A merciless couple in Malawi’s Machinga district raped a 10 year old girl before forcing her to drink and take a bath in the sperms the man had ejaculated, Malawi24 reports.

Police spokesperson for Eastern Region, Otilia Kumanga, confirmed the arrest of 42 year old Anusa Jafali and his wife, Ellebe Jafali 40 who had also drunk some of the semen her husband had ejaculated when he was cruelly raping the innocent girl.
“Anusa dragged the victim to his bedroom where he [raped] her. After that, Anusa collected some sperms he produced and put in a bottle and his wife drunk part of it… He put the remaining [sperms] in the basin of water for the girl to bath” reads a statement published by Malawi News Agency from
According to the report, the girl, now aged 12, had, on several occasions, been sexually abused by the couple and repeatedly raped by the man since 2014.
The couple were arrested when the victim told her mother who then reported it to the Police in the district. Anusa comes from Msanama Village in the area of Senior Chief Msanama while his wife hails from Khuzumba Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kawinga. They are both from Machinga district.
the holy spirit should come upon the family.nanga zimenezi ndi chani anthu a Mulungu
Ndatsegula nkhaniyi komabe siikumveka, poti atolankhani amasikuanonso ndi a China sindingadabwe mxywiiiii!
ndiye mwachitapo chani
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Foolish story
Foolish story
Chinthu Chokakamiza Owez Sichimakhala Bho,i Wonder If Thz Jerks Feel Gud When Doing Such A A Sh*t To Innocent Galz
Chinthu Chokakamiza Owez Sichimakhala Bho,i Wonder If Thz Jerks Feel Gud When Doing Such A A Sh*t To Innocent Galz
nachipanti 2
nachipanti 2
man munthu uyo ndi chilombo first he ejaculated sperm ozaza cup kut mwana amwe secondary ozaza bafa asambireno mwana amene lyf or death sentece
man munthu uyo ndi chilombo first he ejaculated sperm ozaza cup kut mwana amwe secondary ozaza bafa asambireno mwana amene lyf or death sentece
ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha
kkkkkk kkkkkk kkk
kkkkkk kkkkkk kkk
kmatu anadzadza ndowa,so sad
kmatu anadzadza ndowa,so sad
punishment of rape should now be life imprisonment
punishment of rape should now be life imprisonment
Akanakhala a Tumbuka bwenzi mukulalata apa . Izoo
Kumachinga ndi khalidwe lake..
Kumachinga ndi khalidwe lake..
I don’t get it what was their (couple) intention, amafuna kukhwima kapena? because palibe mkazi wanzeru angamadyadile kuti mwamunawake azigona ndi mkazi wina and to the extend kumwako part of the sperm
too bad koma eish
A couple??
A couple??
Alangidwe bas osati 3yr but give him severe hard hard labour apolice do it
Alangidwe bas osati 3yr but give him severe hard hard labour apolice do it
Hahahhahahaha nde anali ambiritu mbotolo komaso Mu Besen???
Hahahhahahaha nde anali ambiritu mbotolo komaso Mu Besen???
Hahahhahahaha nde anali ambiritu mbotolo komaso Mu Besen???
Hahahhahahaha nde anali ambiritu mbotolo komaso Mu Besen???
osamudula mbewu bwanj
osamudula mbewu bwanj
osamudula mbewu bwanj
osamudula mbewu bwanj
koma che yusuf che yusuf mukumasungila ukala
Ooo ameneyo Boma licite naye amuonetse zoda maso
malawi is rubish
Zaboza basi.
Zoona munthu wankulu
Nkhani iyi siyikumveka and am sure ndiyabodza.
kkkkk nde mpopetu……mmm mpaka kusamba ena ndikumwaso?? kkkk
Life inprison basi kuti ena atengepo mphunziro
Come on here! what sort of human being is this that can produce such sperms that are drunkable & bathable? But anyway, thats bad, i pity the young girl, as for the couple treat them in a manner they deserve. They are satanists
Hahahaa ndaseka kale kuti kapena anali odzaza basin..bodzaaa
Kkk nkhani zina! so funny
Kkk nkhani zina! so funny
Kkkkkk olo chisoni abale.olo zaachikondi Anga sindingamwekkkkkkkk
afulidwe basi
Zopeka mxiew
kkkk malawi walero
meet the rapist himself
Mukadangophelatu achitulusa pa Bail mawa muonanso
Kkkkkkkk koma Ambuye bwerani mudzatiweruze
Ufiti kufuna kukhwima ndiye mwayalukatu
Worse still the man has been released on bail,I know him very well,just met him today amafuna kukhwimila shop
U see if that man who did the wrong is atlest better in cashier shall not b in prizon u knw boma lathu chinyengo basi
U see if that man who did the wrong is atlest better in cashier shall not b in prizon u knw boma lathu chinyengo basi
Too bad akatero sibasi mlandu watha
Koma ziliko nkulinga utatosako, we should have death penalties to such wicked pple in Malawi
Ufiti kufuna kukhwima ndiye mwayalukatu
Osamoka apolice,
nkhani yonama,kodi Machingayi mwaitola eti? choka Malawi 24 zopusa basi!
Thats bad things bad
Ndizoona man pot enafe chingelez chimaticheza
Too bad
anthu ngat amenewa ndi omwe akufunika kumangowapanga kanyenya bas…wat i min z jst kill him…. 2getha with his p**is & sperms.
It doesn’t make any sense to me, (no Comment)
Total lie, bathing in sperms?Think about volume ov
Ameneyo life imprisonment ,kupha dziko kumene
Mwanayo anayimva kukoma#2014 akaulule 2016 shaaaa anazolowela wash out nkhani yatha
ndaonela maporno onse a english ndi achichewa sinaonepo akusambira m’beseni kaya m’bathtab masperms….nde azibambowo anali ndi mapwa**4 nt two kkkk
ndaonela maporno onse a english ndi achichewa sinaonepo akusambira m’beseni kaya m’bathtab masperms….nde azibambowo anali ndi mapwa**4 nt two kkkk
That Man Is A Sub Human And Must Not Be Allowed Access To Association
That Man Is A Sub Human And Must Not Be Allowed Access To Association
Mmmh kma abale ku malawi, zandkhuza buanj
Mmmh kma abale ku malawi, zandkhuza buanj
eeee koma zinazi abale mmm koma mwana kumutero eish!
eeee koma zinazi abale mmm koma mwana kumutero eish!
Give them death penote they r wicked
Give them death penote they r wicked
Machinga this,machinga that, ku machinga nso satana anakupolamila
Machinga this,machinga that, ku machinga nso satana anakupolamila
Yah no one can bath sperms
Yah no one can bath sperms
Tiyenazo machinga athu ndi maso watha balaka lero zonse ndi machinga
Tiyenazo machinga athu ndi maso watha balaka lero zonse ndi machinga
Kkkkkk, apa nde nkhanza zinalipo apolice chonde munthuyo mpaseni chilango chenchen
Kkkkkk, apa nde nkhanza zinalipo apolice chonde munthuyo mpaseni chilango chenchen
usawie chichi?
usawie chichi?
so sad news, may God forgive that man
so sad news, may God forgive that man
Bas kufunika kumaotchanditu anthu otelewa
Bas kufunika kumaotchanditu anthu otelewa
Blood,urine or sperms? Coz u can’t ejaculate enough sperms to drink n bath @ de tym
Blood,urine or sperms? Coz u can’t ejaculate enough sperms to drink n bath @ de tym
‘take a bath in sperms’? how??????
‘take a bath in sperms’? how??????
An American university from its investigations found out that black rapist when serious with the raping program may offload a minimum of 20 litres of sperms.sangasambe?
An American university from its investigations found out that black rapist when serious with the raping program may offload a minimum of 20 litres of sperms.sangasambe?
Don’t get the sense in tht story pliz narrate ur story properly so we can get to the bottom of it
Don’t get the sense in tht story pliz narrate ur story properly so we can get to the bottom of it
He is verry wiked man
He is verry wiked man
“a man takes a bath in sperms”ma sperms wo anadxadxa ndowa kod?can a person bath in sperms how?chizungu chaku collage ichi amwene ee simkuvesa ine amta
“a man takes a bath in sperms”ma sperms wo anadxadxa ndowa kod?can a person bath in sperms how?chizungu chaku collage ichi amwene ee simkuvesa ine amta
Open the link and read carefully
Muuzeni munthu wamkulu akuwerengereni basi
munthu wamkulu wake ndan?
kusukulu mumkaka tan? Hahaha vuto unkakonda kulongolola nkalasg
kusukulu mumkaka tan? Hahaha vuto unkakonda kulongolola nkalasg
kusukulu mumkaka tan? Hahaha vuto unkakonda kulongolola nkalasg
kusukulu mumkaka tan? Hahaha vuto unkakonda kulongolola nkalasg
kkkkk Machinga kt moto buuuu! kamba kadzuwa lomweli.tamva za albino pano young gel aged kumwa ndi kusamba umuna shaaa!
kkkkk Machinga kt moto buuuu! kamba kadzuwa lomweli.tamva za albino pano young gel aged kumwa ndi kusamba umuna shaaa!
The world is going
The world is going
Simple way to deal with rapist is to chop his p*n*s and let him go
Simple way to deal with rapist is to chop his p*n*s and let him go
This is SAD and PAINFULL News to girl life , they have broken her virginity . May God forgive them what they have done to Innocent Girl.
This is SAD and PAINFULL News to girl life , they have broken her virginity . May God forgive them what they have done to Innocent Girl.
That’s ridiculous behaviour, may u please sentence that incen man life prison for alesson to others who got same plan like that
That’s ridiculous behaviour, may u please sentence that incen man life prison for alesson to others who got same plan like that
ine nde sindikumvapo ata kkkk
ine nde sindikumvapo ata kkkk
Ndiye pali cholakwika?
Ndiye pali cholakwika?
zabodza eti,,kodi zimachuluka ngati ndi juice?? kkkkk ndiye enafetu bwenzi tiri ndi 50 ana cz kamodzi kokha ndi mimba ma twins kkkkkkkkiiii ….eiish #malawi sazathekanso,,,nkhani iriyonse kuika periperi spice garlic tomato akuti ikome mmmmmmmm
Shaa thats satanics
Hahahahaha putting sperms ina abasin???? R u serious
Pliz Admn Ov Dis Page Tanenani Zomveka Vizungu Vili Apa Vanitonda Hw Many Litres
Imeneyi ikhale nkhumba kapena bulu
Chiyankhulo cha eni @ its best .. ” Bathing in ( ) that the man has ( ) Was it a 5litre water container of ……???
A couple,then a man,drink then bath.So confusing..,!?
they are evil
akufunika chilango chokwanira
Some people are just devils themselves
long nose idasanza,ma,sperm oti mpaka kumwa kusamba eeee koma Jafali ndinyatwa
Where are we going Malawi?
Nampeyatu ameneyo, anali atakhalitsa kunyanja(overstay). Nanga mpaka kutulutsa okwana kusamba? Hmmm
kkkkkkk man awa ndi power mpaka kutulutsa ndowa yoti munthu mkusamba
kma mwanayo alibwino cz it’s under alest kodi munthu wazeru zake kugwirira mwana bwanji? y kungopita ku mahule safunaso kufusilidwa kma Malawi tizafe tikulila kma mumafuna kukhala magayi si izi mwayamba kugwirira ana mumene amaumila katumba wazibambo mwana angamusisite ma hrs angat sorry Malawi
Awatulutse tiwathire fire. Anthu akumachingaso kupepela. Kumakhala ngati a kuNSANJE, kumachangamuka. Amafuna kukhwima amenewa ngat aja amafupawa kaya munalibe K20 ya kuku matches?
zoona koma ine ndadabwa nazo
In ZIM,#MUGABE sayz every Rapists once he caught might be CANSTRATED so that when he come out he will not cause some Calamities’ihp we shld also do Same nt Lyf impronment!
Already grown up person cannot be caustrated ,
Nkhani yakale kale iyi yamwezi watha inu muku posta lero
muahahahaahahahaha mpakana kusamba m’ma sperms?????anadzadza mu basin ma sperms???osanamiza anthu apa,,ma sperms ophatikiza ndi madzi kapena
The Judiciary should take its course.that witchcraft, torture, inhumane, and uncalled for.
10 years old girl & 12 years old now????? kkkkk kkkkk
Koma machinga eeeee killing albino ,machinga ,raping young girls machinga eeeeeeee the law should do something so that they learn a lesson nkhanza kwa ana a eni bwanji????
Bakili ndiamene akutuma ka
Opusa inu yagwilira ndi mbalame
Angomufula Basi Kuti Asadzafuneso Mkazi
Don’t kill de man but just remove de machinery he used
Ok drink like cappuccino?and make her body wet with sperms?Incredible.
Manchester Umited 0-1 West Brom Albion
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Nkhani ndi maPORNO mukumawonerawo ndie mukufuna muziyesera pamafanawa……but u writer u didnt mention th age of the man,..atsikana nanunso mwanyanya kavalidwe..mwana wang’ombe amakula ndichikwapu…kkk
but Humble, can a ten year old dress provocatively? even if she was naked, which feature would arouse a sensible man? kkk. I think the guy and his wife are just plain evil.
but Humble, can a ten year old dress provocatively? even if she was naked, which feature would arouse a sensible man? kkk. I think the guy and his wife are just plain evil.
nkaniyii ndiya boza
eeeh koma mkulu ameneyo ngwaluso mpaka chidebe chatunthu kuti mwanayo asambe????? mwana wakhala akusungila Kwazaka kuti azapange zimenezo kaapena
inu muzitionesa zithuzizo aaaaaaa chimbalame ndi chimene chagwilila mwanao
Nevr head b4 mmm end of dayz
kkkkkkk koma anakhalitsa npaka kutulutsa dzoti muthu nku geza ashhhhhh
a police pamenepa sikut mupange zopepera zanu m’mapanga zija kungompasa munthu ka 2yrs in jail…ayi ayi!!!!!..ameneyu olo atakakhala moyo wake wonse…zomwe wapangazi ndi nkhanza ndi nsambi zomwe….ndipo olo anakangomuwotcha ngat anthu aku nsanje aja sanakalakwisa imyaaaaa!!!!!!
apolice sapereka judgment koma akhothi kmanso sizingatheke munthu kupangaa ejaculate ma sperms Oti wina nkusamba ilo mdi bodza nhakhale cup singadzadze
oooh paja amapereka nda khothi kkkkk mnayiwala……ndipo inu kutinamiza kwake et? ngat kuti ma sperm wo anali ambili mhuuuu zizungudi zaku University
A police ntchito yawo agwira pomangaa suspects cautioning them and preparing file for court ,now the ball is the hands of the magistrate
absolutely!!…koma ndi mmene zililimu alandile chilango osati chamasewera…eeeeh dziko lathuli kaya nde likupita kuti kaya. Mulungu atithandize ndithu.
Nkhaniyi mwaiwelenga kona.. akuti anaika mmadzi kuti asambe
indetu nkhaniyi akutero kuti anayika mmadzi kuti asambe komanso anampasa zima sperm zina kuti amwe….nde nchifukwa chake tikut mkulakwa komwe anapangako. mwana wa nzawo zoona? winawu ndi ufiti chabe
Inu tamvetsani bwino. Akamati awo amasamba mankhwala ndiye kuti mankhwalawo samathira m’madzi? Vuto lake ndinu ana amene mumadana ndi chichewa ku xool.
we all both know what they’re trying to say here…there’s no one amene akutsutsa kuti anathila mmadzi kuti asambe kaya anapanga njila yotani kuti zitheke kaya.
mumafuna zaka zingati munthu agwira ntchito ya 2mins bas pena kumaganiza
mumafuna zaka zingati munthu agwira ntchito ya 2mins bas pena kumaganiza
Koma Akuluakulu Inu Media Imeneyi Yayamba Kundikaikisa, Inalembanso Nkhani Yokhuza Kukwela Ntengo Kwa Ma Passport,komatu Izi Ati Sizoona,chonde Chonde Musamatinamize.
Beta semani uwelenge page ya malaw police analemba it happened a week ago
Mmmmmh 35 yrs nde okond….chig….sibwino/
iwe why ur passing judgement to a fodged story? why cant yu c tt ths story is a lie…ready t again and again and if ur really an analyst who dd english literature yu wil c the lies….
mkulakwisa mkamati a police ndiopepera coz apolice ntchito yao ndikungogwira mnthuo osati kupereka chigamulo choti akakhale kundende zaka ziwiri ayi ayi
mkulakwisa mkamati a police ndiopepera coz apolice ntchito yao ndikungogwira mnthuo osati kupereka chigamulo choti akakhale kundende zaka ziwiri ayi ayi
I cant understand how people comment about life imprisonment before asking yourself if the story make sense, how can one bath in sperms? how many liters did that rapist ejaculate?
zoona man
unali ochuluka bwanji umunawo?
Maybe mixed with water? Guess the journalist writing has been a bit sloppy with details. Bottom line she accuse him for forcing her to drink it and smear on her body somehow after raping her.
this is what I wanted to know because these guys are giving us incomplete and irregular stories …
It is so amazing for aman to ejaculate sperms that someone can bath.May be he is used a charm to ejaculate huge amount of it.
or maybe he is a whale
or maybe he is a whale
Dey mixed it wth water cnt u read???
I guess you can read the headline too, sperms alone and sperms mixed with water is different.
Thats too bad
“Drink and take a bath in sperms the man ejaculated” chizungu chovuta kwabasi…poganizira the highest amount of sperms a man can produce. Tayesani kutanthauzira mchichewa mwina ndingamvetse tanthauzo lake. Kumalemba chizungu choti ndi enafe olekezera form 4 tizimva ….osati cha Ku University kokha PLEASE!!!!
Hw many liters of sperms can aman produce Dat someone can drink and bath???
hahah koma anthu enawu,sperms can’t even fill up a table spoon,lol
hahah koma anthu enawu,sperms can’t even fill up a table spoon,lol
Kkkkkkk Malawian English
Kkkkkkk Malawian English
Open the link and read muzimvets
Open the link and read muzimvets
mwamvetsa tiuzeni@fortune
mwamvetsa tiuzeni@fortune
Chizungu chaophunzira atsopano aku Malawi akuti advanced English ati technology kkkkk
Chizungu chaophunzira atsopano aku Malawi akuti advanced English ati technology kkkkk
Chalakwika Nd Chan Nd Nkhaniyi,simunaphunzire Nsinjiro Zachiyankhulo? Kumvetsa Chison Buanj.
Ineso sinduona chalakwika2 open da link achikulile
koma iwe mboro yakooo
Even afana a form2 can understand this simple English gyz aaaaah!! Palichovuta apa…….eish koma..
Masiku omaliza
hahaha oh sorry to laugh but mpaka kusamba?oh oh anali ochuluka et
Ow! How many litres dd h produc? Mpopi? Koma yaa
End Time Watch Out !!
Ok thankx
Bullshit arrest the idiot
I plea to you that gv him big punishment he is so an idiot #mpaka drinking sperm what did he wanted from her chizimba kapena chani?
ds world ov ours!!!!
Chinekee ohoooooooo! This world yaah yaaah judgementday is coming soon. Why pple doin this? Stupid
Its about time Malawians should stop believing in god and all these supernatural powers. They are all fake and all people who believe in such things are brainwashed as fuck
Taking a bath are you serious..muhahahahahahaha..mpakana kusamba?mpopi chichi?
haha imagn
Damn movie chani..thats disgusting i tell u.
Zokokomeza olo scary movie
hahaha tanvera i opened the link haha ati after raping the gal anamwetsa mkazi wake then otsalawo mwanayo anasamba,hahaha
Muhahahahaha..koma ndizowona?can he get that much out mpaka kusambako.lol.authenticity of that is quite eye raising.
mwaina ankasunga ataona kuti wakwana mpamene anapanga zakezo,
Koma seriously this is heart breaking..
Malawi 24 woyeeeeeeeeeee! Kkkkkkkkkkkk………. Inenso woyeeeee………… Mercenary journalism mwaonjezatu anyamata inu!
hahaha cant stop laughing,zandiwaza hvy
Komano mkazi wakeyo nkumavomereza zopusazo ndithu? Kunali kukhwima kapena?
Mamane, mpaka pamenepo?
A malawi sitisintha
basi asadandaule zimachitika
sad news police take action with that life improsonment that behavire is under going far
This bullshit has to stop. Its about time malawians should realise that beliefs in supernatural powers are obsolete and fake. In this era we don’t have to believe in flying donkeys and speaking snakes.
Lyf in prison ameneyo