A Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Councilor for Chibanja Ward in the city of Mzuzu has been arrested after he got three teenagers drunk before raping them.
According to police, the councillor, Charles Mologera aged 33, on 08th October took the girls to various drinking joints in Mzuzu city and later sexually abused them at a lodge.
Two of the girls are secondary school students both aged sixteen while the other one is a primary school pupil aged fifteen.
Police say on the day of the abuse the three girls at around five o’clock were coming from their aunt’s within Chibavi location and found a drunkard whom they knew lying hopelessly in a drain.
Eventually the suspect was driving past and since the girls know him, they stopped him and asked for a lift to escort the drunkard to his home.
The suspect did likewise and on the way he took a phone number for one of the girls. An hour later the councillor called the girl to meet him on the road and the other two girls then escorted their friend. The suspect took all the unsuspecting three girls in his vehicle to town.
The girls alleged they were taken to two drinking joints in town where the suspect bought them beer. After some hours of drinking, the councillor drove the girls to a lodge near Lusanagazi roadblock where he booked a room and all spent a night there.
The girls went home the following day and reported to their parents what happened. They said in their police statements that they all slept in one room and that the suspect took turns to rape them all.
They also claimed that the councillor took advantage of their drunken status to achieve his evil aims. Medical reports for all girls authored at Mzuzu Central Hospital indicate that they were indeed raped.
Meanwhile, the councillor has been charged with three counts of defilement as he acted contrary to section 138 of the Penal Code.
He hails from Kanjati village in the area of Traditional Authority Kwataine in Ntcheu district.
*Additional reporting by Justin Mkweu
Koma ndiye ziliko
Kkkkkkkkkkkk……..chipan chidazolowera ku gwirira…….nthawa ya 1 party system……ndiye mukudabwa chani…..oooooooo…..ndinu ana simudazipezere………abale anga achiyamba kumene………osadabwaa……..izi…. ndingodya za MCP
palibe mlandu amanyenga sangazinyenge yekha mwamuna mwachita wuli wakapangana wakavulanga wuli? wakavikhumba they want to see. kweni namwe wana watatu at a time? so did he found any different from dem? kkkkkkk wapha mbalame zitatu nkulu ameneyu ndi mwala wake umodzi hahahahahahahaha
Kuxitengera pa mgong’O inu a dpp nkhani si ili choncho ife aku mzuzu kuno tikudziwa chomwe cha chitika pali ndale zalowererapo.atsikanawo ndi mahule kare amayenda mma bar woti iwowo sizachilendo kugona ndi midala koma pali mkulu wina amene wa wapasa ndalama atsikana wo kuti ayi pits e mbiri ya chipani komanso khansala yo.inu ku gwirira mpaka ku mutenga munthu kumene analiko mpaka ku room osaikapo funso
Vuto la atsikana amasiku ano,easy to entice. One two shots the lights are out the shit is all over.muziona
Its Mzuzu Councillor not a MCP as a whole. Sizikukhudzana ndi chipani izi
Sichipani Koma munthuyu .ma feelings alibe chipani.Even DPP ilinso ndi mahule amuna thoooo.
Kkkkkkkkk koma kweleeeeee
Mahule amenewo
Zogwirizana izi!
Mmmmmm! apa zachpani palibe kma ndiwuhule wa anawo! ana amasku ano ndiwokonda cash kwambiri, asa kaya awakhutulira matenda ndi zawo ayisova akungtipangsapo manyazi apa eyaa!!!
ameneuso ndichtsiru angofuna kuononga mbiri ya chpani.
Nothing 4 mahala,,,,,,, waitha!!!!!
Amangwetu, mwana nkazi akati Amai ndikufuna khamusolo, wakwana ameneyo. Nanga nkazi wa ana five, umvamo chani?
Usawi? Chichi? Anthu openga mwapanga bwanji kodi? Fotseki!
Zimenezo ndiye zopanda mzeru koma ali ndi akazi kkkk.
Oky .. My question is .. How were the teenagers found with him in the first place ?amamwa limodzi mowa isn’t it? I must say he was also drunk wen raping them .. Amakatani ndi abamboyo kokamwa mowa in the first place .. They had an agreement amenewo it was not rape .. Ana ena azikhalako ndi mantha wen doing things .. I bet he is so old and tiana Tina olo mantha nduthu kunakamwa nawo mowa he didn’t get them drunk but they got drunk them selves .. Inu amachita kuwayika mowa kukamwa ? No amamwa okha ..unless u tell me he drugged them if not atulutseni mambowo ana amasikuano samamva
Anagwilzana mutulusen , osangokhala busy ndinkhan zazi,
Nawoso atsikanawo azilandira chilango mpaka kupereka fon# kuimbiridwa ndi kumapita tiyeni tikamwe mowa ndikumapita ndi akuluakulu amenewa basi
Kungowakwerakwera Ngat Chakwera
mwayi ngati umeneyu mwachiziwikire adawa sanagwilirire munthu sungagwirile 3girls …
Yaaaa anawo amayamba dara akulu achindidwe bac
Yaaaa anawo amayamba dara akulu achindidwe bac
Mmmmmmmm koma MCP sizanva 3 in 1 ???? Kkkkkkkkk
Ana a 16yrs ayamba kale mowa, amenewo ali ndi makolo, kapena alibe? Zachisoni kwambiri,
This post is 100% biased, if u need reasons reply me.
Chi Idi Amin Man, Koma Simutilanda Azikaz Athu By Force Inu?
MCP the dead party.shame
aaaaaa ana a MCP inu mwatani? M’Malawi Momuno? mumafuna mujambulitse BM? Manifesto Anu Aja Okweza Atsikana Pa Maphunziro Aja Ndi Amewo? Maphunziro Ake Mumanena BM yo eti? eee mwakhwana man,
Eee man amene ndi1
Hahaha!! Wayamwla kwa Chakwera izi!!
Koma MCP sidzatheka konse ayi,kodi ana anuwa a Chakwera mumawaphunzitsa zotani kukhala opanda khalidwe chonchi
Yuo may create lies to appease your dpp sympathisers but truth always prevail. A fool may look at this as true but those who have brains can clearly see that its automatically impossible for such a thing to happen. Tell blind dpp followers they will pat you news 24 on the back. Ana a satana
Bwana KaChikopa nkhaniyi zachitikadi kuno ku Mzuzu Central Hospital (One stop Centre) atsikanawo athandizidwanso komanso Councillor yu watsegulidwa mlandu ku Child Justice Court.
hie Binnwell,ndizoonadi alengezaso pa MBC tv
Tthanks Justice and Kay cee
When market is set ablaze u say its DPP,when an mcp consellor rapes you say leave mcp its an individual issue,people full of hatred.
Apa sichipan chalakwa ths is pesornal issue lets talk about person not party… sizandale izi ok!!….
Tiyeni tiyakhule za chitukuko osati za uhule wa munthu za ziiiii..
Ndikulamura Apa Aliyese Akhale Chete Apa,lemm Tell You Now,vitsilu Ndatsikanawo,teenager Ngwamkulu Ameneyo,pomwa Mowa Ndi Councior Amati Mcha?Chipani Zisacikhudze Apa Mbuzi Nda Atsikanawo Amalora Mowa,amulakwira Kumumanga Walakwa Chani Munthu Apa?
Its very shameful
Kodi chipanichi nchaatumbuka eeti kkkkkkkk dats y nchausiru too much .
how did he rape all three ladies? May be they wanted some money and the refused to give them what they wanted?? If he raped them, then we should not paint everything with one brush,
Sadasiyane ndi Disi, kungoti Disi wawononga ndalama zaboma kukachita chigololo ndi mkazi wamwini KKKKKKKKKKKKK
Thats manfesto ya mcp nothing new
Atumbuka sazamva kkkk ndichipani chawo chamagazicho
i dnt knw if am wrong koma kumpoto chiwerengero chogwirilira chikukula bt y?
MCP ilibe vuto koma sibweniyo kususuka paja mumaziwa kale kuti mtumbuka olo atakhala ophuzila chotani mzelu zawumunthu ndi 0%.
Eeeee kmA yah
Hello friends my name is Mathew Maketho I was one of those millions of people around the world suffering from HIV/AIDS and and i was healed through the help of DR Abumen I was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 2010, I had no hope and felt useless. All these negative feelings quickly suppressed my body immune system and my body started to deteriorate quickly with physical signs of rapid weight loss, my story began to change for good when i met DR Abumen through a woman’s testimony, he sent me an herbal medicine which i took for some days, after taking the medicine according to doctor’s instruction I went to the hospital to get my blood tested for HIV/AIDS. The doctors were amazed when my first blood test result came back negative. They asked me to go back again for another test, which I did and the result came back negative. The doctors could not believe still,To cut the story short, “DR ABUMEN HERBAL MEDICINE HEALED ME COMPLETELY WITHOUT A TRACE OF THE DEADLY HIV/AIDS VIRUS IN MY BLOOD” am so happy, am sharing this to the world to save some lives, believe me there is a cure, you can contact DR Abumen on his email address [email protected] and you can also call or whatsapp his number which is via +2347085071418.
A DPP mwabwela palaini munasowatu ndi nkhani ya uu akuti wathawa mubokosiyu apa pakuti angokamba za MCP ndiye kutokota nkhaniyi ndiya munthuyo osat chipani mukufuna tiyambileso kunena za mzukwa ukubwelawu oyamba kupita kokamuona akhala asing.anga ngati ndimunthu kapena chimuuka
hahahaha mwandiwaza heavy
solve the equasion
Boma LA DPP limawalipilira mafumu ndalama akachita chigololo mahule
Awa a MCP khalidwe lawo ndilimeneli ndpo sazasinthai,,#mcpmustfall
Hihihiiiiiiiiiii zamanyaz
Ndi chitibwe wawo a MCP kulimbana ndikugwilirira ti wana
He was teaching them about sex rather than reading in books
Those girls ur very stupid.time for them to study in the hostile they went to the lodge with bfriend.thus idiot.no connection with party
Amene sadachite ntchimoli ayambe kuwagenda anthuwa
paja inu a Malawi 24 ndinu a DPP eti?? Leave MCP name alone coz those are personal issues not related to the party.CHAKWERA 2019 woyeeeeeee
Panja CHAKWERA ndiye utu.wake up men,people are not stupid these days like you.usaganize kuti MCP ingazatengenso Boma sorry forget about that.am not a political person but Zambiri baba.wake up wake up u r still in dark
Sumazuzula bwanji akamati mp wa dpp kapena pp wachita zakuti? mcp nkachaninso kuti olemba aziopa? Mcp idalamulila chifukwa kunali one party system but in democracy azakhala ku bench mpaka kale
Amafuken dziko lake liti Kodi MCP ,DPP ndi anthu Dpp Idachoka kuti ? kupanda kugalukila ikanakhalako? Bingu amapeza mavoti angati payekha Mulungu anapeza njila yotulusila anthu mu UDF yomwe amati siidzachoka kunalibe DPP mau anu akuveka poti muli pa ulamulilo upite kumudzi simukufuna kupha Winiko kamba ka chilungamo tiyeni tiziona
#_Robert i crap hands for u mau anthu sitichedwa kuiwara
Ndiye mtolankhani adzilephela kulemba bcoz wachitayo ndi wa MCP. Anakakhala wa DPP bwenzi mutaikapo zambilimbili sisamakome mbuzi kugunda galu.
Analiponso wina anagalukila dpp chidamuonekela ndichani?
kukanakhala kuno ku LL bwezi titaotcha nyasi za babirone ngt zmeneziii, kufuna kukhwimaaa channniii
To those who are blaming Party your wrong, Party can do Sex? let’s blame person individual but in other hand the Man is too genius 3 in 1 amutulutse chabe he is very impotant person.kkkkkkkkk!
Olo zitakhala zogwirizana, if the victim is less than eighteen ndi minor basi. That constitutes defilement.
Ah koma ofunika maphuziro apadela ndithu kuti anthu azitha kusiyanitsa nanga nkhani imeneyi ikukhudza chipani oti anthu akatukwane mcp izi kaya ndi zamutani malawi kuti azivetsa zinthu,ameneyo azatuluke tsiku lobwera yesu wautsiru
Ths is personal issues sizakhuze chipan koma adawa aitha kwambli coz mowa ndiwamabut osat machik
askana kutengeka;pamenepa mwakh wachisa kwamahope:eeeh uyud ndtambala w achikuda,komatu amat adafela mathaz achizingu
Zogwirizanaa chani?
Ine nduona ngati zaboza
Inu ku villa kagwentha ndiku bar.mahule asikanawo
ndimahule kumene
mcp sadzawinaso.nkhaza,kugwililira akazi,umbava,kuotcha misika,umbanda,uchigawenga,mwano,bodza,ndi zambiri ndangotchula zochepa.adzawina amenewa?
Kkkk mbuli ya munthu kunali umbava ,uchigawenga, kupha alubino, nthawi ya MCP? kodi wabadwa liti? alubino akupha ndi a DPP akunamizila asing’anga kale kunalibe asing’anga mukuchenjela poti muli paulamulilo muziona Njaunju siuyo akanaphedwa ndi munthu wamba sakanagwidwa momwe ndimamudziwila wa police akafuna kufufuza? mukunama ndi msilam amene uja okhuzidwa azisowa wagwililila si MCP ndi munthu utseke ma comment osaveka
Inu Mr Robert kodi munakalibe mudima chonde tadzukani.MCP ndani sakuiziwa bwino Dziko muno.komanso kwa ine ndikuti MCP inapita ndi mwini wake Kamuzu.mukazawiza chonde muzandithamangitse ku Zomba.wake up wake up pls you are still in darkness
olakwa akaziwo nanga mamuna mmodzi iwo atatu.inu agalu a dpp mwati mubwezele ya ngambi ndi mayi wa sendff sendera shg si7sters.
Apanso a MCP simunena kuti its DPP propaganda coz any squabbles which happens in MCP amaloza chala a DPP kapena ma cadet a MCP simunaiwone postyi
Achimwene palibe nkhani ya chipani apa munthu walakwila lamulo osati Zipani
Paja anything wrong which happens ku MCP mumati ndi DPP. Apanso munakanena kuti amutuma ndi a Dpp kuti agwililile cholinga aipitse mbili ya MCP
Alibe ma units ma cadet a Mcp
Pepani mcp ilibe ma cadet koma Youth league.
kkk, wa kuDedza uja amaba electricity uyuyo kugwirira, asa asa asa, musammasule ndidzamuone kaye
Wasintha oil. Zake zilibwino
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma Chipanichi sicinasinthe aii ndithu
Ndmmodziso wokupha alubino ameyo galu pakholo pa ambuyake ndithu
Kupusa basi
This is person issue bt wachititsa manyazi chipani
True very true …thats y i like malawi 24…..shame on mzuzu city
Wa kumpoto winasotu uyu!!! chocho ndi kamati Atumbuka muli pa #1 pa nkhani zachigololo mumalesa siizii!!. mufase week iyi! isanathe tiwelengaso ina! yogwilira ya muthu wakumpoto koko! pa page yomweyi.
Hahaha, chipani cha mahule kkkk
MCP ndiyankhazatu musaiwale ndiye choncho angawine aaaaaa
Ndiye tambala okudayo ameneyoo
Koma ali ndi mphamvu three in one
Ndi mwamuna weniweni
kkkkkkkkk koma kkkkkkk Atsogoleri amawaaaaaa amenewo
Koma malawi wathiridwa periperi bac mwinanso kuwawa kuposa periperiyo
Kkkk ooyes,mau akulu amakoma akagonel,ndimakumbuka Bakili Muluz yemwenso amaziwika ndizina loti kuntunda/kuchitekete kapena kut achalume,ananena kuti: Chipani cha mcp chinapita ndi mwini wake Kamuzu lero sizi kkkkk
Kkkkk Wa Mcp Wakhwakhwa,,,chipani Champhavu Mpakana Atsikana Atatu,,?
Olakwa ndi akaziwo atatu kuchindidwa ndi munthu modzi nanga akanakhala amuna atatu agona mkazi modzi milandu ikanakhala yotani olakwa ndi atsikanawo
Dziko lafika ponunkha ngati chiujeni, nanga akazi onsewo mphongo imodzi?
Shame for Bitches hw come to feed one person at tym lol
Why your busy blame party?….stupid ppo
gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mother’s but these days they get more drunk more than their fathers. so what do you expect?,,,
Kugwililidwa Basi
Chipani chikaola ndichoncho,,,kkkkkk,,,,,,akufuna apresdent asinthe subject.
sukuti ndichipani chagwilila koma ndimunthu ogwila ntchito muchipanimo so a mcp zisawakhuze uyo athana naZo ekha kkkkk
Za ziii.
M c P, is the beggining and the future of Malawi. AMEN
Lol i cant understand exacly
Mowa udayenera amuna osati akazi,, wachita bwino ameneyo and don’t blame the party. The party is out of the concern, this is personal issue
Zoyamwila kuchoka kuchipani izi asah
Mtsoleli Wawo Nda Mene Akumawatumadi eee,
atsikanawo ndimahule
Smodaring Chacol
Wadya zake zomwe kikk
Hahahaha kkkkkkkk Koma guys ee ! Chipanichi nde kuti sichizasiya khalidwe la nkhanzatu eeti ? kkkkkkkk ngat ayambapo kugwililira pano nanga akadzalowa mboma adzagwililira angati ? Yooh !!!
Ndipo inu hahahaha kugwirira kkkkkkk Nduna za chimai zisamale.Anthu enawa Siketi isawaduse Ayi hahahaha
Pitala wathawabe
these days girls love to do stupid stuff at young age,thats their price to pay.
Alibho hvy bg up
Ziwanda ndi uswazi kusakanikilana
Ndi Chipan Cha Anthu Mphamvu Mpaka Atsikana Atatu
Fire kumeneko ndeyake akila
Kkkkkkkkk choncho azatenge boma azagwirira ndi nkhuku zomwe iyaaaaa
Sizikugwilizana bambo ndi munthu payekha si MCP
Koma bambo awo ndi ndani MCP
Bas apitiliza pitala bola abwere
Kkkkk koma akakhala kuti wapanga ndi wa DPP nde chinakhala chipani eti?. Musankane ndi mbewu ya MCP imeneyo kkkkkkk.
Davie Chimwala ndi mbeu aya MCP apa akuti wapanga ndi munthu osati chipani za ziiiiii Mr Robert P Ching’ondo
Samuel u ‘ll go with ur abnormality & together with ur nkhumba pitala m…..
I think something wrong upstairs(no your head) Bright.go & eat your chicken shit the lest of your life.
Tiuzenizoona Dzulu Mumati Wa Pp Lero Mukut Wa Mcp Cholinga Chanu Ndichani Kapena Ku Nyazitsa Zipani?????! Panja Mulindimaganizo Ngat Ifa Kutenga Anthu Ofunikila
paja mwazungulira mutu ndi chimzukwa chanu chikubwerachi.
mmmmmmm kkkkkkkkkkk anyamata a yufi nde amenewo kkkk nyau kang’wing’wi waufila
useles mtumbuka …useles sperm ..
Mmmmmmm palibe zonyozana mitundu apa Ati MCP
Koma guys Dziko likupita kuti ?
Kkkk kwacha!!