Mutharika orders audit of all embassies

Peter Mutharika

President Peter Mutharika has ordered that all Malawian embassies across the world should be audited following the fraud that has been uncovered at Malawi Embassy in Ethiopia.

Minister of foreign affairs Francis Kasaila made the revelation saying the ministry is in the process of assigning National Audit Office to carry out the audit. “We have been instructed by President Mutharika to conduct a proper audit in our missions following what happened in Ethiopia,” said Kasaila.

Peter Mutharika
Mutharika: Angry with fraud.

He added that they are engaging the National Audit office to provide it with personnel to do the job.

”We are now engaging the National audit office to provide us with personnel who will travel to Ethiopia to do the audit,” he said.

Kasaila further said that at the moment they are getting prepared so that the exercise should be well funded. According to Kasaila, officers found to have been involved in the plundering of public resources will be dismissed.

Recently, Members of the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee challenged government to carry out audits in all its missions to find out the extent of the fraud. According to a preliminary audit report, staff at Ethiopia Embassy Malawi have stolen over K300 million Kwacha during the past year. Malawian ambassador to Ethiopia Chimango Chirwa told local media that a lot of people are involved since the money was sent to Ethiopia to be cashed by the embassy employees.

He said: “There is a wide network of people that are involved; including several ministries.