As some secondary students in the country are writing Junior Certificate Exams (JCE), two cases of cheating have been registered so far.
The first case was reported on 1st June in Lilongwe West Education District, an area bordering Mchinji District.
The suspect is 21 year-old Liphet Gambatula who was writing the examinations at Chileka CDSS Cluster Centre. She is a student at God’s Power Private Secondary School based in the area.
“Gambatula was found with a reference material alias “likasa” during a Mathematics paper. She was arrested on the spot and handed over to Namitete Police for prosecution. She was released on police bail and is continuing writing the examination,” Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) said in a statement.
On 3rd June, another student Joseph Mataya was arrested in Nasawa in Zomba Rural Education district. 23 year-old Mataya is an Open Distance Learning (ODL) candidate in Nasawa and was caught with “likasa” during the writing of Life Skills on Thursday.
The suspect is currently in custody at Namadzi Police Station, awaiting trial.
According to Maneb, the suspect will be charged for possession of unauthorised reference materials which is contrary to MANEB (Conduct of Examinations) Regulations section 29 (7) as read together with MANEB Act section 14 (8).
If found guilty, the culprits will face a maximum of 2 year jail term and/or a fine of K50,000.
why cheating on abolished exams. whatever results yo will make it to form3
Kodi mtumbuka mumamutenga ngati opanda nzeru?
Amenewo alandile cilango choyenela aziwe kuipa kobela mayeso ana opanda nzeruwo
just go to southAfrica and gt job..
cheating z good guys
cheating z good
21 years old woman and 23 years old man heee! Anzanu tinakhonza msce ndi 16 years inu makolo mkumalowandi likasa mu life skills ehe kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
olo ine ndabelapo,chachilendo ndi chan, simunaone?
fraud is everywhere!!
One is still in police custody while another one is released and is continuinng writing exams but all have the same cases ,how come?Thats symbiosis.
Mutatai mukumbuke ine ndinanena kuti OSAKABELA MAYESO!
Akufuna kupambana mayeso basi
Amayambisa zoobela mayeso ndiatumbuka bax!! mind u kupha njoka nkudula mutu.
Ukunenadi zoona Foster. Atumbuka ndi azelu kwambiri. Ndiye ife akumwelafe timayeyesa kuti tibere mayeso kuti mwina tingayesereko kuwaposa atumbukawa.
Sukunama Isaac opposite is true, pazomwe walongosolazo.
From which districts?? Bcoz maboma enawa ndikhalidwe lawo limeneli.
Kkkkkkkk kuba kosaganiza
Zimayambira patali! And zikathera kuba ndalamaso m’boma!
Two suspects with similar case, one get away with it while the other is still in police custody. The World favours women.
Tiyeni nazo! Pakati ndi kumwera ntchito zanu ndi zomwezo. Hop more same results 2 follow. Best wishes as u continue with likasa
even this colificatin no nothing?a malawi comeon! be serious.
yyy? jce cheatn?
Certificate yake imenei mpaka kubera nanga ilindiphindu kusowa zobera agalu amenewa osaba ndalama bwanji zaziiii
Certificate yake imenei mpaka kubera nanga ilindiphindu kusowa zobera agalu amenewa osaba ndalama bwanji zaziiii
Mwaonjeza amwali!
Tindo sindinaonjeze nanga jce mpaka kubera haaa
Why cheat? Having this qualification and not having it at all; is the same
mayeso avuta awaaa snakha jce yomaliza tiwonerenso komaliza