Minister of agriculture and water development Allan Chiyembekeza has hit out at Malawians for creating the current maize shortage.
Chiyembekeza was speaking in Lilongwe where Japanese Tobacco International’s (JTI) donated assorted food items.
The minister said the maize scarcity which has hit some parts of the country started because Malawians sold their maize to private companies after harvesting in the 2014/2015 season.

He said this is the reason ADMARC does not have enough maize to resale to Malawians.
Chiyembekeza said: “These private companies when they sale maize to the government they are selling it at an expensive price for example buying maize from farmers at K70 per Kilogram and they want to sale to the government at K270 per Kilogram which is expensive.” Chiyembekeza also claimed that some of the challenges Malawi faces are beyond the government’s control.
He then urged Malawians to stop blaming government for every misfortune in the country The minister said the government is doing everything in its power to make sure the country has enough food and this means buying maize from neighbouring countries.
He called upon all well-wishers to help the government in alleviating hunger by donating maize to either the government or individual households.
On his part, JTI Managing Director Fries Vanneste said the relief program will cost JTI approximately US$300,000 which is approximately MK225 million.
“We will provide food relief to 17,000 people across the country, we have seen the severity of the situation and know that almost 3,500 households in the communities where we buy our tobacco, across the country are facing food shortages as a result of this year’s widespread drought,” Vanneste said.
Is our government supposed to cultivate maize for its citizen or citizens cultivate maize for themselves?
How stupid are these government pipo ponawanamizura anthu kuti njala tubweletsa okha, the problem there is no job in Malawi no factories to work, no companies to work, why happens next anthu amatenga zokolola zomwezo mkugulitsa
How stupid are these government pipo ponawanamizura anthu kuti njala tubweletsa okha, the problem there is no job in Malawi no factories to work, no companies to work, why happens next anthu amatenga zokolola zomwezo mkugulitsa
Bulls shit, anthu amagulitsa kwa Mavenda coz admarc sucks,
Bulls shit, anthu amagulitsa kwa Mavenda coz admarc sucks,
A che minister munakulira kuti.inutu simmalawi ovutika.chimanga anthu amagulitsa kuti apeze ndalama zolipirira school ana awo.kuchipatala ngakhale kuti zipatala Ndi zauulele pamafunika transport yoyendera kumaloko.kugulira ndiwo komans kuchigayo.kodi muthu kapena ungamadye chimanga chokhachoka basi.komasotu alimiwa amakhala Ndi ngongole ngati za ma fetlizer. Kodi mmati ndalama azitenga kuti????
Kodi nsima amadya yopanda ndiwo? Ndi umphawi umanewu mukuona ngati ndalama zogulira ndiwo azitenga kuti?
Chimene ndikudabwa nchoti panopa pamene kuli anthu ophunzira zedi koma zinthu sizikuyenda pomwe kale Kamuzu ankangotola nduna zake zinthu nkumayenda. Unduna wa zamalimidwewu ndikuona kuti abwanawa wawakulira. Penanso ndimawonadi kuti Kuphunzira mukalasi simathero akuphunzira. Mfumu Solomo inadzichetsa kwa Mulungu, nkusankha. kuti yipatsidwe nzeru. Iyi yidali.mfumu yozozedwa komaa idadzichepetsa nkupempha nzeru itafunsidwa ndi ndi Mulungu. Kusunga miyoyo ya wanthu sisukulu koma nzeru zochokera kwa Mlengi. Ukapatsidwa nzeru nde umasova vuto lililonse mu unduna wako kusiyana nkumabulema alimi. Bring up solutions no blind-flying here.
Nonsense.Borrow a leaf from other countries, mechanized agricultural practice and adequate farm inputs is what is needed. The problem we have in Malawi is poor farming practices.
Vuto ndi ADMARC, agula bwanji chimanga mwezi wa september, alimi atakolola APRIL. Aipatse nsanga ndalama zogulira chaka chino ngati angathe. vuto ndiwo osati admarc.
Aaaaaaa inu kodi amalankhula ndi uyu aaaa sindinaonebwino poyamba iiiiii odi ndiyankhe phoni kaye aaaa
Iiiiii eee ohoooooo komaiwe
Mwati iwowa ndi DOKOTALA pamaphunziro..??? Nanga kulankhula zopusazi bwanji..??
Zitsiru zopanda maso mphenya. Pano vendor wayamba kale kugula nkumakaumisa yekha chimanga inu muzizagula mu August. Ndiye muzizamuuza vendor ntengo zoona zimenezo?.
Kuyankhula kosaganiza mokuya kwa nduna ya zamalimidwe. Ngati Admarc ikuyamba kugula mochedwa ndipo motsika mtengo ndi chifukwa cha alimi ife? Kodi ndi ndani anakusankhani inu kuti mukhale nduna?
What fuch is that now? Instead of helping people u tolking shit like that? Ass
Ine ndilibe problem kkkkk
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..
Those who were selling were doing so because they had surplus and they were free to sell anywhere, wherever the price was better.
Mukalephela ndibwino kuvomeleza.Ngakhale mzaka za mma 1990 zoyambirira ndina wang’ono ndimaona boma likugula chimanga ndi mbewu zina kwaalimi moyambirira pamitengo yabwino.Izi zimathandiza kuti boma likhale ndi chimanga chochuluka.Chodabwitsa zaka zino boma limapeleka ndalama kubungwe la admac mwezi wa augast kuti bugweri ligule chimanga ndi mbewu zina kwa alimi.Kodi nthawi imeneyi kuti bungwe la admac litsate ndondomeko za kasamalidwe kandalama zaboma ndekuti likumagula chimanga mwezi uti?Nanga panthawiyi alimi amakhala akusungabe chimanga chao?Ngati boma likufuna kugula chimanga chambiri lipeleke ndalama ku admac mofulumira kuti bungweri ligule chhjmanga kwa alimi kuyambira mwezi wa may apo ayi lipitirira kuloza anthu ake chala kuti ndiolakwa pomwe ilolo ndilomwe likuyambitsa mavutowa.
Zaziii ulibe mfundo mdala iwe wasakala!
Don’t fool people. Admarc with there big names there.they sell Vendors then we poor people then we buy from them.instead of helping the poor?
You open Admarc markets late in october and also time and again people returning back from your markets with their crops deu to money shortage yet you blame farmers shit
I have always said we have jokers for leaders. This is a whole minister talking nosense. You fund admarc in July when farmers have already sold their maize. Farmers need to buy daily esentials, so they sell to the available trader. For years admarc has been advised to start buying earlier to no avail. Last year you were told in good time there was a shortfall on maize harvest. Parliament gave you 15billion kwacha to procure maize. You only used 7billion kwacha and bragged that you had enough maize, no one would starve/die. We have seen the opposite while you take your 4course meals. What you are saying are insults to the nation. Count yourself lucky as you are leading dead people. Are you afraid to tell the truth that you’ll be sacked? By the way bring to mbc chiefs from cingale, lilangwe, macinga, zomba, and let them tell the nation how good it is to travel on a bad road as the one they have.
I have always said we have jokers for leaders. This is a whole minister talking nosense. You fund admarc in July when farmers have already sold their maize. Farmers need to buy daily esentials, so they sell to the available trader. For years admarc has been advised to start buying earlier to no avail. Last year you were told in good time there was a shortfall on maize harvest. Parliament gave you 15billion kwacha to procure maize. You only used 7billion kwacha and bragged that you had enough maize, no one would starve/die. We have seen the opposite while you take your 4course meals. What you are saying are insults to the nation. Count yourself lucky as you are leading dead people. Are you afraid to tell the truth that you’ll be sacked? By the way bring to mbc chiefs from cingale, lilangwe, macinga, zomba, and let them tell the nation how good it is to travel on a bad road as the one they have.
I have always said we have jokers for leaders. This is a whole minister talking nosense. You fund admarc in July when farmers have already sold their maize. Farmers need to buy daily esentials, so they sell to the available trader. For years admarc has been advised to start buying earlier to no avail. Last year you were told in good time there was a shortfall on maize harvest. Parliament gave you 15billion kwacha to procure maize. You only used 7billion kwacha and bragged that you had enough maize, no one would starve/die. We have seen the opposite while you take your 4course meals. What you are saying are insults to the nation. Count yourself lucky as you are leading dead people. Are you afraid to tell the truth that you’ll be sacked? By the way bring to mbc chiefs from cingale, lilangwe, macinga, zomba, and let them tell the nation how good it is to travel on a bad road as the one they have.
This is not the time to blame the farmers Or ADMARC,its time to find solutions to the current problems,Dr Chiyembekeza,wake up please ,,
Konyela kwako foolish, you had your own rains?jast say your gvnt has failed to feed the country.stone headed minster
zakuthinani mwayamba kulira vuto sianthu koma inu coz panthawi yomwe anathu akugulisa chimanga mumamalimbana ndi kutukwana pomwe ali busy kugula chimanga. so how do u think people can do whn ur just phwiii lookin 4 the private traders over come u. wash ur mouth
I don’t understand how ths so called APM choose his cabnet ministers,enaawa munangotolana paubale.it seems that ths dude don’t knw why he was choosen
Kodi transport ndi Ndalama zingati kuchoka Ku Blantyre to Makhetha?
Wanena zoona minister yo ndi muyamikile
Wanena zoona minister yo ndi muyamikile
mkuluyu sadzatheka
mkuluyu sadzatheka
Kungoti mbali zonse zilindi vuto Admarc and Farmers. Ine ndimagula chimanga cha Aunt anga koma anthu amandikaniza chimanga amvekere “bola tikamugulise olemela kale, osaukayi afuna alemelere pa ife” the same people were asking me whereabout the maize u bought? Mulungu awakhulukire ndipo awazindikilise. A Admarc amayamba kugula mochedwa ndichifukwa sagula mbewu zambiri. Kusiyana kwa mitengo yogulila.
Kungoti mbali zonse zilindi vuto Admarc and Farmers. Ine ndimagula chimanga cha Aunt anga koma anthu amandikaniza chimanga amvekere “bola tikamugulise olemela kale, osaukayi afuna alemelere pa ife” the same people were asking me whereabout the maize u bought? Mulungu awakhulukire ndipo awazindikilise. A Admarc amayamba kugula mochedwa ndichifukwa sagula mbewu zambiri. Kusiyana kwa mitengo yogulila.
Iwe galuwachabechabe
Iwe galuwachabechabe
If we have maize we sale to vendors because we need immediate cash.
We are hungry we want government to provide us with immediate food.
If we have maize we sale to vendors because we need immediate cash.
We are hungry we want government to provide us with immediate food.
Hahahahaha plant breeder
Hahahahaha plant breeder
Ine ndukumbuka bwinobwino boma la dpp lidatiuza zoti kuli chimanga choti we can eat 4 10 years ndi anayamba kugulitsa chimanga china atafunsidwa anati akugulitsa ma surplus nde as 4 me ndikudabwa andunawa akamatinamizila amalawi
Ine ndukumbuka bwinobwino boma la dpp lidatiuza zoti kuli chimanga choti we can eat 4 10 years ndi anayamba kugulitsa chimanga china atafunsidwa anati akugulitsa ma surplus nde as 4 me ndikudabwa andunawa akamatinamizila amalawi
hahaha mr minister that nonsense is coming out from ur mouth why not just shut ur dirt mouth if u have no any solutions 4 the hunger situation there
hahaha mr minister that nonsense is coming out from ur mouth why not just shut ur dirt mouth if u have no any solutions 4 the hunger situation there
Not selling of maize but due to poor rainfall
Not selling of maize but due to poor rainfall
Minister wagafa the more u become old the more u become dull.
Minister wagafa the more u become old the more u become dull.
Suck my Dick minister
Mr minister if u want maize just open ur ADMARC soon after harvest. Ife ndiye tiyamba mwezi wa mawau kugura
ayayaya tatukwanani kaye mukamaliza mukalapa.. mugulu lino muli an2 anzeru zedi
Thats a sign of failure mister minister,otherwise those words were not supposed to be said by you.
Its his responsibility to talk like that. Govt ought to organise the following; (1) Releasing funds in good time for ADMARC to buy maize. This should be from April to mid June. (2) Offering good prices thereby beating that of private traders, BASI.
Those” good prizes” might make there profit smaller
So what should be done for ADMARC to get enough maize?
Kagwele uko,jekete lotsachapa
alibe nzeru
Munthu wamkulu ngati iwe ungamalankhu zopusa ngati zimenezo chamba olo masese uchitsilu basi kumangosankha abwampini olo nditi ngwime
akut ma pvt company ochokera kut? Ku ZIM, TZD, kapena amomuno mu Malawi? ine I don’t understand !!!!!
Fucken minister
vuto si alimi ayi ,kodi mlimi wakolora may ndiye aboma amamuuza kuti a dzamugula august pali kuthandizana pamenepo aboma amafuna phindu nayenso vendor amafuna phindu(kusiyana kwake ndi kwakuti aboma amafuna chimanga chouma kuti apange phindu pamene vendor amafuna chimanga chambiri kuti apange phindu,mbali zonse zikufuna ndalama basi?
Hey u Minister, wake up pliz. U talking too much nonsense
Ulimi ndi business
Aminister wa apa akunama amalawi amatsiku ano anachenjela vuto la njalali labwela kamba koti mu season ya 2014/2015 nyengo yavula sinali bwino komanso pano mu season ino ya 2015/2016 mvulanso sikuchita bwino end tiyembekezele nso njala yaikulu mu season ikubwela yi ndithu ndipofunika boma lichitepo kathu maka pa ulimi wathilira bcz mvula pano sikuchita bwino ndiye wosamati lodza chala alimife,……komanso boma la Peter akumapeleka fertilizer kwa alimi mochedwa…mwachitsanzo mu boma la Bingu by September fertilizer timakhala titagula kale ali muma nyumba ndi kumadikira mvula koma pano fertilizer tikumagula mu January whyyyyy kulepela kumeneko
Y not u let ADMRC to buy maize? Its yo problm people r try ways how to find money for them to go to maize mil, what do u want them to do to find money?
Don’t you see that your blame is just too useless,baseless and nosense.I knew this when you told malawians to have one meal when you are having mouth watering meals in your homes and hotels. Be wise mr minister,these private companies open there market once people have harvest while your poor and crippled ADMARC opens in December hahahaha my poor Malawi,my poor minister,my ADMARC.
Zachamba bas
Ur a failure Allan thats all
what makes this mr minister? if you know the answer then solve it with your government.
Basi nzeru zawatheradi.
Zingayambe kuyiwalika
Liverpool 2-0 Manchester United
stupid minister.mxie!
I do agree with a name coz inenso ndimakhala kumudzi koma tikagulitsadi chimanga polingalira kuti toikolora china nde zavuta kamba kosintha kwa nyengo
Am very facnated and complancenta hiering u talkng like umunthu mulibe”iam besed in namibia but i can 3lu how pipo r 3ling.bwino akulu dziko lili ndi makutu pls
Zikundimvuta kumvetsa,,ndikukhululupililen bwanji mr mtukula? Coz last tym a onabo anapeka so chifukwa china?
Fuck u my man
Mr chiyembekezo,Mwabalalika mwamva.Ma koponi anu simunatigayireko,ndiponso chimangacho ndinalima ndenkha ,Nde mumafuna ndisagulise?Ndinu Ombwambwana mwamva .Zakuvutani basi .
munthu akuyenela kukhala wanzeru,,,ngat anthu akugulisa kwambiri kwa ma Private companies
do something to attract farmers to sell to yur govt
but if you just stay mphwii muyiwale aliyese panopa business akuyidziwa
komaso inu kugulako kutipindulira,tigula mpaka liti osapanga zoti tithesa bwanji kuti chaka chamawa tisaxavutikeso choncho.
Wat we want is a solution not who caused the problem You Mother fuckerz,Middle finger for you Mr Minister n whole Cabinet
its too bad
Mowa ukulakhulatu apa kkkk koma Allan! Chamba udzasiya liti mwawe Allan iwe?
Ndizoonadi kukhala ndi dazi komanso imvi sikubadwa kale koma kuti umakhala uchitsilu ukumulemela ndaonela akuluwa
Ameneyu ndi Allan amayankhula choncho ngati samaledzera ndakaika
Private traders, are they not Malawians? Is business for private sector only restricted to non food items?
Nose>Mphuno-Muyenera kuti Nosense=Zachibwana