. Interpol is after u
what the EDM said is not true and cannot be true because every school has a that states..if a teacher did not show up in the morning classes that tcher has no access in the open school
They were also taught in night secondary schools,
The Isue Iz Ve Gvnt Shud Jst Add Teachers In Sec.Xool Coz Ve Introduction Of ODL is for those who want 2 upgrade,not std8 pupil who faild exams.
Ana ambiri a ku naiti ndiobwereza kusiyana ndi akude. Being repeaters amakhala anzeruko ndi omvesa zinthu musanga kusiyana ndi ma first timers at day school osati nkhani yake ndi yamalipiro chfukwa malipiro mbali zonse ndi oyifaifa. Ku night kukukoma pophunzitsa ngakhale utadwala chifuwa uphunzitsabe.
wrong packing
iblame the government for introducing night classes,maphunziro alowa pansi chifukwa cha ma night classes in many ways iwill just mention few ov them,1 ana oti alephera mayeso a std 8 akuloledwa kukayamba secondary school in the name ov night classes,does it make any sense?? can we expect something gud from such achild???? 2-m’phunzitsi akukhala ali pa class almost the whole day,mmawa aphunzitse ana mpaka half one pm and from 2 oclock to sunset,do u expect such a teacher kuphunzitsa zolongosoka??? its better to abolish night classes or alembe ntchito aphunzitsi ena omwe adziphunzitsa manyaka anight classes
Hello friends, my name is Melisa Chilembo this article contains a testimony of how i got cure fully from HIV/AIDS, i was diagnose with HIV/AIDS 4years ago, i contacted a doctor who later gave me some treatment, but it was like the treatment he gave to me were not enough i was desperately in need of something that will get rid of the deadly virus from my body, my life was miserable i lost my job and few of my friends, not quit long a faithful friend of mine came to me one afternoon telling about what she saw on net a testimony of how doctor olumo cured people from various kind of virus including HIV/AIDS, i was like this is bullshit that its a scam, but she old me she believe in what she had read on line’ she told me she will contact doctor olumo on my behalf and she did so, after some days she receive a parcel containing doctor olumo herbal remedy, she present it before me to use it, that when am cured i should pay back the money it cost her while negotiating for the medicine, after taking the medicine for some days according to doctor olumo instruction, then i decided to go for check up and i was happy to see that no sign of the virus was found in my body, i am very thankful to my friend, if you are having a similar problem or you need his help you can reach him on (doctorolumo@gmail.com) or you can call or chat with him on whattsapp through +2348138956767, please share to save life.
It is not that a reason to say a teacher works more harder at night schools than in day schools, but we must say our Malawian teachers are underpaid and illtreated by its main employer Malawi government through it subsidiary department Ministry of Education science and Technology, MoEST.
So our beloved teachers tend to find themselves an additional funding so that they also standardize their family daily lives. What normally is forgotten is that teaching careers in Malawi is termed at owners risk, and a career which transports and filtrate ignorance from intellects and these teachers a the pioneers to witness someone’s future from right at the beginning until that person becomes a president who in most cases mistreat hos or her former teachers. Let the night school teaching continue be a nice one and if those in days feels they are not getting the right stuff, let the abscond classes at Day and join night schools.
Maboza kambani zanu
Hello friends my name is Musaba Nakushowa I was one of those millions of people around the world suffering from HIV/AIDS and and i was healed through the help of DR Abumen I was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 2010, I had no hope and felt useless. All these negative feelings quickly suppressed my body immune system and my body started to deteriorate quickly with physical signs of rapid weight loss, my story began to change for good when i met DR Abumen through a woman’s testimony, he sent me an herbal medicine which i took for some days, after taking the medicine according to doctor’s instruction I went to the hospital to get my blood tested for HIV/AIDS. The doctors were amazed when my first blood test result came back negative. They asked me to go back again for another test, which I did and the result came back negative. The doctors could not believe still,To cut the story short, “DR ABUMEN HERBAL MEDICINE HEALED ME COMPLETELY WITHOUT A TRACE OF THE DEADLY HIV/AIDS VIRUS IN MY BLOOD” am so happy, am sharing this to the world to save some lives, believe me there is a cure, you can contact DR Abumen on his email address doctorabumen@gmail.com and you can also call or whatsapp his number which is via +2347085071418.
Is there any connection between the topic and the advert?
sitikukamba za edzi pano
It’s better to shut down night that’s why education come down,
That is bcoz the govt. is lackng knowledge.Of all the ministries,ministry of education with its employees work tooth and nail,receivng peanuts.I urge the regime to take serious measures on that.s
May be there r satified with the money they r receiving from night class than day classes
in 2ru speaking its because they want extra money on their salaries,teacher r concidered as low grade which is bad,government must do something
It will be good to ban night schools