Thugs in the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration have masterminded a plot to kill Vice President Saulos Chilima, according to a leaked message.
The text was leaked after the intelligence officer mistakenly sent it to a National Food Reserve Agency employee instead of junior intelligence officers.
“Did you find zija ndinakutumani about the VP? As we said last time, he likes attending Catholic events. That’s where you can start,” the message says. “We need to move fast.” When Mr Kumbanga asked for clarification, the sender of the message wrote back, “Sorry, wrong number. Please, ignore.”
The revelations come after reports surfaced this week that President Peter Mutharika is seriously sick in the United States of America where he underwent two operations, including one to remove a brain tumour.
After receiving the threats against Chilima, security officers guarding the veep are said to be alert in order to stop the evil minded DPP thugs from attacking Chilima who will take over the leadership of the country if the president is deemed to be incapacitated.
“Whenever the President is incapacitated so as to be unable to discharge the powers and duties of that office, the Vice-President shall act as President, until such time, in the President’s term of office, as the President is able to resume his or her functions,” Section 87 of the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi says.

However, government has already denied reports of Mutharika’s illness. In an interview with the BBC, government spokesperson Malison Ndau claimed that Mutharika is in good health and is meeting unnamed individuals in the United States.
On Monday State House announced that Mutharika will arrive in the country on Sunday, a month after he left for the US where he also attended the United Nations General Assembly.
But writing on Facebook, whistleblower Gerald Kampanikiza said Mutharika’s family and doctors at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital where the president has been admitted have not agreed to government’s plan of letting Mutharika fly back to Malawi since he is still not well.
“He is experiencing after effects of brain surgery such as dizzy spells, weakness, poor balance and body coordination,” said Kampanikiza. “The president is also suffering speech problems and there have been five occasions of fits/seizures in the past ten days. Doctors are against him traveling long distance at the moment.”
If the claims are true, the attempt on Chilima’s life will trigger memories of 2012 when DPP tried to block Joyce Banda following the sudden death of the then president, Bingu wa Mutharika. Kondwani Nankhumwa and Dausi, implicated in the Chilima Assassination plan, were among those who unsuccessfully devised plots to stop Joyce Banda, according to treason charges that were leveled against them.
Meanwhile, Director of the Malawi National Intelligence Bureau (NIB), Nicholas Dausi, and Minister of Local Government, Kondwani Nankhumwa, have been implicated by a report published by Nyasa Times as the force “behind the clandestine operation”. Nyasa Times claims to have been tipped by one of its well-placed sources within the hierarchy of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
Should the claims be true, the attempt on Chilima’s life will trigger memories of 2012 when DPP tried to block Joyce Banda following the sudden death of the then president, Bingu wa Mutharika.
Ironically, Kondwani Nankhumwa and Dausi, were among those who unsuccessfully devised plots to stop Joyce Banda, according to treason charges that were leveled against them by the Joyce Banda administration.
A satanic atopa kugulisa ziwalo za ma albino akapolo aziko akupha awa a dpp
its better to sit down and discuss important issues rather than nonses and stupit stories you are busy posting, unqualified journalists.
Midnight 6 hahahaha koma DPP siyidzatheka
Malawi still sleep on the dark weak up plz
Achimwene inu zimenezi mwazitenga kuti?
mubwele kuno azakuphunziseni chikhalidwe koma
Guyz muwerenge news pa bbc mupeza umboni nokha
Iwe repoter wa Malawi 24 tatibwereke ma Charger a Nokia tafulumiza phon yathui isanazime tikufuna tiwerengenawo Zopusa wakhala ukunama kwa mwizizi
Anyone wit Nokia charger ??
R.I.P peter
Educated savage
zakumachende basi osamwalira bambo ako bwanji
Stupid/vindere /zitsiru. Mavi Yinu.tell us the truth
Kikikikikiki Tidziona Mawa
Zinthu zafika povuta A malawi tidalira ndani???..mitu ukuzungulira.. asogoleri anthu..malo mokambiran zothesa vuto limene tili nalo akulumana..okha-okha
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm nkhani zinazi
Mot aziuzank zopng chtukuk bas khn m bodz
Pipo it’s not good talking rubbish better keep quite
Last dayz
a can say #panyi panu… That iz why mukuzuzisa anthu osalakwa
Adawusi ndi azinzanu timasulen komwe president ali panopa! otsat kukhalila mitseche anthu akulu ngat inu, nzotsatheka president waziko 3wks atsakuwoneka ali kut??? Komanso mukumawopyeza anthu mumvekele ee amene akunena kut president anamwalila amangidwa ndizona zimezo??
If you don’t have something better to write please just keep quiet
Not sensitive.Tell us the when is the president to be baried as you were anouncing the death.
M’mesa akuziwa kut mkulu wamwalilamu…#chilima ndi president,kuiopela kutali kut mlankho wa alomwe ungaonongeke.
Gyz tiuzen zooona coz ife tilikunka nde tiziva iz tikuva iz nhhhaa gyz nkhan ikut bwanj wamwalila pakena zilibwanj …….from lebanon BEYLUT
Let’s wait n see mawa lija lasala pang’ono
Happy mother’s day…kkkk!!
Machende. Anu nonse okonda nkhani zopanda tsogolo. Can we move on with fixing electricity problem not. Those rubbish.
Shasha ndi mzimai oluza ma,elections…ndikuthawa osaonekanso…Mabodza Amalawi!
rubbish ur talking nosense all of u even the comments are rubbish. why malawi is always on negative issues? no wonder the country can’t go up on development. u didn’t study anything about political but yet u trying to be expert for something u don’t know ur stupid. and this media of urs is useless
Bola kumeneko mpakana amalandira death threat kujon kuno amangophana bas ndanera nthaw yamakhasala ija ambir aluza moyo
Boma ili lidadzadza ndimakape, kapangani chitukuko osati zamunthu.
kodi pali umboni wokwanila?
#DPP the killer disease
Fear not Chilima, yu will definately rule Malawi.
Walakwanso chani Chilima?leave him alone its a cool man that person
u forgot this thing so called kaliat! or u want to tell me that she iz not behind this movie?
don’t you have something better and important to write?why do you always find negatives and bad things about others kuti mupeze nkhani ngati inuyo ndi abwino chifukwa chiyani?? #poor media in malawi characterized by negative seekers.#soboring!!!
Asatiphere HANDSOME aka Chilima m’malo mokupha ma vampire amene asakubwera ku America-wa
Ma Comment onyozana aaaaaa zosakhala bwino inorder to sharing some other Ideas of promoting our Nation guys I believe that together we can make better Malawi other than pointing fingers to one another
palibe president anagwira nthito ndi wachiwiri wake bwinobwino. ndie malawi walero.
Mulimbana nonse apa ngamphawi achabechabe eni akudya makwacha ali pheeee wk end ngati lero achoka apita ku ma leisure inu kumatukwanana pa fb mmmm kk aMalawiiiiii wat iz it?
Is Peter died or not why he will come night without media reporters hahaha stupid Malawians
I don’t think is just exacerbated rhetoric, there must be something happening behind the scenes. Only time will tell. Zifika pokuti the government will be forced to tell nothing but the truth. Watch this space!
Ndale pa Malawi eshhhhh, chomwe mukuopa ndi chani mpaka kupanga zoti muphe VP? Koma chipani ichi ndagoma nacho ndithu , amafuna kupha Kassim chilumpha, JB, pano Saulosi ? Shameeee on u ma silent killer.
all pipo are talking rabbish becouse boma sakuyakhulazoona auzeni anthu chilungamo
Nambo wawo Chemakwinja chiwatawetu.
Nde mmalawi ndimamuziwa ine ameneyo
Reforms ndi imeneyi Kodi?! No msiyeni mwana u old tymers
Inu ngati mwatopa chakani apatseni ena alamule mwanva ife tatopa nanu
Sizingatheke ngat analemba analemba bas…
U don’t know politics som of u dats y ua commenting zopusazi
Eee koma kumeneko
Angovutika.chilima amawawona ka pa computer.kkkkk
Everybody has got iller inside
Nyali Yimene Mwayasao Ndikuivindikilila Mawa Mukadzavundukula Mukatimo Muli Utsi, Utsio Mammmmmm Ok, Masewela Sapanga Ndi Azukulu Ok Madala 24, Tiyeni Nazo
Dear Mark Zuckerberg, please remove fake accounts like this stupid Malawi 24, Malawi voice, face of Malawi and uuuuuuu,ok I will tell you one more. The owners of these pubs have nothing to offer to our country Malawi. There parents if they are alive should feel very sorry for themselves. After sweating, toiling to pay school fees for these useless daddies now, is this what they are getting in the end?
Munthu Wa pa S.A pano Sumungamunaminze Mwanva Tangonenani Chilungamo Aku Banja Azikonzeka, ndikanakhala Waku Banja, Offec Yanuyo Mukanaona Moto From No Where, Kunama Mpaka 24 Hrs X 4 Iya, A uzeni Zoona Anthu,
Mwasiya za amuthalika mwayamba za a chilima mwatikwana guys
Kumeneko Anamizeni Anthu A 24, Koma Kuno Azungu Ose Chilungamo Chili Mukamwa, Jonzi Sinama, Ok Tizakufusani Mawa Pano
the philipino king dies a day b 4 yestaday, the nation untdly mourns their king and thy welcomed the body as 1 family, sizakunozi kuchita kubisa akuonangati kukhara ma pwando ndi madasi sizochitikaso kulibe chakudya ndi magesi kkkk DAUSI musamuiware kupha anayambakare nthawiyaulamuliro wachipani chimozi zaifa ya MJAUJU akuziwaposokanthu nde nkuzakumana ndiuyu oyipa ndinkhope yomweyu akufunaatakhara presedentiyu CHAPONDA
kathu ako musovenge mwekha
Chilima watani akhawuratu…. leave the man alone… This man will bring change in our country in Jesus name!
Zitsilu amwalele zenize chonde asaukeso osakhulupilira mulungu iwe manyiako mutharika ukuba
Ngati za presedent zavutabe,chilima asalamulire dziko lathu la malawi wachepa nalo,muli mavuto ambiri ofunika munthu okhwima mu nzeru osati mumaphunziro chabe,,,sitifuna presedent opanga subcide mowa mmalo mwa zakudya ngat achina Bakili Muluzi
Iwe Ndiwe Wachamba Kwambiri Ndipo Kuyambira Lero Usazapangexo Comment Pa Post Ya Malawi 24.
#Malawi24 why mumalemba nkhani zabodza koma ndinu anthu opusa kwambili
pakuti nthawi ndi nyengo ziyendela limodzi kotero amene adziwa zonse ndiye mwini zonse Allah. Ife ndife ayani pamaso pake pakuti sitidziwa chomwe wakonza iye mwini. Tiyeni tikhala anthu owopa kufalitsa nkhani yomwe tilibe nayo umboni chifukwa pamawa tidzakhala amanyazi pankhope zathu. Tiyeni tifunile zabwino Malawi uyu ndi wathuwathu ndithudi. Zabwino zonse a pulezidenti pamene muli kubwelera kuno kumudzi, takusowani ndithu.
Ndani amakondwera ndikufa kwamnzake amalawi chikondi chija chirikuti
Iweyo man kumudzi uzabwelela liti
Koma news pa Malawi!
Mukusekera kukangana, mapokoso inu kukamwa mbee sumukudziwa ovutika ndinu nomwe Dausiyo ali duuuu mbuzi inu
Aaaaaaa mabwana kukhangana .. …….hhhhhhhhh my godooooo
Kkkkkk Chilima ndindani zaunsiru muzamuonanso nayenso ndichitsiru
Mungoyankhula zauchisiru basi
Mumangolota eeeti mwamwa kachasu ndi kumanena mabodza
mukunamatu inu kupha ndani? mukungocheza kaa omwe mwapha aja akwana pano nde mufe ndinu
Kkkkk Mpaka Mtsogoleri Wa dziko Kufika Pakati Pa Usiku Komaso Atora Nkhani Kwakaniza Kugwira Ntchito Yawo, Kodi Aboma Mukubisa Chiyani, Kapena Ndalama Zija Mwatengako, Koma Zululuka Ife Tili Pano Kudikila?
Ukutu ndikulephela chabe kwa chipani cha dpp osati akufuna kumupha ndani?
Zikachitika timvera inu anthu oyipa mtima ngati ………………………
Chilima woyeeeee economist wathu uyu
Iwe olemba nkhani uti wa Malawi 24 ndiwe waboza tatopa ndizamiseche zanuzo
Zidzakhala zovuta kukhala ndi boma lolongosoka nsanje yachuluka kwambili a Malawi ,tidanilananji ,?tilondolelananji ? Tizondanilananji?
Ndiliti a Malawi tizakhale ndi President owonekako bwino mwina Chilimai kapena eish
Sindingalowelere nkhani ngati izi,kwanga ndikumangogwila ntchito kuti dziko lathu litukuke pazachitukuko,osati kumakamba zosayenela zukungowonetselatu kuti tikusowa chochita,Choti mudziwe amalawi ndi choti, Mlungu mwini ndi amene amadziwa za moyo WA munthu aliyense ndi tsiku lake, Chon’cho tisaweluze zosayenela kuweluza, Mudzifunila wina aliyense zabwino osati zoipa uku sikukhala kwa bwino
de 2th Z de death
Media ?
Following guys
Mtima wa AFRICA watani ngodya zinayi zidanka kuti
Mwatiwuza peter afika usiku pano mukuti a vp akufuna kuwapha next munama chani
Thugs within ruling party? Mukufuna a VP awope chakuda china chilichonse?
Thugs within ruling party? Mukufuna a VP awope chakuda china chilichonse?
WHAT EVER WILL HAPPEN anga ndimaso bc!
mwachoka kwa peter muli kwa saulos muyaluka ngati mwalandira ndalama.
DPP has a history of killing innocent people that’s why want to kill Chlima coz he’s very important. person ln the party
Eeeeeeish, Malawi……
a small country but full of regionalism
I will never ever trust this news (mw 24)
mukaphana zisatikhuze ife pheeee kuno ndi 1.25 coco monga weekend ino ka castle milk stout best flavar ndiye musamatisokosere ife kuno aboma inu 4tsek
Iiiiiiiii maina mwachulayo anthu woipa saopa moyo wamunthu ndipo azafa IFA yowawa, chilima akuyenda ndi yesu palipose,sizitheka in the name of Jesus,
uuummm kma malawi wa lero eee maloza ndithu awa
Tipatsileni nkhani ife tiziona usilu wanthuo basi
Malawi wanga ine:-o
Hahahah chilape #2.Kupusa ngat Malawi24
No bady is going to trust you all again u re full of gosping.Apa mwaona kuti zomwe munapeka zalephereka ndiye mwayamba nkhani ina .All readers will lost hope on ur page to read.chikhala chi page cha mabodza. zatitopetsa kumva zimenezi.kambani nkhaniko zachitukuko osati zachisokonezo basi.kuphunzira kungokhalira kuombanitsa mitu basi.
Zamabodzazo nenani tizimva basi
Nanuso a malawi24 nkhanizi mumakhalanazo ndi umboni koma? mwandikwana nanuso bwanji? ananyongo aamanu ndithu.!! mungoti izi mwanena izi mwanena zenizeni nziti mitumbo yanu mwava mbolo za anganga anu kwa miyezi itatu mwava?? ndatopa nanu PACHINTUMBOPOOOOO..!!!!!
Machende anu mwamva.!! aDausi ndi aNankhumwa inu ngati muli madolo osapha jb $ bushiri bwanji? adani amalawi,mukulimbana ndi anthu osalakwa bwanji?? anankhumwa mwayela mmasoee mwaiwala kuti mumakundika nthochi wakuchapani mmaso ndi ndani inu panyelo pamanu ndithu..mxxxxx
Maso mphenya akuchita kuoneka kuti apitala salibwino onani akuti atolankhani sakufuna kuzawaona pa chi sunday komanso azafika ku nyasaland usiku, atulusa chikalata chowonjezera ma jaji koma iwo ali ku u s hahahahahahaha zalowa mbolo kumbukani za kamuzu amene akuziwa bwinolomwe kamuzu wa ife sanali yemwe amatilamulira uja ai kamuzu wa ife anachita kumupha ndikutitumizira uja lero ndi izi akufika usiku cholinga anthu asaone nkhope musova
DPP is well known for killing people basi ndi chomwe timadziwa
You tried to kill JB you failed now you want to kill chilima hahahaha how stupid you are? Mbuzi za anthu mitu yanu siyikugwira ntchito. Zitsiru inu, leave vp alone mwamva aganganthi?
Osatukwana. please. God doesnt like such
Stupid idiot how do you him? Who put him where he is today ?he is the blood of Dpp so stop commenting rubbish .those rumours are not true. U need to grow and respect others
Idiot always let others down, so if you and your fellow DPP hand clappers want to get lid of innocent VP you are really idiot. Fisi sasinthadi mawanga eti? Once again leave Mr Chilima alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mulungu sithani nyimbo ya fuko lathu nd kudalitsa dziko la nsaje, umphawi, miseche, maboza,kuba, ,kusankhana,litima, chinyengo,nd kuphana.
Say what so ever but APM is coming the day afta 2moro dont be panic plz
apa nkhaniyi ivuta abwana akudwala moti psapsa sangakwa anisenso kulamulila sakutha kuimirira, kulankhula, kudya nde angalamulile dziko apa ndi zaponda thope zamwa pepani nonse okudya zaboma pakufunika plan B
Musamatibwatike Apa!
Mukutizunguza mitu, pomwe ili yozungulira kale, koma funso mkumati chifukwa chani asintha mafikidwe a presdent, panalengezedwa kuti adzafika 1pm, pano akuti adzafika usiku komanso a tolankhani asadzakhaleko, apa pali kanthu ndithu koma mulungu ngati sanafune olo mutapeza njira zotani sizingatheke
Muzngoimbilana ma4n nokha nokha osamabweletsa nyasi pa public smudya ndife ndalama zanu zamagazizo agalu inu ur disgasting us now mxxxxiewww!!
i am Mr jang from zambia, iam really happy
that i and my wife are cured of HIV with the
herbal medicine of dr sule , i have
been suffering from this disease for the
past 3 years without solution until i came
across the email of this doctors who have
cure so many people with his herbal
medicine, i also chose to give him a chance
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do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his
herbal medicine and direct me on how to
use, i also follows his direction for use and
he ask us to go for a check up after 2
months and which i did, to my greatest
surprise our result came out as negative,
we are really happy that there is someone
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any day.to all the readers and viewers that
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actually help you. i am not a stupid man
that i will come out to the public and start
saying what someone have not done for
me. he is really a great man contact him
now.dr thruough whatsaap +23462447651
Politics are #insane
usi sufuka popanda moto
kod mw24 mumafuna kumawatenga anthu kupusa
God’s intervention bas…..
A country ful of Saveges but with PhD’S, having pipo who are well quelified with tanishing image of others, instend of doing things which should take them to another le vel, why are u doing? Maybe u have nothing to do? Shame on u unquilified journalists, am xo tired with u. u t 6
you too how a country leader can disappear in 21days no talking to its voters do you take us for granted? ok if you know what the news to be false just tell the trueth freedom of speech birthright of all nena zako
Do u think the President should inform u whtever he is doing? Who r u to have that authority? Doesn’t he having a private lyf? Open ur eyes ma friend dont be a fool bcoz of social media, those pipo they jst wanna made there names. m a 0 nm o6 6m
Kukhala ndi PhD ndimwayi chabe bro,koma tiziyang’anila komwe munthu wosunga PhDyo anachokera kubanja lotani,in fact maPhD wokhala ndianthu akudafe ndi zero pa zerotu.Zikutheka munthu zimapepala zamaphunziro zilithooo!!munyumba komanso kutchuka kwabasi ndimaphunzirowo.,,koma kanthenda kachibadwidwe kaja mudzawona kuti kalipobe mwamunthuyo.Maphunziro awa siathu ayi zinangotipezabe popeza tikukhala nowobe mudziko lapasilino.
mwayamba kutchukitsa nkhani za bodza ,mumati peter wadwalika ,peter wafa ,peter wasowa , pano mwayamba ina ,saulosi si munthu wamba nokhanso mukudziwa saulosi ndi wanzeru koopsa kuposa ambiri mukuwadziwa ku dpp ndiye wina ayese muziwanso
Mumalo mukambilane suzgo lachalo katingachitachi kuti malawi wakhale makora? Mwasuwilira maboza
inu anyasa musamatinyase nao khani zopusa mwava ngati mwasowa chochita bwerelani ku mudzi mwava malo mokamba dzazeru basi kumangokhalira eeee dpp chilima popano munali ndimutharika lero muli ndi vp kodi ndichani zopusa basi
mumapindulanji ndi nkhani zanu zabozazi?????.
2019 bushiri boma oyeee
musatinyasepo apa !
Kodi chimakhala chili chani ngati mwakhuta zipwete osamangogona bwanji? ife si ana kuti tizingova ma bodza anuwo.
Maliro mukuwasaukirawo posachedwa achitika kuntundu kwanu pajatu amati wokumbira mzake dzenje adzagweramo yekha
Yokupha a president yamwa madzi,mwayamba izi??? hehehehe,simunati
Ine ndingoti ambuye akhululukileni anthu onsewa omwe tsafunila adzawo dzambwino
Ndekut, #Mw 24, Mwasowa Khan, Zulu Maliro Lero Mukut Akufuna KuPha Chilima. Ife Sitigakukhulupililen (Naman Yina)
Thats y we say that:politics is a dirty game. No one wishes the best to one another.
lets see if he comes back home this Sunday..there is nothing comes from sky that the earth could not take. watch out my motherland Malawi!
Lomwe Girl phone her boyfriend yesterday. Ngr ngr ngr ngr Lomwe girl: Hello love how are u? Boyfriend: i am good and u. Lomwe Girls: i am good. I need to tell u that i am pregnant. Boyfriend: what? I thought we always use protection. Lomwe girl: Did i say its yours? tu tu tu tu tu
Kkkkkkk matizi et
Ooh Our Father of Nation Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda bwelera kumbuyo udzaliphure dziko lako pamoto.Mavuto ndi ochuruka kwambiri #Kamuzu bwera!!!!! bwera!!!!!! Oooh imfa unabweleranji shit!!!
wafa yekha nanga nchifukwa chiyan atolankhani sakuloledwa kukamulandila mtsogoleli wawo.
Zaboza izi
umbon upezeka sunday
Dzikoli lachuluka ma recycled politicians Uyu mumati Dausi naye nde mawongo okhaokha ndanzache.
God save Malawi.
Mukulephera Kunena chachitika kwa APM,mukuyikapo ya Chilima.
amwalila ndiamayi anu
Kwacha kuboma la Malawi. Shit!!!!!!! ,
Amuphe kuti watani inu a malawi24 gve us reasons,thats why tikuti media in malawi is useless,u dwell on speculations nt reality,kaye kusatha chizungu
Iwe ndiye siutha chizungu udalikuti amafuna kumupha JB kuti alowe mmalo mwa Bingu ? ena mu DPP sakufuna kulamulidwa ndi Chilima Choncho poti zadziwikilatu kuti APM sangapitilize kulamulila malingana ndi vuto lomwe apezeka nalo VP wake ayenela kumaliza term choncho pofuna kuti aikepo wina njila yokhayo yoti zitheke amuphe kapena nayeso anyanyale constitution ya MW imati Presdent wamwalila kapena kudwala kwambili VP alowe
As if sanapite ku sukulu zoona..cleating things..they fear their own shadows..This act is premitive.
Ndikumva ine wa mu std 6 kkkk koma a malawi pitara wanuyo ngati akulephera kulankhula angalamulile? chilima afunika kusamala kuti asaphedwe apo bii kukhalansozisankho tisanafike 2019
Esther, my sister, musamakhale ngati ku malawi simukukudziwa, tonse tikuwerenga news zimenezi panalengezedwa kuti Presdent adzafika sunday masana pano akuti adzafika usiku komanso sakufuna mtolankhani aliyense kudzafika kumeneko, pali chani pamenepo Chilima akuyenera ku samala kwambiri
munya muona akumangani chilima mukhaula ambuyanuwo ango thawilatu ntsogoleli akamafika kumakhala atolankhani wanu ati adzafika usiku malawi 24 idzapitabe kaya ndintembo tikajambulabe zopusa basi mesa ku makawi kuli freedom of speech ndiye mw24 yalakea cha usatsutse chilungamo wava iwe
Sazapezeka munthu wotha chizungu malawi yense uja #Esther nkhani imeneyo isiyeni
If u know that u r not in the world of politics,it’s a very wise thing to keep ur mouth shutt than saying things u don’t even know.
Esther Walasa.. Kaya ma Media institution mu za APA referencing amagera ka..? kumangopanga report news from unreliable sources.. encompetent journalists.. bweran nduphunzisen auphentic arguments..
Esther kuchititsa manyazi aaaassssh
zinthunzi popanga comment see the facts first kuti nkhani ikuti bwanji osamangoipitsa ena for the love of the party..padzana amati chilima ndiosadalilika omweo ati ndi mwana sangalamulire zimenezi aziziwa liti nthawi yonseyi samaziona,pano akuti sangakhale president fukwa si mlomwe eh!ufumu chani sizamlakho izi…constution igwirapo ntchito apa
Mmm nonses zili apa. Ndibwino ndiwerenge news zoveka bwino ngati, Malawi dairy times, weekend news, National news ndi za mipingozi. Apa panditaitsa nthawi.
Mmm nonses zili apa. Ndibwino ndiwerenge news zoveka bwino ngati, Malawi dairy times, weekend news, National news ndi za mipingozi. Apa panditaitsa nthawi.
Succession battle
tiwona mathero azonsezo.
Kaya ali moyo kaya wamwalila koma Chilima ayenela kusamala ndi chimunthu chija amati chi George Chaponda,ndichowophyatu chimene chija akuti chimafuna chitakhalako presdent koma tsoka ilo mchimbuli!!!!!
Zaboza izi
Non of my business am not apolitician
Ngat mwayamba kuphana choncho sibasi uboni ndi omwewotu oti sunday pano tidikilile malilotu
Anthu opanda nzeru inu olo atakhala kt peter wamwalira amupha bwanji chilima poti iyeyo ndiwa dpp? Atati aphedwe kutha kukhalanso chisankho musamakhale mbuli
Mr Dausi zilizoxe ktengedwa
Who really cares? ….Both of them they have been failed to lead us.
we r waiting to the end of dis story, smoke neva comes without a fire!!
man Alick nyilenda,ku malawi monga uziwa dziko lija losauka kumbali yachuma,athu akati adya ndi miseche maboza ndi umbanda,so palibe chomwe amaona chaphindu than miseche,koma pliz pliz tiyeni tipange zaphindu yapa.
Chilima etiiii akufuna kuchitidwa zinja ankafuna kumpanga J B.
Ife kuno ku Malawi timangolimbana ndi Andale Ma Illegal imgrants akugwira Maganyu monga kusoka zigamba, kugulitsa zitsulo ku ma Scrap yard. Kusoka Msapato. Kukolora maGRAPES, ma Apples. KU Sambitsa maliro kuma Funeral under takers. Kusambitsa MaBHUNO okalamba. Kuyitanila ma MinBUS. Kuyitanila malonda mmashop ama pakstan.
etieti nkumati tilikunja kkkk
Kuno kumudzi achuluka ndi mabodza ndi miseche.
And do u know how much they get paid from the above undertakings??
More than salary of a well qualified doctor, teacher, ndi enawo!,
And they can afford assisting their family members back home uku akudya zakudya zolongosoka not kukhalira nyanyati, bonya ndi soya pieces!
The reality is you can’t compare Rand-Kwacha
man siwonse omwe akugwila ntchito zonyozeka ayi,and olo ntchito inganyozeke bwanji ,rand sinama ase,mwina poti iweyo uli ku jonz ,at paja mumatha kumalandila 2000 per month? mubwele capetown anzanu timakangosewela agalu azungu ku beach pamwezi nkumalandila more 6 pin nkumamangaso ma masion ku mudziko
Ine ndili ku mpanje, koma land siinama.
Kuno kumudzi akulandira R6,000. Ndi a DC.
Wandaman Chimombo, ndi inu Big man. Osati enawa. Mubwere 2019. Mudzayimire ma vote.
kkkkk angazandiloze man!! ndazabwela kuzapitiliza school man basi,inatikanika kamba ka maluzi ,koma pano olo degree program titha kuzilipilira
musanzasankhe ntchito akulu,ngati mufuna kuti musazapemphe kwa munthu ,anthu amakuthandiza akukutukwanatu kkkkkk
Mudzakhale aproffesor
No dout 4 dese propagandaz coz tili m’masiku omaliza.
whooooo yoooo the president is dead nw i can smell
Mwaona Kut Bodza Lot APM Akudwala Latha Fashoin Ndye Mwaganiza Zopeka Zopusazi.
Nde musovatu
Timadana Zausilu~ Fredokiss Featuring Matse And Young Kay
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kwa ine ndimaona ngati ma news paper amasokoneza wanthu kamba koti ali ndi ufulu wolemba zakukhosi kwawo komanso ndikumene kwagona katangale ndi ziphuphu. Pazifukwa zimenezo anthu wamba amaipitsidwa mbiri zawo potengela ufulu omwe ali nawo ama newspaper
Timadana Zausilu~ Fredokiss Featuring Matse And Young Kay
Malawi woyeeee woyeeee
Chomwe ndawona ine Malawi 24 ndi zitsilu akumalemba nkhani zopusa zokhazokha akumakonda za bodza basi tatopa nanu a malawl 24
Zanu zimenezoooo
Something big is happening, keep your eyes open.
Chilima for President soon that’s I can see
Tavani Kaye Azanga, Kodi Zingakhale Zoona Maphokosowa Osewa basi Tiziti Peterrrrrr Aliko Akubwela Koma Adzafika Usiku, And Sanzalakhula Ndi Munthu, 24 Tanenani Chilungamo Anthufe Tivetse, Ku John Kuno anthu Ose Akudziwa Kt Peter ………. Ndimumene Nzilili, Tiona Sun
Remember. God is watching us from s distance.
Ndale Za Pa Malawi Zimenezo
musiyeni mfana alamulire dziko lino aaa tatopa ifr kumakhara ndima president odwara dwara apa!
Which is which?
Zinthuzi mongozipekera bax amalawi 24 mwaonjeza koopsa nkhani mungokamba zaboza zokhazokha panya panu tatopa nanu mwanva
Nanga iweyo osatiuza zoonazo bwanji?
Am fed up with false story u posted malawi 24
so is Peter really dead neh?
Kodi bwanji osangopita komweko ku malawi 24 ko mukadule maliseche ameneyo watiwonjeza
Ndiyo Dausi ndikumudziwa koma Mulungu ngati aliko aonetse
Agalu inu mukufuna kuyambitsa chisokonezo bwanji asatan akapolo
Masapota Achakwera Kkk Mutopa Kumalemba Zaboza 2019 Sipano. Continue Creating Fake Stories
Vuto Lomwe Lilipo Ndilakut Boma Likulephera Kupereka Umbon Wot President Alipo Kapena Ai.MkomweMkomwe Nthaw Zomse President Akapta Kunjag Timaonera Pa MBC TV Zonse Zomwe President Akuchta Kumene Wapta..Ngat Sindikuiwala,nthaw Imene Southern Region Idakhudzidwa Ndi Madz Osefukira,mutharika Adali Kunja Kwa Dziko Lino Koma Timamva Akuyankhula Pa Radio Even Mma Television Ndie Pano Chkuvuta Mchan Kut Angolankhulako Kut Tidziwe Kut Alipo?Chkulepheretsa Ma Reporter Kumujambula Kut Timuonere Pa Wailesi Yakanema Ndichan?Zimenez Nd Zomwe Zikudzetsa Mpungwepungwe Onseu Mdziko Lathu Lino….Koma Tikudikira Mkuja Sunday Kut Atifotokonzere Chomwe Chimalepheretsa Zonsez…Bola Boma Lisachte Manyaz Akabwera Ali Mtembo.
coming up bra tel them
Welcum to politics VP Chilimaa
Ali bambo anu mungayakhule zonsezo
kma ndipo
Cheap politics
M’ndale Zayambakubeba
Presedent wachimata Chilima u r welcome palibe njila ina nanga nkutani izi zagwa zatha
kodi zikukhala bwanji mdziko muno? full of kaak! my Malawi bambo Chilima khalani maso ngati ndi zoona pls dziko lalowa nyasi ili Bwana akanangofika msanga ndithu
Ine ndingofunapo mtembowo ndiwoone khope bax
ine ndimangosuta chamba!! sinanga anthu sakuziwa kuti PRESIDENT AKHALA NANKHUMWA!! INE NDIZINGOSUTA CHAMBA!!
phanani……. zakuntundu wanu mumaziwana…..??????
Another Burush**t story from Malawi 24 .we are fedup of you “get lost”
John Mussa
Muyelekeze muwone zomwe amapanga Mulungu
Akukudzulani Chauta
If that is true then Malawi is in a sorry state, but my question is, is the president dead? We re told he is coming back on Sunday, why posting on ur line all this nonsense? Tiyeni tisakhale anthu opasula koma omanga mtundu wa Malawi
yes mfana wapa mzuni
Anthunu ndinu wotani palibe chanzeru chimene mukupanga dziko laling’ono mukuchulukisa zonenanena kodi maliro muwafunawo mufuna muzawadye ?? Ndifuna ndikuwuzeni zowona amwaira ndi ambuyanu
Bisani matenda maliro mudzatiwuza.
Ndizanu izo ife tili phee kungoyanga ndikudikila chomwe chingachitike
Nde wina akukamba apa za munthu oti anathawi milandu, aaahhhh! lekani kulota. Nkhani zabodza zatopetsa tsopano…..dikirani ma vote.
are you talkibg of the mid night six?
Kapanikiza is one of the doctors who is treating Mutharika?? Or is the enemys of Mutharika?
Malawi sazatheso kungokhalira timiseche anthu akulu ngati inu ngati zakukanikani zibwerani ku joni kuno muzakangenepo ndi mabuno asa nkhani imodzi imodzi mpaka liti zinthu chikwerere mitengo, zautsiru basi.
Eti eti?
let the us know it if you don’t like this just click unlike rather than what you are objecting
Ku jonikonso ndiye kuti mukufuna muname apa, kuli chiyaninso kumeneko? Anthu akuvutika, ntchito kulibe akakhala eni akewo amatchedwa kuti mnzikawo akukhalira kutola mabotolo aplastic ndikumakagulitsa ma China. Inu mukufuna munene chiyani apa, popezanso iweyo ukukhala pakhonde pam’mwenye kuitanira ma blanket ndikumubera ma dvd player. Man musanyoze dziko lanu, ndikwanu basi panopa siuko akuti akakugwirani akumakusungani ku lindera miyezi itatu ndikukubwezani atakupatsani mapepala okhaliranso kumeneko 12days. Samalani, kwanu ndikuno Malema openga uja azakuthamangitsaniko kumeneko.
It better here to correct bottles than just staying without any hope that one day things will be better,brother Malawi is useless,politician they one who getting rich than people who are staying at village,people they suffer,if u eating u have to thank God,
Thruth man
Yooyaninge waka vinu va miseche yayi pose palije pawemi kuno kumudzi zinthu worse kutheba bola pang’o. Eni akewo sapeza ntchito chifukwa cha ulesi wawo. Ndadusapo ine vuuuuuu!
KKKKKKKKKK Malawi sadzathekaso
Comment reserved. Next?
Iiii nkhani zake” wina akufuna kuphedwa wina akunamizilidwa kuti wamalira kaya zitha bwanji..
Usadandaule malawi, ife andevu party tilipambuyo panu
I guest those are political issues
How will you feel wen he comes alive? Nkhan zopanda umbon zatikwana
And how will you feel when it’s opposite of what you’ve said?
I hav nothing to lose.. why dont we just wait and see what comes out of the plane? Ngat simumufuna pali njira yomuchotsera pampando that is kuvota 2019 osat kumakamba zot wamwalira
Also us if he died or not we have nothing to lose. We r not a politicians but we r malawian
Malawians who wish him dead? Zanu izo aliyense azafatu tikudabwa y u r so curious about whether he is alive or Nat
U r d 1.
Kaya wafa kaya alimoyo. Nkhani ndiyakuti azibwera Misonkho yathua zizadyela kokuno, Komwe aliko akuononga zambiri.
America President wathu anpita wamoyo tinfunanso wamoyo
In evry coming and going out of a president media houses r allowed to b there,whether its at night or during the day,but y r the y refusing them this time around?when he WS going journalist were all over the airport and y not now?,Am sorry am nt insinuating anything here but am just trying to look at the facts,and the meeting ended long time,almost three weeks ago if am nt mistaken and very president went back.Y dd he took so long to come?If ppo r saying he is dead don’t just blame them,they r looking at the period.we CNT just say that he is dead,no nt until we see the truth,u kmw pipo can talk but the truth always ll come out.dead or alive,he ll still come home
kkkkkk akukwiyayo zake koma ife tinena zot wafa bas until I we see hm on sunday for now hes dead cz if he was he would hv addressed e citizens olo ali ku america konko that’s wat I thnk do blame me I hv a brain n I hv to thnk its nature n if im wrong im human I hv to mek mistakes
Paja wasowa ngati Malaysian plane?
Ndie kut Wamkuluyu wamwalira eti,,nanga akufuniranji kuphera Chilima??
Iwe ukufunsa funso limenelo ngat malawi punch imanena zoona bwanj.
Akuwona ngati ochenjela apa at I bingu abwela usiku
Koma kumenekooo
Adpp afune asafune, chilima akulowa pa u president. Peter wafa ekha sanamuphe ndi munthu
Ukhumudwa atabwera wa moyo nd malawi punch yako yabodzayo
hahaha r u one of stupid people who talk nonsense?
Kkkkk peter nd owola mkat / atabwra wamoyo km ai yanga vot ndkana nayo
Or atabwela wamoyo kaya mtembo tilibe nazo ntchito coz siyife andale
Koma zowona nzakuti akudwala mwina sangalamulikenso panopa sakutha kulankhula, kuimilirakuti ayende, komanso alindi vuto la ubongo ndezoti angalamulilenso nzokaikisa
Kkkkkk amene zamunyasa akakolope nyanja…Wamwalila basi.
cmart pamtumbo pako ekse,ukuyankhulira konyelera kapena pakamwa?kumatalker mwaumunthu osamakhala ngat mazula ai,nanunso ablessings pamtumbo panyumba yanu!!!!
Cheap and stupid propaganda
I’m here to read ur comment
Okumba mmbuna adzagwamo yekha mau amulungu akutero…..choipa chitsata mwini …mwambi unatero…chilima ambuye amumenyera nkhondo iye aliphe ……
Njaunju ,mbendela,chasowa mmmmm
Akupha kumene imeneyo ndiye dpp ankafuna kumupha jb so. Chomwe akubisira maliro ndi chani?
Munthu opusa ngat iwe rindnamuonepo. Zot malawi punch amalemba zabodza sunadzwabe?
kkkkkkkkk. zake izo
Eish wahala in paradise,, though ilike chilima be strong big man this people are evil lik ther dad so calld petros
f there dad z petros wat abt there mother?
Write Short Story entitled “The Missing President”
Koma kwavuta ku mpanje
Hee Indeed Walls Have Got Ears! Bt Y Dix Pple Hate Vp?Its God Hu Reveal Thix Secret. Shameeee
Zikangopanda kuchitika u will b arrested malawi 24
Dpp is a party of thugs sizachilendo paja anafuna kupha jb
Dpp is a party of thugs sizachilendo paja anafuna kupha jb
Nawe umakhala ngat malawi punch sumaidziwa bwanj? Kumatuluka thukuta nd za zii
hahaha u r contradictor, it’s JB who wanted to kill APM, did you forget when she arrested him?
Why Malawi,Kma Malawi Sadzatheka
Zikuti bwanji pomwe mukuti bwana mkubwa kulibe abwera lamungu tanenani bwino zinthuzi
Koma 24 eshii umatha kunama
Asowa ameneyi
attention seeker
D story just begin we’r here to watch up to d end politics it’s evils game
seems like you guys are good “leads” to these suspects though….where’s the cops @?
Ask Njaunju’s family about dpp
zoonad man
Why plan to do that ? Oooooo Malawi, shame