Students at the Kamuzu College of Nursing (KCN), a constituent college of the University of Malawi (Unima) are currently staging demonstrations against the recently announced fee hike in Lilongwe, Malawi24 can confirm.
The students started the demos at around 6 AM.
They blocked the road that leads to the Kamuzu Central Hospital torching tyres and forcing road users to change routes.
It was at this point that armed police officers dispersed them by throwing teargas canisters until the students all returned to their campus.
Malawi24 understands that no arrests have been made as of now.
The demos come in unison with the recent protests that happened at the Chancellor College in Zomba and the Polytechnic in Blantyre.
The University of Malawi (Unima) announced a fee hike in all its constituent colleges.
The fees see Chancellor College as the cheapest with its mature students paying K900,000. The Polytechnic comes next with a fee of K950,000.
Mature students studying at Kamuzu College of Nursing will be required to pay K1,000,000 while those at the College of Medicine will be asked to pay K1,400,000.
The students want the Council to revise this decision.
However the council has indicated it will not rescind this decision.
(more to come)
Bora nkhondo yolimbirana nyanja ingoyamba mwachangu zikuonetsa kuti zida zikusowa ntchito.
Bora nkhondo yolimbirana nyanja ingoyamba mwachangu zikuonetsa kuti zida zikusowa ntchito.
Bora nkhondo yolimbirana nyanja ingoyamba mwachangu zikuonetsa kuti zida zikusowa ntchito.
Akufuna kut anthu ambri tisaphunzre pokweza feez yaoyo?
Akufuna akhale yekha “professor “
let’s fight against terrorism, FEES MUST FALL
Eee, asis , Sakala Bettina Marie, Basi ndazisiya, chifukwa chovala cha white kuchapira limodzi ndi cha Black sizimachita bwino nthawi zina. Now it is better I must be quite 4the moment, otherwise I can be in trouble 4 nothing.
Our Nyasa!…
Anamwino nawo anyumwa mmmm
Problems cease after burning something in our nation….just feeling sorry…but I am willing to go to the streets
this are stupt things mot angosisa fees bat they wont people to get angrey OF ALL THE PRESDENT WHO HAVE been in malawi bat fees sinakwelepo chochi koma ziathuzinaz*STUPT#
this are stupt things mot angosisa fees bat they wont people to get angrey OF ALL THE PRESDENT WHO HAVE been in malawi bat fees sinakwelepo chochi koma ziathuzinaz*STUPT#
this are stupt things mot angosisa fees bat they wont people to get angrey OF ALL THE PRESDENT WHO HAVE been in malawi bat fees sinakwelepo chochi koma ziathuzinaz*STUPT#
this are stupt things mot angosisa fees bat they wont people to get angrey OF ALL THE PRESDENT WHO HAVE been in malawi bat fees sinakwelepo chochi koma ziathuzinaz*STUPT#
Shame, one story but full of Rubbish comments, Ophunzira samazitama padziko lapansi , achulukilenji ophunzira koma za chisoni kuvutika ngati sanaphunzire. Dziko LA Satan lodzadza n’ziwanda ndilosautsa Zedi ; zero point.
Shame, one story but full of Rubbish comments, Ophunzira samazitama padziko lapansi , achulukilenji ophunzira koma za chisoni kuvutika ngati sanaphunzire. Dziko LA Satan lodzadza n’ziwanda ndilosautsa Zedi ; zero point.
zitsilu ndi zimene zinavotela avumbwewa
zitsilu ndi zimene zinavotela avumbwewa
Nthawi zambiri m’mutu mukazaza uchitsiru, zochita zako, maganizo ako komanso n’zolemba zako zimakhala za uchitsiru ndipo pakamwa pazitsiru nthawi zonse pamatuluka zauchitsilu. Munthu wokhala ndi ubongo ogwira bwino ntchito sangamanyonze a police , pamene a police ntchito yawo INA ndi kuteteza pazipwilikiti ngati Mademo : I think many Malawian they are full of Rubbish in their minds, Oh ! Let me put it down .
Nthawi zambiri m’mutu mukazaza uchitsiru, zochita zako, maganizo ako komanso n’zolemba zako zimakhala za uchitsiru ndipo pakamwa pazitsiru nthawi zonse pamatuluka zauchitsilu. Munthu wokhala ndi ubongo ogwira bwino ntchito sangamanyonze a police , pamene a police ntchito yawo INA ndi kuteteza pazipwilikiti ngati Mademo : I think many Malawian they are full of Rubbish in their minds, Oh ! Let me put it down .
Musiyeni adzawona kuti police ndiyofunika tsiku lina
police shame to u,why u do brutal to our students nt thinking that ur kids one day they will be there now think abt ur wages shall u manage to pay xool frees
Ophunzila ndi osaphunzila kukangana kaya…… Ndizidya makata anga inee
tiyeninazoni anamwino,,,,,,atsala ndi aneba anuwa (madotolo) apange zotheka nawo
Chimene anthu enainu mulemba simukuziwa chimene mukulemba kodi mavuto alimalawi anabwera bwanji boma tsilinalakwise kukwexa fees asafuna asiye chimene apolice anakachita anamba ana asukulu angapo kuti ena aphuzira atengepo phuzilo
koma awadi ndi ana s xul anzanu akupanga nursing yomweyi paying alot of money osalandiranso kathu pakutha pa mwezi koma inu zambiri boma likukupatsani ulere koma apa muli busy kuononga zithu kodi 400000 inu mungadzalandire kangati sumx its not gud kumangopanga zithu cos kuti ena atero,,,,,,,think twice
Indeed we are @ fees must fall campaighn there z no need 4 the police to assault prostesting students if u know hw it feels when u r coming 4m disadvantage famly!
chaos chaos
Never give up
Lol mpaka kcn???
Kodi zafikanso pamenea? Ooo, koma kwavuta , koma bola mukanati muzitukwanizana nokhanokha Osantchulirana zamupanti mwa makolo, guys mukulakwitsatu ,nkhani yake itiyo pamenepa, Nooo ! Reduce your speed Guys .
Izi zatikwana mwamva, #fees_must_fall
Keep on fighting guyz Big up 2 all Student mumatiimilira boma lisanjaire
Peter peter wapita
Galu + Fisi = Apolisi. Kalulu + Gwape = Ana odzindikira. Ntchito ya molalo koma yopanda malipiro ndiya Apolisi kaya sakuzimvera chisoni ndimalipirowo kuti azakwanitsa bwanji kulipira ana awo akasankhidwa kupita kumeneko. Department imene antchito ambiri amakonda kupempha kaya ndipamseu, muofesi kuposa wamisala ndiya apolisi. Department yoyamba yoti antchito amakhala mutumanyumba tonyasa ndiya Apolisi zachisoni panopa akulimbana ndi ana awo pa nkhani ya bwino ngati imeneyi n’kumati ndi ntchito yathu. Kodi mzakwanitsa inuyo kulipira nditimasalale twanuto? Bribes, kupemphapempha, molalo koma malipiro kuzanja ngati Apolice(MPS)
Iwe Usalimbane Ndi Apolisi Kapolo Wa Dziko Pomwe Ulipo Uli Mbuu Ngati Thako La Galu. Nkhani Ili Apa Ikukhuzana Bwanji Ndi Salary Ya Polisi? Chitsiru Cha Munthu Iwe! Uneneso Uwone Ndikusaka Usaone Ngati Wabisala.Mbuli Ya Munthu Ukhale Ophunzira Ukanalemba Zanzeru Ngati Anzako
Chokapo usandinyasepo apa galu wamisala iwe
Sorry for whatever has happened in school,that means those students need serious explaination from the schools higher authority
Apolice azigwira ntchitod,asamangosewera phada
Ajwinyeni nawo ma Jekeseni a poison aKAPOKOLAwo!! As if they are not going to be affected in one way or the other? Be civilised please!!!!
BIG UP GUYS! #Feesmustfall.
Go KCN boma lautsiru .
Ammangilanji nankha
So if u know the police’s duties, why don’t u go straight forward to them and tell them their own duties? Why don’t u stop the polices to put on Tear Gas? Masters degree ! Kkkkkkkk hahahaha, now why you are crying if u are more educated
Bongololo sazola mafuta pagulu achimwene osamazita izi nzapadziko, do u get me ?
Tell them, and open their minds.
ana opusa kwambiri m’malo moti azikaphumzira apa.chonsecho ana ambiri ndi amabwana amzanu akulira mu ma private colleges nde kumavuta ndi 400,000?
ur a fool. munapita ku xul kma??
nanunso tiyeni uko musazionetse kuchenjera apa.iwe nde unapita ku school?
nanunso tiyeni uko musazionetse kuchenjera apa.iwe nde unapita ku school?
Pamsana Pako
Pamsana Pako
inno ndiwachamba mulekeni amagwa khunyu
U Dnt Knw Wat U R Talkng
bsi popeza Simunapite ku UNIMA nde mwat muyankhule zoduka mutu kikk anthu
#felix nawenso Pansana pako,#mathews musachuluke mzeru ndikukamba za chamba Simumandiziwa zomwe ndimapanga.#andrew sungadziwe kuti sindinapite ku unima or not cause inu ndine sitiziwana besides unima itha kukhala university yomwe mumaigomera koma sili mu top 100 ya Ma university muno mu africa.musadzionetse kuchenjera pa comment yanga tiyeni uko akapolo inu ozolowera zinthu za 2kwacha
Akuti Ali mu high class , kkkkkkkk hahahaha, koma abale zomvesa chisoni, pomuwona ndimomwe alili ngakhale ma photo ake ndi high class very parallel, nchimodzimodzi mpunga kudyera thelere kkkkkkkk hahahaha . Stupid man.
Manyeke apanyasaland akujaira guys, Kaye kununkha nkamwa poti kologeti is very expensive kkkkkkkk hahahaha, Mwana wapusi., chome .
Am very angry with you. Futsek, angakukwatire ndani nkhope ngati wazukakumenue, fuck you !
Ine mdaniwanga panyasaland ndi Mnthalika
Nanga chizulu amatero? U must ask pusi.
go on kcn
Iwe lonjezo chizunga, ngati ambwiyako anabwerapo kujoni kuno nkumavutika nde wamva ndialiyense ? Ubwere uwaone akazi anzako mmene akupangira makobili ,iwe ukhalira Uhule wakoomweo kumalawi kwakoko , Ukati ee umbuli ee umbuli Sukulu yake iti imene iwe unapia? Plz update inside of your underwear it’s smelling 2 bad, Futsek Hule.
Man Samuel chipala, asiyeni ana aziwanda awa
Akupwetekesani mutu . Sukumuwona nkhope anga chigoba cha nyawu kunchinji .Mwaiye chomwe amadziwa nkutukwana,mbuzi yamunthu.
School fees is not the best way to collect money to run the Education system…..using technology Malawi government can collect enough money from general public and run all its ministries…Learn how to collect and protect the money.
Make University Education affordable to everone.
We need to do something indeed people,,,,,,#UnimaFeesMustFall
Shaaaah apa ndiye Ng’ombe zayan’ana Ku ngolo
Wafika pontchula machende, eee koma uku nde nkuyaluka tsopano, mselu bwanji ulibe ? Ooo ndakuwona ndintchito yako kutukwana , kkkkkkkk hahahaha koma usamale udziwona nkhope pofuna kutukwana wamva iwe . Kodi ndiwe mwana wandani ukutukwana chotere? Ukuchokera mumtundu uti kumalawiko ? Sha ! Apa nde wafikapo.
Koma NDE muubwira utsi uku nkuyamba, Usiru wachuluka mukufuna mukaphana muzati ee ee nthawi ya muthalika anthu amafa pomwe mukuyambisa dala nokha , muthalika plz can you send some more police man , akuzolowrra anthu amenewa kobasi.
Am sure people now has come to their senses that Fees hike is indeed a general concern which need urgent action from the High Authority.
Mbili zinzanga zimapanga blame Chanco, then Poly ndiye lero munena kuti chani?
Sizoona kukweze fees mosaganizira chonchi. Kodi amene akukweza feeswo amakhala kuti? Ndiye kuti sakudziwa kuti Malawi ilibe ndalama and chuma sichikuyenda bwino?
Anthuwa akuiwala kuti Revolution imayambika ndi Ana a Sukulu.
COM go! Go! Go! Go! Until #UnimaFeesMustFall
Anthuwa akuiwala kuti Revolution imayamba ndi Ana a Sukulu. …..I like this part.
Buhahahahahahahaha kkkkkkkkkkkkk poti kufasa ndichimozimozi ndikupusa ine izi zandikwana ndthu
In five years time ,you will still have more hard Tear gas station, because of this stupid activities, why don’t u discuss with the Government nicely about school fees, then u’re busy doing nonsense, futsek. More fire Muthalika, show them your power ! They are full of Rubbish in their mind.
Dialogue failed already… we applied for a peaceful Demo the DC banned us.
mbuli iweso sukuziwa kuti dialogue siili mu DNA ya dpp. everything failed so what next
Komatu man Evance. Kuzitsata kumeneko?
boma la ana a maskin limeneli.zonse sizilibwino, njala ndimeneyi, zaumoyo sizilibwino,land bill ndimeneikuvutayi,education ndimene anyata akungthilidwa tia gas.KCN,POLYTECHIC and many more colleges and univesties,more fire ,,tiyenayeni peteryo. kuongola mtengo okhwima sikophweka zikavuta tingoudula.
Mo fire mawanso fans
once a failure, and dats how he z, kaya sakuona kuti ma demo awa ndi sign wolephera kulamulira? mbavanso za a police zili yakaliyakali ndi ma teargas, ndiye chaninso
Kaya mumkamusakha dala muwa kuti sangazikwanitse
Bwera kuno aise ulidziwe Dziko ,Osamangokhala pwiii malo amodzi ngati machimo achigololo kkkkkkkk hahahaha, ndiponso iwe ungolemba makomenti siiwe mwana wasukulu anta ndakudziwa ,mmesa umagulisa tomato mulilongwe munsika iwe nde ufuna kulimbana ndi wa jonzi , bladi fulu wako wamva iwe . Futsek zako.
Tikanakondwa school ikanakhala yaulele kuyambila ku nkaka mpaka ku University, maiko ena ose salipila school ndi ku Malawi kokhakuno komwe timalipila
Are you sure…. many countries pay tuition fees. The issue is with our economic struggles…Malawi yaonjeza, we just need the amount that is considerate with our income
That is nacked lie, which country students are not pay school fees.
That is nacked lie, which country students are not pay school fees.
kunama kochita kutemera
kunama kochita kutemera
Sizimene anthuwa akufuna,, pajatu kwathu kuno timafuna zaulele nkuona kungoti mafuta akwela umva boma nkhaza,, school fees yakwela ayi president atule udindo pansi,, timafuna zaulele basi,,, Akufuna school fees yosika koma amafuna kudyako zankhuli daily
Sizimene anthuwa akufuna,, pajatu kwathu kuno timafuna zaulele nkuona kungoti mafuta akwela umva boma nkhaza,, school fees yakwela ayi president atule udindo pansi,, timafuna zaulele basi,,, Akufuna school fees yosika koma amafuna kudyako zankhuli daily
pliz bwampini sy somethin
Ukudziwa chiyani mzanga chipala Samuel , kungoti njala ndiyoyomwe yaafola kwambiri mumajoint now that is why akungotukana President, akuiwala kuti iye akudyelera school yake . M’malo mopanga zoti iye ndi banja lake adye akungolibana ndi mfumu ,nde akufunananso kulimbana ndi wapajoni ,ndipo ndamusecha mafilo ake very poor.
Can’t wait for 2019 #Munthalikamustfall he has failed to lead Malawi
Morefire Unima!
Bwanji boma silifuna kumva kuti school fees hike anthu sakukondwa nayo? Ndimawona ngati Professor athandiza maphunziro, akuononganso?
Inu osadabwa ana awo akumakaphunzira sukulu za kunja iwe Harvey Mzati Banda ungozikanda ndevu basi.Garu wa
Kodi Nkhalambayi poti ili mu injury time basi ikuona ngati ikamafa dzikonso lizathela pompo. Go ahead fellors fight for a better tomorow
kwasala mzuni
Go! goo! go! goooo! Mutharika athire utsi anthu ojailawo shupiti zawo.
tchende lamun2 iwe
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk iwe ulibe?Nawenso pamtumbo pa mako wamva!
Kkkkkkkkk hhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kkkkkkkkkkk uyu anandionjeza kukhala ngat ine ndinamutukwana? Iyaaa nafenso timathatu.
Pankongo pa amako iwe mwana opusa
Nawenso panyini pamako ponunkha paja #Jammie.
Shame to the DPP adminstration
Mvuto ndiloti ma colloge akumalawi adzazamo asikana ot atopa ndi kuchosa mimba komaso anyamata osuta bvamba
Thank you very much man hahahaha, limenelo nde Dziko pamafunika ena osamba ena osasamba monga wanenara koma ngati alipo amene anakuuza kuti pajoni palibe mazi anakunamiza, just go ahead with what you are doing ,usalimbane ndi ine kuopera kuti zako zikawole ndikumanunkha, mind ur business, Futsek, u’re very Stupid man inja.
Osamalimba ndi zitsiru ndipo or mutapanga review photo ake ndiye mupange anga mutha kusiyana bwana.thanks Evance mwawasegula maso
Muthalika has failed us in Education and Justice in all his political career. As a minister of Education we had the same challenges and as a minister of Justice he introduced those undemocratic laws hence I am not surprised that we’re in these challenges once more, history is repeating it self here. He can be a good leader only if he can put in rightful people Ministerial positions not those greedy politicians like Kaliati, Chaponda, Mussa, Kalilani and Nankhumwa.
…….and Fabiano, a failed academician.
I think this shows how stupid this Peter is. When will he address these university problems? Kumangodalira apolisi kuti athane ndi anao. Apolisi nanu kusowa nchito eti?
I don’t know if it is a plan to reduce number of educated people. Education for rich not for poor
Tiye nazoni until asinthe maganizo anthu amenewa,,,ngati amafuna kulemerela pa UNIMA akunama kwambiri
Tazipangani ndi dzoko lanu losaukalo, simungadzimvereko chisoni ndizomwe mupangazo ,kapena mumangomva mademo.Malawi dziko la umbuli wazaoneni.
Why Subsiding MALATA instead of EDUCATION?… A wise Leader should think of Next Generation not Election.
nde uwamva ena ali akuyesetsa. ndi president oyamva kuyendetsa opanda aid, ha ha ha, achina malata subsidy
Anthu akaphuzira bwino ndi kukhala Pachinto zabwino, azagula malata, cement ndikumanga nyumba kwa makolo ndi achibale awo,koma akalephera sukulu azabwelesa umphawi kwa makolo ndi achibale awo , dziko limatukuka ndi anthu ophuzira bwino
Agalu amenewa amalephera kupanga choona pofuna kupembezedwa kuti azavoteredwe. Dziko silingatukuke ndi zinthu zaulelezi.
Tel them guys
they afraid of loosing their positions to gud educated and energetic people behind them,triple fees increase is a measure to limit us from being more than them….#Manchester 1-4#Borusha
Nonsense how many of you chanco or poly graduates have contributed to the development of this sad country? its better to subside the locals coz the houses will stay in Malawi than some of you who live Malawi for greener pastures after benefiting from the poorest’s taxes.
Nonsense how many of you chanco or poly graduates have contributed to the development of this sad country? its better to subside the locals coz the houses will stay in Malawi than some of you who live Malawi for greener pastures after benefiting from the poorest’s taxes.
Iam here jst to read comments!!
fuck u DPP I want to start Degree January don’t worry solutions will come from GOD
next might be LUANAR, better consider theur corcerns and reverse the fees hiking decision
Then mzun wil also follow lets wait n c
Why killing future of the next generation
Yemwe anamuwudza nkumulimbitsa mtima kuti akhale president anamulakwira koopsa, zinthu zamukulira.
fees mustfall keep on fighting
Odwala apa Kamuzu Central Hospital nawonso akt akayenda mumseu kumatcha makhwala kulibe.
Kkkkkk ena azikamatcha drip ili pamkono koma kuchema pakan odwala,
I thought police is busy with other jobs,(kingsley Dandaula watero kwa Billy Mayaya and friends against Land bill)…..why not keeping tear gas for The Tanzanians amene akutilanda nyanjawa..
Ndiye Nkhondo Ndi TZ Yo AmamenyeRa Using Teargas!! ULIBE NZERU IWE! POLICE IS UNDEr home affairs and internal security! undifunse ndikuuze za ma duties of police mbuz ya munthu iwe!!
Ken let me civic educate U on who am…Am well educated and a graduate with Masters degree..Siine Mbuzi as Ur..U cant teach me duties of a Police Officer..I know all these duties through Education not as a Stupid creature like U..Am warning U to take care of yo family yoself otherwise U will face consequences of your mouth…Watch your mouth brother Ken…Learn to respect people U dont know..I can pounce on U sooner or later..
Findout more about me..than commenting in a stupid way against my views..am not a salvage and of low class like U
Idont Hav Time To Investigate About U Ine Nde Ukundiziwa? Iweyo Ukundiopyeza!! U!?
if u are more educated nde sukulu yo sinakupindulilen bcoz of wat u commented!
Can a constable threaten me on face book…Ur putting your job at risk brother…Watch your Mouth and concentrate on your job otherwise U will be noone on this earth..DPP is in govt U may be in trouble if fight against Me…Serious!!!!
Dear Mr President. The police brutality against students is not a solution. But face, address and interveen the problem. Its not about party Mcp,Udf,Pp or Dpp but this is a serious problem facing our future leaders youth citizen. We cant have a mbuli future nation. Enough is enough, whatever the problem is its time u need to step in. Good luck students fight for yo rights.
Kodi apolicewo chikuwakhuzaposo ndichiyani pamenepo kwina kumakhala kusaphuzila apolice akumalawi kuchititsa manyazi
Ntchito ya police simuiziwa man………..
mmmm man ngat muli ozindikira ma duties of police amat chan mutiuze!!
Musanati muubwira utsi
Chokani apa apolice ntchito yao ndikugwilira mbava mmakwalalamu osati azilimbana ndi ana agela
Police Brutality At Its Best!Police State Rigime. Fees Must Fall…Keep On Fighting 4 De Next Generation Academic Freedom.
ife bola tikudya zicheche basi
But why
Everything is up now & Nothing for Mahala,fees must go up as well
kkkkk amwene mwaganiza bwanji mutukwanidwatu
Kkkkkkkk ndikuziwa man
Man ngat ndinu ambuli musapangise anzanu agolide mmutu kulephera wamva utsiru wakowo
sasamba wa pa joni uyu
Zako izo nothing for Mahala these day ndipo ina mwa iyoo ndi nsokho wanga.forsake
Machende Banda limbikira kuba mbuzizo
bola ife tikudya zitete
a Samuel sinu okolopa pa jons inu
Sorry my man Gift
Kwa hope
Nkhope zake izi simbava inu kkkkkkkkk
Pa mtumbo pa mako galu mwana wa hule iwe
Iwe ndi ndiye mwana wa ndani kkkkkk nyanitu (chiyenda yekha)tende lako
Ayibo kuzolowela kuzuzika panjoni pani.kusamphuzira umbuli.
Chemwali ndi ku Nguludi mission zipaseni ulemu sindimalimba ndi akazi.fees it must go up
Suni wanyoko
Ndaona kale maphoto ako ndiwe mbava.palikumbu penu
bwampini’s government is in trouble
Kodi mwazolowera eti
Musandikumbutse matsire apa chanco! Mupheko wa police mmodzi as a sacrifice, akujaira anthu amenewa! mxiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
iwe pita ukaphe wapolice yo ngati ungakwanise,,y if u dnt hav anything to comment kungokhala chete,?kuzitenga wa nzeru ukuyankhula zopanda mutu,,
Wauxilu iwe! nawexo ukumangoyankhula ngati wakhalira mutu bwanji? Ngati kuli wachibale wako muthoke akhale tcheru! mxiii
The so called andy….then comment iweyo zanzeruzo other than criticizing other ppoz comments…u get no brains nigga…only if u had been at a university..SHUT THE FUCK UP..
#elingtone tell him.zoba wachabechabe asandipusitse mxiiiii
Vuto c opanga critciz comment bt uperi wamuvuta.if u/ur relatn z apolc man nde akafatu.. kd r u happy wth e fee hike?
Massive and fantastik
fees must fall
nice #FeesMustFall
iiiiii kod a polisi vuto lanu ndichani?????? kkkkk apolisi bwanji??,,,….wishing you nice demonstrations,kukhumbira ndikanathamanga nawo those ma-demo!
A police ataninso nanga apa?do u know what duties of police are?
chilichonche teargas?
zikutinyasa ngakhale sitidapiteko ku university koma chiyembekezo chidalipo. Police chonde tiloleni tipange zinthu
@ Andy hope u understand that the police is a goverment security department. Its not a political tool to disturb pple exercising their rights in a peaceful way. The police acts unprofesional even its a peaceful protest. Its time the police commision to tell the political leader that they are not the solution to the protests but the president is the solution to sit and talk with affected pple.
whozaaaa shapaaa. feeex must falll
Dziko Lavuta!!