The Malawi leader Peter Mutharika will appoint commissioners for Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) in two weeks time.
Confirming the development, press secretary Mgeme Kalirani said Mutharika is finalising the process and soon the electoral body is to have new commissioners.

“The process involves a lot, for instance the intelligence bureau is supposed to scrutinize the names whether they once committed a crime because the law blocks such people from being commissioners,” said Kalirani.
Following the expiry of the terms for MEC commissioners on May 18, the Malawi Electoral Support Network (MESN) has been pressing government to appoint a new team to lead the electoral body towards the 2019 general elections.
MESN argued that the delay will affect prepations for the seventh general elections since Malawi adopted democratic type of government.
Go nd change.
Mwina bwampini ndiiwe ukuti mutu ngati nsomalipo
This is the problem MEC officer must not be appointed by the head of state
Dpp again in Government for the next term
Ndi ife amalawi wokonda dziko lathu ngakhale tili kunja kwadziko koma chofunika ndi choti dziko lathu tiliyike mmanja mwa mulungu ndikumapemphera mafuno abwino.ndimalikodwa dziko langa kwambiri,timakhala mokondwa zedi kusiyana ndikumene tilili lero kuno.
Paphwitsi pake binguyo ndikudya zanga ine pa jonzi pano
kkkkk kodi kusankhàko kwayamba nďi Peter muthalika anasankha mbeñdera ndani nanga anawina chisankho çha 2014 ndani? akongolesi tikudziwa kuti ndinu olephelà ndie musapeze pothawira demet
Zandale tiwasiyire andale enafe tiyeni tipange zathu
Forseke za buyakhe wakhumba kubaso ma vote bwampini
Fuck .he wants to win again
Dave Chigalu, kkkkkkkkk, ukunena zoona. Zao zimenezo ku Malawi kwawoko. Ine ndili phee pa Capetown, nanga ndi nthawi yoti nkumavutika ndi ndale imeneyi, mmalo moti ndipange zanga.
Dave Chigalu, kkkkkkkkk, ukunena zoona. Zao zimenezo ku Malawi kwawoko. Ine ndili phee pa Capetown, nanga ndi nthawi yoti nkumavutika ndi ndale imeneyi, mmalo moti ndipange zanga.
zanu zimenezo kumalawi kwanuko tivote tisavote unphawi okha okha
zanu zimenezo kumalawi kwanuko tivote tisavote unphawi okha okha
Malawians let us change our systems :may be we can do better.
Malawians let us change our systems :may be we can do better.
Zaziwika sopano pavute patani a DPP akhala akumaliza 10yrs zawo zolamula.Ndipo kaya wina afune kaya asafune zizakhala choncho
Now chanches are there for DPP to win again in 2019 General Elections with the new elected MEC Commissioners
MEC should be independent not gvt puppet, PAC was the org to choose this commissioner not a President
It must be a pointed independently eaither both opposition party must choose otherwise it will be favouring governing party
Bwanji kuika njira ina yosankhira adindowa ? chifukwa izi ndimaona ngati sizimavuta munthu osankhidwayo kunsangalatsa amene anamusankha ndicholinga chokometsa ntchito yake.
Yap I Support U Hanock.
Asankhe mwanzeru pamenepo ,monga mmene amasankhira maudindo ena
Oky tiye nazoni
Bwampiniyu ife timamunyadira
muzaberexo mavoti!
He will a point another one of his puppet
koma this old man is ugly ayi ndithu, a true zinjanthropus!!!!!!!