Forwards Peter Wadabwa, Gabadinho Mhango and Chiukepo Msowoya all lead the Malawi national football team upfront in this afternoon’s crucial match against Zimbabwe in Harare.
Coach Ernest Mtawali has named his starting line up which is of course a promising 4-3-3 formation which has apparently been receiving praises from fans in Malawi bearing in mind that this is a must win game for the Flames if their chances of qualifying for the continental showdown in Gabon next year are meant to be kept alive.

Mtawali has reacted to the goalkeeping woes the team has fallen to by starting Charles Swini this time around in the posts. The H.B. Songo F.C keeper will have to rely on veteran Harry Nyirenda who partners Stanley Sanudi, Francis Mlimbika and John Lanjesi as defenders, manning the Flames goalkeepers and of course keeping the Warriors at bay.
In the midfield, the surprise package is ofcourse Wonderful Jereman. But the Silver Strikers maestro will perhaps bank on the experience of veteran Joseph Kamwendo. Gerlad Phiri Jnr also joins the fun of ball distribution and attacking in the midfield.
The all but important job per say lie in three front men.
Wadabwa who has over the years raised his for has made it back to the Flames squad. He starts alongside captain Msowoya and Mhango-whose heroics some years back nearly earned him the saviour tag for the team.
Flames starting line up.
Charles Swini
Stanely sanudi
John Lanjesi
Francis Mulimbika
Harry Nyirenda
Joseph kamwendo
Wonderful Jereman
Gerald Phiri Jnr
Peter Wadabwa
Gabadinho Mhango
Chiukepo Msowoya
Zimbabwe lead Group L with eight points and can qualify for the biennial soccer showcase if they beat Malawi at home and Guinea fails to beat Swaziland.
Both Swaziland and Guinea are tied on five points each with Malawi at the foot of the table with two points.
(Malawi24 will provide live text feeds on the match through our Facebook Page and Twitter account as well.)
Game starts at 3 P.M , Malawian time.
Iiiiiii koma team ya Dziko lathu idatha kale kale panopa ndimbiri basi
Team mbola iyi inu, muwina bwanji musewera akumpoto nokha nokha? Achita bwino akuthidzimulani.
Kkkkkkk flemes yanuyo kkkkkkk ndi 0 kale Zimbabwe 3 kkkkkkkk
Abwere tiziza lima fodya basi aaaaaa
And the result waz disappointing
ma plyayer onse anapita ku zimbabwe ndiofoira & amafunika pochoka kuja ayende pansi coz amatitukwanitsa kwambiri zoona kumalephera control…. ?? machende awo amenewa.,,,
Shame on u 3-0 was just too much
Flames sidzamva
Flames nd ziakhutukumve asaaaa,,,ikubowa hvy
Top Loosers
Kina wausilu
Shameless team
Mbola zokha! !!
ndlikonkuno aaa zizkuyenda
All de best flames
Mbuzi zazibambo zikuluza pano
Zimbabwe 2-0 Malawi halftime
zautsilu 2 not first half
Chimwemwe Tembo hit my inbox 0884401114
Half time scoreline Zim 2 Malawi 0.
tikufunila mafuno abwino flames
Am Junior Alowerapo Ever Thng Can Be Fine
Agaba Anal Kale Now Anatha
khama biliyati
Parapain be redy
Pangani Zakupysa Tilipambuyo Panu, Tsogozani Mulungu
Guys amene alindindakatulo yachiwambo ya flames sizamva mutigaileko. Watsupp number 0881735616
Ambuye thandzan flames kupanda inu ili chabe
Like a punching bag;( flames
Zimbabwe na relo izi wona
Guyz flames ndimaiziwa ine simawina mpila kwa iniyake.
All the best guys
Zabwino zonse TEAM yadziko langa(flamez woye)
ku win kulipo basi
Osadanda maflames ife tagulilatu mapanado
mulungu ndamuona ali mbali yathu mu tsiku lalero, wakonzeka kupututa misonzi yathu mu tsiku ili .mwachikhulupiliro tiwina tinalakwanji amalawi?
Best wishes
Chete ndi chidwi kudikira
Nkhamabiliati woyee!
1-0 to the frames
Flames motomoto…………..!
Ndagula Kale Ka box Ka Panado.
Just wish them all the best
Nyasaland 3-1 zim
Flams sinzamva
Good selection from mtawali
Bola wa akazi
khama Biliyati yo bwino naye
Koma ndakatulo ya chiwamba lero iyenda malonda ndipo yabwera munthawi yake. Sindingasapote frames koma ndingowafunira zabwino zonse anyamata awa: wadabwa, sanudi & mlimbika
its an aggressive team indeed but we are yet 2 see the results
Buffen ine ndiye ndaguliratu
Go go go go flames, for once make us proud back home…defile the odds. A win iz possible, and impossible is nothing, no fear….malawi the flames!!
olo itabwelekela ronaldo malawi iluza by 5 goals ku big 0
Kdi guyz atusaye pano ali kt?
zusandikhuze am too young to die with heart attack
All de best my team
Panado m’manja aliyense chifukwa kuli mutu waching’alang’ala lero garlic ndi anzake ready kwa omwe muli odwala BP.
Musayiwale khama from zim samasewera ndi mpira
all the best to u guys goooooo Malawi goooo flame
Flames 2 Zim 0.All the best
Malawi sizamva ndakatulo after the game
Flames ikuyenela kutsogola ndi chigoli chimodzi.
Koma lero ndipemphe palibe zoti anyamata athu asewera bwino ayi tikufuna kwina basi
kodi tionera pa tvm?
mafuno abwno aflames
Ndiye mwati team yina yatumiza 8 players apa bwanji pa line up sakuonekapo. Mwina ndima bolera. Good luck flames…….
all the best to Flames,Uganda won yesterday against Botswana away from home so why Flames! Flames 2 Zim 1
All the best ma Flames
Wishing u o d best
Awonesa pakanema?
Kodi ili pa radio
Where is Peter Wadabwa is playing now? I last heard about him when he was playing in South Africa, he is a quality striker
Tinazolowera kuluza ife,tikachita bwino nde ndi draw, where is kaira? Kukhala mmalawi ndikulimbadi mtima
Stilet win Malawi
Hope is wth u
Nononononoooo my friend, NO MATTER WHAT not #NOMATTERWHY
Okay vuto ndi chifoni changa man
No problem zimachitika
Mukamaliza Kuchita Maexerciziwo Mutipeza
All the best anyamata osaiopa Zimbabwe tiyeni tichite nayo
Vuto lake chi team chake chinazolowera ku luza chosachikwera ungakhumudwe mapeto ake but anyway gud luck
Wishing all the best any anyamata
All the best maflames
mw 2 zimu 0
Another disappointment day ,,,,,,waist of money
we nid someone who can win balls on centre & cut in crosses 4m the wings 2feed chiukepo&wadabwa
Bo! bo! bo! bo!, khabada! khabada!, nebada! nebada! Awa ndi ena mwa malirime amene akumveka kuphiri komwe ife tiri, we’re praying kuti Flames isachite kubwera ndi zigoli zochuluka kuposa ma colours a flag ya Malawi.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ime kukomokeratu
Kkkkkkkk Yooo
Guyz zim ili bho coz musona ,ndolo,komabe flames ndi zampira lero
Khama Billiat Mumamudziwa? Ndi Uja Anaombetsa Pole Harawa Uja Wawinanso Ma Award Mbweeee Dzana Dzanali
ma painkillers akhale pafupi
i c the president (APM) welcoming the guys,i c malawians smiling & why did they leave it late u c swaziland has drawn with guinea ooh poor flames this is just a wish but as far as i know malawi sizatheka ithera draw 0-0
zimbabwenso ikuziwa kuti mw inangoluzira minyama,koma lero tiwona;
Ambuye chotsani chitonzo kwa team ya dziko langa flames kuti oyipayo achite manyazi. at least its a gud line up lets hope malawi wil make it
zitheka mau achilimbikitso
Musazilimbitse mtima.. We all dat flames ndimakape satha mpira
usamatchule ambuye mulungu pachabe bro
Wishing you all the best anyamata timakunyadirani
Khama 4 Zim
Team ili bwino iyi tiye nawoni mashonawo
All the Best
Poti ndi team ya dziko langa ndiyeb aaaa choncho tikagulab mabattery tiumvere movuta momwemo.Koma lineup yalero ili bho mot mtima ukumandilimba komanso ndalota madolo ali ku frant wa atangwedeza ukonde.Lastly,i am saticfied with the syctem itseif,i hope n believ tht we gon deaft.
You call this formality encounter a crucial! !
Zili mushe
tili mbuyo mwa amalawi pano
team ya zimbabwe ikuwopsa chifukwa cha ndoro ndi khama km zilibe tchito tikudya mana ku zimbacwe napsanje
Malawi 2 -Zims 1
My flames my team
Ngwazi za ma Flames! Zabwino zonse Malawi wamotoo chinya lerooooo chinya
Malaw Lro Tmwa Wa Mkaka Am Junior Kamowa
Our national team is addicted to losing . Don’t take them too seriously , otherwise you’ll have a heart attack at the end of the game .
al the best guys go do yo thing
that’s it, no need to defend,attack basi,tinafa kale….
All best to u guys sawina awili just work had
Wt time kickoff guys?
Oky ssu chan ?
Which chanl ssu?
SS4 and SS9
Thanks guys iwill watch my team: iknow we cant win bt iwill watch. Ndi ziko langa basi.
Kuli khama biliat hee tiwona
Tendai ndoro kkkk khama b /mahachi mmmmm mbola
Wishing you the best
Only God can save us kkkk Zimbabweans have good strikers and midifielders.
Go guys dont give any chance to khama n ndoro fuck them : All the best flames 4 lyf
Wishing all the best
My Flames My Team,,,,yiwine yiluze ndi Team yadziko langabe basii
Muone nthawi yoonjezera adzigoletsa okha imeneyo ndie Flames
inu ife tingodikila timenyedwe 5 zero basi
Zimbabwe itabwela kuno2 sinamenye mpira,,,,,ife tinaonela game,zinangochitika tinaluza bt t all remains 2b seen 2dae,dont discount MW yet.an2 otani inu?leave Malawi’s economic crisis out of futball,tisapote basi.
In football all that matters is goals kumenya bwino kuli ndi phindu lanji?Good handwriting but wrong answer,does not count.
Ndinamuunikira zimenezo coach ndipo wandivetsadi akuoneka kuti ndiovera za ife amene timautsata mpira momwe ukuyendera…zilibwino titenga cup imeneyi..
kuwAONA anthu wakumenya mpira wabwino komalixa, gaba aliku big bullets…….chiukepo aliku #Baka secondary/ #Kraads….. wadabwa aliku under 20 national team, ,,,,,
Wamkaka lero!
Nďimalawi yokha yomwe imaluza pakwao mochitisa manyazi mmmm anyway all the best guys
Anyway wishing dem all de best.
all the best lawezi
Unbalanced line up.The midifield needs real ball winners.In this line we ‘ve none.which makes it difficult for our defence to hold on the likes of khama. All the best ma flames panado wanga ndasunga.
I like my team
Waiting for that miracle
Uuuum koma zimbabwe ili boooh achina Ndolo ndinzake khama biliyati mafana akuwopsa
eeish zim I do knw•
Alandla 2 Kwa Chlowere
kkkkkk Flames ya ife ummm kaya!…
YES!!!! its onother sick day aday most Malawians suffer from hyertension secondary to poor perfomance and results of the” punching bags”aka flames, Nothing they can do than loosing with a sizable margin befitting their size!!!!
Its so obvious kuti flames singawine…tiwonelera umboni
Zili bwino
mugabe vs mnthalika
Zimbabwe is in top form; let us not get our hopes up; We gonna be hammered in Harare:
all the best to Malawian team
Stupid line up,why leave out industrious John Banda on the bench and opt for gerlad junior who has been inactive for a long time??silly coaches.
I will never be happy if the so called Flames win today. U guyz u dont kno zimbabwe, she iz gonna crush yu to ashez at deir own backyard. malawi team does nothin to us en thus no need to supot t. I wud rather ask malawians to beef up funds fo National Netbal team osati zosasambazi….LOSE MALAWI LOSE LOSE
All the best ma flames go!!!