Intercape offers free transport to stranded Malawians

Intercape bus

Thirty eight Malawians who were stuck in Benoni in South Africa for almost month after the bus they were travelling in broke down several times in Johannesburg have now been rescued by Intercape Bus Company.

The bus company has provided the group with a bus which will take them back to Malawi.

Intercape busAccording to Brave who is the organiser of the trip to Malawi from Randburg, the bus had been repeatedly breaking down and now it has been stuck in Benoni for more than four weeks.

Brave added that Intercape offered them a bus that will help them return to Malawi.

“The bus arrived yesterday, we are just waiting for the paperwork today,” he said.

He also told a radio station that the owner of the bus that broke down was arrested on Thursday by South African Police Service after he had been on the run for several weeks.

“The owner of the bus was apprehended by police on Thursday. The situation is much more calm here. They arrested him yesterday. Everyone is very happy here,” Brave said.

Meanwhile, the office of Social Development in the rainbow nation has provided plane tickets to parents of the twins who were delivered on board the broken down bus.

The couple will stay in South Africa for three months before flying back to Malawi.