The Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) has disclosed that Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) exams will now cover work starting from Form One to Form Four.
The new approach on the exams follows the abolishment of Junior Certificate of Education exams.
MANEB disclosed that students are now to prepare for all secondary school work before sitting for MSCE exams.

In a statement made available to Malawi24, the examination body says it has put forth plans to cover all topics and subtopics learned in both senior and junior levels of Malawi’s secondary education.
“The examination syllabus committee will meet to develop new MSCE tables of test specifications based on both junior and senior levels.
“Sample MSCE papers will be developed from the new MSCE tables of test specification and sent to all secondary schools,” reads part of the statement.
However MANEB has disclosed that the change will be effected on candidates sitting for the MSCE exams in 2019.
Even the papers the candidates have been writing contend form one elements, what would be special with this one ?
nothng wrong here,those criticisng the idea are lazy peaple.
Poor government pls stupid
Mmmmm ndikuona ngat zakhara bwino chifukwa ngakhale tikukhara ndi mastfct ambiri koma ntchito zikusowabe amalawi apa tingovomeleza kuti sukulu yatha kumalawi.tatopa ndikuva nyasi .
It’s too much works for students to lead all the books
Kanundu ameyo mwamugula kut ?
Kkkkkk malawi wanga
Zachamba eti! Mitu ya ana sukulu si memory card…
or yaulonda ?
Useless decisions to hell with your education.
Mozambique kale imeneyo kkkkkkkk koma mpanje umaziwa kuyisova
Pepa inatha iyi choivutitsiraso ndichani?
Sukulu yatha basi ku malawi,ana akwatiwe ndkukwatila nthawi yatalika iyi.MANEB MWASOWA ZOCHTA MAKAPE.
its all about money… exams will require a fee end u will c azingodya dolla
Galu za DPP zikifuna kuba basi
Kkkkkk…… In Kenya we sit for exam which comprises of 4 year work. So in Malawi exams has been very easy……?
Whom did you consulted to come up with this burden to the sons & daughters of your own land? As for me I’m agreeing to disagree with you in affirmative, or if that is the case then make four subjects as required per candidate with three as a pass gauge for a certificate award. Finally, Malawians punishing Malawians on education grounds. Alas!
Tizakubelani mayeso olo mufunse kuyambira std 1
kkk i won’t pussyfoot on this idea. we’ve millions granaries of failures though piple sit for two classes included exams. this factious truelly will build a very rotten government. we will see highest getting 30 points unless this ritual of releasing examination papers b4 examination day continues. but am nt much worries coz everyone knws what MALAWI is, so dont eager to enjoy good life out of frames
komatu penapake zinthu sikuyenda bwino ayi eish kwenikwrni mukufuna chani a maneb aaaaaaa
Izi nde za ntiiiiii
Tizikhozabe zimenezo moti next exams kukubwera anthu 50 a 6 points,revise work mwana akalephere.
finally after a long tym since JC is now useless in the moden world l love the idea but they must aswell introduce A level certificate or rathar than one finishin form 4 apitilize mpakana form 6 and that mean Alevel certificate must be introduced
Even MSCE is useless now, and soon just very soon diploma will also mean nothing, why adding more job to something which is useless now, M.S.C.E Level has alot of job alrdy, isn’t that easy to cover form 3 wake and 4rm 4 wake, and they are nw thinking of adding another more job on top of another one which was alrdy there. The idear is rubbish, I disagree with that I dea!
Akufuna kuchulukisa chiwelengelo cha mbuli mmalawi…..
Malawi IS Poor Country Mbambadi.
Education went away with Hastings Kamuzu Banda,
No Jesus No Parts
Uhule Kt Tho
G4S Imadalila Inu Nomwe Konko Ku Malawi Kikikiki
Imeneyi ndi new style kkkkkkkkk mzovuta kuvetsa
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#bapompho utali #asaaaa twakatala nubumi #nosi
Hahahahaa!! Malawi edukeshon siizatheka
Kkkkkkk Malawi my country wht do u nid exactly from ur people ? Now i cnt brame pipo bt u country coz u jst acept whatever pipo nid to do within u. And u who brought this fundo plz thnk about it coz it will be toomuch wrk for them cover pamenepa ganiza bwino
Koma ma experiment enawa ! Basi zokopera pachikutilo
Zisilu za anthu kuzunza ana kuwerenga akachita mbwino ntchito kusowa zopusa bwanji kupeza njira yina yobera ndalama zikundiwawa now u ar nt examine bt u ar killing how can u feed a day year baby with milk, phala la mgayiwa ,nsima fanta .at the same time mkutizunza koma zandinyasa.
Am just sick and tired of nonsense
it will make MSCE even much easier! #rubbish!
Apa nde aMANEB palibe chomwe achitapo cholakwika. Aphweketsa zn2 apa.
Peter Mtharika If you are tired to leading our Beautiful Malawi it is better to resign before We come to Another year 2017 ,We are Tired of you Mr President Peter wa Mtharika.Bwanji unatiyalutsa ife a Malawi? This is stupid Idea If you Don’t know. Leave our Country ,Stupid.Ndiwe mtsogoleri wa mtundu wanji iweyo,? Unalitengera Dziko lathu Mmanja mwako ,We are more than 15 million in Our Country ,bwanji unatisowetsa mtendere chochi iweyo Peter?
If you have a car is it necessary to stop people who are using Kabanza? Ngati mwa phunziritsitsa please musaononge sogolo la wana
That’s nonsense.
U mean nomore jc?
Mumadziwam’mene…Kuwelenga kumavutira inu….
Koma Malawi?????????
aaaah! dats foolish if we learn which coutry mw work is a big problem moti atisiye timalize without difficult they are adding a yoke on us moti cant they see kt ana ambili adzibwereza if we can learn we can dev an ideal 2 reduce unemployed rate by knowledge of business nde mu thinker well imeneyi mu govt…..
I feel sory for my beloved country MALAWI. In this way we are not valueing Educatiön. The (MSCE) Certificate is now like 1000 malawi kwacha. No value.
i wld really appreciate that ..infact akanayamba ndi za mu grade 5. lol
Cry My Beloved Country. How I Wish Kamuzu Came Back To Life.
Ndiye??? Still more its simple
Mmmmmmm zaulendo uno zilibe filling
Hahaha akuti njila yokwezela maphunzilo kkkkkk koma guys zinazi
Malawi wavunda basi.
Ooooo damn shit! can someone remind me something plz? is this guy called Professor or prophet? I’m sure president azalamulire from 2019 azasowa poyambila ndithu bcoz its too much now eshiiii
kod ndimkabadwiranji kumalawi¿¿¿¿¿mxieeew pano tili mu mdima magetsi eni ake azimitsa tizimvanso this shit¿¿¿
Nkanawatukwana koma poti gwanda wangomwalila kumene ndasiya
We will talk and talk but I dont see any strict measure which can bring about a reverse in their unpleasant plans. They don’t listen to what the public is crying for .
Foolish decision
kusonyeza kuti mukufuna kuchosadi PSlc ndi JCE ok pangani kufuna kwanu ine ndilibe mawu
koma wa memory card ya 2GB ine ndikwanitsa zimenez. Chonde maneb khululukire bcoz likasa ndiye ikhale plan B yanga ukapanda kusintha
And Here comes dpp supportes… lord have mercy
That’s one of the shortfall from the DPP lead govt,they can’t see beforehand this is a big blow to our girls who easily succumb to things of the world.If any prospective president would want to seduce my vote,i will surely go for that who is going to introduce form 6,,,that’s three certificates or 2 certificates,form 3 and 6
This is Childnes Idea
What about when for example English or chichewa literature syllabus changes at form 1 level, will someone who has failed form 4 and wants to repeat, start all the way from form 1?
PSLCE amayambira za ku Junior Section, so izozo aaaa pali chani pamenepo?
Total madness
piece of cake
Zovuta kwambiri,tikayankhula muzititukana.Chabwino langa ndi funso:Ndiye kuti pamenepa zikuyenda? aziwelenga bwanji anthuwa pokonzekela mayeso?
This is rubbish in its nature should it be like this coz it means the examinations are now made easier. Again the abbreviation should change. In our days that meant work from Standard 1 – Form 4. (Grade 12) hence Malawi Schools Certificate of Education. So Malawi school does not start at Form 1 but Std 1,. That’s why we used to have questions like (x – 4 = 5 ) whereby in Std 1 it comes like ( – 4 = 5) and teachers ask learners to find box in Std 1 while Form 4 they say Find the value of X. Should you fail to find the value of X then ask your youngest brother or sister to help you find the value of the box. Then you will see who deserves to be in Form 4 btn the two of you
Zili bho
The problem is that Malawi Institute of Education (MIE), MANEB and Ministry of Education are really failing malawians. Why not revising the education system that malawi is following. Imagine how kamuzu made our education system! primary school is 8 years and secondary is 4 years and college is 4 to 6 years. if a pupil starts school at 6 and want to a doctor then must spend 24 years if he hasn’t repeated a class. So a 24 year person is grown up and is driven by money hence all he does is for fast riches. When given a job he start thinking of how to get rich and indulge in corruption hence the country doesn’t progress! One way of making a country rich is to reduce school leaving age. If students spend more time in school they become unproductive. Imagine the kamuzu academy system why not following it as other countries do (eg Zimbabwe)? imagine the age that a pupil leaves primary (14 years)! Crucial age of any child is between 6 to 12 so at this age of 12 make a huge workload for the kid to master (from Std 1 to 6) then should graduate to high school (by a national examination). At this age (6-12) expose the learner to various disciplines like art (fine and performing), science, business, modeling, designing, vocational skills, etc. Then allow the child to choose their discipline of specialty in Std 7 to proceed with it as a life time career up to tertiary level! But malawian system is a prison type of education system where every one follows an instruction to become no one knows. Why forcing every one taking subjects prescribed as medicine? imagine someone could have been a doctor but derailed because the chichewa subject just excited him and choose to be a teacher on the way! There is also another problem in malawian education system. There is a very wide gap between college and secondary work. eg science student will leave secondary without knowing any basic calculus but caught in surprise to find it in college algebra. Why not introducing it in secondary for ordinary maths not in additional mathematics.
I am totally impressed by your comment.To add some salt, Zambia introduced calculus to secondary curriculum after realising there was a wide gap between secondary and college work. Most of the subjects taught at secondary level don’t add up at all when it comes to the tertiary section. Meanwhile, most people find it strange because they are introduced to work they have never seen before!
And I even wrote the MIE in 2011 on this wide gap between college and secondary work to be considered in the new revised curriculum. They just sounded pessimistic on the narrowing of the gap but promised me to be involved in a symposium and shall consider the issue. But the primary and secondary gap has been narrowed
Very powerful observation, brother! Our education system is just bad; not responding to the fast-changing world.
Henry, you are right. And the curriculum is just a copy and paste hybrid. I don’t know what our education researchers really work. They are just a waste of resources to our economy.
Worst idea from worst mind
Anangot palibe Kulemba! Coz olo ukhonze bwino zikufunikanso ukhale na makopara
Libho Sha Sha bo bobobobobo sha lamasabakatanisha jesus hollyghost fire manebobobo libobobo sha mg AMEN
Stupid leaders
why malawi education,when u go to university u r forced 2 study many courses only 2 major 1,jst 2 giv tough tym 2 students.now its maneb wats da intention of doing dis?.
Useless government. Inu munaphunzira pano mukufuna kulepheretsa ana a anzanu xool. Mbuli zowerenga inu.
ithis is another stupid idea from maneb. 1st you abolish jce and now you are saying this.do u think of us, of how much work we will going to have . do u think that our head is cpu ? Hillary Mazibuko Benard Kapemberwa Gerald BC De Nsatto Chisomo Bandah
Uchindere weneko. Nkhufunthana uku. Palizeru nthena apa?
dpp fools
amene wayambisayo mutu wache ndithu.iyeyo kut timufunse zomwe anamphunzira ali form 1 ayankha? mukakhuta mumasowa zokambirana
Uzeleza pela so ku form 1 uko kuli fundo mbu zaku zakuti mwana wamunthu zingamuvwila ku koleji,kusintha sintha vinthu nge ni malaya yapa salaula pali zelu apa nthe
People, you’re talking too much in your comments I can’t get anything.
Anthuwatu akupanga zimenezi chifukwa akudziwa kut kwawo kunatha kare kufuna kusokoneza generation ikubwelayi muziganiza kawiri musanapange maganizo anuwo.coz ndizosanveka kut jce ithe ana azilakwa chotani ndiye malawi sizathekanso bas
Koma why is everything in Malawi turned nkukhala zopusa tsopano? Ndindani kuManebo kwanuko amakumbukira zomwe ankapanga akukwawa?
Anthuwatu akupanga zimenezi chifukwa akudziwa kut kwawo kunatha kare kufuna kusokoneza generation ikubwelayi muziganiza kawiri musanapange maganizo anuwo.coz ndizosanveka kute
Anthuwatu akupanga zimenezi chifukwa akudziwa kut kwawo kunatha kare kufuna kusokoneza generation ikubwelayi muziganiza kawiri musanapange maganizo anuwo.coz munthu
And exams will be written in 3 months period. Imagine how many pages will be
sukulu yasanduka business. maiko ena mwana akamaliza nasary school they graduate kupatsidwa certificate kupita kukayamba standard 1 ku primary. certificate ndichisonyezo choti wakhoza mayetso komaso its part of encouragement to the student sikuti certificate ndichida chufunira tchito iyayi certificate encourages people to do better or be proud of themselves. two years or two classes at secondary level ayenera muthu apangidwe certified ndi ministry of education kuti munthuyo wakhoza or analephera ma subject ati. four years it’s too much to test yourselves Malawians
To say emphatically, standard of education is decline slowly by slowly as a result productivity will be poor
mmmmm nde ufiti koma mukufuna ana akhoze kapena azilakwa inu munkhoza ma 40 points bt it was jst form 3 & 4 nde wat more ikhale kuyambira form 1,2,3 & 4 ana aphula kanthu koma
Malawi government is just adding problems rather than reducing , for any ruler that has been ruling the country , malawi hasnt changed instead its drowning more … there has been no change … the economy is ruined
Mine are questions…..
Ndachiona apa ndi kusafunilana zabwino……makolo omwe amapanga maganizo amenewa ali ana sukulu anayinzunzikila nde akufuna aliyense adzunzike ngati iwowo…..ufiti basi
U MANEB or MOE guys be realistic,munthu wa F4 wokut akuyembezera kupita ku college azikalemba mayeso zinthu za F1? For what? Really things r not ok in Malawi and Malawi is sinking.
This time I believe Malawi will produce more failures than passers, if two class exam failed some students what more four class work, will those with small memory card able to add more data in their heads up to a level of acquiring a pass?
Nosense for maneb
Kkkkkkk dats shit how can a student manage to install all de staff ..
I think it’s tym we sell Malawi as a country cz everything is a mess palibe akuthandiza from president to all corners of our country Education is poor poverty number one njala kusowa kwa ntchito uhule jealous corruption electricity water tha list is endless palibe chikuyenda ndiye mayeso from form one to four zoona? tht long period is too much Wat is really gng on abale dziko lotopesa may be Donald Trump abwele kudzatilamulire…….tili pamavuto anthu ophunzila mbwee no jobs mmmmm
Ulesitu umeneu
Nthawi Ya Mbuyomu Amapanga Za 4 Zokha?
what do you want to achieve? More failiars? mwana azilemba zomwe anaphunzila 4 years ago zoona zimenezi stupit Government
Ndichotseni umbuli guyz….ndekuti ukalakwa a 4 uzikayambiranso 1….??? zizikhala bwanji??
ano masiku otsiriza zinthu ziyenera kusitha kumene ine ndikudabwanso kt ma guys mukuoneka odzidzimuka apapa zangoambako sizidati
Iwe nde ukunenadi zoona zikusinthadi kuchoka kwabwino kupita koipa God have mercy on Malawi.
ano masiku otsiriza zinthu ziyenera kusitha kumene ine ndikudabwanso kt ma guys mukuoneka odzidzimuka apapa zangoambako sizidati
Thats true,,,, last dez indeed
Osangonena up to Primary school. Lol
Chamba basi za zeee
Sukulu yatha
Koma abale zooopsatu izi
Za ziiiii! zenizeni zopandaso ndi mchele omwe, MSCE idatha, anthu angobela mayeso ali pheee!, kuli ma 6points mbweee ochokela mmalikasa, u wl hear that exams papers r out b4 the calendar date of starting writting exams, myself i get irked when ever i hear the name of ths board, olo anawa azikhoza ma 6,7,8 points it doesnt even carry weight anymore as b4!
Kkkkk Hahahaha Bola Ife Tinalemb Kale Iz Nde Ai Mbwelel Zen Zen
Photosynthesis is already in std 6,7,8 forms 1,2,3,4 so what r u talking abt
Kikikikikikikikikikik…..demt, this is another stupid idea from the Malawi goverment, kikikikikikikikiki……what exctly do u want from people of this country? What do u want them to say?…….instead of making things easy you are still making it hard for us, is that the way of punishing us?…..just look guys since 2014, that day on 19 May your vote is punishing us, you voted to punish us not for change, is this what you call change? What kind of change is this? , your vote is coming with fire!
hey ndalephera basi mayeso aja
Kkkkkk too strange
Ambuye alowererepo…do u tink dat sm1 hu has only 2GB in his or her head can pass diz exams..?akumbukire chithu chomwe anaphunzira 4 years ago alembe..education z poor in malawi & expect kut ana ambili school adzisiyira panjira.i cant c a future here kubweretsa umbuli m’dziko nde kumeneku.
ine ndith kukhozatu
thats making exams tough..
hi admin, am so happy today and i think i should share this with you. Today i saw myself on TV when i turn it off……
ur one of the kind
Mwaganiza bwanj madala
ndaziona ine lero ndi zimenezo man @martin
chimenecho nde timat chamba mwamva! if u r tired just resign ena apitirize rather than kutionongela education!
kkkkkk..they do that already..nothing new..
Tehehehhe zofusa zatha2 kkk ana akungokuntha ma six points,,,,musova
we are waiting patiently to see its effectiveness.
MANEB examines the work from form 1 to form four already since learning is a continuous activity. Imagine someone is asked on dichotomous key in Biology paper 2 isn’t that a JCE work already? However, am afraid with the ‘revised’ curriculum that had started last academic year. The reviewed curriculum is continuous assessment based hence using raw grades of a learner in every activity. However, MANEB as a certifying body will use standardization to certify the pupils which is a different assessment instrument. Shall MANEB collect continuous assessment results of candidates from their schools to determine results? If yes then the system needs a lot of resources which is costly than it is now. I feel like the education stake holders should bang heads on the curriculum targets and assessment values otherwise we will have half baked citizens through SCAR.
The problem is that Malawi Institute of Education (MIE), MANEB and Ministry of Education are really failing malawians. Why not revising the education system that malawi is following. Imagine how kamuzu made our education system! primary school is 8 years and secondary is 4 years and college is 4 to 6 years. if a pupil starts school at 6 and want to a doctor then must spend 24 years if he hasn’t repeated a class. So a 24 year person is grown up and is driven by money hence all he does is for fast riches. When given a job he start thinking of how to get rich and indulge in corruption hence the country doesn’t progress! One way of making a country rich is to reduce school leaving age. If students spend more time in school they become unproductive. Imagine the kamuzu academy system why not following it as other countries do (eg Zimbabwe)? imagine the age that a pupil leaves primary (14 years)! Crucial age of any child is between 6 to 12 so at this age of 12 make a huge workload for the kid to master (from Std 1 to 6) then should graduate to high school (by a national examination). At this age (6-12) expose the learner to various disciplines like art (fine and performing), science, business, modeling, designing, vocational skills, etc. Then allow the child to choose their discipline of specialty in Std 7 to proceed with it as a life time career up to tertiary level! But malawian system is a prison type of education system where every one follows an instruction to become no one knows. Why forcing every one taking subjects prescribed as medicine? imagine someone could have been a doctor but derailed because the chichewa subject just excited him and choose to be a teacher on the way! There is also another problem in malawian education system. There is a very wide gap between college and secondary work. eg science student will leave secondary without knowing any basic calculus but caught in surprise to find it in college algebra. Why not introducing it in secondary for ordinary maths not in additional mathematics.
Ndiye palibe chifukwa choti secondary izikhala four years, imayenera kukhala 2 years, ndi mmene amachongera aziphunzisi akumalawi amafuna munthu uzoloweza osati ngati mayiko aku west pomwe amafuna chinthu uchiziwa, ndiye munthu ungaloweze chinthu cha form 1 mkuzalemba form 4, mavutotu awa..akatengera approach ya universirty imakhala contious assesment.
What ll be the maximum hour per paper with this change?
mayb it wil b 4hours..coz from form 1 to 4 mmmmm its not easy
kkkkk ndiye college examz
Basi ndasiya kuwelenga akadzabwera mayeso ndidzayankha za form 1&2 basi
Palibe chanzeru apa
Palibe pa chanzeru apa,
a maneb why,koma ndi ana athu amasiku anowa zizayenda?muzanena kuti ana athu ndi mbuli
Eya Ku primary Zimatheka Bwanji
primary ndi secondary muzisiyanisa akulu
Palibe pa chanzeru apa,
A hardworking child remains the same no-matter how though the journey is.
You fool
the ministry of education has to deploy more teachers in community daysecondary schools across the coubtry which seem to be understaffed.because what you have done is to put a heavy burden on cdss teachers who are just five in a remote village in ntchenachena in mzimba
Ntchenachena In Rumphi.
thanks for your correction thokozile
phoka side
ngakhale ku university samapanga choncho,4yrs osalemba mayeso?
uku ndi kupha maphunziro ndi cholinga choti anthu ambiri adzilephera
Its becoming a spent force by the day.We just need another exam board as suggested in certain quarters.
Z Dis Y U’ve Remove Jce?Shame On U!
What Bwt Form 5 Bulsh…?
Olo Osawelenga Sindngalephere! Za Form1 Adha,
Thats Bulls***
thats making exams simple
it will start this academic year????
From 2019
okie brah