A 17 year-old girl in Kasungu district attempted suicide by jumping into Kasungu Dam due to relationship issues.
According to public relations officer for Kasungu police station Edna Mzingwitsa, the girl attempted suicide on Monday after her boyfriend refused to give her money for transport.
Mzingwitsa identified the suspect as Gloria Makunganya, a Form two student at Mlare Private School.
“The suspect paid the boyfriend a visit and after that she asked the boyfriend for transport money but the boyfriend refused to give her the money,” she explained.
Mzingwitsa added that the boyfriend left the girl at his house without giving her the money, which angered her and she decided to commit suicide.
But as she was about to jump into the dam, a certain young man saw her and he realised what she was doing.
After the jumped into the dam, he jumped after her, searched for her and pulled her from beneath the water.
The police referred the girl to hospital and later put her in custody and she will appear before court soon after writing her JC exams.
Gloria Makunganya hails from Chiteyeye village, Traditional Authority Kaomba in Kasungu district.
Meanwhile the police are appealing to parents to watch their children to avoid such incidents since many teenagers are indulging in immoral behaviour which can lead to such incidents.
paja achewa ndivitsiru zedi!!!!!!!!!!
Akafike Tkamupeza
Aaaalaa, osamusiya bwanji, tilimbane ndinkhani yoteteza ma alubino omwe akuphedwa asakufuna, nde winanso atipatse bize zadala…., madala mwampulumutsanu chabwino mwachitabe bwino inde, koma u cud hav saved that energy 2save an albino
Mexa mumat chikond m’chokoma? Kkkkkkkkk
Zachison chikond chimaphatso yet ndaziw kaya zani ine ndilimbe mmmmm moyo watha watha madzi atenga moyo hhhh chikond chatenga moyo hhhhh satan mwapasa pata mmmm sanalape ?H ukafikila kuti?
Kuzizilaku kkkkk
Ndiwachoncho uyo chaka chilichonse mwezi june amatelo kkkkk.
mmalo momakonzekera mayeso ali bizy kukapanga visit ti anyamata nde nzimenezotu anyamata akeso amaluzi ngati awo
mmalo momakonzekera mayeso ali bizy kukapanga visit ti anyamata nde nzimenezotu anyamata akeso amaluzi ngati awo
Stupit girl zadziiiiiiiiiiiii ataa
Kkkkk hahaha mkaziyo sanalakwitsetu mukaonetsesa,mamunayo akapempha kugonana naye mkaziyo samamukaniza ayi.tsono iye akupempha yaku mayeso akumana mpakedi adasweka mtima komano zofuna kuziphazo ndiye mistake yaikulu kwambiri
Thats Love War
aaah iyeyo osadumphira mtoilet bwanji kkkkk koma naye sanaganize bwinotu
Kukhutatu kumeneko pitani kuchipatala mukaone anthu akuvutika ndimoyo what iz relationship after all
Mwina amafuna kusambila?
Rest in Peace
ife tikuso akaz iye nkumapanga izi!abwele ku kuntchisi ndidzamupatse Battery Kathithi Coz Iz Wat She Wishes And She Wil B Satistified.17 yrs Shem On Her!Alipo Julata,zodiak,tiger Battery Abwere Zopusa Eti!
Real love
Mbuzi ya munthu akanangofa basi.
Zake izo,,,mkakhala ine ndinasiya chifukwa zatha miyoyo yaanthu izo
mbuzi ya mwana
Anayiva kukoma uyu
Why mara
It’s all about last days.
Anakhuta ameneyo
ena pa 17yrs anamaaaliza xul kut azivere chisoni nd nsinkhu wakeu bas bsy nd boyfriend stuff,,,damn
ena pa 17yrs anamaaaliza xul kut azivere chisoni nd nsinkhu wakeu bas bsy nd boyfriend stuff,,,damn
Nkhani zonga izi zimachitika pa Central region bas,vuto ndi Malawi Congess Party
Nkhani zonga izi zimachitika pa Central region bas,vuto ndi Malawi Congess Party
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk monkey
atumbuka” atumbuka” plz moyo stigula musamapange zimenezo, kmanso ndiwe mwana wachichepere put much effort on education not that stupid thin’s
atumbuka” atumbuka” plz moyo stigula musamapange zimenezo, kmanso ndiwe mwana wachichepere put much effort on education not that stupid thin’s
Im still twisted what is inside love.Love is something the most inexplicable in life.
Im still twisted what is inside love.Love is something the most inexplicable in life.
Kkkkkkkkkk is their culture!! even akulu akulu amapanganso zomwezo. Kutimufufuze mumva kuti nkhani yake ndiyachakudya bax!! Atumbuka back to normal pliz!! Kunja kwacha ukuuu osamatelo guyz.
Kodi Kukasungu Ndi Atumbuka? Uyambana Ndi Anthu.You Are Very Sortish
Chibwana cimeneco………
Ameneyi adali mbalame ya munthu.
She wanted baptizm
17 yrs kuchita zimenezi,anayamba ndi kale akapume.
She gat true love Lol
ndiwerenge kaye comment later hahahahahaha zinakhala choncho eti kkkkkkkk hahahahaha ungopeza chida china bas
Forsake to that big mampala
Forsake to that big mampala
Ngati wa seventeen years akuganiza chomcho ndiye tikawatira mudziti takwata mwana,zithe zimenezo wa 17 ndiwamkulu ameneyo akudziwa chimene akuchita,akazi inu mamuna sibanki yoti nthawi zonse imakhala ndalama ayi,osamapita kwa darling wanu opanda appointment mudziona zimenezo
Ngati wa seventeen years akuganiza chomcho ndiye tikawatira mudziti takwata mwana,zithe zimenezo wa 17 ndiwamkulu ameneyo akudziwa chimene akuchita,akazi inu mamuna sibanki yoti nthawi zonse imakhala ndalama ayi,osamapita kwa darling wanu opanda appointment mudziona zimenezo
Just Arest Her Boyfriend Problem Solved
Just Arest Her Boyfriend Problem Solved
Waziyamba mochedwa fuck you go hell
Waziyamba mochedwa fuck you go hell
Hahaha momwe bonya akukomelamu kumaziphanso love eish koma
Hahaha momwe bonya akukomelamu kumaziphanso love eish koma
Mwana iwe anzako akulira kufuna atakhala ndi moyo wabwinobwino ngati wakowo….
Mwana iwe anzako akulira kufuna atakhala ndi moyo wabwinobwino ngati wakowo….
Guys munthuyu sanaziphe l wonder y asying RIP? 17 yrs busy kumangolota zamwamuna Malawi azatukuka bwanji uyu?
Guys munthuyu sanaziphe l wonder y asying RIP? 17 yrs busy kumangolota zamwamuna Malawi azatukuka bwanji uyu?
Needs some counseling
amuna si ATM ayi muziphunzira kukhala mmaluzi apo ayi zaka zino mudziphadi ndi mmene ndalama ikusoweramu
Apoyira mfanayo mmmm and palibe za rest in peace wakumoto basi
mtsikana ife tadutsa muzokhoma kuposa zakozo but we didnt lose hope zina zikamachitaka thank GOD coz anakuzindikilitsa mawanga ake mwachangu,iwe mmalo momuyamika basi wati udziphe?ndibwino kukhulupilira MULUNGU kamba koti iye sakhumudwitsa.
She is stupid of the stupid gals
Koma abale @ 17 wayamba kale zimenezi, definately not wife material udzapeza ali ku denga ndithu
hahaha mpaka risking the life coz of ma boys????? haha amuna tosefe osangozipezera wina bwanji????? hahaha RIP tikaonana mmoyo winawo
oputsa ndi mphongoyo akanangomupatsa bele bas
oputsa ndi mphongoyo akanangomupatsa bele bas
Anzanu alikuchipatala mpaka chaka ena kusowa ntendere kufuna moyo nde wina akufuna imfa eish kaya .
nthawi ikakwana yakwana basi,,,,,, chofunika kukhala wokonzeka,,, kukhala oyera mtima,, infa imabwera ngati wakuba,,,,
We songo nalori tym lori amakhala ghakamuchepera bcoz she was too young tizibwenzi tophunzira
Sizabwino zimenezo .
a 17 year old ? relatinship issues? the world is full of surprises indeed
amafuna ku dziwa kut imfa ndichani !
Ha ha ha chisilu chamwana osazipha chifukwa cha xool bwanji, kupusa u yamie kupephera ziwanda zithe
Shupiti,,tatopa ife ndikulila zopusa
Thats y am addicted to #weed
dikra ndzachinde sten yako
how can someone jump into a dam? after all, a dam is nothing but a wall
zopusa eti?? mpaka nkaziphe fukwa cha boyfrend?
kufuna kuzipha at @ 17 coz of mwamuna??? nde poti sunati mphwanga,amuna ndi choncho,ungolimbikira xool,uzakhala nazo zako ndalama
Mwanayo akusowa chikondi chabambo
Kkkkkkkkk dziwanda zikuzuza anthu mpaka kufuna kudzipha?
cndingataye moyo wanga nkhani za zii ngati zimenezo zibwenzi zake ndie zamasiku ano
I think its indeed most of boys now a days they don’t care obout their girl friends
Dats true love Rest in Peace
Ngati zinavuta osangoyamba kugulitsa bwanji? Anyway R.I.P
How nice is that boy? if she dies that’s when she wl hv peace in her r/ship? Believe in Jesus.Matt.11:28.
koma ndie chidzete chenicheni
koma ndie chidzete chenicheni
That’s wy maiko@ ambili@ amango signer ma contract ya mwana bas pa bench bas
Hule ameneyo , wainva kukoma
A permanent solution to a temperaly problem?
she was not serious,she must try hanging herself zitheka.at 17 anzake akuyilimbika xul iye kumalilira chibwezi cholinga azipanga fornicate?chigololo basi,God save this woman
dats true..was yoked by satan
Too bad she 2 young for that
17 yrs old ? wat happen to her exactly ?
hahahahahaha,, That’s why I don’t have an appetite to fall in love…. Thank God, I love football,,, I only get frustrated when Man u or NBB is not doing well. Kma izi za atsikanazi nde mmmmmmmmm kaya mwna kma still waiting to see mahope
i like this..nane ndi football basi,expecting alot from mourinho & franco ndawa…
May u addicted 2 Mussterbation hommie,So no time 4 u 2 lie to us here,VUuuuuuuum ndadutsa,
Musterbation is for those who r weak in mind n they have nothing to do in thier lives…. I guess u dont know how to play football or volleyball. that’s why u do such filthy thing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, born to relax not to stress
kkkk but pple
Man U for ever
Swazi iwe
eya,,, kma iwe akazi amangokudyela or kiss yomwe mayazi nde swaz ndani pamenepa?????????
eya,,, kma iwe akazi amangokudyela or kiss yomwe mayazi nde swaz ndani pamenepa?????????
Kikik Suzathekanso
kkkkk ineso ndinalingati iwe! koma ndina vuukamo ukuchedwa mzanga akatundu amenewa ndiwokoma. moti pano ndimaphwanya 2, Shuga mumi ndi kanamwali .
Iwe kumasangalala kudya mkazi wa mwini??? that’s a shame bro,,,,, u r a disgracce to manhood,,,,, u r cheap bro,,,, haaaaaaaaa,,,, I just wanna have free mind not kuganiza za kanyimbi wina wake,,,,,,,,,,,,,, inu nde ayinso,,,,,,, ndipo siunali ngti ine,,,,, I enjoy my life each and every second on this planet
Solving A Problem Using Onether Problem Instead Of Finding A Solution
Why taking your life? to be rejected or betrayed doesn’t mean end of the world. trust in the Lord. Repeant.
kkkkk,,anaukhuta moyo ameneyo, marelationship ake amasiku anowa,aahaa! kusowa choziphela ndithu,,,
winaso wazmanga dzulo ku Likun mu Lodge