People living within Kanyika mining site in Mzimba district, have been urged to exercise patience as government is fighting for their compensation from the mining company.

Speaking when he visited the area, minister of energy and mining Bright Msaka assured concerned families that government is fighting for their compensation, thus they must exercise patience.
He acknowledged the delay in giving the residents their compensation but he called on the concerned families to wait as government is discussing with the company responsible.
He further advised people in the area to ignore reports that government is not doing anything on the issue, saying such reports are mere political propaganda.

Malawi24 understands that people of Kanyika have for long been waiting to get their compensation but nothing is cooking up from authorities.
The situation has subjected concerned families to numerous challenges including hunger because government banned them from cultivating their land.
Chiefs and the civil society working in the area have been blaming government for lack of commitment to help the concerned families in getting their compensation.
Meanwhile, people are still waiting from government as regards their compensation.
Woo! many pple wil benefit 4rm dis so dn’t exergerat.
Anadya kale zimenezo
This is just lip service from govt side, with this precedent I dont think these people can trust our govt land bill proposal even if it can be in good faith.
Gd idia mr mbotomboto
i believe its part of creating jobs but pls give them their compansation
Awa ndiya tumbuka ntombuka is not Malawian coz always killing each ather and rapping yang girl
K k k waishosha mphwanga @ derrick
Kkkkkkkk ndisova
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Aaaaaa akungonena awa inu.
Dnt take tym u hld ur patience so long nw jst take action as action speak louder dan words
What was the agreement with the goverment and mining company when they propose to open a mine ? What about if the mine invest a short term and abondon that mine? The mistake was done 4rm the first time not considering residents as citizens. How long are they going to wait? 5yrs,10yrs? Something fishy i can smell it.
how then can the company start mining without first compensate the people this is what we call theft by our government officials and those so called mining officials to my fellow people of mzimba let us stand up and fight for our land please.
How much do we benefit from these so-called mining companies?
What does he mean Government is negotiating compensation? Who are the miners? Where are they from? How did they get the mining concession? What is government deal on it?
They tell the owners of land to wait while they are making money. People don’t listen to such nonsense. There is no way a whole government machinery will spend time negotiating with a wrongdoer. Wake up. Stop listening to greedy people who don’t care what you are.