After messing up the Malawi AFCON dreams and failing to even retain the plate that Malawi managed to get at the COSAFA, flames coach Ernest Mtawali has been shown the exit door and he will be replaced by his assistant, Nswazirumo Ramadhan.
His firing, however, awaits the approval of the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Executive Committee which meets today.
According to media reports, a FAM technical sub-committee which met in Blantyre observed that Mtawali has failed as a head coach and should be relieved of his duties so that his assistant can take over from him.

Among the issues that have made Mtawali be recommended for a firing is his inconsistency in play styles and the failure to lead the technical panel of the team which has become a punch bag of African football.
Mtawali was appointed on 1 August 2015 for a one year contract to be the Malawi Coach.
He took over from Young Chimodzi who was sacked in June, 2015, following the Flames’ 2-1 home loss to Zimbabwe in a 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualifier.
Mtawali had been charged with putting the Flames’ 2017 Africa Cup of Nations Cup qualifiers campaign back on track and ensuring progress in the preliminary round qualifiers for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. He failed to do both.
Good development
Open your eyes when you fired people and sometimes ask people for debt otherwise you will kill frames for good and it was doing great
Achita bwino kumuchosa . Team ili bwino koma Chiukepo, Sulumba achoke .FAM ili bwino kwambili.
Firing acoach does not mean solving problem.There should be anew national team made which can make our nation satisfied.The board should advise the coach to build new team .It’s not only mtawali who made the team to loose ,but every one in the board. Agalu inu!!.
Ramadan really? Is FAM thinking?
In general,there’s no football in malawi even if the suggested man to replace mtawali the samething will happen loosing.Leave Erenest mtawali for awhile.He saw how the team played and he can recollect problems better than the suggested man.
mumbiri yama coach kumalawi he’s de worst coach
Achita bwino amuchosa tiwone winayu uyu ayigwila ntchito booh
He iz fremudeeee
No coment ndangodusa nawo otherwise ukhonza kudwala litsipa ndi flames imeneyi
Changing a coach is not a solution,but remove all player adding those who are playing in south Africa in first division,yet they came to Malawi as profes,shit national team of Malawi.blood fokolo
Zoona munthu akuti ndi profe wachokera Ku sauth Africa,kom a koma akumenya first division,kumalawi akudzamenya national team,zachison.just make anew team,not those silt players
leo mpulula deserve the coaching job for flames… flames ikufunika coach ovuta oti ma player azimuopa otherwise ma player aflames samamva
Akagwere there was no team work.
Whos next??
Malawians! When shall we learn to honour of bonafide sons? Mtawali was not the problem but rather the assistant wanted his seat. If he is being fired on underperformance ground, then let the assistant go too bcoz they worked together unless otherwise.
lets support him & see what he can do.
Palimbe ku chose coach apa Kondi wankhala zaka zingati paseni nthawi zinthu sizimachitika ka nthawi kochepa
Plz fire nyamilandu now all dis cochez guyz !?
Mukanayambira kumphika kuthothola onse…then lastly kumachotsa coach….coach ndi wakutha and this guy had a vision ….for the flames….he only needed abit of time….so you think hiring an international coach will make malawi best….read through my palms……gaga ndi gaga…..!!
Are you sure fired not his contract expired ?
If the news that the national team coach has been fired is true then we’re in a sorry football situation because the problems are multiple. 1. FAM is wholly to blame for the mess for not providing adequate resources for preparations suffice to say that he was given resources to travel to observe the so called professionals in SA and Mazambiki, some of who for other reasons unsuitable to the coach were of no need. 2. Players too are to blame for not showing commitment to their loved job and the country because the coach prepared them and so too their respective clubs but failed to execute and show why they were selected out of many million malawians, as if that is not enough the professionals just cried to be included but their play left a lot to be desired. 3. The coach has been inconsistent in his player selection let alone his game plan and tactics because he was just doing trial and error basis. I only loved his spirit of giving youngsters game time as a process of development and nurturing the talent. 4. Government failed to support the team adequately in its preparation yet expected positive results. 5. The media shares the blame for contributing to the team’s failure because once a player does well in one or two games they pump him up and recommend him for selection if left they are in the forefront accusing the coach so the working relationship amongst all stakeholders was compromised. To say the coach was sorilly to blame is un called for but Fam, govt and the rest should take the blame.
FAM isamangothamangira kuchotsa Coach zinthu zikakhala kuti sizikuyenda bwino, To say the truth here FLAMES idzalongosoka MA UFUMU aku FAM akadzathetsedwa not kusintha coach kapena ma players athu, ngati ngati MA UFUMU aku FAM sangathetsedwe nde ndibwino kuti team yathu ya FLAMES ithetsedwe and ikhale isakuponyanawo mipikisano yosa kwadzaka dzosachepera KHUMI mwina nkudzapumako umoyo wina.
mpira pa Malawi suzatheka ngati. ma players angosankhidwa mma team. awiri okha
Komatu flames or ataikocha Josy morinho singawine .chotsani all the player build new team with new blood musapezeke or mmodzi wakale.
Kachasu udadzadza mumatupi mwao mpira sangauthe adagonja kalekale ngati mukuchotsa mtawali maplayers omwe anapita nao achokenso
what about the players r you going to fire them too bcoz there r the ones who knw to play well but not to score fire them too tiyambirenso kachikena
Malawi its not a Football Nation lets promote other sports activities..
My q is, who are thiz guys responsibe for hiring n firing…..they need to be fired too , the adminstration z too old, we need change of idealogies,altitude..same leadership never bring any upward movement.the system z too political,the whole system z rubish n corruptive….flames sizamva!
Mmmm too bad bring back kinnah phiri plzzz
The team was in good shape in the time when Kinah Phiri was in charge I didn’t understand in the first place when you appointed these failures now you just wasting time by not appointing the right coach.
Not suprised at all.hiring Mtawali was a wrong choice already.Kinnah must come back.not that Burundian.or else let hire expatriate.
Onse analilimodzi onsewo ndiolephela
Wellcome to mzansi mtawali.beer missing you here.
The best way to show that we are fade up of this team,the so called flames is to undergo boycotts.
Whenever they are playing we shouldn’t be supporting….otherwise they won’t know how it’s become so boring!!!!!
Za ziiiiii bola tizingochita masewero osuta chamba basi
i dnt think this can make sense coz tayesa ma player osiyana-siyana & tasitha makochi osiya-siyana!!!!! Why not fam president ?
When it comes to football am not a malawi
coach kugwira chaka chimozi chokha basi mkuti waphera azipita, inu amati aNyamilandu mwalephera kuongorera za zamasewero kwazaka zingati? Kapena nanu mkufuna tikakuyendereni mbulanda pa street ndipamene mngaziwe kuti mwatikwana? Mnatikwana mbuyache mzinka!
FAM is naive and stupid. How the hell do u retain an assistant of the sacked coach as the head? its insane and unprofesssional. We have tried that before and it did not work, why then try it today? Mr Mutawali was destined for failure from the first day he took head of the nation. He never looked set and convincing on the touch line. I have a feeling that our team will never improve if these administration continue making the wrong decisions
FAM is naive and stupid. How the hell do u retain an assistant of the sacked coach as the head? its insane and unprofesssional. We have tried that before and it did not work, why then try it today? Mr Mutawali was destined for failure from the first day he tok
it seems we r just changing driver,, i think we need to change da bus too
Kkkkkkkk,zili ku Malawi
Dnt blame the coach, players or management. Jst accept that Malawi is nt a football nation.
Koma mazoba a FAM sadzatheka.
I already said long time,that Mtawali is a worst coach Malawi have ever had. Empety headed idiot.
Call me to coach Nyasaland team now
Muchotse onse abwere watsopano
Good decisions but stupid ideas 4 the FAM 4 months do you think coach can combine with the playerz give them chance and enough khobili for their preparation
What’s the difference then??? Mesa anthuwo amagwilira limodzi ntchito yo???
Nde amalawi amene kutsitha ngat zovala ma couch zopanda phindu ndithu
Coach is not problem and everytime the game is played while he is out. Vuto ndi ma players athu and ma players sangalimbikile tumakobili mukuwapasa mosinira.
The problem is the players not coaches imagine how many coaches have been fired but all of them were using same players so where is the problem guys to be honest?players are letting the coaches down and to tell the truth flames has no quality players & even if you hired a coach from the moon it won’t help
Mutwali samaziwa kutenga Mapuleya koma kusokoneza
Munkamu chotselanji ntchito yake kunja?
Sad news kkkk
Mtawali muwuli
Kusintha makochi sikuthetsa vuto.
A very big mistake soccer officials has done is firing Coach, Mtawali has no problem He is agood coach even comparing to Kinna and Ramadhan. Give him another chance please, building a team is not a 2day job, it requires enough time and patience from angry employers. To say the truth Nyamirandu is beside Flames poor perfomance, and if you would talk of firing somebody on isue of Malawis poor perfomance Nyamirandu is the right person. FIRE WALTER NOT MTAWALI.
Different coach same players!!! Hahaha if u want to make a change fire the players too. Tili ndi ana mmidzimu odziwa mpira. Come en take a look ku Ndirande
Different coach same players!!! Hahaha if u want to make a change fire the players too. Tili ndi ana mmidzimu odziwa mpira. Come en take a look ku Ndirande
England 1 Island 2
Basi ambuye iwe zamtawalizo sikwenikweni kkkk
I think a FAM aliso ndivuto give him enough time to prove himself of course he has weakness but let’s support him
Ngakhale winayu sikuti pakhala kusintha ai flame ndikuyidziwa ine inazolowera kuludz ndiku drawer basi
Eish am tired c u later
Fire them all mukuopa kuti Rhamadan abwerera ku Bullets zopusa basi
The problem is from the top, unless fam is changed
ok tamva
Bora kina malawi inabwino
ndasangàlala kwa mbili
100% right ndakondwa bwanji!!!!!!!!!
Ndiye ochotsa ntchito anzanunu,,, inu ndi chani mwapangako ku mpila pa Malawi pano
Tangopezani coach wachizimayi basi aaaa kutopatu uku sopano mwamva?zimandikhuzatu hvy
Right on Time
mwasiya mizu mwachotsa chitsa.Chotsani mizu,vuto amalawi kuphonya dala polakwika mupaona
Zowonadi tizingo yesesabe mwina zizayenda komano sizowona lamadani amakocha division 1 south Africa atithandiza koma
If mtawali is to be fired..then the whole technical panel at flames shud exit az well..starting with the big fish nyamilandu asaaaaa
Firing mtawali will not change anything as long as players remain the same, and bring in young players will not work either, what needed is to open more football acadamies, and giving chance to those fruits from acadamies to show case in stages like having under 17, 20, 23 national teams so that we may have a brave & confident senior nation team. That is what our fellow countries are doing.
i wish they can read ur comment coz wanena zoona zeneni apapo
Musintha ma coach mpaka liti? Zoti national team yowina inapita ndi Kamuzu simukuziwa?
The problem is not the coach but rather the system of soccer development
The problem are the supporters
Kkkkk…choka apa
where was Ramadan by the time MW team was loosing?
Palibe chitasinthe olo musinthe coach
the whole FAM mafia needs to pack up and go! winiko ukudikilanji okawasamuse amenewa
Tikangofusa fee yosiyira kusewera mpira ngati dziko.Zatikanika ngakhale achina Nyamilandu ndi azinzake atabwereranso m ground palibe chingachitike.Mma stadium tizingopangiramo misonkhano ya ndale ndi ndakatulo
Ma player ake ndi akachasu
How many are you gonna recycle? Expect Young Chimodzi to take over
Why you still keeping Nyamilando nd up until when?
To me it cud be right choice
Problem ndi FAM, ntchito yawo sikuoneka, vuto mukubwereza anthu oti alephera udindo omwewu mbuyomu, there is need for new blood, tisapange ndale mu mpira pobisala kuseli kwa Coach, NO
Malawi si wa mpira. Malawi koma ma albino basi.
Kkk malawi watxopano
Matsewela ampila angapite bwanji kumalawiko pomwe ndalama kulibe ndalama ndiwamwenye
Lero ndipo fired mtawali kutereko simadziwa kuti mudasankha coach phala. A fam nonse mumasuta chamba.
All coaches are doing nonthing they are foolish
Technol pannel yose ichoke
How many coaches r u going to discharge kkkkkkkkkkkk?Let us accept that we are not talented on
Tione zina
Flames sidzava
Kikiki kwa u cant fire a driver because u want him to drive 180km/hr while the car speed limit is 120km/hr. The problem is players. If a child failed they are two reasons. The child dont listen in class or he mix love and education. Our player for the flames are not good enough matama too much. We need young and competitive players, not new coach.
ine Malawian football inandikwana kalekale moti njira yabwino kunafunika kungolimbikitsa kutsegula makoleji ophunzitsa ufiti komanso uhule
fire all national team players aswell and atleast select a single football star from each disteict and come up with a new squad
I would love Ramadani give him time he will bring up the team.
not suprised, its not completely coach problems that we don’t excel in football… it cud be administrative issues just like how other organisation don’t succeed.
Kkkkkkkkkkkk amayamba ku kuseka ndi ana ako,kkkkkkk adad mmesa munkati ndinu dolo wa plumbering ndiye apo pa blocker koma mukulephela ku bowola kkkkk a dad ndinu bush plumber
Which one should be blammed? A coatch or players? Spend a time, there is someone anafinya korona kuti flames idxiluxa.
The problem is not the coach but the government how can APM said we must eat Bewa stupid readership
I think it’s normal to fire coaches who is not doing good job even in well-reputed teams like Spain. Who is Mtawali after all? He needs to follow suit
who fires who?
Ku FAM water Nyamilandu achoke. Vuto si ma coach ayi. Leadership ku Fam ndi ya usiru.Chotsani Nyamilandu wagwira ntchito yake tiyese ena. Ma coach onsewa angakhale olephera?
Yes you fired Mtawali, but the new coach to be with the same players?????? expect no change.Ma professional a pa Mozambique mmm even panopa a Malawi akulephera panopa kupita ku south Africa pano ku Mozambique baasi, yet we play same football
Sindikumuona Ochotsa Nzake Pakati Pa Fam Ndi Mtawali Popeza Onsewo Alephera Adakachokera Limodzi.
Stupid decision by stupid minds.
nothing can change even to enter Rhamadan as a coach just Ntawali to continue building our team kunali kungomuuza zochita coz palibe chisithe mapuleya ndiomwe aja ndie chisithe ndichani
Malawi wafika poliritsa uyu.Mukathana mutiuza.
GOMEZAN ZAKAZAKA is the only pelson who manage his job @ FAM
Nice one mtawali he must go
ma coach a ine ;Mponda,Kananji,Jegwe,Leo basi angatithandize mwina osaiwala Gerard Papa Phiri wa AZAM
I don’t think kuti dis is a right decision. Coz things is not gonna change when u put dis dude to b a coach. What u must do is,,get de weak areas where Mtawali failed to pull up socks en discuss as a board, rather dan 2 fire him
no political will ….. thats the problem
Firing the coaches is nt a solution, like here n Zambia are changing coaches like shirts bt were is football 2dy.First give the good money 2 the players
Vuto sikochi koma Malawi ndilo ili ndivuto
Rip enerst
Malawi Government must stop for a while sending their football team to participate in any competition,it looks like their players have no ambition of fighting for their Nation, the squad they send to cosafa was good enough to play even against the likes of Bokina Faso, Nigeria Cameroon or Mali but they ended up embarrassing their fans by loosing to a lower Ranked team Lesotho hahahahahahaha shame on you Guys who doesn’t learn anything every year.
i got a feeling for malawi….lemme be the coach
U have changed everything, but one thing u havent changed is Fam president; change n u eill see a change.
Koma mpila waku Malawi ndioseketsa kwambili mudakakhulupi lilabe kuti bvuto ndi coach kkkkk wake up FAM amene mwasankhayunso chaka chisanathe achotsedwa for sure
Anyamilandu ndiwofunika nawonxo acoke,kt zinthu zilongosoke ku fam.apo bii tizikhumudwabe mpaka kalekale.flames sizamva.
Flames ziizamva even if we hire foreign expetriate!!
Being fired is really the only great and recommendable honour he can get
Musavutike ngati mukufuna Coach muzayenge amunanga ndi mphwake wa Josse Morhinio
Ngakhale musithe macoach koma flames siidzamva mpaka kalekale
Ndiye zopusa zimenezo,mphunzitsi mkalasi akamaphunzitsa mwanayo akalephera ndi vuto la mwanayo nt mphunzitsi.anyamata athuwa ofunika kuwafunsa bwino vuto lawo,mwina chilipo kumpandoko chomwe chimawalepheratsa nt Mtawali.
Try Joe Gwaladi
The problem is not coaches in Malawi but governing system & politics are paralyzing football management & other important institutions.
Good news, but government also don’t think because we can’t play friendly games with the division clubs like Mombera,Mafco and other smallest clubs. Do you think in so doing National Team can improve?
Sizachilendo…. I saw it coming.
Coach doesn’t play but players what are you going to do to the players?
Sanalakwise coach womva zake zokha uyu
and when will Walter Nyamilandu get fired?????
kkkkk born malawian,raised malawian,trained malawian buh kuzampiraz kkkk am nt a malawian
Ramadani just know that u will also fire in 5 moth time malawi is not good team to coch.
Fire the whole the whole governing body and start again with new faces, this will change nothing even if you can hire Fergie, Morinyo, Wenger koma ma bwana ake ali omwewo, Ramadhan naye pompano amuonetsa msana wanjira.
All flames team must be fired.Soni zikunikola to be Malawian every time they play.Nadi behind in everything?Wati we are only good at witchcraft and making children, aaaa! Bra Eno.
Kkkkkk eish ni suzgo bra!
Lawrence Majawa mumuyitane mukamasankha anyamata a tsopano a team ya mpira ya Malawi apo bii muzingokhalira kukira nthawi zonse,75% ya osewera mpira onse muwachotse komanso Nyamulandu atule pansi udindo mwa ulemu everything wil b ok.
Hire the international coach there is nothing difference,Fam ha tried to give locally coaches but they all putting the team down,white guy must come and they have so many good advantages,
They must start with waltee
I fully support, this bill.
kaya kwa amene amasapota malawiyo ine ndiwa bullets
simple algebra! if flames is dominated by bullets players and continue losing, karonga united beats bullets. Therefore karonga is better than a good portion of flames squad. lets try karonga united players in the flames squad!
Amtawali tiyeni tizipita kuthembisa tizikadya volosal osati zampira wa kumalawi waphuphuphu kwaloza phazi ndikomwekozi.
Mkotelo kodi
wy can’ t u fire Nyamirandu and his team, mukuwawopa or what.
He had nothng to offer,poor selection,improper dropping out of players,no new tactic displayed,selfcentred.he deserve
and even poor substution and replacement
Exactly mr mphangwe
womenyawo ndiye mbola amangomwa akachasu kumangochinda ma plen tiwina bwa
The decision has not been made his contract expires next month,,,kodi nkhanizi mumazitenga kuti?
Replacing smbody with his assistant?? Pali nzeru apa?
I heard some rumours that Nyamilandu sacrifice his wife to be a FAM president 4ever and if one will take over his position will never stay longer, and this rumours I think its true story because people are a afraid to step down him, he known to be a satanic
and atired with this what we call flames ndamva kuti kwabwera national team ya Rugby mwina tiyesoko zimenezi zitithandiza
Ma coach sasewera mpira. Ngakhale atakocha bwino bwanji koma ngati player ndimbola sangagoletse. Apa vuto laoneka kuti ndi ma player. How many coaches have u changed? Whts the improvement? Change players now and see the results. U dnt hw it feels when a new player has bn signed and he wants 2 impress the country and his couch in order not 2 lose his position 2 some1. These old ones they are more relaxed and they knw tht even if they play shit still they own the position and will still be featured in the next game. Try the new ones, the hungry ones 2 impress. CRY my beloved country, NYASALAND!
inu simukuwona kut mvuto ndi maplayer osat ma coaches, how many coaches do fired before ernest ndiye chasitha ndichani?
bring kinnah back
where was Ramadan pamene Flames Imaluza?
Kuchosa ma coach uka hisa aka siyanasiyana aku solve problem, cos apa ndi kumbuka #Kinah Phiri, he iz d best suitable 4 dat post, n remember dat u cn’t climb a tree starting 4rm d branches lyk a bird. FAM shud withdrew from internatinal futball mayb for a period of 5 years, to rebuild their football starting 4rm their internal league, u cnt compete with other countries whil’st u knw dat u r still weak at home.
babudze homeboy hehehe bola ate mantwani
Thats true bro
Not good at all
Mtawali osadandaula Wakuteteza Mulungu ukadafa ndi BP Ma player ndi khutukuve
Should we “the monday coaches”say that FAM is failing to find the root cause of flame’s poor performance or just find pleasure in the hiring and firing of our comrades. If there couldn’t be interference in selection of players, things can turn around. Mark my words.
Kikikikk shame
Mpira ndiwosayamba vuto chikwama basi .
Tithetse timu FULL STOP
Coach salowa mu ground ! fire all current national team players and let’s us start from ground level, let’s not participate in any competition for atleast 3 years.
onse ndi fam zithe
To be acoach is just like a minister they can fire u any minute better to be self employed cause the world knows that u are fired kkkk
His sacking has been long time coming.
Vuto is coach koma flames sidzamva
The whole FA should be fired…. the who team is not serious fire them all
water nyamilandu he must step down,as a president of FAM,,not coach…
When will be the players fired?? Does it mean we don’t have best players out there *? when a student fails, Who has a problem btwn a teacher and this dull student?? The teacher tries to give his best to the student but the problem may be this student. ndangothamangapo zampila sikwenikweni…vuuuuu!
Vuto Ndi Nyamilandu Achoke
i lykd his system of play…but our players were lacking flexibility to cop with the style…only kamwendo,gaba and a right back from b4ward…were able to play…but the rest mmmh…ena amachita kulephera ndi ma control omwe…nowadays ma striker a ma shot with no accuracy are useless…
We wil stil be changing coaches but it wil b fruitless..to say de truth we have to start 4rm the club level playing well..other teams are winning coz ov poor refereeing hw can u expect that to produce good national and mentality winning team???…unless otherwise…watch the past flames u can tell dat we r indeed very far away..no any formula dat they hav to b wel known 4…am gettng sick and tired ov this national team…hire me as acoach then….they just waste govt monies thoz idiots…better thoz monies should hav given to the poor… Martin Chikocho
Abwele azungu adzasinthe zinthu alokolowa nde zawalaka
Ife Timadzwa Kod A Ntawali Angakhle Coach Wabwno Kuposa Chamangwana Ndi Young. Ntchito Zomangolembana Chifkwa Chodzwana Basi.
Three doors are open mtawali ,just turn around
That is a very bad decision, and if anything you should have fired the whole panel. Parliament please give Zero Tambala for FAM they want to kill our beautiful game of soccer.
Pamenepo ndie mwakonza team??????
The problem is poverty.No resources for FAM to identify players countrywide.No finance for development of football from the grassroot.Companies so stingy-reluctance to support football.All these lead us to where we are.We all have a role to play to make a good national team one day.
Hmmm Zalowa Ndale
ine zampira sindimazisata koma ndikakumbuka bhobho ntawari amkamenyanso flames m’buyomu, koma ma results ake anali omwewa omamgoluzawa kapena draw zikakhala kut tayesesa, ndekwasinthidwa ma coach osiyana siyana hoping things will change but still the same results. now you are planning to bring another dude on board. believe me this ain’t gonna change anything. there is no football in Malawi, just quit understand the situation.
I agree man iwe nde wanena zoona palibe chiñgasinthike
Eeee palibed chngasithe kma mpra uli nkhn foundation yath imakhla yosakhla bwn.
olo titaitana sir fergason team njokanikabe
eti , angoyambisa masero ena basi. osati mpira, angoononga ndalama
Zowonadi Oscar l agree with u
I agree with you @ Oscar
thats true
Agree agree agree and more agree………
Thats true… Tinayambira kusitha munja tapindulapo chani? Soccer not our sport coz or kuma club kungoseweredwa phale zokha zokha mpira sukoma kwathu kuno ata .
Zoona palibe chosintha,angosiya mpila,
Ngakhale malawi itatenga Pep Guardiola or Mourinho singasinthe ai ndi momwemu maseweredwe ake
OK fine but it won’t be work am not satisfied again with yr replacement he was there didn’t he seeing these problems again ?
Flames sizatheka
Ramadhan z the one who had the hand on assistng mtawali to loose several matches,no work done there by fam!
Suggested new FAM caretaker after the current is fired today sic oclock evening
President _charles nyirenda( grandmaster)
Ceo_ humphrey mvula
Gs_ peterkins kayira
Physical fitness traineer_ mike kumanga
Advisers ; chief kaomba
Mattews chikaonda
Young chimodzi
Peter mponda
Other positions not necessary as of now
no regrets to say the entire FAM has failed Malawi
coach ndiamene amasankha ma player achita bwino kumuchotsa, akanakhala wanzeru akanasankha gud players
Ok maganizo abwino
was he hired??
My foot! U’ve missed the point again.It’s not the question of sacking the coach but rather going to the basics of football.Myopic adminstration.
Both Ramadhan n Mtawali r failures…. They both need an exit…..
Aaaaa siidzathekadi flames
I know nothing about Malawi football but as far as um concerned th former coach kinah Phiri gues h was best…nd for how long will u keep on firing th coaches
if u know nothing y dont u jst shut up
kkkkkkkkkkkkl i beliv he knowz
Kkkkkkk they are all the same,where was his assistant all along?
Nanga walter?
hash decision, let him build a team, you can not monitor a person without giving him/her resources
Mpila PA Malawi unalowa ndale. Mtawali kusankha timu ena kumusankhilanso timu yawo kumbali .aaaaa sitingapite patsogolo ndimaganizo opunsa.
Achita bwino kumuchonsa wa fodya ameneyu, iye akhale coech odziwa komanso wadongonsolo akanatha kusankha ma player oti iyeyo awayambe yekha pa nation leval koma bansi chamba bansi? Apite sitikumufunanso.
Water choka mwaulemu ukakakamila tikuuzira honorable kalindo timatcha naked
tatengani example ya uefa uero achina iceland.ma underdogs enieni kma akupanga zinthu ma africans vuto lanu ndi chan eish
Thus not the solution! the entire FAM must go they r the ones failing Malawian football
Break it all and being banned in all football related activity for three years inorder to rebuild the nation team
Problem is not coach bt our players they like kachaso too much
kuluz tikuknza team Ramadan. team ychisodzela kuluza akuluakul abwele adzatithandize ndye Ramadan ameneyo,
Mistake firing him
What about nyamilandu and his company? He should also throw the towel now. He too contributed the fall of soccer aswell
l feel sory for My Mtawali, to say the truth he z not the problem,
Vutotu ndi kusakhala ndi mafriendly gasmes , muwina musana konze mavuto, uyoso ndiye chisimu palibe chachitikapo, team inali bwino koma chimafunikapo ndi mafriendly ndi kuwonjezelapo akale monga mponda ndi anzake
Ziri bwino amadana ndi ma player otha mpira uyu, Ng’ambi abwerere
Nyamilandu’s curse…
Vuto ndinunso akulu akulu a FAM nanunso muzichonse we want to see new blood kungoti kakaka kukakamira
Vuto si coach apa,anyamata oyifera game tilinawo koma samafuna kuzipeleka,Nde mumaliza ma coach tu shaaaa
Kusamva kwa ma prayer kwayipisa aphunzitsi.
Inu inu aaaah nkhanza kwa coach guys, nanga apa bwanji apa ,chaku FAM uku? Mpakampaka kodi
Kkkkkkk Malawi @51
osamupasa ana awasule bwanji
and that thing of firing the coach and employing the assistant coach, its like the other one was campaign for his fall…. if u sack a coach make sure tge assistant goes as well.
Shaaaa koma zayipa
Vuto ndi walter
We have waited 4 so long,he could hv been fired afta guinea game,we dont miss him at all!
Nyamilandu shd resign or be forced out otherwise u wil end up firing every coach on the planet. FAM has the problem!
Indeed he did a big mess,therefore he har to deserve this penalty of fired. Losing 8 games,whats that now? He overstayed his work.
Nyamilandu osangopanga resign bwanji?
Flames size yake ndi karonga united / mzuni…..epac…. No more international games….wasting resources…….
Kinnah Mpiri is e best among all…n is e only coach who can bring success …..belive me n gv him more tym..
Mukachotse MMalawi nzanu kukalemba m’Burundi?Mwandinyasa.Onse achoke bax.
Kodi Walter yo achoka aliti
I thn NYAM ILANDU is the right one who deserve 2b fired n nut Mtawali!
stop blaming coaches,we dt have quality players for hw long nw we strangle to afcon we cant even qualify
Firing coaches is what we Malawians r known for, n this doesn’t sound strange to us.
Nyamilandu achoke ameneyo
Mtawali fired=Mtawali Waotchedwa
kinna is the best, a malawi tiyeni tibvomereze, nsanje siyitithandiza
Lol …will that solve our problems. I really doubt.
Inensoo ndlipoo ndkhale courch ndyese mwayi mey b i cn b succesful wth vc team coz it seamz lyk mwangoyamb ku guess amene angakoch
Hire the best coach that u think will do a better job. I will pay him but once he looses a game u pay me 5times the amount.
FAM excective must resign,,,, Nyamilandu must go,,,, he has failed completely,,, bungwe losamva ngati ili,,,,mukungodya makobidi aurere!!!!!!!
Bakha ameneyo azkasuta chamba chakecho.
nyamilandu akuwononga mpila pamalawi
None will do a job needed for that team. Blaming a coach will never solve a problem. We don’t have anything to give our players. Players walking from Ndilande to chichiri stadium for training? Make sense please our football administraters.
fam is 2blame nt firing coach,dd u expect flames 2perform miracles while z failed 2give Money 4friendly game?failling 2prepare is preparing 2fail,evn next coach ‘ll b fired
How many coaches is FAM going to fire?I should advise the Malawi’s football governing body to stop or depend on hiring local coaches because of their cheapness.Instead FAM should hire a coach from overseas who can bring change in our national team.
Thats solution nt local coach they dnt have system
koma nde titha ma coach2…eversince we started losn we hav owez bn blamin on coaches en later firin em…tx time we look on other measures rather a coach !
The Problem Lies Not To The Coach But The Executive Of FAM,how Can A Team Perform Wonders With The Absence Of Resources,where R Under 20 Teams That Will Asist To Boost Up The Flames In The Future,if U Cant Promote Footbal At Grasroot Level Then Forget About Succes As Far As Football Is Concerned,u R Firing Only The Coaches Why Not FAM As Whole
We have hired & fired coaches but nothing is changing. Are all those coaches bad? There is one more area which is being overlooked……….Walter & his team.
I can see sense here now,Mtawali was an embarassment to the nation.Nyamilandu and Suzgo should follow
akakoche nyamilanduyo
akakoche nyamilanduyo
z problems wf flames is from poor grassroots soccer,lack of malawian local clubs taking part in CAF games,poor administration in soccer,if w dnt ammend zs 4get abt flames gud performance
Start with Water Nyamilandu.akachoka ameneyi introduce NBS trop let primary and secondary schools compete frm thr mupeza ma player abwino
Ma Prayer?
Hahahaha let me edit thanx
Ndugwirizana nawe kwa nthunthu kuti tiyambe kaye wachotsa WATER NYAMILANDU nkumatsika m’musimuno hope zinthu zitha kuyamba kuyendaso ngati kale, koma tikangosintha coach ndi mapuleya kumtundaku nkuntundaku nkukusiya momwe kulilimo FLAMES singakozeke,
Bring kinna Phiri back
Ramadan is also bad and no better than Mtawali
mtawali deserve to be fired coz no one like to be a loser
vuto la amalawi simumadziwa ukadaulo osakha ma coach,vuto a FAM akungofuna kutibela ndalama zathu akazachoka H2O nyamilandu belive me mpira tizayamba kuuva kukoma.foolish FAM
he wl join max buletx 2 sav thm frm relegation
hi wil do de same as he does wth frames
wakula watha akuyeneera kuduphira muina yake
wakula watha akuyeneera kuduphira muina yake
Walter Nyanimilandu should step down. This Wizard is killing Malawi football
Olo mutasintha ma coach mukuona ngati flames itani ma player athu akatumba anawuma kalekale ndi bonya palibe chochitika apa.
Kkkkkkkk zizingotidwalitsapo BP apa
kkkkkk mwati munene choncho akulo Miness Mwale
Akulu nanga muja tidayambila kuluza kokhakokha komaso ma coach chisinthilenicho chikusintha ndi chani? akutinyasa
Vuto pamenepa ndi coachyo kapena maplayerwo?
Nkhani ndiyokuti munthu sungamalimbane ndi bonya chambo ukuchiona, vuto ndi ndalama. Give them enough sponsorship and then start accusing them
Akulu apapa vuto si coach vuto ndi naplayerwo akalamba kkkkkk misempha inauma tatengakoni maplayer anyuwani mwina tingaone kusintha zikutichititsa manyazi
Zoonadi komano iwowo momwe akupangira zikukhala ngati kuti vuto ndi coach azingoti akaluza basi coach anchosa
ayitanise #Kinna basi pamenepo ndy enafe tasangalala
Zachibwana basi.
Ok tidziona
No to mtaexit.referendum first
hhahaha Rama what!!!! kkkk tell me this is a joke #LMAO
mulemben winiko
Malawi sazathekadi…inu a FAM ndiamene mukuisokoneza timuyi.why r u not stabilizing the team.see now the other coming coach aiphwasulaxo.
They are tackling the wrong side, coach is not the problem here.
Kkkkkkk you will be firing coaches but you will never get good results from flames,lets just understand that we malawians football is not our side.
Mtawali is a victim of circumstances, a scapegoat by our football administrators who are the big time failures. The Flames’ problems are beyond any coach’s ability rather on administration and decision making as well.
what a bunch of fools !!!! you keep firing the coaches as if they are the problem here.. wake up and see fire all the flames players and look for other new players we are tired of this team.. organisations and companies are just wasting their money for this silly players .. you make people angry and to be honest we love the flames but you keep disappointing the malawi nation . What a shame to the FAM … we need real football not this awkward behaviour of firing the coaches ,,,,
true! true we need new energetic young stars now in the ground!
tayaluka mokwanira… we need change, we don’t have to be losers all the time; why can’t we be proud to our country,,, its too much for how long we are going to lose this is totally insane
I’m with you bro I think they should fire the players as well and bring new energetic new players
sure bro how many coaches they going to fire ? its the FAM and PLAYERS who are failing not the Coaches
sure bro how many coaches they going to fire ? its the FAM and PLAYERS who are failing not the Coaches
Its better to quit football & concetrate on netball bcoz we never get ashamed with our ladies they always decorate us
betta ma ladiez
We don’t have problem with ladies. I just wish the could Ban the football team for good at least the resources should benefit the netball team.. they make us proud always.
the coach together with his players must go..we don’t want weak minded pipo..we need new coach(@least kinnah)&new players.
the whole team should be banished we no longer care now, they must GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new team and new technical panel and we can see the change at last
New coach new fam president zikhoza kutithandiza mavuto amenewa akuchokera patali zedi
The entire association !!!! dyera kwambiri athu amenewa .
Malawi Soccer Comedy season 6
Chosintha palibepo apa, pomwe imaluza ma games iyeyo wachiwiliyo anali kuti
basi? you are champions of firing coaches,
why firing nyasi zonse ?
firing FAM & FLAMES
assistant ndekuti chani?
think twice.
Hw abt kinah Phiri u ma-da..fu….
vuto ndilotenga ma coach a supre leage coz coach aliyense has got his players,,n kanchitidwe kongochosa macoach zkavutaka ndkonyatsa
mtawali must go to rest
why wait all this long? gud move
am happy with that decision. we dont want experiments we an expertriate now …dont g back to failures plz
Who is a performer?
kunena zoona mtawali palibe chimene wachita pa contract imene adasaina. aenera kuona msana wa njira Bola Ramadhan yemweyo.
Ngati zili choncho nyamilandu ndi anzake nawonso atulepansi zida
Its part of life
do you think malawian team is about the couch? 4gt about that no need even to blame the management. my point is there is no soccer in Malawi.
kulibeko mpira kuno
Ukunama mpra uliko kma njra zmw timasatira sizabwno akuenera kusith.
Yeah!!! Let him join politics….he can do better…
Fire Nyamilandu2 Cause His Leadship Has Complety Failled!!!
kkkkkk amupasayo ndiye mbuzi yeniyeni.
Or atakupatsa iweyo ndiye utha kukakhala bakha
No any changes both are loosers.
Za zii
Kinnah Phiri is the best zinazi ndi madzi amunjira kodi mtima wasanje uwu ukuthandizan chan pa nkhani masewero inu a FAM??
i dont agree with the decision we are tired of firing coaches the problem is that we dont have enough resources ie financially,and players.even mourihno cant bring the results for flames so why firing mtawali?shame
muzingochotsa makochi mmalo mopeza zpangizo zabwno,basi kamutengen ZINEDINE ZIDANE akhale koch.
Besides,Mtawali had nothng to offer tacticaly
Mwina amafuna coach azigwiritsa ntchito ndalama zake, shane nde mukanali kuchotsa ma coach
Nde m’burundiyo atani?
kunabwera kinnah thom,young then mtawali osewa si a bwino?tingothetsa national team tione net ball.
Aaah! Nothng.
Aaah! Nothng.
Kkkkk my mother Malawi.
Zili bho akawoche makala ngati ndine wachiwona hahaaaaaa!!!!!
Ramadhan amatha osati zinazo mmmmmmm
Walter Nyamilandu should also be the next one to be shown the door!!
kinah why?
Thats gud!
Nothing will change