A mini demonstration in the evening of Friday by students at the Polytechnic in Blantyre turned out to be a mission impossible for the students, we can confirm.
Alert police thronged the institution just after the students started the demos against the recent fee hike.
According to information at hand, the students had started demonstrating along the Masauko Chipembere Highway, but did not succeed after the intervention by police.
The police threw teargas canisters to the students who blocked the Highway before a few running battles between them saw the teargas affecting patients at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital- which is just a few metres from the college ,according to sources.
Road users had to use other roads in the commercial city.
We understand that the police has netted a few students so far.
The students staged the vigils in unison with Chancellor College students who held demos this week before the college got sealed.
The University of Malawi (Unima) announced a fee hike in all its constituent colleges.
The fees see Chancellor College as the cheapest with its mature students paying K900,000. The Polytechnic comes next with a fee of K950,000.
Mature students studying at Kamuzu College of Nursing will be required to pay K1,000,000 while those at the College of Medicine will be asked to pay K1,400,000.
The students want the Council to revise this decision.
However the council has indicated it will not rescind this decision.
I passed thru the corridor of Unima myself and indeed when Unima was Unima osati za panozi zopanga vandalise zinthu. Furthermore Iam a taxpayer, vandalism can not be condoned. Malawi Police Service do your work osawasiya owonongawo.
why do vandalise zinthu zathu ngati ifenso sitimva kuwawa?
Kkkkkkkk vuto ndi umbuli kukanakhala munakhoza primary kupita kuma sekondale a boma bwezi mukumatenda nongole Ku boma. Nanga inu mumalipira bwanji kuma private secondary school? And mumalipira zambiri ndiye pa chaka ka 400 pin basi. Mulira kuti phyoooooooo Ife kwasala pano kubweza ngongole basi
Or mundidyere motani or muwanene anthuwa but what we are doing is fighting for your good and for the good of Malawi. I paved k55,000 with monthly allowance and that was a form of motivation and it differentiated governmental from private xuls. The if you are not fighting it means u agree to be paying k1, 400,000 as matured student or that ur kid will pa k600, 000. Plus upkeep allowance and accommodation this is adding to k2,000,000. And k1,200, 000. So muzakaitenga kut or okulipirirani azapezeka kut?
Prophet Kamuzu said Multiparty ndi Nkhondo ndikuchitira umboni panopa
Go on Guys asakunamizani kuti Demo izikhala peaceful kuti zimene mkufuna zitheke Demo izikathera Violent and Riots chifukwa za peace izo mzingodansa mupaka kumapeto iwo amangowonerela mesa ndiza peace
Kuononga katundu is part of demostration.
Teargas ndiye ndimademowo……..
Kuvutitsa anthu osalakwa ndiye chofukwa chopangira mademocho……
Kuthamangitsana ndi a police ndi zomwe zimafinikazo…..
Cholinga cha demo ndikufuna kuti anthu adziwe zomwe zikuchitika. Mademo osaononga katundu wa anthu, opanda apolice, komanso opanda teargas ndiye sakhalanso mademo koma CHIPAKO.
Onse amene mukudandaula pepani kuti zakuwawani, koma ndi mmene zimayenera kukhalira.
Coz students did whats you think is bad, thats why we are discussing here. They have made the general public to debate whether the University Council is justified to raise the tuition fees. Ine ndikuona kuti ma students anagwiritsa ntchito strategy yabwino kwambiri……… Komanso mwapadera ndiyamikenso a Police gawo lomwe atenga kuonetsetsa kuti kuonetsetsa kuti atudents’ demo to be vibrant. Thumb-Up police officers…..
Finally, #UnimaFeesMustFall
i salute mr assam but for peter sorry u don’t know what u r talking may god guide u and forgive u
Educated savages only will define demostration as vandalism.I have seen chanco holding peaceful demostrations before with police scorting them up to DCs offices to present petition and back.Lets void vndalism and demostrate our grievnces pecefully.most malawins cannot afford the hiked fee.
Tell them.we’re not supporting fee hike.koma tikudana ndizokawononga katundu wa anthu osawukacho basi.omwe amakweza fees amakhala ali chete sangawafikileso ndikomwe
Tell them.we’re not supporting fee hike.koma tikudana ndizokawononga katundu wa anthu osawukacho basi.omwe amakweza fees amakhala ali chete sangawafikileso ndikomwe
a peaceful vigil was denied by the dc, we took an injunction for our rejected permission sizinanunkhe kanthu, an illegal demonstration was the only option left only to have pmf on our way leading to violence, anthu angowapanga blame ana a xul asanaymvetse nkhani im 4m chanco my self palibe mwana wa xul anaphwanya chinthu
Ine mwayi oponda kumeneko unandikanika koma azibale anga alikomweko ena pa Bunda koma malo mopita kuma Demo anabwela kunyumba kuzamadandaula pamoz ndine ndemwe sindinali okondwa nditanva kukwela kwa fees mowonjeza mwezo koteloko.komano chomwe ine ndinakwiya nacho chomasokoneza anthu osalakwacho basi pamenepo ndiye ine sindingasekele olo mpang’ono pomwe
ok cul tiyen tione patsogolo,,survival of the fittest…bola tisazamve anthu mukumazadandaula madzi atafika kale nkhosi,,
sometimes u need to be violent to be heard..peaceful demos mostly yield no attention and are less responded to by those in authorities. .do whatever it takes to let them hear ur concerns…i smell some rotten rats frm the rulling party taking this as a political issue.#unimafeesmustfall
wa police akupanga supportyo amalandira k39,000 mwana wake akadzapitako azaitenga kut k600,000 adzagulitsa chibonga ndi chisoti zija.demo mor fire!
Kodi mbuli zimenezi zotchedwa Police,zili ndi maloto oti ana awo azapondeko ku university? Ngati malotowo ali nawo,akuganizakuti angakwanitse K400,000 fees poti iwo akulandira K45,000?
Demos are just good but vandalizim eeee guyz police will never leave alone in dat case.!Evn u insult them to ur best but they will never giveup.,,,Evn those from are antpolice i knw because u dont go to their media houses for vandalisim dus y they do agree with dat.!But ask shop owners.,vehicles’owner if dey do agree with dag malpractice.Police do arrest anynody who z breaking de law regardles of xul.!!!THE MORE U THREAT PPO AND VANDALISIM DE MORE POLICE COMES TO CHAT WITH U ACCORDINGLY.!
Amawona ngat apolice aziwasekelela akuwononga zinthu zawanthu.
Admin, what do u mean by GAME DOWN? Is it fun for pple to be arrest for asking the goverment their (basic) rights? In Malawi every person have a right to education of which that is My Goverment responsibility to make sure these right are secured. How can i have a right of education when the goverment is making it imposible for me to increase fee by 400% when my parents salary is increased by 15%. A bone which a hyena came not break the dog cannot break either. Achewa amati mtengo wolephela nyani pusi sangakwere Ngati boma lilebe ndalama nanga ife anthu wamba yachoka kuti ndalamayo?
police in Malawi are supporting one family.you are just wasting time even your peanuts you receive you can’t afford UNIMA now.Police who are 100% in corruption
Fees must fall down ife sitinapiteko ku xoool koma tili ndi ana ndi achibale
kkkkkkkkkkkkk za anthu amzeru uzi
For M As A Student Waiting To Go To Coleg Anytime, I Think Mafana Sakulakwsa Ayi Penapake Boma Latiwonjeza Kwambr Ngat Zayamba Pan Kukweza Fees Chonch I Dont Thnk Kusogoloku Ngat Ana A Amphwayfe UNMA tngazayponde, kmabe when thngs like ths 4s happening God is watching
Masikuosiliza anthu azakhala ozikonda okha muyiwe
Anthu enanu muziganiza mukamalakhula coz kukweza fees ndi 600%it’s not a jock zinthu zikuvuta kale Anthu malipiro ndi omwe aja, kodi inu amene mu kulakhula mopusa mulibe Ana olo abale Anu omwe ali pa sukulu olo ku secondary? Amenewo tu a kuyenela kupita ku University kodi mudzakwanitsa kuwalipilira? Muziganiza musanalakhule.
Auze bale Anawa sakulakwa komanso zionenselo zimenez akumenyela mwana wina aliye muMalawi muno kod munthu ukulandira 20,000 ukwanitsa kulipira fees yonseyo kaya amalawi ife ndi umbuli kaya chani mukuti ana akulakwitsa pati
Amene anapondako corridor ya Unima ali chete osakambapo kanthu akudziwa chomwe chikuchitika. Ndi mbuli zoka ndi zimene zikuona kuipa kwa zionetsero za ana a college.
Mwina enanu simukuona kuipa kokweza fees ndi over 600% chifukwa mulibe udindo olipilira xul. Mwina simunabereke..,……
If you say demo bwezi akupanga makolo mukungowonwtsera umbuli heavy. Azikapangira kuti ndipo ayambira pati? Makolo ambiri ndiosaphunzira ndipo even samawerenga news as you do. However, students have a forum to express their concern and they know the direct as to whom should they demonstrate.
Tiyeni tisalowese ndale zinthuzi, asuyeni anawo awonetse kusakondwa kwawo ndi decision ya University Council. Makolo odzindikira achitapo kanthu as students have set an agenda for public debate.
If politics aside, munthu wanzeru komanso wa umunthu is concerned with the fees hike as far us our economy is concerned.
You expect a primary school teacher whose salary is K61,000 to pay a fees for her daughter/son at COM @K600,000. Where do you think azikaitenga ndalama? Only cashgaters will be able to pay this fees leaving an ordinary poor Malawian uneducated.
Iwe uzinvesesa kukweza fees olo ine ndikudana naO 100%.koma kunsewu komwe amapitako kulibe n mmoz yemwe amanva ndikukonza zoti fees ikwele kumakhala kukasokoneza basi.amatani kupita ku parliament kukasokoneza .komwe amakupeselela kunsewu basi.
ndiye zidayambaso chonchi demo kenako cardiacarest tiziona amapuya mxwii vikutizuza
Police shows us how they work seriously apapa,,,amazunza anthu osalakwa ana amenewa,,mmalo mongonyamuka mmabas awo mkukafika ku statehouse kukapanga vigil ayi amawopa ,,mkumalimbana ndikudya bubble gum wa mavendor munsewumu
Ana ndi ana basi ,,amalira ndi wawo omwe mkodzo
i think the malawi police will now pay our fees
ok too bad
ndizimezotu apolis muthananazo
Sono iye malo mot bugwe laoro lipitilire zokambilana ndi booma kt mwina awachitile chifundo ndiye azionongaso katundu waboma ndiye palii zeru pamepo
palibiletu nzelu olo ndipang’ono bambo
kkkk anthu enanu mumayakhula mopanda mnzelu.ndipo mosaganizila mawa.ndekuti basi mudangobadwa ndibola chakudya chalero? ufulu akumenyawo ndiwandani? or simulota mutaphunzira kufika ku university? or ana anu adzathela mmalele? malawi simudzathekanso.tongoganizani kale chilichonse chidali cha ulele bt pano mmm kumalipila kuchipatala, fees nayo ikuyambira standard 1 kenako mumva kuti manda aliwonse mudzilipila.so ena akuyesela kukumenyelani ufulu bt ayi muwanyonzenso mmmm mudziyamikako zina
Kulira Salexana,,,,apolice Mukuwalexeranj? Mualipirira Fz Ndi Ka Meager Salary Kanuko? Let Them Demostrait,,,,,y?
Abale inu mulibe pulobulemu chifukwa amene ali ndichilonda ndi amebe amava kuwawa asiyeni amene akuyankhulawa aziyankhula
Mwamaliza xool tiwone kuti ntchito muyipeza motani.inu mukuwona ngat ophunzira ndinu nokha eti.takulandilani ku dziko lofufuza maganyu mafana
yes ofcoz.koma amayenela kusata normal channel.osat kumapita kunsewu kumakasokoneza ayi
tell us the normal channel, school is please mr peter
seems you have a point but can you just tell me which normal channel they should have taken?
Chili ziiiii….chikulepheranso kunena the channel to be taken kkk
Wagwa nayo….#fees must fall at all cost.
koma abale moti mpaka kufika poti chili zii koma fb kkkk ayi zabwino zonse anthu anzeru inu
Uthengawo bola mwawunva basi
nsanje ndiyomwe ikukuyankhulisa zopusazo uzafa osauka aise
Check ma profile mr Nahawa
fb aliyese amayankhula zomwe akufuna osati kusangalasa munthu ayi
Peter Iper Chapunga, kusowa kwa ntchito Ku industry cannot be a reason that students shouldn’t demonstrate to express their concerns for the high fees……. I pray you had a responsibility of paying school fees of your child or relative if you have any
an2 ena amangokula koma nzeru alibe..
Rabson.malawi wasokonekela mu zambili siza fees zokha ayi koma zomakaphwanya znthu zawenizo ndiye zomwe zisakundikonda ine.palibe amakondwa n kukwela kwazinthu koma zisamafike pomakasausa anthu osalakwa ku nsewu
Amene amapanga zokweza fees amakhala ali mipanda osati akunsewu omwe amawaphwanyila zinthuwo mwanva mr man
kkkkk, ziuze peter mbuli zophunzilazi zinvetse
Inu ngati muli mu Zomba, pitani Ku chanco mukaone ngati zina zomwe anena kuti zatswedwa zili zoona….. Komanso si ana asukulu ndi amene amaswa zinthuzo…. A police amaswa ma hostels kuti aponye teargas ma room. Too bad. Popeza amati wamkulu samalakwa, but frankly speaking zinthu anaononga ndi a police. If you red today’s press release by Unima council zambiri apanga forge to buy community sympathy komanso kudesa mbiri ya ana a xul. Clinic yomwe àkuti yaswedwa, even scratch iliyonse palibe.
Seriously, politics aside, zifukwa zopangira protect against fees hike are genuine. Koma anthu ambiri akupangidwa mislead ndi anthu andale. And I doubt if a reasoned man can agree that students are bribed by politicians for them to demonstrates as some are saying on media.
Agwape amenewa anthu amavutika kugula magalimoto ndi ndalama zao, kumanga ma shop iwo akuti awakwezela fees ndiye azikaphwanya ngati kusanjika samakuziwa. Kagweleni uko azanu ali ndi mapepala akuyenda wapansi wa jc kumakwela njale zapamwamba
I observed some time ago that mbuli siyolimbana nayo because he/she has always a bad altitude towards the people who have access to learn.
Apeter Ndimbuli Basi Mayina Anuwatu Penapake? Oh Just Bcoz U Didnt Make It To Unima? Au A Parent? Or Wil U Be? Am Seeing Mbuli Zokhazokha Coming Out Of U I Mean Ur Children U No Hav Single Shame! Me Neva Atend Unima But I Sit Watch Such Decisions By Gvt!
Neva I Clap My Hands Dzikwezani Feez Neva Neva
kkkkkkk nde titan anthu ophumzira inu akwezawo ndekutimso nd mbuli et
mmmmm fanz mumayankhula so ngat mumazimva kuphunzira tipatsen ife osaphunzira gawo lathu mdziko muno tizikakhla inuophunzira mu khle mbali yanu,,,,,amat school siicotsad ucitsiru imangocotsa umbuli ndmaona ngat ophunzira amayankhulanso wize words komanso mau omanga2,,,,mutu wa nkhan nd wabwno kma mayina akugwritsdwa ntchto siabo,,,fo everi person ov humanity establish himself and help others to establish themselves!
mukatha kunyozanako mutiwuza……..Amene akufuna tipite ku mpira mawa ndikamulipilira guys ….
Zikugwirizana chani?
Bola ndanena kuti omwe amakweza fees sangakwanise kuwafikila sono chomwe chimandibhowa ine zomakasokoneza anthu osawuka anzangacho basi.akazasiya zmenezo ndiye ndine tizagwilana zanja kumanga umoz kut awo amakweza fees tizawanvese kuwawa osati kusokoneza amphawi kunsewu oti akukafufuza chakudya chalelo.iyaaa
mbuli kulongolora eish
#davidmzeemwandama ili ndi dziko man….musanene choncho
Xool sadapangile amphawi tingovomereza basi
sperm wasted!
ndwe kape and u knw nt wat u r tokn’
stupidity at its best.
this is true
kkkkk zikudabwitsatu akulimbikila kupanga mademowo azatenge ngati awo komwe kuchokera fees sadziwako amangouzidwa kuti ndakulipilira kapena zatenge bwanji osawatsiila makolo omwewo ngati zikuwakhunza azikamatcha kutumidwa chani?bola anamatcha makolo amene amalipira fees wo mwina boma likanamvako koma mbuzi ngati izo chomwe zimadziwa mkudya ndi matama basi demet.
Ndipo makape eni enitu olipilidwaso n mabungwe ngat awo.koma matama okhawo
Simungazimvetse akuluakulu, sitose timalipidwa ndi mabungwe or makolo
Anthu osaphuzira kwao ndikupanga judge zinthu zomwe sangazivetse..u think ts easy to find even a 55,000 which we used to pay huuh? most students withdrew from the university due to lack of xul fees n u kp toking this damn shit..
komatu osamanyoza anthu osawaziwa inu
Ngati inu muli ndi ndalama si bwino kumaona ngati aliyense ali ndi ndalama. People are struggling to get even 10grand what more 600grand? Try to put yourself into this situation and see how hard is life for a student from CDSS whose fees was less 5000 per term. Ubwana we inu musapangitse amphawi kuona nazo zilango mdziko lawo lomwe
maphunziro baba satchipa kwina kulikonse zikavuta umangoimika mañja kusiyana mkumalimbana ndiwanthu
boma lakumatako ngati ili sitinaliwonepo ayi slikufuna ena aphuzireko koma ana awo okha
boma lakumatako ngati ili sitinaliwonepo ayi slikufuna ena aphuzireko koma ana awo okha
Kulankhula ngat ukulankhula zanzru koma ayi ndithi nsanje bas ndi umbuli wakowo ungaikwanise 600 thousand iwe or bakha yemwe ulibe
ndimkona ndinasiira panjira ndinaona kuti makolo anga sakwanitsa kulipila mkulekana mkumalimbana ndiwanthu kamba ka umphawi wanga ngati anatsaukitsa makolo anga ndi iwo
Palibe cgikulakwika apa zomwe zinkachitika mmbuyomu zayamba kuluma nde tiyeni zili apa nzato kugwetsedwa kwa ndalama cashgate ma dona kusiya kuthandiza nde ndikudabwa anthu nomwebu mukuti ndinu ophunzira mwayiwala kale komwe mukuchokera tiyeni tilumaneni basi nde kumalawiko kumeneko
koma ukudziwa kuti ma students ena alephera kupitiriza maphunziro kamba kosowa ndalama?fees ikakwera choncho ukuganiza kuti anthu osawuka aphunzila?ngati uli ndi relative kapena nzako ku Chanco umufunse ndipo akuwuza kuti pali ma students ena omwe adasankhidwa kuti akachite maphunzilo awo intake ya last year koma alephera kupitiliza maphunziro kamba kosowa ndalama.i think sukudziwa chomwe ukunena.
Zikundikhudza ena mene mukuyankhulila inu mukakhala nazo nde kt enas ali nazo? #team_ma_demo
Munthu wamkulu mwaonekadi kuti Xul munathawila pa window. Ndakumvetsetsami kwambiri, vuto siinu koma umbuli uli mutu mwanu….pepani chifukwa cha umbuli wanu zimachitika
Ku secondary fees inakwela mowonjeza muja munawona mafana akupita kukabhudula zinthu kunsewu?mabumgwe n anthu akufuna kwabwino anakhalilanaso pansi kukawunikapo bwino ndipo ananvana chimoz mapeto ake fees inatsika.koma izi zomati atiziwe kuti ife ndife ndiye zosatila zake boma nalo silimafuna kugonja ndiye yemwe Imawawa ndindani.osamaganiza mothanga kumati mudzina lot ndimafana a UNIMA
Oh! What a shame. That’s the work of Malawi Refornd Police Service.
Mmmm shem