A six year-old boy has died after drowning in Lake Malawi in Kapanga Village, Traditional Authority Malengachanzi in Nkhotakota district.
Reports that Malawi24 has gathered indicate that the boy together with his friends went to swim in the lake after knocking off from school.
But he failed to swim and he later drowned. This shocked his friends who reported the issue to other members of the community.
“Upon realising that the boy was missing, people in the area searched for him but later he was found floating while dead,” reports indicates.
A medical examination revealed that the boy died due to suffocation. Speaking at the funeral ceremony of the child, group village headman Kapanga urged parents in Nkhotakota district to take care of their children to avoid such incidents from happening.
“This is a loss to the village, district and possibly nation because this boy would have contributed positively to the country’s development. Let us (parents) make sure that our children are under control whenever they are visiting the lake,” said Chief Kapanga.
The deceased hailed from Kapanga village, Traditional Authority Malengachanzi in Nkhotakota district.
Nanga dzanjali likuoneka ngati lamunthu wamkulubwaaaa?????…..R.i.p mlongoo
Pepani anamfedwa,amenewa anali mafumu amawa m’boma lakwathu
koma guys boy, 6, drown ndie kuti chani?
So sad
So sad rip
Very Sad, R I P.
RIP bro
Eish itichokabwanji ife satanic
Oh sorry but please take guidance to your children
Shaaa! It’s too sad and it’s too early for him to swim. Who took him to the lake I want to know his instructor. RIP even though life is too short but you were not supposed to die at youngest age like this
Anali ekha/ ndi makolo, then de guardian is to blame.May his soul rest in piece!!
May his soul rest in peace
Mmmm koma zandikhudza kwambiri maka poganizila kuti mwanau ndi wang’ono kwambiri, ndipo likhale chenjezo kwa Makolo onse maka amene akukhala pafupi ndi mitsinje komanso nyanja kuphatikizapo zina zonse zimene zingathanduzile kuti anthu tuziluzika munjila imeneyi, Chabwino imfa iliyonse siyabwino komabe pali zina ngati izi mmmm kumakhala kovuta kuiwala kwake, Zandikhudza kwambiri ndipo mzimu wamwanau uwuse numtendere
Mavuto koma mwanayu ndiochepa bwanji atamalesedwa. Kumapita kumalo oopsa kupewa ngozi ngati zimenezi
Too bad