On Saturday, March 12th,, 2016 President Peter Mutharika threw himself to the dangerous deep end of Malawian politics. As he was laying the foundation stone for a project of a hospital in Lilongwe, he talked himself into a controversy which is failing to die down. As if the Ine Ndiribe pulobulemu remark three weeks ago in Blantyre was not enough, the Saturday’s one was worse and it further destroyed his image to the general public. Diverting from what he had been invited for, the President made an attack on the famous Nigerian television evangelist, Prophet T.B Joshua, for his prophecy that a Southern Africa leader will die while in office. This is not the first time the Prophet has said this. As referred by the President in his speech, in 2012 he also made a similar prophecy and months later, the former President Bingu wa Mutharika, a brother to the current President, died while in office.

The April 2012 death of President Bingu Mutharika drew mixed reactions from the general public. It created both losers and winners. His party, the Democratic Progressive Party, and those who politically served in his government, were the main losers as they had to endure a backlash from President Joyce Banda, the one who came after the dead leader. During that time of the Malawian history, President Bingu wa Mutharika was not in good relationship with most people. The economy was failing for his anti-western rhetoric which resulted into serious consequences like the withdrawing of Western aid.
Again, the President had gone arrogant and was not listening to suggestions from people and this added onto the unforgettable political death of a University of Malawi – Polytechnic student, Robert Chasowa, in September, 2011 and a violent crushing down of an anti-government demonstration in Mzuzu City, which resulted into the death of twenty people, the first of its kind in a democratic Malawi. When he died, the people celebrated. Time and space had dealt with him.
On Saturday, President Mutharika talked tough. He also said about the suggestions of a bill to trim down the presidential powers. He clearly said it that he was against that and should it come on his table to sign, he will send it back without his ink on it. Elected in May, 2014, and now two months to two years as the leader of Malawi, the President has started too early crossing against the Malawian population. There are three solid years before him, and at the rate he is going against the people’s favor, he will reach 2019 a tired, an exhausted, an angry, a frustrated and a failed man. Three years in politics is eternity. A lot is bound to happen and it is doubtful if he will be able to handle it should the people decide to hit on him head-on. When he became the President, he adopted the office kind of leadership, only coming out to the people when need be. Some sections of the society felt a power vacuum with his silence and urged him to come out and address the people on the prevailing issues.
Prevailing issues: That is where we need to dwell on. Malawi is going through tough times. The silence of the President was not helping at all. As a ship going through storms, the Captain needs to be with the people and be barking orders for the situation to be solved. But it was different with President Mutharika. His presence was not being felt at all. If he realized that and has chosen to stamp his position as the leader of Malawi, he is doing it in the wrong way. The President seems to have been advised by the usual Democratic Progressive Party advisors, the same ones who destroyed his brother, to start being tough. It is not wrong for a leader to assume toughness sometimes. Being that way helps in solving some situations.
But of all the problems Malawi is going through, being tough at someone who is miles away, a Prophet who will not even benefit Malawi, is both misplacing the strategy and wasting energy on a wrong battle. Mr. President, there is a poor public service delivery, the Kwacha continues to lose its value, electricity has once again started going off now and then, the albinos are living in fear in their own country, too much powers for the presidency, rapid population growth, high rate unemployment; the listing on the challenges Malawi is facing cannot be exhausted. They are just many. If you want to be tough, these are the things you need to be tough on. At the end of the day we will appreciate your leadership for being there for us.
*Wonderful Mkhutche is an author, a political scientist and a manuscript developer and editor
Kodi Ulosiwo Ukhale Wolosela Imfa Basi? Shame On Prophets.
ulosi walero iyai tichite monga tifunila chiweruzo ndi kumwamba basi koma kwa omse ofuna kudziwa zachoonadi chenicheni pempheran kwambiri
anazinyumwa inu!! achina mugabe ali chete bua? akuziwa kut sali bho…akumangogwa mumisonkhano……..
muuse mu mtendere aprezdent tinakukondani koma naye okulengani wakukondetsetsani tikapezana konko bola kukayankha za mathanyulazo, osaopaaa
mulungu simunthu osadanda mr president u wil b alive in God we trust
Mr homo
chenicheni nchit? I remember dat a Malawi 24 mudalemba kut profet Lubunya Wat TB jousha amwalira pano mukulembaso zna eesh!!!!!!?
Prophet of doom,
HE offered human sacrifice to his gods by delibelitely destroyn the building killing alot of pipo for their blood
apande ungo yamba kudya chuma cakoco2 m’bale
Tonse tikudikira imfa even TB Joshua adzafanso bwanji sakulosera za imfa yake or kulosera zakupulumutsa abale ake akuphedwa ndi boko haramu ku Nigeria monga dziko lake? .
Palibe amene angadziwe tsiku lomwalilira ndi yehova yekha basi
Pipo of mw nd beyond,,why only supporting death that,uje ananena ,uyunsu wanena,why?dnt u have something important to say or do besides death?who wl not gonna die?is it de first time for u to hear death!!this is stupidoo,find something beta to do,nd leave our president alone,who is tb josha aftr all?is he jesus christ or wat?is he not going to die?why cnt he tell de pipo whn he is also going to die?think of those pipo who lost their lives in his church,bwanji samalota kuti anthu asalowemo?shit !!!!!
Peter ungoferathu nsanakwiye
Only God knows y he is a president
Ngakhalenso ine zoti Peter Mutharika chinachake chimuchitikira, ndinazimvapo kalekale in November last year kwa a Prophet a ku 25. Nawonso anangoti ‘mtsogoleri wathu chinachake chimuchitikira’. And zoti 2019 sadzawina, ananenanso koma anazinena mozungulira kwambiriiii mot wanthu timatanthauzira tokha. Nde nkuthekanso kuti mwina prophet wina wachita kunena kut Peter amwalira. Nde ndi mmenenso Joshua ananenera, nkutheka kut zugwirizana. Coz even a prophet a ku 25, nawonso ananena kuti samasula zonse chifukwa zidzautsa mapokoso zomwenso ananena Joshua kut samasula zonse. Nde Peter akamaziti ndi iyeyo, eeeee akunenadi zoona kuti si nanga maprophet aang’onoang’ono anamuuziratu. Ndi nkana ananena mophatikiza kuti ‘iwe Joshua ndi azilongo ako amene ukugwira nawo ntchito limodzi kuMalawi kuno’…azilongo means ma prophet ang’onoang’ono mMalawi muno. Nde ena’nu amene mukuti eeeeee Joshua sanatchule dzina,,,,eeeeee bwanji Peter akuzidabwa,,,mukulakwa chifukwa prophecy imeneyi inayambira kalekale. Akuti 2019 adzawine ndi Chakwera
Aprophet amenewo ananena kuti timpemphere mtsogoleri wadziko lathu chifukwa chinachake choopsa chimuchitikira. Nde mwina nkumati mwina kudwala akudwalaku/kugwa anagwa kuja?? Ananenanso kut chinachake chichitika ku Vatican city mot amat timupemphere Papa. Ananena kut akuonetseredwa malichero awiri odzadza ndi mtedza lina lalikulu ndi laling’ono. Nde amati akuonetseredwa chapambalipo calendar yolembedwapo 2019. Nde amati lichelo lalikulu lili pamwamba, likugwa pansi pamene laling’ono likupita pamene panali lalikulu paja. Parable imeneyi ikitanthauza kuti amene anali pa number 2, ndi amene adzakhale mtsogoleri wadziko lino in 2019, pomwe mtsogoleri amene akulamula padakali pano, adzagwa pokhala number 2
Let’s all pray together for our country god can do smething
No time for prophets nor miracles for believers of Christ. The era for prophecy ended in Jeremiah. Miracles are done unto unbelievers not God fearing people. Mind u!! Not to worst your precious time with ill-timed prophets. Fear the Lord your God.
Papa u wil not die
Josua is not ALLAH dont be fooled ask him when he will die if he foresees
Ndikaona izi zindikumbusa nyimbo ya Bro Chikhwazah # aneneri alero nzoonadi
That’s a blue lie. Only God knows a day to die of Our President Peter Muthalika.
Why Joshua is prophesying only for Malawi?
Chikukututumutsani ndi chani apulezidenti?dzidabweni sadatchule dzina
I don’t really Fucken Care….to say…Malawi 24 is lacking some objectivity in this story!! plus this does not make you a best writer when you are writng to destroy…!!
Belive In God Only And Trust His Prophet, You Shall Prosper, (you Shall Stay Longer).
Belive In God Only And Trust His Prophet, You Shall Prosper, (you Shall Stay Longer).
Belive In God Only And Trust His Prophet, You Shall Prosper, (you Shall Stay Longer).
Why did your God named Prophet allow 115 to die under his roof?
Why did your God named Prophet allow 115 to die under his roof?
Why did your God named Prophet allow 115 to die under his roof?
So your God is self made Prophet rubbish!
So your God is self made Prophet rubbish!
So your God is self made Prophet rubbish!
A prophet says what God wants him to say.if he’s sent to you, all you need to do is to repent but not to fight the messager.take care!!!!
A prophet says what God wants him to say.if he’s sent to you, all you need to do is to repent but not to fight the messager.take care!!!!
A prophet says what God wants him to say.if he’s sent to you, all you need to do is to repent but not to fight the messager.take care!!!!
Death announcement hits Malawi Dnt hide truth z truth thts rest in peace papa in advance
Death announcement hits Malawi Dnt hide truth z truth thts rest in peace papa in advance
Death announcement hits Malawi Dnt hide truth z truth thts rest in peace papa in advance
Mr president don’t be hush but pray hard to let the bad spirits of evil not fall on u and our country Malawi bcoz ur death cannot b asolution for the problems we are facing
Mr president don’t be hush but pray hard to let the bad spirits of evil not fall on u and our country Malawi bcoz ur death cannot b asolution for the problems we are facing
Mr president don’t be hush but pray hard to let the bad spirits of evil not fall on u and our country Malawi bcoz ur death cannot b asolution for the problems we are facing
How Can A Prophet Frm God Fails To Prophesy Th Failling Of His Church? Malawians Take Care With False Prophets Thy R Here To Kill Our Presidents N Nothing Else , We Wil Meet On Judgement Day Mr Prophet N Your Followers I Swear!
How Can A Prophet Frm God Fails To Prophesy Th Failling Of His Church? Malawians Take Care With False Prophets Thy R Here To Kill Our Presidents N Nothing Else , We Wil Meet On Judgement Day Mr Prophet N Your Followers I Swear!
He will not die…isaa kodi bwanji aneneli inu
He will not die…isaa kodi bwanji aneneli inu
Merv, m’neneri sanatchule dzina, that’s why there’s 2 presidents who are responding to this prophecy “Zimbabwe & Malawi ” they just suspect themselves!
Merv, m’neneri sanatchule dzina, that’s why there’s 2 presidents who are responding to this prophecy “Zimbabwe & Malawi ” they just suspect themselves!
Merv, m’neneri sanatchule dzina, that’s why there’s 2 presidents who are responding to this prophecy “Zimbabwe & Malawi ” they just suspect themselves!
Koma akulakwitsa nenerio
Koma akulakwitsa nenerio
Koma akulakwitsa nenerio
He’s not wrong, he’s just delivering the message!
He’s not wrong, he’s just delivering the message!
He’s not wrong, he’s just delivering the message!
Kkkkkkkkk bwanji sanalosele kugwa kwa church chake???
Kkkkkkkkk bwanji sanalosele kugwa kwa church chake???
Kkkkkkkkk bwanji sanalosele kugwa kwa church chake???
Even if he can die,is none of my business and I don’t care.
Even if he can die,is none of my business and I don’t care.
I think TB this time he wili die himself ndani angakhale wa muyaya pa dzikoli ndi Mulungu yekha basi ngatid nkulu ameneyu amagwirisa ntchito zake dzina la mulungu mchifukwa chiani amangolosera zoipa zokha basi, Ambuye yesu ali pa dziko la pansi pano amaukisa akufa, kuchiza akhate, kwinaku akuyenda pa nyanja koma sanalosere zoipa ai nanga uyu mukt TB akusatira foot step ya ndani ??
I think TB this time he wili die himself ndani angakhale wa muyaya pa dzikoli ndi Mulungu yekha basi ngatid nkulu ameneyu amagwirisa ntchito zake dzina la mulungu mchifukwa chiani amangolosera zoipa zokha basi, Ambuye yesu ali pa dziko la pansi pano amaukisa akufa, kuchiza akhate, kwinaku akuyenda pa nyanja koma sanalosere zoipa ai nanga uyu mukt TB akusatira foot step ya ndani ??
If God speechs, the only thing to do is either to repent or pray against it, not to fight with the messager, that’s un GODLINESS!
If God speechs, the only thing to do is either to repent or pray against it, not to fight with the messager, that’s un GODLINESS!
Very curious if he mentioned the name!
No one knows deperture time even TB himself
I wonder why people call prophets false while they don’t even have a little knowledge about God’s realm. Mind you Gamariel said it all in Acts of the Apostle, leave judgement to God but to us we test spirits and follow what is right.
Mr President think before you speak……The bible says do not touch my annointed one….mukuzitengera temberero nokha…..mayb its not u the Man of God prophecy but knw mwazitemberera nokha and Malawi can not be delivered.
Mr President think before you speak……The bible says do not touch my annointed one….mukuzitengera temberero nokha…..mayb its not u the Man of God prophecy but knw mwazitemberera nokha and Malawi can not be delivered.
To me I see mo reason to get pressurised,is TB Joshua named a person who will die??? if know why our president getting pressurised ,then this pipo Tb and Peter they know each other through their magics,and this time they just want us to know what is coming forward,and yet we are not here to worst our prayers to God let them finish their mission we will watch them
Choti mudziwe ndichakuti Peter akudziwapo kanthu iye ayankhabwanji ngati kuti southern Africa idamusankha kukhala spokesman? TB Joshua nayenso akudziwapo kanthu cos anthuwa onse ndi a satanic. Sikuti ndimprophet oona. Akuthanaokhaokha ife tionelazimenezi
Have heart Mr President , time is not yet up for you die , God knows when , where and how ? If you have Jesus , to die it’s gain.
A leader is supposed to b tough not the way he was in the past. A malawi nayenso ndi munthu, mumandiseketsa. Opposition akamamutukwana simunenapo kanthu koma akakalipa mumati wayamba nkhanza, afuna akhale dictator kumunena zinthu zosiyanasiyana. Atolankhani kumbukirani kuti nkhondo m’maiko zimayambika chifukwa cha inuyo, muli ndi udindo wowonetsetsa kuti mdziko muli bata posalemba nkhani zobweretsa chisokonezo.
Prophets die too if Malawi people don’t know
Prophets die too if Malawi people don’t know
Who is he infront of God??? Is he an angel of death?? So sometymz dont be fooled believe in God not in prophets of nowadays coz it is said fake prophets shall come so be careful sometyms
Stupid prophets, busy prophetsing about other countries while their country Boko Halam is killing his church members
Malawi 24 is just fully occupied with fools. why are puting blame on the State President speach? Do you think that evil man TB Joshua is right by prophecising the death of presidents? TB JOSHUA IS NOT MAN OF GOD BUT THE REAL SON OF DEVIL.
fuck TB JOSHUA….. fuck Emmanuel tv fuck the viewers…… Long live peter mutharika
Kkkkkkkkk akuwopa kuti naye amuchola nthiti ngt mmene anamucholela brother wake
l was there wen the president said this…let us shut our mouth bcoz we dont know if Joshua is a true prophet or not…rather than commenting bad things here concerning man of God
Ameneu si true prophet ayi zochita zake ndi za stanic nde enanu dzikukondani popezanso kuti zochita zanu ndi zofanana ndi satanayu sheme musadathe kusakaza nanunso mudzasakazidwa limodzi ndi satana nzanuyo osafunile anzake zabwinoyo lakenso dzenje lili pululuu adzamka konko
Ameneu si true prophet ayi zochita zake ndi za stanic nde enanu dzikukondani popezanso kuti zochita zanu ndi zofanana ndi satanayu sheme musadathe kusakaza nanunso mudzasakazidwa limodzi ndi satana nzanuyo osafunile anzake zabwinoyo lakenso dzenje lili pululuu adzamka konko
Koma Wayankhula Thawi Yolakwika Chifukwa Asanafike Pa 1 Aprl
Koma Wayankhula Thawi Yolakwika Chifukwa Asanafike Pa 1 Aprl
Ine ndilibe problem mukuva?!
Ine ndilibe problem mukuva?!
Mukadakhala inu mukadatani a Malawi 24 ? mundiyankhe funso langali
Jesus oz said dat,in last days u ll’ ricv de lie prophecs&dare deeds ll’ b over lyk wat i do.i thnk in Malaw u hv some 1 who hv a sale leaders…..
Why the fuss!!!…life belongs to God who can create it and take it when he wants…
pitala tsopano
Look at hiz mouth? Fuck u yes u must die y not
Akufuna.kuphaso? Peter will leave
Too much 4 me 2 read, can somebody summarize it 4 me!
Leave him alone you newsmen are writing your personal opinion news thats why most take fb news as false.As human being he is entitled to his opinion the more you write against him the more support he gets
Those Walking With The Gospel Cnt Be Moved With These Gold Digger’s Untrue Prophesies
If people can blv there is God its thru people. Noone has seen God, but He reveals Himself thru fellow beings. What people are advising the prezdent is tru. He shouted that to us who are not TB JOSHUA. As Malawians we want him to tell us how he could make his brother’s dream to have many public universities, apart from the private ones, create jobs, eradicating poverty at all levels, koma tizimva zimenezi. Mr Prezdent address other things privately.
Kod Ku Sothern Africa Dziko Ndimalawi Yekha? Mumangobwebwetuka Ngat Akutchulan,mukuwopa Chan?
koma akanangoti apeza makobidi ankhaninkhani tikanamva mkuyamikira apa kuti polofeti wabwino. ………koma poti watchula za kufa mayemayemaye wautsa mapiri pachigwa………nde olo sanalosere inu koma kamba ka stres. mpezeka mwafadika…….. why nt jst pray hard to God for His intervention ngati simkufuna kufako!!!!! kaya zanu ndima purofeti anuwo………
my it mite be mugabe so?
my it mite be mugabe so?
Fuck tb joshua
Fuck tb joshua
mmmmmm let him die guiz.angokhala ndi mantha kaziziyu.iye amalamulira southern africa???
mmmmmm let him die guiz.angokhala ndi mantha kaziziyu.iye amalamulira southern africa???
I don’t what is hapening nowadays.King David cryed to God that he may have mercy to tell him the day of his dearth but ng’olore sanamuwuze anagwa nayo mene ena otse amafela. Ndie ndani APM akaziwe thawi yofera. Amalawiiii Amalawiiiiii malo mopephera kwa mulungu kuti amupatse APM the spirit of wisdom koma eeeeeeeeee afe basi afe basi. Koma ngati sizitheka TB J ali madzi. Let’s wait and see.
I don’t what is hapening nowadays.King David cryed to God that he may have mercy to tell him the day of his dearth but ng’olore sanamuwuze anagwa nayo mene ena otse amafela. Ndie ndani APM akaziwe thawi yofera. Amalawiiii Amalawiiiiii malo mopephera kwa mulungu kuti amupatse APM the spirit of wisdom koma eeeeeeeeee afe basi afe basi. Koma ngati sizitheka TB J ali madzi. Let’s wait and see.
Why Tb Joshua intrested with Malawi for his prophecy leaving his own country and other rich countries like South africa. Is Mr Bushiri belongs to Joshua?
Why Tb Joshua intrested with Malawi for his prophecy leaving his own country and other rich countries like South africa. Is Mr Bushiri belongs to Joshua?
Bambo tb joshua sanatchule dzina kapena dziko ngati mulibe comment khalani phee..he is not interested in Malawi period
Bambo tb joshua sanatchule dzina kapena dziko ngati mulibe comment khalani phee..he is not interested in Malawi period
Afuna Getrude akhaleso wa masiye ngati carista kkkkkl
Afuna Getrude akhaleso wa masiye ngati carista kkkkkl
eee. akanena wanena
eee. akanena wanena
Not good at all
Not good at all
Am here only to read ur stupit comment,fool malawians
Am here only to read ur stupit comment,fool malawians
Don’t worry mr president masiku amata ndikugona mufa basi ngati nthawi yakwana
Don’t worry mr president masiku amata ndikugona mufa basi ngati nthawi yakwana
I luv u bwana president no matter what
I luv u bwana president no matter what
Its sin to die every human being comes atym to born &die its Malawi sinned hey Prophets leard the world to paradise not as such
Its sin to die every human being comes atym to born &die its Malawi sinned hey Prophets leard the world to paradise not as such
AMALAWI NDI OPUSADI angokangana zinthu zoti sizikuwakhudza aaaaaaaauh mbuzi za anthu
AMALAWI NDI OPUSADI angokangana zinthu zoti sizikuwakhudza aaaaaaaauh mbuzi za anthu
Crazy People In The Crazy World.
Crazy People In The Crazy World.
There a no prophets in this generation. TB J and the others are not prophets. He has no revelations or even scriptures to claim for.our president is going no where else .He will finish his terms respectively,lets not be deceived people. he must prophecise other president deaths.Why not in europ or america.its not funny tb
its only God who can say APM out and he is also God who can make APM to stay longer but if God made people to die APM will die but if its not he go no die long life in mighty name God
Olo ntakhala kti ndine APM ndithu prophecy iyi yokha nkhoza kuikana asaaa chanii za ziii
Gyz prophets ndionama iye bwanji sanalosele nthawi yomwe church lake limagwa kuti anthu atuluke..dzabodzabas.satanck..sidzitheka dzimenedzo.kungofuna kulipasa minyama dziko lamalawi..peter wathuwathu.
vuto la anthu amene mukulankhula zosadziwika simuonera emmanuel tv ndichifukwachake mukulankhula zosadzika komaso mu prophecy yake sanatchule munthu koma anati southern africa tipempherere azitsogoleri end feb to end april ine sindinave kuti anatchula mtsogoleri wathu ayi ndiye tsoka kwa iye amene anyoza atumiki aMulungu opanda chifukwa
Peter nows very well circumstances sorounding death of his brother .let him express and will know truth by lapse of time.
Koma iweeee ohooo sewelaaa
Why did he never even dreamed about his collapsed church that left over hundrerd people deid and he call him self a prophet, shame!
Eeee apulezidenti akwiyilaaaa2 kkkkk
I don’t see any problem here.did the man of God mentioned our president? if not why talking about the man of God?infa yikakhala kuti yikukutsata umabwebweta. God should help our president.
Inu agalu inu kaya ndinu alomwe ndinu makape ameneyu afe ndithu akudzudza amalawi mkumvomereza zopusa
Kodi njenje njenje akubwela bwanji.Ngati wanuyo si amene asiyane nalo dzikoli panthawi yoikika ndiye phuma bwanji?Mkulu wake anali chitsulo cha njanje khaya iyeyu ndi chani?
Why should it always be ‘a southern african president?’…give us a break please prophets.
who is joshua after all? He also created by god, god bless malawi.
Osada ndaula mr plesident kufa palibe we go to prie one Alla is good than 3 dont worie udont die never
Dont worry mr president masiku omaliza kuzakhala aneneri onyenga iye aziwa bwanji imfa ya mnzache sizochokera kwa mulungu koma mphamvu ya satana
joshu ndi chitsiru heavy,kumangoti azake afa iye ndye afa liti mbuzi ya mwana
Adali wabwino chiyambi chake,adali mpumuliro waosauka kamba ka alangizi munthu wasintha..chonde ziwauzani zoona atsogoleri…osamangosangalara polandira ndalama from them once they fall nanunso muzapita nao
T.B Joshua is a satanic guy..why he fail to prophecy when his house killed hundrerds of people…..
afa basi”!!!!
we really need to open our spiritual eyes and see why TV Joshua he predict about presidents deaths this is second time but he said nothing about he’s building which was collapse remember the bible already said about this tht in last days they’ll be a false prophet
Masiku omaliza anthu kunyadira kumwalira kwazao
Zikatele timati zavuta apa tikuona kuti pali mapulobulemu ndithu
Munthu oipa apaopa kumwalira
Will this page one day say something that will build not destruct?
Our president wl finish the mssion until when God choose another person malawi its the home geart of Africa y we afraid than prayng to the lord pa mavuto anjala omwe tli nawo?
mmmmmmm bodza
mmmmmmm bodza
iweso koma bodza lake
iweso koma bodza lake
iweso koma bodza lake kkk
iweso koma bodza lake kkk
Mbuzi ya munthuuu!
If we wont 2 sy somethn.. We ned 2 understnd, the prophet dosnt mention a name or country bt we need 2pray 4 it, if he iz our PSDNT not 2 happen
Haha kuzimva kufa kumeneko..osangofa quietly bwa?? Iyaaah…
I wonder why people are insulting TB Joshua because in his prophecy he neither mentioned Malawi as a country nor did he mentioned the name of President Peter Mutharika. Let alone Malawi is not the only country in Southern Africa. Malawians let us wake up and be progressive. It’s ashame that some of us are parents yet we are demeaning ourselves to the extent of using obscene language on social media, in so doing what are we passing to our children and what kind of future nation are we going to have?
kazikanganani koma alipou azipita bas peter die in peace!!!!
Well said Mkutche!
dzanja lalemba pankhoma,,,what a song by mlaka maliro,
Alibedi pulobulemu sinanga akunyera wakhuta iyeyo
mutharika is not dying very soon until he finishes his 2terms then will live longer to witness Dpp victories
Mr President, musakhulupilire ma prophets, khulupilirani yemwe anakulengani, ndiyemweyonso azakutengeni! Prophets amakamba bodza nthawi zambiri! Tikufunilani moyo wautali ife.
Mmm kaya
why he didn’t prophesy the incidental that happened to his building & let innocent people to die? Prophet is a seer who sees what comes in future & pray upon it, why is he busy prophecies about death of president & not pray for it? God bless Malawi in Jesus name & no one will die an mature death until You say so.
Malawi is like a playing games now.
keep calm Apm, God iz in control
Ine sizinandikhuxa za Chakanika urther Peter Muthalika apa ndikuvutika iyeo alipe ndi banks lake or akazamwalira phe take yomweyi
praise and worship God not a Human like you and me. Malawians now worship someone from Nigeria, shame!!!!!!!!!!!”,”””!!”!!!!!!
wow! What kind of prophet is Joshua? If you follow the bible he is false prophet,the Evil one,why he fail to prophesise that in Malawi you will face hunger problem like what Joseph in Bible was doing? To Mr President just believe in JESUS ONLY,dont Joshua. Who is he in sight of JESUS?
He mustn’t ignore TB Joshua .
Why this crazy prophets always prophecies about the bad things nothing good comes from them? Are they trying to tell the world that God is so evil, so that he’s the one killing this leaders? Strong message to TB Joshua, go to hell with your madness, and you are nothing but just an angel of darkness.
T.b Joshua never missed a prophesy I feel sorry to Mutharika it is time to repent if he knows that the prophesy was about him
Admin you are stupid how can you feel if he would have mentioned you? Why he fails to make his own future without stealing in the church
only God knws more over he is not the only president in southern africa….and guys be careful with your comments u might just be cursed
U talking
Give me Peter Munthalika phone numbers,I need to advise him not for political but for his life according to this stupite story,from now am his advisor.
wihiii!!!! koma kumeneko mkamuna kuopa kusiya mgayiwa kkkkkkk koma lyf ndimpambadi
iyeyu wosapempherera dziko lake kuti likhale la mtendere bwanji? aneneri wonyenga shit to him
Bokoharam ndi mado akuluakulu mungafanizire ndapetera kkk inu fiti zimawopana simudzi moti apeter kusatanic aliposo amawopa apeter chimodzimodzi Tb jo amawopaso Bokoharam
To me there is no any way how we can take out this president,i will be one to cerebrate if he die even today.things are worst now.i dnt understand evn today where they was make politics to rule country,when we talk to the vice president feel sorry coz he study about technology but is cmng vice ptrsident do u think things is gonna work?if u happy with the country is moving u r not malawian
So u can celebrate somebody’s death how about urself are u not going to dy always remember oyamba kufa samadziwika. Never again say these words i know there r lot of problems in our country but who do you think z responsible if Peter dies 2dy do you think life will b good? Why did life never get better after the dealth of Bingu. Think wisely this is all about time mungolakwa nazo
I will vote for Peter in order to prove these jealous people wrong. God give our president a long life and wisdom to run our peacefull malawi Amen
I will vote for Peter in order to prove these jealous people wrong. God give our president a long life and wisdom to run our peacefull malawi Amen
No mata wht.the prophency shud come to pass fo the glory of God. Amuthalika lapani ngati mukuziwa zoti ndinu.simunawerenge zoti do not touch my anoited ones.mmmmm RIP
when did satan started annointing pple?????? coz tb joshua is a servant of satan
Stevie Kaliati Mukapata iweyo unamuonako tbj yo ku usatanic ko?talongosola bwino bwino
Angie are you happy when they prophecy death wat if they prophecied the death of your loved one will you still smile
Angie are you happy when they prophecy death wat if they prophecied the death of your loved one will you still smile
Mike, if it were me being prophesied of death, I would be called myself blessed because even a day before I would find time to seek God’s face and forgiveness so that death should take me while well prepared.
Yes Iwil Be Hape Coz Uziyenda Ukuziwa Kuti Ndimwalila Peter Wil Die Thats Y Akutele Kunali Abingu Paja2
Prophet wabodza uyu believe me nothing will happen
wa satanic akuopa imfa alipo yekha ku southern Africa ? zazii
If senior prophet Tb Joshua is not called by God Peter muthalika will win 2019
Palibe amene amaziwa siku lakufa munthu akadakhala neneli wenweni akaziwa siku lakutha dziko koma mulungu anayikapo chisisi chachikulu
What our president said is true the prophet is also created by almighty God so he should not sheken us to die is the will of God.let God be God.
Tizatsala choncho kumwamba titalikakamira dziko lapansi
No one knows about some one’s death its only God himself
Hey! Malawi 24, TB Joshua Is not God. What Type Of Ignorance pple r you?
Kkkkkk Paja zimachitika mwezi wa mawatu (APRIL). Ife kwathu ndikungodikira basi
can you please write something choyenera kuwerenga.amuyayanu muzitanganidwa ndikunena za imfa ya the Mutharikas.
Zanu izo muziona!
To Me Sindi Ngasankhe Mulosi Kuti Akhale Big God To My Life Wakupha Ndi Wakupha But Yesu Anka Ukitsa Osati Kupha Munthu Ndiphuma Mauma Its Life Timulole Mulungu Wakumwamba Osati Milungu Ya Mnyanjayo Atipatse Mtima Osagawanitsa Chinkhulupililo Chathu Ndimulungu Cool By God No That Kusafunilana Zabwino Kwake Mukwanilitse Kudutsila Pa Aneneli Ndinu Oipakale Enanu
kodi kwagwanji??????
Joswa ndindaninso mumuwuze pankholopake
dear GOd pleas i beg u to seva life of munthalika i know i can.’t manege to do so but its u who can seva mr muntharika atate ndikupempha in the name of jesus ukulu wanu uwonekere pa moyo wamuntharika in jesus name AMen
If Saul of Tarsus, later called Apostle Paul insulted and even killed Gods people but he received grace. Why are you calling the death of a president as if you don’t have sins?
Guys we hv to b positive only god knows not sum ordinary ppl lyk u put ur lyf in danger cum on
So According To This Article, Responding To TB Joshua’s Bad Verses, One Is Putting Him/herslf Into Danger? This Is Total Nosense! So You Think Joshua Has An Authority Over Somebody’s Life? Stop Dreaming.
Boko Haram, Failing Of His Church & Only Prophecy Of Dieth.These Shows Us How Weak Tb Joshua Is All About
Apart from Malawi we also have other countries in southern Africa”But even if Peter Dies’that’s non of my Business.
#Machaka_machaka…..legeni yakokedwa…
chmanga chadzukulu chlipo…..amfumu mutitsogolere
The truth of matter is that Prophet tb joshua never mentioned malawi or the president in his prophecy, according to what he said on the eve of 1st january this year, he said and i quote lets pray for the country in southern africa before that terrible thing happens, idont think such kind of words can make all of us worry about the life of our president.
you pipo are once who blive him
Nkhaniyi ngakhale mutakhala inu mukhonza kukhudzika kutengera ndi mmene zinakhalira mu 2012,
Prophet wa ma prophency oipa okha okha
if you say, you dont believe tb joshua why pannic
Prophecy man of god go deeper
its you who is on side of him do u know how life cost and u better b ashamed of what happen 2012
all the six presidents of southern african are all silent, why us only responding yet the prophecy itself did not mention death, why are you hating a wrong man? its better not to judge others yet we all have weakness of our own, we are all destnied for death, why fearing it.
true, TB Joshua never mentioned about Malawi. amalawi musanjenjemele ndi za prophecy-yi, lets just pray for our country.
Why is he responding n pointing himself? Lets wait n see as April is around th cornr.
I better receive prophesy ya bad event ahead of me than a good thing to happen ahead of me. Kodi mumangoti kunenela zoipa u.think its him who create or arrange the bad thing to happen? Prophet Isiah prophesied bad things to an extent that people hated him BUT the truth was he was a true prophet of God almighty. Ziipe lero chifukwa its TB Joshua telling us of bad times coming ahead of us? Be close to godly things and u wil be knowledgeable about these things. Enanu ziphunzitso zakutchalitchi kwanu nzomwe zimakupangitsani kudana ndi aneneli
I better receive prophesy ya bad event ahead of me than a good thing to happen ahead of me. Kodi mumangoti kunenela zoipa u.think its him who create or arrange the bad thing to happen? Prophet Isiah prophesied bad things to an extent that people hated him BUT the truth was he was a true prophet of God almighty. Ziipe lero chifukwa its TB Joshua telling us of bad times coming ahead of us? Be close to godly things and u wil be knowledgeable about these things. Enanu ziphunzitso zakutchalitchi kwanu nzomwe zimakupangitsani kudana ndi aneneli
#Mphatso, Isaiah ndi ma prophets abadwawa ndi anthu osiyana kwambiri,sindikuti pali olakwa pa nkhaniyi koma ndati ndingokuwuza chimodzi ma prophets onse alipo pano wa ndia fake. Musakhulupilire zonena zawo mwina nkutheka kuchitika izozo ndiye zofuna zawo ndi komwe kukuchokera utumiki wawo koma lkamba koti anthufe tili akhungu palibe chomwe mukuzindikila pa zama Prophets awa. Mukhala mbali lolakwika ndipo musochera zedi
#Mphatso, Isaiah ndi ma prophets abadwawa ndi anthu osiyana kwambiri,sindikuti pali olakwa pa nkhaniyi koma ndati ndingokuwuza chimodzi ma prophets onse alipo pano wa ndia fake. Musakhulupilire zonena zawo mwina nkutheka kuchitika izozo ndiye zofuna zawo ndi komwe kukuchokera utumiki wawo koma lkamba koti anthufe tili akhungu palibe chomwe mukuzindikila pa zama Prophets awa. Mukhala mbali lolakwika ndipo musochera zedi
I know there are some who are fake BUT not all are fake.. Jesus said in Matthew 24 that u shall know them by their fruits. The book of second Corithians tells us that Prophesy is one of the spiritual gifts given to children of God. Osangonva zonena za anthu.. Read the bible urselves guys.!
Listen to the bible not your church beliefs!
save data
He never mentioned anyone agreed but last time he did the same somebody died in malawi.
za zeee . Black missionary song . enanu mukanakhala mulungu munakayimama madalitso even dzuwa sitinakaliwona. but ur not GOD and u cant be. their wish its not of GOG. back to sender
Everyday bad bad things, even worse things happen in southern Africa
Everyday bad bad things, even worse things happen in southern Africa
Everyday bad bad things, even worse things happen in southern Africa
ine ndimadabwa kuti prophet aliyense ndi wa fake ndiye kuti the genuine prophets cant be found in our time?
komabe anakafa!!!!!!!!!!
TB Joshua sananene zoti pitala afa koma akuopa pitala kuti mwina ndiyeyo kaokakakakkakaakakakaalal
Does Nigeria recognise TB Joshua as a true prophet? Whom do you value high between your head of state and this self proclaimed prophet? Mind you, the presidents of southern Africa are heading countries while this fortune seeker of a prophet only heads a church. Can you say they are equal in value? Please, stop breaking my nerves with this thief of a son of a bitch.
is de value of a president n God the same???
Why not @ Stella Banda?leaders are chosen by God himself
nonono that’s a lie some leaders are chose by them self. and its bcoz they are greedy
Don’t allow satan to rule malawi, these prophets r not good and r not true
Mayaz sunga mwalire ase Mulungu alipo akutetezani man peter Jah Jah!
Man of God? my foot! mawa satana ameneyu akanena kuti adimin ufa ndipamene uswe ziphwisi za mnyoo!
Aliyense adzafa. Bwanji kuopa imfa ngat kuli wa muyaya.
nane wandidabwitsa Peter .machismo amuchulukira
Wakulu akuopa mapama kumwamba
Wakulu akuopa mapama kumwamba
But dd propher TEMITOPE BALOGUN JOSHUA(TB JOSHUA) mentioned the President’s Name?if not y is our Presedent responding to the prophesy?just asking
Mutharika style, when death is around the corner they say & do the unexpected that doesnt suit their calibre
TB Joshua wasauka zinthu pano sizikumuyendera.ndiye akufuna mapresident aku southern Africa achite mantha cholinga amuyendere akamusiireni chuma.I salute you prof. Mutharika for your braveness.long live Peter Mutharika
Ukunama phwanga uja ndiworemera ndipo sangasawuke ndipo ungozinamiza wekha km iye Mathanyura wapanga matha ndichani ananena Za iye wawononga ziko Kufa kulipo amwalira basi
God of Major1
God protect our leader
Hahaha thats what we call foolishness,,,how has he realized that it is him who is going to die???let me have aseat and watch everything
is Peter the only president in southern Africa? what au fearing? komanso God fearing person samaopa infa
malume the president never expressed fear he rather proved courageous and challenged your fake prophecy to hell with fake prophets
malume the president never expressed fear he rather proved courageous and challenged your fake prophecy to hell with fake prophets
my comment goes to people who are fearing the dealth of Peter,rather he showed courageous that’s great thats am saying munthu owopa mulungu samaopa imfa,
Am wonder why malawi fear ordinary prophets than Lord.
The president was not wrong. He is a hero. He has defeated fear. The so called prophecy was said in public and it is good to refuse it in public. APM is a hero indee. Long live a bwana.
u cant refuse a prophecy
A prophecy always has a remedy clause. Repent or you will die. If you continue this, you will die, do this and God will do this. A prophesy is always specific. You cant just say someone in zomba will die, of course people die all day everyday. Rather say who that person is and why and how that can be avoided. Remember we will still die one day and it is not enough to just say you will die, no. May be if a date and hour can be fixed may be. But to rejoice in somebody’s death? Thats un Godly
what did Hezekiah do when he was told that he was going to die? did he call the Lord’s prophet names? or did he cry out to God in repentance &remind him why his life should be spared?
Until Malawians agree n stand one side to fight people like Joshua then we will be developed coz God will see how unity we are
Can U Fight Man Of God? What Can U Benefit By The End?
Mr Yusuf by ur I would say u r a Muslim of which somehow it myt difficult for u to know the reall men of God but to answer ur question it looks like u very stupid
You just showed your ignorance and satanic who can fight a Prophet go and read Daniel your digging your own gravel
Florence Phiri
You just showed your ignorance and satanic who can fight a Prophet go and read Daniel your digging your own gravel
Florence Phiri
Wesley u r moron ..where in the bible did prophet tb Joshua being mentioned??? Mmmm??? You tell me tonight
Wesley u r moron ..where in the bible did prophet tb Joshua being mentioned??? Mmmm??? You tell me tonight
how can someone who claim to be a real Christian and know real men of God call someone stupid.
Well Alinafe Mkwinja I didn’t claim anywhere that am a real christian and it brings my point that if u are a Christian u can go to that level if a fool is at its best even Jesus himself punched a bunch of morons who turn the temple into a market…
Well Alinafe Mkwinja I didn’t claim anywhere that am a real christian and it brings my point that if u are a Christian u can go to that level if a fool is at its best even Jesus himself punched a bunch of morons who turn the temple into a market…
And you Alinafe Mkwinja and everyone tell me where in the bible did this TB what what accumulates hence the bible n other prophets said Jesus is the last Messiah… And now u have been engulfed n being eaten by this self foolish proclaimed prophet? Like really? U are failing to identify the fakes of this prophet n u busy here talk about stupid? Wow sister u need true Jesus
And you Alinafe Mkwinja and everyone tell me where in the bible did this TB what what accumulates hence the bible n other prophets said Jesus is the last Messiah… And now u have been engulfed n being eaten by this self foolish proclaimed prophet? Like really? U are failing to identify the fakes of this prophet n u busy here talk about stupid? Wow sister u need true Jesus
what if the prophesy come true who comments will be read twice,who will beg forgiveness,Dont blame you tongue for you comments against prophecy which is wide and open for prayers,still to pray and not urgue,thus the plan B of the enemy.I though we need to pray for revelation are made to put people aware of dangers so that we can pray or repent and prepare.
Kukubweredwaku Tizamva Kut Adimn Wa Malawi24 Amwalira2, Zafka Poopsezana Izi
My question to everyone is simple: If T.B . Joshua is not a man of God , why should you be afraid of his prophesies?
phungu wanga watani kuti amugwetsele ku church?????
Mukungozikalasulira moto muliphee malawi mumumva kunyung’unya kuti nyunyunyu kunyoza atumiki amulungu?
Uku ndiye kulankhulatu bwana. Sitinati tilibe ulemu mulungu atilanga.
Uku ndiye kulankhulatu bwana. Sitinati tilibe ulemu mulungu atilanga.
Ndani amasangalala ndikuuzidwa kuti afa???
Akafa atenga ndi chilima boko halam njala uphawi more than 200 girls khondo asalitera zimenezo koma ifa ya azake basi
i can jxt rough lyk kkkkkk may Jonathan will die not our peter,he hv a strong tower which is jesus…ok
Nkhalani chabe nachipuwa
Kufa kwa munthu aliyense kuli m’manja mwa yehova so live de president till nthawi yake yidzakwane
If is false why if he speaks it come to pass?
Phophesy where school girls a kept by Bokoharam or where these pipo died at ur church dd they enter to God or they a enjoying hell? Our God z good, no 1 can say that openly to the world, who is he?
Peter woyeee,asakufuna afe ndyeyo
@pangani is not but is mouthpiece of God
Long live APM. God should shame the prophet of evil……….!
Why not prophesis about boko harram this man is very stupid
Did tbj mentioned ur so called president? U too you’re very stupid
Angie Curso Nyimba please refrain from retaliating and use of unpalatable language. Devil does not fight devil. If he does, then his kingdom will not stand. There is no single second when the hated without reason man of GOD ever mentioned of APM.
Stop calling people stupid! Gd morning my love.
Angie Curso Nyimba please refrain from retaliating and use of unpalatable language. Devil does not fight devil. If he does, then his kingdom will not stand. There is no single second when the hated without reason man of GOD ever mentioned of APM.
Stop calling people stupid! Gd morning my love.
apa nde tinazigunda ndithu
how did peter know that T.B.JOSHUA was reffering the prophecy to him?
kayatu ine ndi kudabwa naye coz sanantchule dzina
nice question! fear for nothing, may be they had a talk
zovuta kumvesa
should we say he is a coward
Only God knows
Firstly you the publisher of news you are ignorant,what deep troubles does peter dig into?dont make him be afraid for what he dont fear if you and your family fear the so said prophet Joshua then it is you not Mutharika,and am asking you to stop talking about this the true believers trust in heavenly God not your friend Joshua even me myself idont fear Joshua and those who call themselves prophets they are liars thats it and nothing else
Dpp hooyee Peter hooyeee mpaka 2019 woooo!! Kuyimanso kachikena aa
Our president will not die in Jesus name!!! Pita don’t sweat or stress God is in Control.
foolish Malawi24 and yo fake prophet! Believe in God nt all these gods, u wana be judge one day
he didnt mention any name. Why is he afraid or worried.
Waiting for prophency confimation..
Everybody wil die bt its jst mata ov tym evn if the prophet cn prophesize or not
Ine basically ndilibe pulobulemu. Ngat wina ali ndi pulobulemu, ndi zake hahahahahaha!
Zinthu zikuDula izi, Ma China sangayambeko kupangako sugar, bread, squash etc za China….. Zathu za original zii zkudula hvy… Mukuona bwanj guyZ
Ur guess is as mine bro
kkkk sugar wa china,udzamwera wekha ndithu hahaha
uli boo
chimangaso cha china mwina ndikupulumuka ku chilalachi lol china yomweyo kkkkk
Bible say, ”masiku omaliza kuzakhala aneneli onyenga not onena zowona” Mantha bwnji?
Zamanyi basi
Is APM the only president in Southern Africa
he knows that he. z the one dying
No fear GOD nows every thing who iz JB talling that
amfe nthawi
God bless PETER MUTHALIKA never die nic day
Petulo alibe problem
Nganganga Ndi Peter Munthalika Nganganga Ndi DPP 2019 Ndavotanso Kachikena!
I don’t understand why Malawians beleive soo much in prophets and odinary people more than in God. Long live mutharika he will not die iam not malawian but I love Malawi becouse Malawi and Zambia are one lets be positive lets encourage one another lets not encourage evil
But the good thing is that the so called prophet didnt mention the name of the person to die. In southern africa we got more than 6 presidents, why only Malawian president is against Nigerian prophet? Why not other nation’s president? Why this one is worried while others are not? He was gonna say: all southern countries needs strong prayers for that death not to happen, as a president, encourage his people and fellow countries. Surely he lost his senses.
dont think there is evil if u say one gonna die and that which u r saying is the truth.remember God sent isaah to hezekiah that he will not leave but die.
sitikumukhulupirira kwambiri koma nkhani ndiyakuti kodi iwowa kuti ayankhepo pantchulidwa dzina lawo kapena anatchula dziko lamalawi? southern africa alipo maiko ambiri koma apezeka okha oyankha bwanji komanso ngati iwowa samukhulupirira nanga akuchita mantha ndichani osangokhala kusonyeza kusatekeseka? TB JOSHUA tisamuweruze chifukwa oweruza ndimulengi basi
#Machaka,learn 2 learn frm the past,dnt the same happen in the similar WAY in MW?Dd ur prophet mention abt MW in 2012?
whay allways souther africa? Nanu atolakhani mumakoka khani zoputsa bwanji
Dd he gave another prophecy?
One love
its not only malawians who belive in prophets even in your country many pple do…why is the president nat at rest wt dat prophecy… is there anything dat is making him tink he cn die that we dont knw…ts God who gives life so if the Lord revealed to the prophet about dat we will see because malawi is not the only country’ in southern africa
People my advice to you is that open your eyes and face reality some prophets are fake and they do it for money follow God Jesus Christ and read his word his hand is not to short to bless he died on the cross so u can have eternal life and easy acces to his blesins not thru man . Malawi is a good country I love the people becouse u are peacefull with good morals .
alibe problem mutharika anatero paja nde akuoope laji imfa
U know we just trust in so much rubbish. How can somebody say its a prophesy when its just an inside informer whether in Zimbabwe or somewhere else. He says somebody will die, who is that somebody, what makes him so special to die or can I say he was meant to live forever? You know this Guy always plays with your minds by telling you obvious things and if somebody stands up and speaks his mind he is lebeled all sorts of bull shit…
Iam among people who dont belive in man made destinies. So if you got problem with his opinion then sod off and die. #simple
Mr Labani this is not a case we should wast our time wth. I dont think this so called Malawian president made a good remarks, even if he can find a lawyer, he can not pass it. As the father of the nation, he must be calm, he must learn how to handle things like this. Thanks for reminding me to learn from past, what about Malawian presidnt? Why he didnt learn from past? Instead of learning, he’s attacking. Kkkkkkkk! This is so funny indeed, please tell him jst as a messege, that attack will not solve the problem, that attack will make Malawian people to get worried of loosing our president, its like he knows spmething himself. Lets just pray for that death not to happen in Southern Africa. Not only in Malawi as mr president is all about.
kod muzaziwa bwanj kut analosera zaboza ngat szichtka chot muziwe ameneyu amafuna zomwe walosera zichtke, peter znamunyasa chfukwa analosera za mkulu wake
zopusa basi. u are busy debating abt dis shit. what will happen it won’t happen? asatanic nonse muli mmadzi
Zazi, ndibwerezeso palibe amene akufa
poti mulungu adati musawope aliyense chilichonse koma wopani ine brave APM
God is not pleased with bad leaders in the old Testament he rebuked Saul and the Holy spirit departed from Saul. The same God who chooses will definitely remove
God is not pleased with bad leaders in the old Testament he rebuked Saul and the Holy spirit departed from Saul. The same God who chooses will definitely remove
Hahahahaha , aaaaaa oky , tawerenga nao ife !!!!!
Hahahahaha , aaaaaa oky , tawerenga nao ife !!!!!
Whether Mutharika is wrong or wright but TB Joshua is not a prophet from God finish.
Whether Mutharika is wrong or wright but TB Joshua is not a prophet from God finish.
KWDAZA MA PULOFETI #bible linafotokoza kunena kut mmasiku otsiliza kudzabwela aneneli onyenga omwe adzasocheletsa athu ochuluka .adzazitcha ochilitsa. Ochotsa ziwanda ndizina zambili ndipo athu adzawa khulupilila kt akugwilits work power of god.bt zili phavu za satana..ican see athudi mwasochela mukutsatila khandwe yovala thupi la nkhosa. #AWAKEPIPO #SINGS OF LAST DAYZ .
KWDAZA MA PULOFETI #bible linafotokoza kunena kut mmasiku otsiliza kudzabwela aneneli onyenga omwe adzasocheletsa athu ochuluka .adzazitcha ochilitsa. Ochotsa ziwanda ndizina zambili ndipo athu adzawa khulupilila kt akugwilits work power of god.bt zili phavu za satana..ican see athudi mwasochela mukutsatila khandwe yovala thupi la nkhosa. #AWAKEPIPO #SINGS OF LAST DAYZ .
KWDAZA MA PULOFETI #bible linafotokoza kunena kut mmasiku otsiliza kudzabwela aneneli onyenga omwe adzasocheletsa athu ochuluka .adzazitcha ochilitsa. Ochotsa ziwanda ndizina zambili ndipo athu adzawa khulupilila kt akugwilits work power of god.bt zili phavu za satana..ican see athudi mwasochela mukutsatila khandwe yovala thupi la nkhosa. #AWAKEPIPO #SINGS OF LAST DAYZ .
KWDAZA MA PULOFETI #bible linafotokoza kunena kut mmasiku otsiliza kudzabwela aneneli onyenga omwe adzasocheletsa athu ochuluka .adzazitcha ochilitsa. Ochotsa ziwanda ndizina zambili ndipo athu adzawa khulupilila kt akugwilits work power of god.bt zili phavu za satana..ican see athudi mwasochela mukutsatila khandwe yovala thupi la nkhosa. #AWAKEPIPO #SINGS OF LAST DAYZ .
repeat again, ma Prophets onsewa atchukawa ndi a fake, akuchokera ku Illuminati, a Satana awa mphamvu zonse zikuchokera kumeneko. Komano anthu ambiri sangakhulupilire, mupite pa You Tube mupange search zomwe analakhula Leonardo Dicaprio za zinthu ngati izi, ILLUMINATI KABBALAH EXPOSED,THE NEW WORLD ORDER. just few mumva zambiri
Iam Also Agreeing With U Myfriends That TB Joshue He Is Not Man Of God Coz Had It Been He Is Concerned With Challenges That This Country Is Facing He Might Just Pray For Us,for This Socia-economic Poor To End, Not Prophesing For The Dearth Of Our President.
BandaVincent, powerful quote! God bless u dear! Ignorance is misleading the majority. Gd mo.
BandaVincent, powerful quote! God bless u dear! Ignorance is misleading the majority. Gd mo.
Stellah Banda , it is so unfortunate that APM is taking the prophecy too personal. The much hated without reason man of GOD did not mention anybody’s appellation.
Stellah Banda , it is so unfortunate that APM is taking the prophecy too personal. The much hated without reason man of GOD did not mention anybody’s appellation.
Yams, this is not language of somebody who is walking with the Lord. I love u, repent & stay blessed!
Yams, this is not language of somebody who is walking with the Lord. I love u, repent & stay blessed!
Bright Waitha , I love you brother. One of the greatest gifts GOD has given to humankind is the freedom to make decisions. U need God’s intervation to get to know & understand the man of God in question better. Watch Emmanuel TV, failing which you will remain ignorant. Nobody knows who is truly serving GOD except God alone. You need God to acknowledge the truth. You will some day change your confession.
Stay blessed dear!
Bright Waitha , I love you brother. One of the greatest gifts GOD has given to humankind is the freedom to make decisions. U need God’s intervation to get to know & understand the man of God in question better. Watch Emmanuel TV, failing which you will remain ignorant. Nobody knows who is truly serving GOD except God alone. You need God to acknowledge the truth. You will some day change your confession.
Stay blessed dear!
Is Southern Africa Malawi Only? Why Our President Is Takin De Issue Lik Dat, He Never Mention Aname If U R Afraid Mr Presdn Just Repent Chang Ur Story
Eish mark of da wld beast in end tym .The bible warned us abt end tym saying dat they cuming false prophet. Dont u womder da cuming prophets r omly black pipo y n their prophecy is abt death of pipo n abt getting rich
We belive in prophets because God said we should . If you believed in God you would do what he said you should do
I can feel beta it u die mr president&the whole of dpp
I can feel beta it u die mr president&the whole of dpp
Cause God speaks through his propjets mayne, refer to you scripture
those pipo who believe and follow wat TB Joshua z doing, u r nothing,find out wat makes that man to be a prophet.
no one has got power to judge,,its God himself wu knows da righteous one so dont jugde so dat u can b judged…….lets just cling to God coz da days we r living r dangerous,,,,,,,,stay blessed
no one has got power to judge,,its God himself wu knows da righteous one so dont jugde so dat u can b judged…….lets just cling to God coz da days we r living r dangerous,,,,,,,,stay blessed
what is your problem?
I dont understand what the malawi 24 trying to say kkkk .plss polish up the statement
Funny u call this news smh
He Fear’s Death As A Child Who Fear’s To In The Dark
akanapita tione zina iiih abale bwampini watikwana
So What? Any Business Wth Me!
Mantha ndi imfa
Dziko ndi anthu ake
so what
Ur the son of devil urself editor, go to hell with ur prophet
Whats wrong with this imformation here bro? Is this against mr presdent, or mr president himself made a wrong speech in a wrong place. Does the man of God mentioned malawian presidents name? Come on guys. We all one as HIS image.
#Machaka,Where z the right place? Is the president wrong to speak agaist what seems 2b a threat to hs life.ur wrong,Man.
ndi Amneneri Onyenga????? olemelera mdzina la Yesu?????
Hw does tht concern u,nosense
Is TB joshua God?
Some foolish people are worshiping him
i wonder!
instead of worshipn God,busy worshipn a man
who said so?! empty heads
truth hurts,feel sorry for yourself
truth hurts,feel sorry for yourself
you are more than an empty head,so u think Tb joshua is God,come back to ur senses,follow jesus,u an angel of the devil
you are more than an empty head,so u think Tb joshua is God,come back to ur senses,follow jesus,u an angel of the devil
Jesus never prophesize death,is your Tb is a real man of God,let him defeat boko harram crisis rocking his country
Jesus never prophesize death,is your Tb is a real man of God,let him defeat boko harram crisis rocking his country
so what?
My dear brother Wonderful Mkhutche, sometimes we need to accept issues as they unfold. Amidst all things in your story, you have said that when Bingu died, people celebrated. Tell me if you were one of those who assembled at Lilongwe Golf Club to celebrate the death of the fallen leader. Peter is a human being and Malawians cannot dispute this. However, APM should not be pushed too far because as leader he has limitations on how to solve the contries. I see no reason here to refer to 2014 events. I read nothing in your story or I read between lines so that I get a right thing. Otherwise predicting somebody’s death is as good as telling the person to die before the prophesy comes to pass. APM’s rants are a true reflection of a human being. Please leave him alone!