Thirty eight Malawians who were stuck in Benoni in South Africa for almost month after the bus they were travelling in broke down several times in Johannesburg have now been rescued by Intercape Bus Company.
The bus company has provided the group with a bus which will take them back to Malawi.
According to Brave who is the organiser of the trip to Malawi from Randburg, the bus had been repeatedly breaking down and now it has been stuck in Benoni for more than four weeks.
Brave added that Intercape offered them a bus that will help them return to Malawi.
“The bus arrived yesterday, we are just waiting for the paperwork today,” he said.
He also told a radio station that the owner of the bus that broke down was arrested on Thursday by South African Police Service after he had been on the run for several weeks.
“The owner of the bus was apprehended by police on Thursday. The situation is much more calm here. They arrested him yesterday. Everyone is very happy here,” Brave said.
Meanwhile, the office of Social Development in the rainbow nation has provided plane tickets to parents of the twins who were delivered on board the broken down bus.
The couple will stay in South Africa for three months before flying back to Malawi.
Shame my home pple mzimba y u like to travel with chinjoka bus there is alot of buses in park station nice company like intercape munororama.they also going to malawi y y yy y
Well done intercape
Thanks, may God bless them
God bless intercape company
Keep it up intercape crew
Bus ya intercape iri bho
Bola ine ndi mayenda wapasi not bussi
Y owez Malawians? Stranded in mind. Popita analawila ndani. Kumaona bus zokwera, joweni sikuntcheutu kuti wina akutolani kapena mukapempha malo kwamfumu. What a shame.
Amapita kuti
Nkhaniyo ndiyoona guys anthuwo ndinawawona.
Every bus do have some breakdowns at one point or the other, for those of you who are making Mzimba a subject u just have a problem with the place so I hope icho mukupenja one day muzamuchisanga, in this case I say nice coming to intercept bus service
Thanks to Intercape for big job
Ndizoona man
Thanks intercape for your kindness to those people God may increase for what u have lose for helping those poor people.
thats the bus in my heart
We only ask them to also start transporting people who have overstay in their passport.
Kukwera zochipa kumaonongeza ndalama zambiri zoposa bus yomwe imaithawa kumati ndi yodulayo
Kkkk… Kumangoti kujoni basi mukuvutika
Bola ine ndimakwera ndege not bus
nkhaniyi ndinayimvaso pa news ya etv guys silelo koma ndikanthawi mwezi wathadi. kutiso mufufuze nkhani za ASBC news musiwona
Thanx Intercape For Job Well done.
Our apreciation goes to intercape bus company for their sweet heart to Malawians more especially when they are in trouble like this.In this case, i shall always encourage Malawians to fully support this company no matter what for it is the best and safest bus ever in Africa.
It’s just bizness man, palibe favour apa.
Samael Chikonde, its an offer to stranded Malawians its not business kkkkkk.
Wawo whats a graet company thinking of customers
Big up to intercape bus company
thank you intercape for helping my brothers and sisters
Stranded in Benon South Africa? Amapita ku Malawi?
O! Allah please bless the intercape company so that they continu to help others,,,,,ameeen
Thanx indeed to Mgt of Intercape Bus comp any
Our problem is,we like the cheapest…..we dont love our life…thats malawians
Alexander Emmanuel Bandawe you can say that again.Bus dzina mpaka “Ndatani” Ashh!!!!!Bus yoyenda Ndi chigubu cha madzi Ndi drum ya oil???? Zoziyamba dala.Koma I would like o thank the General Manager of Intercape for coming inn quickly. He has advertised his business extra. At least transporters love each other in jburg.
U r only company we can believe
Anthu amewo ndi amwayi kwabasi azipempher ndzosowa zmenezo eish.
Bus zokwala anthu azindikila ndi lntetcape onily
#Josi, koma mwaimvesa bwino nkhaniyi zomwe muku commenta zikusemphana ndinkhaniyi
#Josi, koma mwaimvesa bwino nkhaniyi zomwe muku commenta zikusemphana ndinkhaniyi
Just think “chinjoka” abig snake always move on grass uthink it can help mzimba busses kkkk
Just think “chinjoka” abig snake always move on grass uthink it can help mzimba busses kkkk
Intercape is a south African bus while chinjokas are from Malawi ..why dont you just support ur local buses so dat they can hv enough money to buy new buses ????anthu opuxa kwabasi inu …
Intercape is a south African bus while chinjokas are from Malawi ..why dont you just support ur local buses so dat they can hv enough money to buy new buses ????anthu opuxa kwabasi inu …
Thanx others take a lesson upon what intercape did.
Thanx others take a lesson upon what intercape did.
May God bless your Business and please continue even if next happens. ..
Pempho ! People let’s enquire and have full confidence when booking for some of these touring services otherwise zotchipazi pena pake ndi mbola like we have all witnessed here.
May God bless your Business and please continue even if next happens. ..
Pempho ! People let’s enquire and have full confidence when booking for some of these touring services otherwise zotchipazi pena pake ndi mbola like we have all witnessed here.
Thanks intercape staff
Almighty God
Please malawians stop using cheap buses from mzimba”””the are foolish peaple
If you dont have comment just keep quiet wayowoya ninjani kuti basi iyo njakumzimba? Thanks to intercape any way
If you dont have comment just keep quiet wayowoya ninjani kuti basi iyo njakumzimba? Thanks to intercape any way
guys intercape all of us
that’s good
Chidule kupweteketsa mtunda wamasiku awiri mpaka mwezi kumakwera Bus zodalilika Business time woyeeeee patsogolo
Be more blessed intercept company.And to my fellow Malawians,plz let’s try to go for the well known buses,ie intercape and munorurama
Mtunda waa masiku awiri mpaka mwezi chidule kupweteketsa Businetime woyee bus yodalilika
Kaya bus ndimakwera ine ndi munorurama. olo tameki atagwera mu ufa mabus osathandiza munseuwa ine ai.
Iyo ndiyo bus yomwe ndimakwela zinazi ai intercape number one
Thanx Brown Waku intercape
Thanks intercape you care ur customers,you know business
Thankx alot intercape bus!
Kkkkk yashi kweni bus izi kwali mwe
Thanks to the Intercape staff.You have done a did.
thanks intercape for helpng my fellow malawians, to all my fellow malawians lets give support intercape coz wen we ‘ve aproblem they ll help us jst imagine that bus our friend board turn to maternity too bad, lets stop to board bus zakukaya zoyenda munthowa mwezi ndakuphalilani kkkkkk
nikhumba nikafike na Rand kukaya. lol
kkkkkk, 4weeks mthowa?
Peoples bus
kkkkkkkk koma zosangalatsa hv
intercape thax
Mabus opanda maina ndiopasa mantha
Mabus opanda maina ndiopasa mantha
Dats y we lov entercape thank u
Dats y we lov entercape thank u
Osamakwelela ku cheaper ma bus enawa
Osamakwelela ku cheaper ma bus enawa
Kukonda ma boza inu nditima admin tanuto muzaona polekera.
Kukonda ma boza inu nditima admin tanuto muzaona polekera.
Admin ameneyo samatsatira bwino bwino ndipo samadziwatso kuti ndi misewu yiti yololedwa ma public transport wopita ndiku bwera joberg n malawiwi ndiye popeza benoni yili kumbali komanso kuti tifike benoni timayaya tafika jons ndiye admn uyu sadziwako kubenone
Afta ku tchipa kugonaso ndinjala mwenzi pabwino ndipati?
Afta ku tchipa kugonaso ndinjala mwenzi pabwino ndipati?
Pitani ku court akupangeni refund .ndalama zanu adya wena a inter_cape wongothandiza ? Kuyimbira lero muzidula ticket za intere cape poyithokoza zomwe yachita . Chifukwa ngakhale boma la Malawi silinakakwanitsa kutelo.
Pitani ku court akupangeni refund .ndalama zanu adya wena a inter_cape wongothandiza ? Kuyimbira lero muzidula ticket za intere cape poyithokoza zomwe yachita . Chifukwa ngakhale boma la Malawi silinakakwanitsa kutelo.
big up intercape
big up intercape
God bless intercape. Reliable intercape. Thats my reliable transport whn ever iam in need of it.
God bless intercape. Reliable intercape. Thats my reliable transport whn ever iam in need of it.
Intercape can never do that for free NEVER!!!!!!!!!
Intercape can never do that for free NEVER!!!!!!!!!
praise God thats the spirit of humanity to help those who are needy
praise God thats the spirit of humanity to help those who are needy
Thax intercape management
Thax intercape management
A big hands to intetcape bus company
Adim ife tili kokuno musanamize athu unduna owona zakugwa mwadzidzi ndiamene apanga hire ku bus ya intercape sizawulere
I work for Intercape and this is a free service
Bola pamenepo mitima yasika
Intercape has taught the Malawians a lesson
ur travelling to south africa/malawi. eni bus akuti muwabwereke ndalama agulire mafuta akakupatsani mukakafika komwe mukupitako. bus yadzadza nde akukuuzani kuti mukhalira crate mpaka mukafika bhobho. * bus ilibe dzina and ilibe ma office. koma after seeing all this, mukumakwerabe ma bus amenewa….. anyway
Chinjokatu chimenechi olo nyamende
I blame our so called traffic department. These skorokoro should be in pounded and neva come or carry passengers to Malawi again. Malawi is not a dust bin plz.
Nanga Bus Yotan Yomaphika Momwemo Mmemo?
True lnnocent its not easy to stuck for two wks in the road
Bravo!!!!!!!!! Intercape for the offer. You are the best.:
True lnnocent no one want to have an accident in the road but they happen thanks to the rescures may God bless u
thanks to intercape
Ndimakhala ku benoni ndipo benoni si malu aakulu koma mukuti nkhaniyi yachitikira ku benoni mbali yiti komanso benoni ndikumbali koti sikudutsa ma bus wopita kumalawi pokhapokha akudzera kumaputo komwe kunaletsedwa.
Yea! ” a very gud job…..wel done….” Sometime were nt suppose to rely on bucks….” De bible says,” give & shalluue be given unto u…..thr’ re some who felt dat ths ws nt suppose to be done ths way,” but why thinking dat way……if it ws u..put urself on dat situation…. Dat ws god’s ways fr intercape to act on dat its a great job wel done…. We Africans,” let’s take out dat spirit dat we’ve…
Mmmmmmm osamanyoza ma bus zachambaeti bus yaine mkoyamba kukumanandivutolimeneri omse akulakhula za shiti mitumbozanu kaguleniyanu makape mbuzizaathu
If u want 2 go Malawi use nice Bus Intercape or Munolama Bus not no name
Thanks for save our braza and ccta’s INTER.
Munakwelanso Nyamende?
thanks to this company thats why ilike ur bus
Amalawi plz Osamakwera chinjoka bus service, chinyama buses, nyamende etc mabvuto ake ndiwomwewo amakongola bwinobwino ndalama zamakasitomala kumagula mafuta amati tikabweza pa beltbridge koma sabwenza as a result sizidutsa amazibwedza nkumakuyendetsani pansi mnkhalango
Ur the best
sometimes dont blame government on issue, this is personal issue we have to be very careful of ourselves not every step looking to it, pa chizambian they call it zinthu zochitira dala.
Yoooh asamaliya amenewa ndiakuti abale?
Thnx Intercape bus co 4 helpin fellow Malawian coz there were stranded, god bless u ppl of intercape bus co.
Thnx Intercape bus co 4 helpin fellow Malawian coz there were stranded, god bless u ppl of intercape bus co.
Thats comendable kip it up,i will use your bus when i want to go outside,kma mwini wake ngwakuti intercapeyo chonde tell me,fukwa ngati mmalawi wandidabwitsa kwabasi,mmalawi kukhala mmoyo umenewu,zinthu zitasintha kwathu kuno,mulungu amuyendere mwapadera mkulu ameneyo
Thats comendable kip it up,i will use your bus when i want to go outside,kma mwini wake ngwakuti intercapeyo chonde tell me,fukwa ngati mmalawi wandidabwitsa kwabasi,mmalawi kukhala mmoyo umenewu,zinthu zitasintha kwathu kuno,mulungu amuyendere mwapadera mkulu ameneyo
Thanks to lntercape to help people God bless
Thanks to lntercape to help people God bless
Yefrdqen Ymetal pathako panganga ako. Why are you talking rubbish? Sonovabish!!
Yefrdqen Ymetal pathako panganga ako. Why are you talking rubbish? Sonovabish!!
Komaso tisamangoti yatchipa nkumavutika pa njila tieni tisikwela zolongosoka ndakunyadilani abale anga a intercape simukhumudwitsa
Komaso tisamangoti yatchipa nkumavutika pa njila tieni tisikwela zolongosoka ndakunyadilani abale anga a intercape simukhumudwitsa
kutsata zotchipa amalawi asssshhii
kutsata zotchipa amalawi asssshhii
Thanks intercape bus you are the greatest. If i decide to go by road; this is the bus that i always use. They are professional; they are everything. They dont compete with anyone and yet they are a winning team
Thanks intercape bus you are the greatest. If i decide to go by road; this is the bus that i always use. They are professional; they are everything. They dont compete with anyone and yet they are a winning team
Kkkk they call them VINJOKA BUS SERVICES kkkkk Honeydew & Randburg
Kkkk they call them VINJOKA BUS SERVICES kkkkk Honeydew & Randburg
kkkk man eish kkkk
V yekhayo umangoziwilatu kut ndiya azathu akuphoto aja kikkkkkkkkk
stop talking nonsence u rats. anthu osaphunzira inu
Ine zotchulanazo ai koma amandinyasa kuba eeesh
Ine zotchulanazo ai koma amandinyasa kuba eeesh
Thanks alot
Thanks alot
Enough of these Good Samalitan, please talk to the Government dat these BUSES. Need depot not under a Tree
Enough of these Good Samalitan, please talk to the Government dat these BUSES. Need depot not under a Tree
ine intercape ndi monororama eee ndilibe nawo zifukwa
ine intercape ndi monororama eee ndilibe nawo zifukwa
pliz let try to reduce taking cheap Bus,now we can the results let take a step.thanks intercape Bus service for this offer to my fellow Malawians.
pliz let try to reduce taking cheap Bus,now we can the results let take a step.thanks intercape Bus service for this offer to my fellow Malawians.
But it’s not cheap,u need to think of the period spend on the way and expenditures. At the end u spend more
Chinjoka ameneyo kkkkkkk
Chinjoka ameneyo kkkkkkk
Yefrdqen Ymeta,what have you smoked?who de hell are you to insult de gverment of Malawi?who forced you to hire de poor malawians,you hire dem you pay dem R40 a day,so whats de fuck is dat……fool
Yefrdqen Ymeta,what have you smoked?who de hell are you to insult de gverment of Malawi?who forced you to hire de poor malawians,you hire dem you pay dem R40 a day,so whats de fuck is dat……fool
hmmmm mula tsopano kkkk
I want my money frm Durban to Blantyre R1550 ticket + R1650 goods + R400 to making plan but u drope me at Beltbridge . Pls gv me my money back
I want my money frm Durban to Blantyre R1550 ticket + R1650 goods + R400 to making plan but u drope me at Beltbridge . Pls gv me my money back
Next time have valid papers bro. Us with valid documents we reach Malawi without making a plan at Beitbridge.
Next time have valid papers bro. Us with valid documents we reach Malawi without making a plan at Beitbridge.
Come to the office and explain what happened.
I wil come as of now im here in RSA .
Thanx the entire Management of intercape,,
Thanx the entire Management of intercape,,
There is no stupid government like Malawi.. …we hired your poor people in south Africa to change their life’s, but you jailed and tortured your fellow Ethiopian brothers and give them unlawful punishment.. …please leave them before we start payback.
ithink u nid a medical check up ur afool mayb u dnt understand ur stupid aswell
… senseless, stupidity @its best, if you have right and power to pay back so what are you waiting for..? You mean zim or malawi must not arrest rillegal immigrants just because their pple are staying illegally in south? what a stagnant minded creature are you? to hell and rot there demon son of lucifer..!!! Machendeako….
U are talkin as if u arent a xenophobic maniac. Who z worse btn one who kills and the one who just jails to repatriate?
Just go to Lindelwa and see for yourself if your government is Angelic! Think before you open your mouth!
if u dnt hv papers will really arrest u
Can’t Leave you to call my home land stupid. You are More Stupid and rubbish.
Without These Malawians whom could you have been.
Lazy creature who knows to smoke, drinking.
Who believeth in Killing Fellow Human being.
You will be the Poorest Guy on the Globe, the Resource you are priding for are almost to extinguisition.
we are not afraid of ur payback, #BRING_IT_ON!
There is no stupid government like Malawi.. …we hired your poor people in south Africa to change their life’s, but you jailed and tortured your fellow Ethiopian brothers and give them unlawful punishment.. …please leave them before we start payback.
ithink u nid a medical check up ur afool mayb u dnt understand ur stupid aswell
… senseless, stupidity @its best, if you have right and power to pay back so what are you waiting for..? You mean zim or malawi must not arrest rillegal immigrants just because their pple are staying illegally in south? what a stagnant minded creature are you? to hell and rot there demon son of lucifer..!!! Machendeako….
U are talkin as if u arent a xenophobic maniac. Who z worse btn one who kills and the one who just jails to repatriate?
Just go to Lindelwa and see for yourself if your government is Angelic! Think before you open your mouth!
if u dnt hv papers will really arrest u
Can’t Leave you to call my home land stupid. You are More Stupid and rubbish.
Without These Malawians whom could you have been.
Lazy creature who knows to smoke, drinking.
Who believeth in Killing Fellow Human being.
You will be the Poorest Guy on the Globe, the Resource you are priding for are almost to extinguisition.
we are not afraid of ur payback, #BRING_IT_ON!
mumakhala ngati anthu opanda nzelu munthu mkukwela ma bus akunzimba onyamuka pa 1january kukafika next year January utachitaso mwai tsono.thanks a Intercape
mumakhala ngati anthu opanda nzelu munthu mkukwela ma bus akunzimba onyamuka pa 1january kukafika next year January utachitaso mwai tsono.thanks a Intercape
Brkdwn mpaka mwezi??? kkkkkkk
Brkdwn mpaka mwezi??? kkkkkkk
Intercape reduce your fairs so that pipo can afford your good services.
Intercape reduce your fairs so that pipo can afford your good services.
muziona ma bus okwera osangoti poti zikutchipa . Mulungu adalitse a intercape bus pa chikondi chomwe aonetsa .
muziona ma bus okwera osangoti poti zikutchipa . Mulungu adalitse a intercape bus pa chikondi chomwe aonetsa .
Mupaka passport overstay usafike kkkkkkkk
Mupaka passport overstay usafike kkkkkkkk
Thanks to the entire management of Intercape. But the transport minister needs to intervene and come up with a clear strategy regarding international buses, and bus stations/depots.
Thanks to the entire management of Intercape. But the transport minister needs to intervene and come up with a clear strategy regarding international buses, and bus stations/depots.
Yathuyathu yachimalawi imeneyi. For sure if no Malawians travelling in n out of ZA, intercape was going to hv less customers
Yathuyathu yachimalawi imeneyi. For sure if no Malawians travelling in n out of ZA, intercape was going to hv less customers
Yathuyathu yachimalawi imeneyi. For sure if no Malawians travelling in n out of ZA, intercape was going to hv less customers
Yathuyathu yachimalawi imeneyi. For sure if no Malawians travelling in n out of ZA, intercape was going to hv less customers
Ndiye wina ndizamuwone akukwera bus ina osakwera intercape tizadulana makosi chifukwa mabasi ajonz ndi ambiri koma nanga sanabwere poyera koma intercape yokha ndiyomwe yathandiza tikumvatu eti.
Ndiye wina ndizamuwone akukwera bus ina osakwera intercape tizadulana makosi chifukwa mabasi ajonz ndi ambiri koma nanga sanabwere poyera koma intercape yokha ndiyomwe yathandiza tikumvatu eti.
Ndiye wina ndizamuwone akukwera bus ina osakwera intercape tizadulana makosi chifukwa mabasi ajonz ndi ambiri koma nanga sanabwere poyera koma intercape yokha ndiyomwe yathandiza tikumvatu eti.
Ndiye wina ndizamuwone akukwera bus ina osakwera intercape tizadulana makosi chifukwa mabasi ajonz ndi ambiri koma nanga sanabwere poyera koma intercape yokha ndiyomwe yathandiza tikumvatu eti.
we want to knw the name of break down bus!!!
we want to knw the name of break down bus!!!
we want to knw the name of break down bus!!!
we want to knw the name of break down bus!!!
I jst pay respect to intercape
I jst pay respect to intercape
I jst pay respect to intercape
I jst pay respect to intercape
Mulungu Wamva Kulira Kwawo, Ndtakhala Ine Apa Ndlapa Bac, Maumbon Mkat.
Mulungu Wamva Kulira Kwawo, Ndtakhala Ine Apa Ndlapa Bac, Maumbon Mkat.
Mulungu Wamva Kulira Kwawo, Ndtakhala Ine Apa Ndlapa Bac, Maumbon Mkat.
Mulungu Wamva Kulira Kwawo, Ndtakhala Ine Apa Ndlapa Bac, Maumbon Mkat.
we want to knw the name of break down bus!!!
we want to knw the name of break down bus!!!
we want to knw the name of break down bus!!!
we want to knw the name of break down bus!!!
Thanks to Intercape that’s why I like your Bus and you are the number 1 South African Bus Company travelling to all Southern African Countries.
Thanks to Intercape that’s why I like your Bus and you are the number 1 South African Bus Company travelling to all Southern African Countries.
Thanks to Intercape that’s why I like your Bus and you are the number 1 South African Bus Company travelling to all Southern African Countries.
Thanks to Intercape that’s why I like your Bus and you are the number 1 South African Bus Company travelling to all Southern African Countries.
madaliso ochuluka apite kwa amene who came up with this plan God should vist him /her privately
madaliso ochuluka apite kwa amene who came up with this plan God should vist him /her privately
madaliso ochuluka apite kwa amene who came up with this plan God should vist him /her privately
madaliso ochuluka apite kwa amene who came up with this plan God should vist him /her privately
This is one way of preaching the good gospel of God#Timuziweyesu….
This is one way of preaching the good gospel of God#Timuziweyesu….
This is one way of preaching the good gospel of God#Timuziweyesu….
This is one way of preaching the good gospel of God#Timuziweyesu….
Thanks of that wil pray 4 blessing
Thanks of that wil pray 4 blessing
Thanks of that wil pray 4 blessing
Thanks of that wil pray 4 blessing
Thank god,n to u Intercape takunyadilani
Thank god,n to u Intercape takunyadilani
Thank god,n to u Intercape takunyadilani
Thank god,n to u Intercape takunyadilani
Ndiwathokozere zikomo tilawako zofewa bwana ! Mulungu akudalitseni
Ndiwathokozere zikomo tilawako zofewa bwana ! Mulungu akudalitseni
Ndiwathokozere zikomo tilawako zofewa bwana ! Mulungu akudalitseni
Ndiwathokozere zikomo tilawako zofewa bwana ! Mulungu akudalitseni
Vuto lofuna kukwera ma bus otchipa ndilimeneri mutengerepo phuziro… big up to intercape mwatipulumutsira azibale
Vuto lofuna kukwera ma bus otchipa ndilimeneri mutengerepo phuziro… big up to intercape mwatipulumutsira azibale
Vuto lofuna kukwera ma bus otchipa ndilimeneri mutengerepo phuziro… big up to intercape mwatipulumutsira azibale
Vuto lofuna kukwera ma bus otchipa ndilimeneri mutengerepo phuziro… big up to intercape mwatipulumutsira azibale
Thats best for business,keep it up
Thats best for business,keep it up
Thats best for business,keep it up
Thats best for business,keep it up
Hehehe achina Marsmery
Hehehe achina Marsmery
Hehehe achina Marsmery
Thanks for ur acct, plz guys lets stop taking un known busses plz.
Thanks for ur acct, plz guys lets stop taking un known busses plz.
Thanks for ur acct, plz guys lets stop taking un known busses plz.
Thanks for ur acct, plz guys lets stop taking un known busses plz.
thanks intercape. .ur the best!!
thanks intercape. .ur the best!!
thanks intercape. .ur the best!!
thanks intercape. .ur the best!!
Many thanks to Intercape,
Many thanks to Intercape,
Many thanks to Intercape,
Many thanks to Intercape,
pliz do the same to us Zimbabweans kkkkkk.
pliz do the same to us Zimbabweans kkkkkk.
pliz do the same to us Zimbabweans kkkkkk.
pliz do the same to us Zimbabweans kkkkkk.
Hahahaha Intercape offered that free transport to Malawians because they were stranded for a month in South Africa.
Hahahaha Intercape offered that free transport to Malawians because they were stranded for a month in South Africa.
ok its only a once off?
Thanks to INTERCAPE MANAGERS for your help
May your company prosper.
Thanks to INTERCAPE MANAGERS for your help
May your company prosper.
Thanks to INTERCAPE MANAGERS for your help
May your company prosper.
Thanks to INTERCAPE MANAGERS for your help
May your company prosper.
Amen to that!
Amen to that!
nawo akujoniwo analibe transport money?
nawo akujoniwo analibe transport money?
nawo akujoniwo analibe transport money?
nawo akujoniwo analibe transport money?
May the Lord bless you for the good heart that you have
May the Lord bless you for the good heart that you have
May the Lord bless you for the good heart that you have
May the Lord bless you for the good heart that you have
Kkkkkk hahahahahaha ma bus aku mzimba opanda mayina mukanali kutchona nawo panjila kkkkkkkk 2 wks mnjila yooooo its like mukuyenda pansi!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kkkkkk hahahahahaha ma bus aku mzimba opanda mayina mukanali kutchona nawo panjila kkkkkkkk 2 wks mnjila yooooo its like mukuyenda pansi!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kkkkkk hahahahahaha ma bus aku mzimba opanda mayina mukanali kutchona nawo panjila kkkkkkkk 2 wks mnjila yooooo its like mukuyenda pansi!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kkkkkk hahahahahaha ma bus aku mzimba opanda mayina mukanali kutchona nawo panjila kkkkkkkk 2 wks mnjila yooooo its like mukuyenda pansi!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha ma bus akut kkk c bho2
hahaha ma bus akut kkk c bho2
Kkkkkk eeeeesh man bus supposed to 60 passengers koma iwo exceeding mpaka 100 kkkkkkkkk lol
Kkkkkk eeeeesh man bus supposed to 60 passengers koma iwo exceeding mpaka 100 kkkkkkkkk lol
kkkkk ma bus akukaya 3wks ali munthowa, ha! ha! ha! ha!
Kkkkkkk hahahahahahaha eeeeesh mavuto alipo
God bless intercape
God bless intercape
God bless intercape
God bless intercape
all members the intercape thanks mwaonesa mtima wachikondi osati zinazi God bless u
all members the intercape thanks mwaonesa mtima wachikondi osati zinazi God bless u
all members the intercape thanks mwaonesa mtima wachikondi osati zinazi God bless u
all members the intercape thanks mwaonesa mtima wachikondi osati zinazi God bless u
You Are The Real Good Samaritan.
You Are The Real Good Samaritan.
You Are The Real Good Samaritan.
You Are The Real Good Samaritan.
Nkhani yabwino
Nkhani yabwino
Nkhani yabwino
Nkhani yabwino
keep it up ,,,,GOD knows,,,
keep it up ,,,,GOD knows,,,
keep it up ,,,,GOD knows,,,
keep it up ,,,,GOD knows,,,
Kukonda kukwela ma bus osadziwika bwino apa simwai intercape
Kukonda kukwela ma bus osadziwika bwino apa simwai intercape
Kukonda kukwela ma bus osadziwika bwino apa simwai intercape
Kukonda kukwela ma bus osadziwika bwino apa simwai intercape
Thanks INTERCAPE….you show that you are not preaching the gospel of Christ but you are doing it.Keep it up.God blessing be upon your businesses
Thanks INTERCAPE….you show that you are not preaching the gospel of Christ but you are doing it.Keep it up.God blessing be upon your businesses
Thanks INTERCAPE….you show that you are not preaching the gospel of Christ but you are doing it.Keep it up.God blessing be upon your businesses
Thanks INTERCAPE….you show that you are not preaching the gospel of Christ but you are doing it.Keep it up.God blessing be upon your businesses
Thanks to Intercape indeed,komaso ifeyo tichepetse kukwela ma Bus opanda mayinawa pliz. ….
Thanks to Intercape indeed,komaso ifeyo tichepetse kukwela ma Bus opanda mayinawa pliz. ….
Thanks to Intercape indeed,komaso ifeyo tichepetse kukwela ma Bus opanda mayinawa pliz. ….
Thanks to Intercape indeed,komaso ifeyo tichepetse kukwela ma Bus opanda mayinawa pliz. ….
Mumati chani paja Nyamende olo nyemende bus lol
Mumati chani paja Nyamende olo nyemende bus lol
at tsangano
at tsangano
Atleast Ingwe n Intercape ndi zodalirika kwambir.
Atleast Ingwe n Intercape ndi zodalirika kwambir.
nyamendeso ndi mbola guys?
Chinjoka tours
Kkkk….kufera kutchipa pena sikwabwinodi…..
The best!
Kkkk….kufera kutchipa pena sikwabwinodi…..
The best!
Ingwe ilipobe ????
Ingwe ilipobe ????
AXA ilubweranso komko
thank God for the heart
A Malawi tinakat tikhale ndi ntima onga uwu hm ndikukhulupilila kut tikanapambana koposa muzochitika
yah apanga bwino,this what we call love!
natizitele bwez zkomaa..good heart
Kukhala koma kumeneku