If you ask him, he is not just angry with the continued attacks on people living with albinism, he also believes his private parts have a role to play in ending the attacks which the Mulanje South Member of Parliament, Bon Kalindo says are painting a bad image of Malawi.
Kalindo, a comedian better known by the stage name Winiko says his naked protest will come when Parliament fails to agree that people who attack albinos be killed.
‘’My friends and I will walk naked. Am not mad at all. My walking naked will show my anger’’ he said.

On whether the protest will portray him as a mad man the vocal lawmaker says ‘Then let doctors come check whether am mad or not. Where is Malawi heading to?.”
The legislator says he will be naked on the gates to parliament and will walk in the Lilongwe city, just in a bid to push his fellow parliamentarians to agree that albino attackers be killed.
He wonders why government has been coy on roping in the capital punishment for the attackers.
Over 18 murder cases have been reported and 14 cases involving kidnapping of albinos are in the records and that three people with albinism are still missing while 28 graveyards of people with albinism have been tampered with in different circumstances, a report government presented in parliament recently revealed.
At the moment, a court in Mzuzu has granted an order banning the traditional doctors who are widely believed to be one of the reasons for the increase of albino attacks.
Kujoina zamalixechezo? Nanuxo ndeno mzachoxe mpakana ma mwadra
Kujoina zamalixechezo? Nanuxo ndeno mzachoxe mpakana ma mwadra
Kkkkkk charo chikuyanku mweee
Kkkkkk charo chikuyanku mweee
Send me the photos pls akadzayenda mali choncho
Send me the photos pls akadzayenda mali choncho
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk amapanga masewelo chabe
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk amapanga masewelo chabe
iiiiih baba mutu wazonyezeka ?mwapanga mizket baba
Don’t listen to this comedian. He just want to shoot afilm
hahaha iwe suzathekaso kkkkk
mr mp you think is the joke
We’l see things there!
We’l see things there!
…. Tell manga so that we be three guys….
…. Tell manga so that we be three guys….
speak it loud and those with ears wiil take a point…. I know how much you care…. Tell them and lm already voting to join you nekedi-nekedi…..
ma friend ths is not a comedy uwu ni uchindele
Kkkkkkkk zaulendo uno
Ashiii munthu akufela mai Malawi uyu
Thats Not The Solution,let Him Find Another Way .
winiko ndi kape waxiloWexa drama.
Akufuna kujambula sewelo lanyuwano mesa ndi actor.paja
Hahaha ukudziwa kale ndipo atiuze date tikamuone amene uja
hahaha yera paja ufuna ukaone ndani?
Hahah paja muli nawopandada umenewu
Akufuna kupitiliza madrama ake uyu
Enanu palibe chifukwa chot mpaka mutukwanepo apa ayi! ! Eyeyu akumva kuwawa ngat ayini ake a anthu omwe akuphedwawo musaone ngat akupanga ndale ai plz
i will surely join match
Naked protest is what we need now,if these pple r look 4 privates let them have ours too,am strongly bhind u en l wil come en join u.bravo manganya.
Mkapa mbulanda bwana
This is definitely madness and taboo
Kupanga zioneselo ndi mbali imodzi ya ufulu and nafenso zophanazo sizikutisangalatsa koma povulapo ai man nganizani bwino,
I will be there ndipo musachedwetse olemekekezeka
kkkkkkk mupaka naked protest thats is abit ‘ insane.but go for protest is good idea to stop those madness people who killing our brother’s and sister’s we are all human.
hehe . odi uko
Kodi ulo Winiko ayende Maliseche chingasinthe ndi chani?pa thupi la munthu aliyense,,maliseche ndi chinthu cholemekezeka kwambili.kodi abale,,,,dziko langa lamalawi likupita kuti?chomwe ndikuganiza ine.mu dziko la malawi mulibe amzathu ambiri amene ali ma Albino.kodi boma singakhazikise malo ena ake kuti anthu amenewa awasunge?kusiyana ndikuti tiyipise mbili yathu padziko lonse lapansi kuti kumalawi anthu ambili apenga nthawi imodzi.pls musaiwale,,,timavala zovala chifukwa choti tibise maliseche athu ndipo zinayambila muja mmunda wa Eden
Brave man, make him the most paid MP in MW.
Mwina anthu amva akaona mchombo waolemekezeka tikhala ndichilemekezo kwaabale athu albino.
Thats the heart of true son of Malawi
Ok,mwalimbadi Mtima Kuyenda Maliseche Bwana MP? Kuwonetsa Umaliseche Anu Kumtundu Wa A malawi Even Ana Anu? Mulawulatu Dziko Inu…”Kulankhula Kwa Ndithe Ndithe Nankhambwe Adadzitengela Yekha’ Pezani Njila Ina Yothandiza A Zathu A Chialbino Osati Zama Drama Mukunena Apazi…Tikukambatu Za Moyo Wamunthu Apa..!
wadya kaning’ina uyo!
I will join u
Anthu awa amadziwana
so your DPP Government will label you a rebal …… so if peaple are still stealing our money walk naked again
Am ready to join u mp
Pano wina akukonzesa Camera azajambule a MP.I can agree wit Winiko
mmmmmm mpaka bwamuswe? not gud at all
hahahaha azayende ife sitidzawona katunduyo basiii
Winiko. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Akumasuta chaukalitu akuluwa
Sorry owhk
Bola amental hospital asakutapeni
Bro even i, am ready to join ‘ u. Fon me b4 u start
Maybe if you tell me that you were born yesterday, I’ll understand you. Are you a baby that you don’t know the tongue of a politician? If you find a politician who walks the talk, bring him to me. He doesn belong to this planet. The guy is simply trying to showcase the bitterness, anger or fury he has against the perpetrators of the act(albino killing). He can’t literally walk on the street in his birth suit. Never. The dude is also trying to raise some fans from organisations that deal with such issues. He’s cunning. See!
U can comment in black & white walk naked in protest stop asing’anga zawozo but do u mean kumapita kapena kuyambira zosezi apolice(momwetiziwira ukadaulo wa MPServces)sanawapeze poti adawagwilapo otumidwa?Ayi olemekezeka yendani invite a BEAM Ayende nawo to clean this unhuman malpractice
Kkkkkk yendan tikuooneni
He Cant Do It Angofuna Aonetse Kuti Ndi Okwiya Bwanji With The Malpractice. If He Does Haaa Kaya
Let him walk naked after all who will be ashamed at the end of the day, the problem of many people is trying to be famous on something; stop being emotional& hit the nail on the head, Ask Me
guys basi palibe nkhani apa. tonse tikumudziwa Winiko kut ndi wa ma drama, nkhani ili apa ndi yoti amwenewa angofuna kuiuza fanz kut zikuwabowa zomapha anzathu a chi albinol zomwe fanz ikuchitazi. basi ntayeni akagwere sangavuledi ameneyo ndi malume aakulu
Nde zafika povutatu
kkkkk…..ayishoshe ayiwo!!!!!!!apply calculus (integration by partial fraction) Mr Winiko…
Nde mmene adela maliche awinikomo mundiuza kuti angavule nkumaenda malpyata?
Kkkkkkk zafike kuno tizamuone
amangopanga nthabwala
Winiko….. Ukuona ngat ukupanga sewelo??? Mmene umaonekela iwemo nde uvule………….
Ayende bac chifukwa anthu omwe akupha azawo salabadila moyo wa wina ayi ndiye palibeso chifukwa kuti boma liwaikile kumbuyo iwoso azinyongedwa bac.
Ayende tione size basi
if ix it true xhow ax pic
mmmmmh uku ndyetu kumenyera ufulu mix kupenga onxe amene akumenyera ufulu wa anthu akumavula kdi?
Tıdzayıma mbalı mwa nsewu tızayıwone ya wınıko.Tızaıwone ndawala yokwıya.Ndızakujoına bıg.
i hope he is not just talking?coz that kind of protest wil entertain alot,,,ma camera alipo wil shoot 4 free keep updating
uyesere kuyenda maliseche uone anthu odula ziwalo akaona kuti size ya ziwalo zako zobisika ili bho azipezera msika kenaka tizangomva news kuti brother winiko adulidwa bengendeness
Malawi 51 ndi mbola
Tinekedexe baxi
Kkkkk zafikapod kumalawi
the govt police wont deal with albino murderers. Community needs apolisi. Maloya ndi majaji a mmidzi. Komanso kupeleka chilango chanthawi yomweyo.
akazinso akayenda nawo malichonchowo? nde pavutatu
zafikapa tikuyeneladi kuyendadi maliseche,bcoz bomali silikumva komanso Bomali likudziwapo kathu simpie akadangoti wompha aibino aphedwenso,bwezizitatha kalekale MR kalindo never give up,tiyeni tivule basi mpaka boma lichitepo kathu.
Ngakhale atumiki amulungu nthawi yakale akakhuzika ndi chisoni amatha kung’amba mkanjo wawo kusonyeza kutsweka mtima pa china chake,mr.mp siolakwa umo ndimomwe aonetsela kuipidwa kwawo.
Walking naked is also against the laws of Malawi…not even in the name of protesting.I wonder if that man has children,sisters,brothers.Is he ready to show his nakedness to his children,members of his church?Mr Mp i beg you dont just talk like youre on the stage sharing jokes for the issue of killing people with albinism is a serious matter.They anumber of ways of protesting …tell the world that you will go on hunger strike for 7;10;14dyr…or for as long as the law is not passed never will you eat or drink.Pamenepo tiona kuti muli serious.Walking naked?yes it cant be madness,but its of no meaning
it has ameaning man,remember maradonna told the world that if his team gonna win world cup ,he will walk naked,why not winiko?
Am ready to join koma uko tikathere kaya zikaonekera komko
Yendani tidzaone ndodo yanu
Winiko match round the capital hill! there are the people who are doing this evil on our fellow people with albinism! Mps,Cabinet ministers,attorney generals and their heads are the ones onto which these cases of albinism is sourced!
I Dont Think It Will Change Anything, Instead Winiko Just Want To Attract Pipo’s Attention! Or Its His Statement Its An Irony!
Winiko match round the capital hill! there are the people who are doing this evil on our fellow people with albinism! Mps,Cabinet ministers,attorney generals and their heads are the ones onto which these cases of albinism is sourced!
am ready to join him more fire winiko
An angry Winiko will do that comedy when he’s gonna be sober; I promise to be there myself, because I want to hear how people will call the naked Winiko olemekezeka.
Mmmm koma bloh
komaditu winiko ndimuziwa ine atha kuyendadi mbulanda?
Paja ndi wazisuzo uyu musiyeni
this statement ddnt mean that he is realy gona walk naked,,he jst wnt 2 show malawians how hurt n serious he is abt the mata
Feeling sorry with my mother country right now I was watching TBC news saying that stupid Malawians killing people with albinism plz my fellow Malawians stop killing innocent people with albinism
This is the action we need to see these days, he is right on track, I can see alot of you taking it as a joke, but people’s lives are at risk, you need to join in the fight with him, what’s to lose walking naked anyways? You lose nothing other than get the messege across to your government plus you save a life.
Kkkk! I will join you honable ,these killings are out of control, we really need to do something, we the citizens, plz let’s report the suspects to the authorities.
Mr MP pliz mukatha kumeneko kuyenda maliseche , ifeso kuno flames sikuwina muzayendeso maliseche kut mwina nawo angagwirizane kut azichinya
How can we get out of this mental slavery?it orginates from our minds and being implemented by our hands we need love for one another we can’t see God in heaven if we don’t love one another! STOP KILLING you have no right to take innocent blood
akumudzi tilipambuyo panu kokavulako
Angotigulira zitha tithane nda maliwongo amenewa; zopusa basi.Boma layenera kudziwapo kanthu pomwe Bakiri amkatenga dziko mu 1994 tinali ndi akhungu ambiri mdzikomuno koma anathapano njirazake ngat zomwezi.
you mean u protest against DPP govt? kuti lalephera kupereka chitetezo?
u. mean the whole parliament mukulephera kupeza mayankho? useless house
mukayenda maliseche mavuto at a these ndi ndani I thot its a matter of having policy Ku parliament of cabinet ministers amuuze president wanuyo kuti azisaina anthu oti aphedwe monga ankasainaira kamuzu
Of course he is justified to be angry, The issue of albino killings has really gone out of hand. However, protesting while naked on whatever issue is “something” else.
Zikanakhala bwino kukhala maliseche nkupalasa njinga lol
I Can’t Beliv This
hehe…zili ku Malawi…just to demonstrate how we(people) are concerned with albino attacks…i thick the idea is not that bad…lol
Kuyenda Ziko Lili Panja Ndi Kolesedwa Koma Chifukwa Mwakwiya Zayendeni Basi Inenso Ndili Momwemo
Ndani afuna azaone namulondola wa biii
Wamisala anaona nkhondo• Kuphana sikufunika mbambadi•Albino ndi anthu mongatonsefe•Vula tikulondola kkkkkkk
Panga Zomwezo Winiko,iwill Suport U.
Ndie amene akupha albinowo asiya akaona maliseche abwanawo?
I Will Join You
Kkkkk mpaka madeya
Ineso Ndidzayendanawo.
Malawi needs people like you. People’s lives matter. We will join you in that naked protest. Enough is enough. Viva Hon. Winiko.
Chaii!!! This world nawaooo…mpaka pamenepo?
I think this z a Joke i know Winiko he z a man of jokes.Maybe this can be true but i dont see any logical connection btn moving naked and the albino attacks i dont think this will work for the better.tayesan njila ina madala winiko
Nazo nazo winikoo
Ayende tiwone gadaf basi.
Yendani Man mwina zisintha
F**c**k*jah burning fire wait for you idiots doing embarrassing attitude by killing innocent pple in the sense of enrich themselves.shame on you judgement is coming though !we are tired of mediocre,evil will fall when we trod in Ethiopia believe from town life nah easy bt ya,even banton say its not an easy road operation occupy the mother land calling all soldiers to kindly trod along from creation it right in jah plan!!! Times have come soon his Majesty’s conquering lions of Judah will appear in clouds and there will sing free out black people,live up rastaman
khani koma imeneyo coz awaso ndi athu koma pali amabungwe ena amati otha alubinowa ali ndi ufulu nanga akuphedwawo alibe ufulu zinazi kumaziwona and kumaganiza ok
I will follow suit. Ineso ndidzayenda nawo mbulanda.
Musaiwale kuti Winiko ndi wazitsuzo. Tikuyembekezera tsikulo koma zisafere mmadzira.
anthu akamuonela apindulanji?
how iz malawi government exactly do to stop this bad behaviour?should we say that government dosen,t know anything on this isue?
Ine ndikavura nawo, mwina ndingatchuke naneso, nkupezako ntchito
Tizawawone awiniko enieni osati thupi chabe.odi uko.
Mmatenda amphepo ayamba
hahaha ngati akulembetsa chondeeee ndilembetselen#team winiko
alomwe sazatheka
Inenso ndinamumva pa ZBS tiuzeni zoona program and the program wi b repeated on thursday 8 30pm try to listen anapsa mtima heavy
Zaźiiiiiii aķuona ñgati àkupanga sewero eti
I heard his speech on ZBS truly he loves his Malawian people
I heard his speech on ZBS truly he loves his Malawian people
Nyasi pa nyasi inzake,zinthu zikukhota Inde iwenso ufuna kulaula dziko mu style yakoyako,Koma madam osadzawasiya
Nyasi pa nyasi inzake,zinthu zikukhota Inde iwenso ufuna kulaula dziko mu style yakoyako,Koma madam osadzawasiya
zalow ndale
zalow ndale
Winiko Has shown us how insane Malawi as a nation is. This is a great metaphor that should speak to Malawians to see things point blank. What the honerable member of August House did is challenging the Malawians to have a sense of originality and genuinity.
Winiko Has shown us how insane Malawi as a nation is. This is a great metaphor that should speak to Malawians to see things point blank. What the honerable member of August House did is challenging the Malawians to have a sense of originality and genuinity.
Apa muzinena nkhani ya winiko not kunena atumbuka win a anena atumbuka that’s bull shit
Apa muzinena nkhani ya winiko not kunena atumbuka win a anena atumbuka that’s bull shit
winiko ndi wamisala
winiko ndi wamisala
buying attention at its best.if you are looking for the easy way to become famous,do something crazy! thats what winiko is doing.going to parliament using tricycle while his friends are using posh cars.its not about fighting for rights of people with albinism here but its about buying attention. the best way for him is to bring the motion on the table as a private member bill and pursue his fellow mps to support it not the nonsense he is talking about.if he failing to pursuade his fellow members to discuss it when he is in the chamber how can he convince them while he is naked outside parliament?
buying attention at its best.if you are looking for the easy way to become famous,do something crazy! thats what winiko is doing.going to parliament using tricycle while his friends are using posh cars.its not about fighting for rights of people with albinism here but its about buying attention. the best way for him is to bring the motion on the table as a private member bill and pursue his fellow mps to support it not the nonsense he is talking about.if he failing to pursuade his fellow members to discuss it when he is in the chamber how can he convince them while he is naked outside parliament?
I realy support your comment
Its good do it winiko nice idea nawonso ndi anthu please sizi nyama mukawapha ife tikuotchani mamva? holla magents sima fool ndi mabeings free up blackpple muziganiza guyz thas 666 happening in a century of ours pliz …. Crazy Ah.
Beta hav none than being a stnst i was just tikin ….lyk mmmmm
Its good do it winiko nice idea nawonso ndi anthu please sizi nyama mukawapha ife tikuotchani mamva? holla magents sima fool ndi mabeings free up blackpple muziganiza guyz thas 666 happening in a century of ours pliz …. Crazy Ah.
Beta hav none than being a stnst i was just tikin ….lyk mmmmm
Protesting naked is total madness
Its joke ….ndi clip ya sewero, akujambura film.
Its joke ….ndi clip ya sewero, akujambura film.
When you get government by back doors always there is troubles to pass through na jumpha nthowa nkhuluta ku BT ine
When you get government by back doors always there is troubles to pass through na jumpha nthowa nkhuluta ku BT ine
Akuziwa kut zizavuta kumuonera snanga ndiwakuda hiiiii…
Akuziwa kut zizavuta kumuonera snanga ndiwakuda hiiiii…
Cnt wait to see em naked..albino killin z awkward tho
Cnt wait to see em naked..albino killin z awkward tho
Bengende 2 show yo anger wowww kkkkkk
Bengende 2 show yo anger wowww kkkkkk
Kuti tionetsetse a Winiko sanayende mbulanda 100% komaso kunyongana sinjila yabwina pezani njila ina
Kuti tionetsetse a Winiko sanayende mbulanda 100% komaso kunyongana sinjila yabwina pezani njila ina
yendani basi ngati mungathe
yendani basi ngati mungathe
Mmmh nkhanyo ndyona ndpo yacmikzka
Mxm actions speeks louder than words,maybe things might change Mr Kalindo (Winiko)
No problem
I will send photographers kikikikikiki
Kkkkkk athuwa amaziwana
Palibe njira ina?….. Anyway, ayende… Ndimuthandiza kupeza #ana osapyora zaka #10 azamperekeze!!!
amalawi tiri ndi mabvuto ambiri, ndiye kuti bvuto lililonse likagwa, tizivula, alendo kubwera adzatinena kuti amalawi tonse ndife odwala nthenda yamisala.
Comedy or chani this is foolish n not to sho the country bloody big d…….shameful
Yah show den nzakuthandiza oyamba siyiwe if you follow the history of Malawi Dr kamuzu Banda atamangidwa azimayi anayendanso maliseche to protest against kamuzu’s arrest .ask yo mum
First to hear this kkkkkkk
me either
me either
koma ajambo ndinu dolo la bodza
simulakwisa zanyanyadi abale
Walemba nkhaniyi ndi mtumbuka, kubadwa mtumbuka ndi ntchimo lalikuru
Ayende bax!! ationese malozawo, angotchula @date plus malo, ndizamuchingamila kuti ndizaonesese zimezo!
Yendani malisechewo tiwone michira ya zipewa ziri ndi madeya mkati.
ine zamatcha nawo..koma zavala boxer…
Zinazi ma mp azikhala serious sinkhani yocheza nayotu iyi we are talking of people loosing life here so they shud talk sensible things.who can do that?
do u think he is joking????
do u think he is joking????
He is joking and he is mad.only protesting is enough not to walk naked he can’t do that.akuziika mma dramma awa sizamasewerotu izi anthu akuphedwa ndithu
He is not joking he is serious, ukanamva mmene anakwiila pazodiak, ndinamutepa I hav his voice clip
That z a sign of deep affection, kaya azayenda mbulanda kaya ayi komabe akutionetsa kuti wakwiya nayo mkhalidwe wa Umfitiwu
Justin Msayama U hav said what i wantd 2 say.U hav really spoken my mind bro…..can u b my spokesperson¿¿¿ lol
umvere pa miji lachinayi umunve wekha sungalakhule zonsezo…analakhula ndi mkwiyo akuti musawanamizile asinganga pomwe mukupanga ndinu nommwe akulu akulu
Wat does it take for u to know that one is serious? Never heard of naked demos?
Guys what if the Albinos say that we want WINIKO to do what he said coz for him to say something which he can’t do to us is an insult , is he going to do that? Let’s be realistic here just saying we will much to me was more than enough but to say beyond that then he is taking the issue as a drama .
Bullshit!!..we don’t make difference..he can not be naked for you to see his private parts…..#muzinena_bwinobwino
Bola tisakhale tikungophimbidwa m’maso choona mukuchidziwa,chifukwa mzimu wa munthu ndi owopsya.
Ine phee kudikira kuona malisechewo…ndiye mwati adutsa kuti???
go on winiko
Anzathu odziwa kujambula zithuzi (Ma photographer) pilizichooonde dzatengeni zithunzi zochuluka tsikuli likafika.
Kufuna kuopseza ana m’midzimu ait??
ayende basi! avuleditu maso adyenawo kkkkkkkkkkk no boxer!!!
dziko limafuna anthu otelo chifukwa ife amalawi timadikira zithu zifike mmanso mwathu kenako tifotokoze sopano aka winiko pangani basi
koma za chaka chino eeee zinaxo kkkkk
Let him walk thats stupid thinking
Kodi Anthufe Timalikonda Dziko Lathu? Nanga Anthufe Timakondana ? Alakwa Ma Albino Zinazi Akatikantha Namalenga Ndithu.
عاجل التحقو شركة ابل تقوم بتوزيع هواتف أيفون 7 الجديدة مجانا بمناسبة عيد ميلادها الـ 40.. الكمية قليلة و اقتربت من الإنتهاء، أطلبو هاتفكم بسرعة من هنا http://a2sh.com/iphone7
winiko emweyo kt wawawa!!!
Kkkkkkk koma ziliko
can’t you choose anything better maybe barefooted?
azadutsilenso ku nchalo kuno kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Kuzolowera Madrama Basi Kkkkkkkkkkk
ndimujoina ameneyo inexo zikundiwawa kwambri….bwamuswe tiyende basi kuzungulira m’matauni athuwa!! mwna ungathe mchitidwe umeneu
inu ndi winiko ameneyo , a comedian
Kanundu wapa kk
An area without fools its nothing…kkkkk koma mbuzi ngati imeneyi ndiyomwe imamanga mudzi
What about his CHILDREN?!
ameneyo NDE wniko yemwe ndmamuziwa ine koma kumeneko
Aaaa mwatelo
Ndimayesa ngatitu zachitikatu, kodi zangokhala nkhamba kamwa chabe. Munthu asaseleule iyayi? Mmmmm a Mw 24 bodza
Zalowa drama ndaziona
Olo atayenda maliseche kwachaka zomwe akupemphazo sitingalole. There is no way we can execute death sentence in Malawi since we r signatories to human rights treaties one of which is right to life
How about the right to life of the Albinos? Is tht right applied to pple witout albinism only? Thnk twice..
Let me concur with Willy, killing the one who kills to show that killing another person is wrong does not make sense. There is no killing for goodness. Death sentence is wrong.
am telling you today lamulo limenero azaphedwa ndi amPhawi not olemera
Ine sindinasainire nawo ndie andipase ine ndione kuti ndichita kugenda kapena ku………….
Akapezeka Kumango Otcha Basi Chifukwa Akatengedwa Ndi Anzathu Apolice Sizikuoneka Mapeto Ake Or Kuyenda Osavala Sizikutanthauza Kalikose. Ufulu Tilinao Kuno Kumalawi Ukuona Mbali Olemela Amatetezedwa Koma Osauka Ayi . Ndiye Opha Albino Nayeso Asowe Akagwidwa
Akapezeka Kumango Otcha Basi Chifukwa Akatengedwa Ndi Anzathu Apolice Sizikuoneka Mapeto Ake Or Kuyenda Osavala Sizikutanthauza Kalikose. Ufulu Tilinao Kuno Kumalawi Ukuona Mbali Olemela Amatetezedwa Koma Osauka Ayi . Ndiye Opha Albino Nayeso Asowe Akagwidwa
….Aaaa so do u think this kind of Human slaughtering has something to do with right to life??? so what about of albinism????
….Aaaa so do u think this kind of Human slaughtering has something to do with right to life??? so what about of albinism????
Those Who Oppose Lyf Sentnce 4 Albino Killers…. I Thnk U R In The Group, Shame On U, Even Samuel The True Man Of God Hacked Agag In Pieces Wat Abt These Merciless Butchers? Away With Them! Execute Them! I’ll Help U Winiko, Ala!! Fosek!
Amphawi opusawo aziwotchedwadi olo kuwadula mutu akuwona foolish pipo sakufunikira tidziwawona mma societies mwathu mmalo mogwira ntchito ndi manja awo Ali busy kutumikira olemelawo kupha ma albino ndekuti ma albino safuna moyi? nde akamati right to life ndi chani zamkutu amene akupanga defend kuti Opha ma albino asamaphedwe ali mu gulu, think of it Mwana wakwanu olo wanu yemwe munthu nkumupha ngati nkhuku zingakome iyaaaa atakhala waine nde nditha kumung’amba ndimanja angawa zamkutu zomvela chisoni anthu akutisowetsela azibale anthuwa
adazife sizingatheke bcoz ndife ophunzra kwambr
Mbolo pamtunda?
Mr MP winiko kuti komwe amagulitsa akukudziwa nde bwanji osangonena kuti boma lithane ndi ogulawo?
Wanena zoona
Bomalo likuziwapa kathu nde aliuze likuziwa kathu
Ndizaenda nawo
Ayenderenso anthu adazi akuti nawonso ayamba kuwapanga chipongwe
umenewo siumalawi umene ndikuudziwa ine
Akukhalangati akutuma athu kt aphe Albno sakumuziwa bwanji?
inu mukumziwa wotumayo.?
Munthu ukakwiya umatha kupanga chilichonse chosonyedza kuti wakwiya. Mdziko mumafunika anthu openga chonchi kuti zinthu zina zikhale bwino. Kaya ayenda maliseche kaya sayenda koma nkhani ndi yoti m’mene zikuyendera ndi mchitidwe wakupha ma albino anthu omwe akuchita mchitidwewu sakupatsidwa chilango chokwanira.
zoonadi amwene Bright,munthu ukakwiya umatha kupanga chilichonse ndiye mp ameneyu sikuti akunama ndipo nthawi yomwe amanena zimenezi ine ndimkamvera pa zbs tiuzenizoona. Ndipo maganizo mazeze anaonadi kuti mp anali okwiya kwambiri.
i agree wth u
Ma MP achinyamatawa alibo heavy. Osati kumangogona.
Big up guys
inenso ndidzayendanawo hon. Bon Tiyenazoni
kkkkk tiziona
Hey khala ndiulemu usatilaulire dziko
Sindikuona kusintha ngakhale atatero,nkhani ndichilango chomwe chingapite kwa iwo apezeka olakwa pamulanduwu.
Kkkk it will be madness at its best
Kkkk it will be madness at its best
Ur Editors Didnt Go 2 Xul Cz De English Written Here Iz Confusing! Wat Exactly R U Tryn 2 Say!
Man ife tamva zomwe akunena,,, pena simumatha kungozichepesa bwanji?? Simaesotu awa kut muchonge
Kkkkkkk ngati ndi manebo
Iweyo wamva amzako’fe timayesa zachitika ndi mene alembera
Ayende basi
Sikungoononga boma uku?? I mean his government as well as the dpp government kkkk Eric Googl Micheal Maxwell Mtupanyama Samuel Mtembe
Yandani tione madeya
Awiniko Nane Ndizayenda Nawo
Shaaa,koma ndiye zafika povuta..mpaka kuyenda bunobuno kkkkk
Ayende timuonele timuonele
ife tiyenda nawo nanenso zayamba kundikwiitsa, ndipo sindidzasamba
koma ndiye izakhala WORLD MALISECHE DAY
Iwe walemba izi ndiwe chitsiru zedi ndipo ndikuti in the name of satan mapazi ako
Kkk Nanga Winiko Ndi Mu2?
Imeneyo ndi mw24 imanena zinthu omwe mnthu sanayankhule ndi pa kamwa pake amafuna zikome
Akulu zaseguleni mij lachinayi 7..30 muzazimvere nokha paja amabwereza ndipo azabwereza musasutse ine nndamvera pa mij
walakhula pa mij goodmorning malawi
ali bho che nyooooootu apa
sheeeeeeee nde mwati naked koma mu. lomwe uyu eish!!!!
Nane ndiyenda maliseche polirila flames yanga
Ndie kuyenda malipyata kusintha zinthu???
Likhala liti Koma ? Mr nyo sadzathekaso
Koma ayende tione ma pwalawo
Winiko kkkkkkk
inu muzitiuza zenizeni naked ndichizungu chichewa chake ndi mbulanda…bunobuno,bwamuswe ndiye inuyo ndikuona ngati kunali kwa bwino mukanamufuxa bwinobwino chifukwa ndikutheka akuti naked pomwe azavala bokoxa koma ndi kuvula malaya zomwe zikutsutsana ndi mawu a naked ..
kkkkk zobvuta izi
Kkkkkkkk Yooooo
inunso tiuzeni zeni zeni mukati bokoxa mukufuna kunena kuti chani? tatiuzani monveka bwino kuti kabudula wamkati…….
imya inenso ndinamumva akunena yekha pa program ya zilipati pa Mij! Awa a Malawi 26 wa sakunama
imya inenso ndinamumva akunena yekha pa program ya zilipati pa Mij! Awa a Malawi 26 wa sakunama
Azyenda maliseche kuonetsa ujen pa mtetete?? Ngini kuonetsa kwa anthu?? Man Winiko mwalimba mtima kuonetsa machine pamtete??
Azyenda maliseche kuonetsa ujen pa mtetete?? Ngini kuonetsa kwa anthu?? Man Winiko mwalimba mtima kuonetsa machine pamtete??
Koma abale kkkk
Bola Tisamve Kuti Wayamba Porno… Si Ma Rehestle Amenewo???
Muli bwanji achemwali mawu anu andizangalatsa
mamamamama!!!!! koma kumenekooooo!!!!!! psa gwira!!!!!! alole alole akaneakane!!!!!!!
If l sy malawi 24 news editor are confusing people lam wrong?
U’re not wrong bra
No brother , the owner and the writer’s are stupid
your not wrong there idiots all of them i dont know which school did they go
kkkk my dear friends some people are
Misleading people.
Misleading people.
Misleading people alot.
Misleading people alot.
mudikire lachinayi 7..30 pa miji muzamumva winiko akunena yekha ine ndamumva sunday akunena
kod zichitika lit?? aziwe naneso Ndili pa mbuyo pake, osadanda mr MP, tiyenda basi
Sindikuvetsa zaWiniko zikuti chiyani akukhuzidwa kupha anthy wa akuzowawa
inde iwe winiko
Zalowa Drama
Kkkkkkkk wa fodya uyu,campain yake ya mtundu chani kkkkk
Ayende malisechewo nafe tione kut ali ndi mudzi ochuluka bwanj
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk winiko ndi more
To protest is good but the fact that he is to walk naked is madness.
May be he smoke nyaope then he can’t feel ashamed.
t dosent mean that he is going walk naked,just angry wth the issue.
madness indeed.akuzitenger mma dramma awa tsopano
People not acting before he actually walks naked are total madness, not him
That’s what wrong with people, he has to mean that, I’m hoping he means it, I would
I wounder
I think anthu Ambiri ali ndi pulobulemu ndi ”Litilitchala” zoona mpaka mulalata as if winiko akuwerenga nawo.
I will join him
Brave guy keep it up we need pipo like u
Takozani chichewacho za chitika kapena akufuna achite
kkkkkk, aka Winiko omweo kuti wawawa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
koma nde kut wawawawawawa!!!!!!!!! koma kumenekooooo!!!!
Keep ze fire buuuuuuuu! #kalindo
kma yah!!