Teenager girl attempts suicide by jumping into dam


A 17 year-old girl in Kasungu district attempted suicide by jumping into Kasungu Dam due to relationship issues.

According to public relations officer for Kasungu police station Edna Mzingwitsa, the girl attempted suicide on Monday after her boyfriend refused to give her money for transport.

PoliceMzingwitsa identified the suspect as Gloria Makunganya, a Form two student at Mlare Private School.

“The suspect paid the boyfriend a visit and after that she asked the boyfriend for transport money but the boyfriend refused to give her the money,” she explained.

Mzingwitsa added that the boyfriend left the girl at his house without giving her the money, which angered her and she decided to commit suicide.

But as she was about to jump into the dam, a certain young man saw her and he realised what she was doing.

After the jumped into the dam, he jumped after her, searched for her and pulled her from beneath the water.

The police referred the girl to hospital and later put her in custody and she will appear before court soon after writing her JC exams.

Gloria Makunganya hails from Chiteyeye village, Traditional Authority Kaomba in Kasungu district.

Meanwhile the police are appealing to parents to watch their children to avoid such incidents since many teenagers are indulging in immoral behaviour which can lead to such incidents.