The Police wants you to be taught about homosexuality

Albinos Malawi

The Malawi Police has said that all Malawians ought to be taught about homosexuality.

According to media reports, the Malawi Police said this after a training from the Center for Development of the People (CEDEP), an organisation that has become synonymous with homosexual rights.

Gift Trapence
Trapence’s CEDEP trained police officers on homosexuality

The media reports have quoted the Inspector General of Police, Lexten Kachama, as saying that there is a need for sensitisation of the people if the violence against homsozexuals, bisexuals and transgenders is to stop in the country.

Kachama said that training the Police only was most likely to not help matters as the violence against homosexuals in the country is done by the general public which still does not understand the rights of people with different sexual orientation from them.

Malawi24 understands that plans are in the offing for CEDEP and its partners to start public outreach meetings as a way of sensitising the public on the rights of homosexuals.

It is not known how communities will respond to the issue but given the nature of the Malawi society, such meetings might end up in violence.