Nsanzurwimo Ramadhan has officially been appointed as Flames Caretaker coach replacing Ernest Mtawali who has been fired by the Football Association of Malawi.
According to a statement released by the FA on Thursday afternoon, both Mtawali and Ramadhan have been shown the exit door on the recommendations from sub-technical committee due to poor performance of the team since taking over from Young Chimodzi last year.

However, Ramadhan will still be at Mpira Village as he has been named the interim coach for Malawi’s formality game against Swaziland on 3rd September.
“The Football Association of Malawi (FAM) hereby informs the general public that its Executive Committee has resolved to recommend to Malawi Government that the employment contracts of the Head Coach, Mr. Enerst Mtawali and his Assistant, Mr. Nsazurwimo Ramadhan should not be renewed upon expiry on 31st July 2016.”

“This decision has been made as a result of poor performance of the Malawi National Football Team over the past year,” reads part of the statement that has been signed by General Secretary Suzgo Nyirenda.
On Sunday last week, FAM’s sub-technical committee faulted Mtawali for employing wrong game plans/tactic and alleged biased selection of players and failure to submit technical reports and review matches as well as sidelining his deputy and technical panel members.
The committee then recommended against renewing contracts for the duo who have registered only five victories from 14 matches.
Malawi is yet to register a win in the on-going African Cup of Nations qualifiers.
kumalawi kulibe coach woposa kinna phiri koma chifukwa chazolakhula lakhula ndi izo mpaka pano flame sikuchita bwino ayi ndiye ngati mukufuna flamez iyambe kuchita bwino kinna ayenela abwerele basi apo bii muzingo sitha macoach opanda chopindula ayi
kumalawi kulibe coach woposa kinna phiri koma chifukwa chazolakhula lakhula ndi izo mpaka pano flame sikuchita bwino ayi ndiye ngati mukufuna flamez iyambe kuchita bwino kinna ayenela abwerele basi apo bii muzingo sitha macoach opanda chopindula ayi
vuto is macoach kapena maplayer ndi FAM chofunika aFAM atule pasi udindo
Vuto ndiloti amangotenga ku bulets ndi noma koma sakuchita bwino mu league b4 ntawali kuli young mpira malawi imamenya bwino coz selection ya ma player inali bwino
Kulemeletsa obwera
A national team playing testing matches with local clubs where creams have arleady been called to national team & drawing against them but u expect your nation to do well, okey lets wait and c,almost everyone will have a chance to be a Malawi national team coach if our thinking capacity still stands that a coach can perform miracles in such stuations, all the best our new man,to our former there is still next time, & if i were FAM i would hav given u a job, to make your under 17 & i hope in 5yrs time,we could talk something different!
tiyeni tileke kaya zampirazi zatilaka basi
Coach mwasntha Sinthansoni FAM president poika Vice2 muona Fulemu igwila mseu fast
Mau akulu akoma akagonera. Ndinati chani ine ?
ziribo, nd dzko lit komwe team yawo anasewelapo ma game 6 ndkusintha ma goalkeaper 6? zausilu et! samatha amene aja! munthu kukanika ndkupeza first elleven ya national team, palinzelu???
Chachikusonesya mpila ngawa akawe kochipe ,yejinji .1,Makobili ,gakuwaga gangakwana pakukosechela nipakwaulakusa gakuwaga gakuminya.2,kusyowelela kulusa3,kusagula wakuputa ntaunipe mwagali matimu gamakulungape,akaikaga mpaka kuMakanjila kwana anyamata wagunda chenene mpila,4
Money iz de problem,poor preparation,favouritism when selecting players and striking very bad perfomance.When we were playing with Lesotho,Malawi managed to diffend and midfield was gd bt striking was very bad.
Next u gonna appoint manganya kkkk malawi
what was wrong with kinnah u football lovers.i thought he was putting malawi on the map.which people do u want.
Ramadhan adanenapo mmbuyomu kut amalawi sitizatukuka ngat tipitiza dyera
Zitsilu zaku FAM kuzolowera kupanga fire ma coach osadikirila bwanj kut muone chaka chino apanga zotani bwa choncho ma player muziwabalarisa cz muzingopanga choncho each year akapanda kupanga produce zabwino
Awanso sachedwa athothedwanso tsano lino
Malawi ” FAM ” sidzatheka.when are we voting?
Awa ndi madaladala amakocha ali ku vip ndikuwina
Ok mtawali mwati yatha eti?,ntchito saidziwa eti?, Katengeni Guardiola;Zidane olo Mourinho tione ngati Kulimba miyendo ya achina Chiukepo kuzatha.
Burundi hahahaha Nyasaland sumuzathekanso
When is the next game… we will talk after then.
Just fire the Team!
Koma ma coach wa eeee
Zikuoneka KT zilibwino
There isnt asense, on coach & players ,u better fired all of them.
zitsiru ndi a FAM! stupid andikwana amenewa!!!
Singing #lucky-Duby All these years fighting each other but no solution. Kk
Kodi muti chani apa?
Hahahaha OK
Aaaah zkusiyana pat????
Palibe chitsinthe yapa mbatama inu vuto ndi FAM yonse mwasintha anthu angati? Hahahahaa
Kkkkkkkk apa ndiye ai katengeni coach wa Sandown waku south Africa akuthandizeni mwina
A Malawi musintha ma coach mpaka liti? Kdi Nthawali yu chiyambireni cha ntchito yakeyo wa winanitsa magame angati? wa dilowetsa magame angati? waludzitsa magame angati? Nanga coach amene adzawinitse team moyo wake wonse ndindani? Kusintha coach sikuthandauza kuti ndakonza team kma kuonjedzera mavuto mu team chifukwa nayenso adzidzati team wawononga ndi Nthawali
Mwadziwa lero?
Ndiye Mubwelese Ma Player Akunja Azizamenya Flamez Apo Ayi 2gamez Fired
good move though it z too late
#FAM don’t waste your time ndi kupanga fire ma Coach. kodi coach wabwino muzamipeza kuti? to my opinion I don’t see any problem with the coaaches. koma the problem is our Players basi.
Its just the same there is no change
Kk malawian soka!
He ll be fired soon soon, this is FAM,I just wish someone to fire the whole n take people with new Ideas
Oky mwapupuluma komabe tiyeni nazoni.i think you could just demote him coz Ramadhani was suitable for the position at first.since i started following ramadhan he has the power of bringing new idea in the second halt when ever his side is down.He will make as forgeve the pass.isha allah.
coaching is not a problem,but FAM itself.so continue firing until u find an angel coach
Don’t blame coach ,we don’t have capable players fit for the national team, look for good players all over the country
Malawi vuto ndimalipiro as sports men they need good and healthy meal, about coach Mtawari was good according with his performance in his last three games, And development is needed in any sports,we need soccer academy even in volleyball,Rugby,Tennis;Netball etc zithu zoyambira utakalamba sungapite nazo pasogolo.
ua ryt
the main problem is FAM ,2mtawali is biased on his selection and selfish 3your players are not good in field only kamwendo
Flames iime kaye zaka ziwiri,akungotithera makobili akhale tidye limodzi mbewa.
Ernest hasn’t been fired. His contract has just expired.
Inu tiyeni tizingolimbirana tnm super league zinazi mungochedwa nazo sitidzapita patsogolo muiwale ufiti utipweteka zedi
mtawari too much chamba.
lThe problem is not the Coach. FAM must strengthen the junior national teams. Even start from the primary schools and try to nature those players till they mature and experienced Vuto liri kumalawi kuno ku nkhani ya mpira si coach ayi…..vuto tili ndi ma player olimba….ma player opanda skill…ma player oti they dnt hav passion for da game….zinthunzi zimayambira ku umwana ndikumakula nazo….nkhalamba tili nazodzi zinayamba mpira ntchito zitawasowa
Kkkkkkkkk kumansinthana ngati pampando ngati ntchito yaudilaivala wa minbus.
Siidzamva flames siidzatheka!!!!
Ramadhan are you happy?,Your happiness shall soon be cut off like that of Mtawali,you have been chosen by People who are out of mind.They need angelic coach,who shall make Flames every game winning,yet football at glass root is poor.Stop squaring a circle FAM!!!!
Why him?
flames siizathekabe
Not bad i didnt like Enerst in the first place and it was a big mistake to replace young chimodzi with this so called Enerst
Ngakhare mutayitana waman u kuzakocha malawi kuluza ndikosayamba
Kkkkkk zalowa zibwana
Iwish,mukanachosa pnel yose kungotikita misokho yathu zanzi.
FAM is full of visionless pple , how many coaches have u hired & fired ? what result do we have as a nation ? The is no under 17 , 20 & 23 and u expect the senior national team to do well , shameless dreamers . Ramadan won’t do the nation any good just as all other recycled flames mentors , strengthen grassroot football right from primary schools and bring back Kim Spridsboel bcoz he knows our football well .
Next year,please try me.I wanna coach the Flames for FREE.
He must build National team not most prayers from nyasa but all the teams in the super league must be involved!
Doesn’t make sense
d@ stupid, en wil not solv de problem wth our national team. shud hav given hm more tym
Palibe chingasinthe olo atabwera Harvy Leonard anawinitsa Zambi ndi Ivory Cost uja.Ndikuti olo Morinho singatheke Malawi.Mtawali alibe vuto.Malawi imasewera ma friendly games kuti coach asankhe bwino ma player?Coach awona bwanji ma player osewera bwino?
Tikazangoluza iyenso fired! mesa mwaona kuti vuto ndi coach thts y u fire #Mtawali,, nde amene wapanga replace yo achite zooneka ndimpamene ndingakhulupiliredi kuti vuto anali coach coz otherwise….
Fools association of malawi (FAM). Ithetsedwe maudingo olowera pazifukwawa sakutithandiza, muchotsa ma coach angati anthu osadziwa za mpira inu? Amene amatsatira mpila kumalawi kuno tilibe problem ndi mtawali, munthu uja ntchito amayitha. Mpira ukuvuta chifukwa cha FAM. ALIBE NZERU ALIBE CHIDZIWITSO AKUNGOFUNA KUBA OSATI KUYENDETSA BUNGWE LA MPIRA, ndakwiya nanu kwambiri, simunayenele kuchotsa Mtawali, ndi coach wabwino kwambiri, Rhamadan angapange chani chachilendo kuposa mtawal. FAM ivomereze kuti ntchito yawakanika kusiyana ndikuti azingochotsa ma coach. NDAKWIYA NANU A FAM.
But Nyamirandu is still there,poor FAM you cant see the problem is nyamirandu himself.
Osatenga Winiko bwanji? Flames itha kuzatenga world cup 2018.
The problem is not the Coach. FAM must strengthen the junior national teams. Even start from the primary schools and try to nature those players till they mature and experienced
Uzitengetu bwino first lose pack and go wamva Ramadhan
First fire the executive commitee
ndiye akoza chani pamenepo? pliz tayesakoni asing’anga akoche flames …
Same old circles, they know the problem but don’t want people to see them because they know that they are part of the problem
Thats nosense and useless FAM, Pliz pliz FAM ndiyo yithesedwe palibepo chomwe akuchita apapa otherwise its KUBAZA NGATI ANA KUMENEKO
I knew this wll happen
Give them a chance ,they are capable but support them.
Zofoila basi munakawasiya onse apitilize.mukuona ngt uyu iziwina?
kodi apa tinene kuti vuto ndindani achosedwa macoach angati kufika lero? kusonyeza kuti macoach osewa satha ntchito? kodi coach wabwino muno mmalawi azakhala ndani chifukwa mpira zikuvutilabe, afam pezani chifukwa china chomwe chikutsitsa mpira kuno kumalawi osati makoch.
Amagwirira ntchito kumbuyo kwa Walter, salary amagawana
M’buludi ndi Peter Mponda zabwino zonse guyz
Solving a problem with a problem
If I can microscope the issue, i still see the raising dust not yet settled. any way, lets wait and see if new coach can square this circle
kodi a FAM amayang’ana chani pofuna kulemba munthu ntchito? kodi nde kuti sizitheka kupanga ma demonstration kuti President wa football association achoke.? honestly we are tired of Nyamilandu’s administration
Haha,FAM iziikilatu a list of coaches coz ndesanati ma coach onse aipanga coach flames
#stupid #fam
Vuto liri kumalawi kuno ku nkhani ya mpira si coach ayi…..vuto tili ndi ma player olimba….ma player opanda skill…ma player oti they dnt hav passion for da game….zinthunzi zimayambira ku umwana ndikumakula nazo….nkhalamba tili nazodzi zinayamba mpira ntchito zitawasowa
but we still have average players, vuto si maplayer man….player saziitana okha ku national team…leadership ya ku fam ndiyomwe siili bwino das y our football isn’t that good
Ok….lets assume we hav a gud coach….and the coach assembles a strong squad of these average players….
So hw dou thing our squad will fair wt the opponent,who’s squad is full of talented players?
U think AVERAGE is gonna do us any gud?
And considering a Moz based player as a professional is a curse to the nation
Chimwemwe Nkhata I totally agree wt u…..flames doesn’t hav professionals….all we hav are foreign based players…..nanga dziko kumanyadila kut tili ndi ma pro osewera mu mvela league?
M’burundiyu ndi Peter Mponda mmmmmm weighing…
Za sports zanuzo muwononga nazo ndalama zothandizira anthu mmamidzi,,sports-yo muchepetse kaye pakalipano,,mudzapitilizabe dziko likakhazikika mu chuma
Pafunika achititse friendly ndi karonga utd game yake yoyamba chifukwa ameneyo anabwelera chingambwe fc
kkkkkk koma iwe
Lets hope he will bring change in our National Football Team, All the best to him anyway….
The wheel,,,
Kkkkkkkkkkkk, koma ndiyinakake kumvetsana kuwawatu, from pa carrier to
Eeeshiiii, I knew it!