Malawi super league giants, Nyasa Big Bullets players have been on the road selling Nyasa Manufacturing Company’s (NMC) merchandises, fueling concerns that preparations for the new season will be affected.
As part of their sponsorship agreement with NMC, Bullets players have been traveling all over Malawi for sales promotion. Due to the road trips, some senior players have only managed to report for training once or twice even though the team started pre-season preparations two weeks ago.
The development has angered a section of the team’s supporters.
“Our friends are busy preparing for the new season yet some of our players haven’t had a day to rest because they are promoting NMC products. It’s not wrong but with the new season coming ahead, it’s very good if they can be released to start training with their teammates,” worried one Bullets supporter.
But reacting to the news, Bullets vice general secretary Kelvin Moyo said the team’s executive is doing this in order to allow the players to rest since they did not rest during last year’s pre-season due to the club’s CAF Champions League commitments.
“This won’t affect our preparations at all. We are doing this in order for the players to rest. Ask Yamikani Fodya on how many games he has played this season.
“The new season is fast approaching but we can’t risk our players too. Let them rest,” explained Moyo.
Bullets clinched a K500 million sponsorship deal with the cigarette manufacturing company last year.
Kkk Kma Kumeneko
Kkk Kma Kumeneko
It’s better pull out your sponsorship,don’t take Malawi players as full,I have never see that
It’s better pull out your sponsorship,don’t take Malawi players as full,I have never see that
It’s better pull out your sponsorship,don’t take Malawi players as full,I have never see that
Thandizo lozuza iri aaaaah!
Tikudabwa Nazodi Zimenezi Eti Mpaka Kumati Akafika Pa TC Akumachita Kunena Kuti Asute Ndudu 10 Pa Mphindi 20 Alandila Catton Imodzi Ya Ulele ya 2010 Koma Chosecho Pali Ana Asukulu Okhaokha.
Tikudabwa Nazodi Zimenezi Eti Mpaka Kumati Akafika Pa TC Akumachita Kunena Kuti Asute Ndudu 10 Pa Mphindi 20 Alandila Catton Imodzi Ya Ulele ya 2010 Koma Chosecho Pali Ana Asukulu Okhaokha.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkk
Nde kumakhala busy kunyadila sponsor nkhani zake zopeperazi mmalo mopanga zampira kumagulisa ndudu zopoila ,ma player komanso ma supporter a bb chitanipo kankhu if u love ur team izi sizoona AI guys am nyerere fan koma izizi nde AI mmmm,
Nde kumakhala busy kunyadila sponsor nkhani zake zopeperazi mmalo mopanga zampira kumagulisa ndudu zopoila ,ma player komanso ma supporter a bb chitanipo kankhu if u love ur team izi sizoona AI guys am nyerere fan koma izizi nde AI mmmm,
Eya ngati mukufuna kuti tikuthandizeni muzigulitsa fwaka m’misewu. Malonda akavuta muzisutakonso koma siwulere tizikudulani mwezi ukatha mwamva eeeeee! Iwe Sulumba bwanji sukuyankha tidakuwuza ndife kuti uchoke kuja amagulitsa galimoto? Nesa paja m’machita kundinyengerera hihihihihi! Pepa usalire Muha.
Eya ngati mukufuna kuti tikuthandizeni muzigulitsa fwaka m’misewu. Malonda akavuta muzisutakonso koma siwulere tizikudulani mwezi ukatha mwamva eeeeee! Iwe Sulumba bwanji sukuyankha tidakuwuza ndife kuti uchoke kuja amagulitsa galimoto? Nesa paja m’machita kundinyengerera hihihihihi! Pepa usalire Muha.
Mwayambapo kugulitsa NDUDU. Kenako mabola. Chaka chake ndichino. Tikuonelani.
Mwayambapo kugulitsa NDUDU. Kenako mabola. Chaka chake ndichino. Tikuonelani.
Mpila wa lelo kkkkkkkkkk
Mpila wa lelo kkkkkkkkkk
Chingambwe FC kunoso fodyayo kkkkkkk koma neba!
Chingambwe FC kunoso fodyayo kkkkkkk koma neba!
ndnu #anoma eti.
ndnu #anoma eti.
Bullets ilibe problem. …
Bullets ilibe problem. …
Players turned into vendors. Where in this sporting world? Zachilendo.
Wanena zoona apa . Elias
#shaaa!what next? Chamba,I guess
Nyasaland woyee!
Mpaka Anafika2 Kukaronga Zabwino Zmenez?
Ndalama Zimapepelesa Ngakhale Munthu Wamkulu.Muziona Mwakula Mwatha .
pali zeru apa?
This z part of bznes komaso osati angopita koma amalandiraso kangachepe pamwamba pa thandizo lomwe apereka kale kwa timu.
kkkkkkkk koma zinazi nde kaya2 bola ine wa ma Blues azitituma kut zizigulitsa ma galimoto not mpa selling chingabweeee kkkkk
If this is a way to go for the sponsors to use the players advertise their merchandise then our sports council has to do something about it. Football is highly rated by our young generation. It doesnt make sense to see the young star encouraging his fellow to smoke in the name of making money for the sponsors, this will lead to moral decay at the end. The club need to re-strategise.
If this is a way to go for the sponsors to use the players advertise their merchandise then our sports council has to do something about it. Football is highly rated by our young generation. It doesnt make sense to see the young star encouraging his fellow to smoke in the name of making money for the sponsors, this will lead to moral decay at the end. The club need to re-strategise.
If this is a way to go for the sponsors to use the players advertise their merchandise then our sports council has to do something about it. Football is highly rated by our young generation. It doesnt make sense to see the young star encouraging his fellow to smoke in the name of making money for the sponsors, this will lead to moral decay at the end. The club need to re-strategise.
This is slavery and what impact will it have on the kids whose role models are these players?
This is slavery and what impact will it have on the kids whose role models are these players?
This is slavery and what impact will it have on the kids whose role models are these players?
chokani makape a malawi24 ngati mumakwela nyelele mumva kuwawa simunati agalu inu
chokani makape a malawi24 ngati mumakwela nyelele mumva kuwawa simunati agalu inu
chokani makape a malawi24 ngati mumakwela nyelele mumva kuwawa simunati agalu inu
anthu sangasute bola agule chips adye kkkkkkk
neba akugwira chibalo ndeukhaura umangova siponsa sunati ukachokapamenepo tikawonana pa ground amuhamad akafela zaen, dzofiyira wati.
Chokani inu team imavutika muja mmasangalara eti pachakuti panu mwamva
Umphawi at its best. Team yolemera
kkkkkkkkkk ndie kumawiko aziona zinachitika kut? zachilendo izi! instead kut azicheza ndi mabanja awo! ena ndi a seventh day iiiiii kulakwitsa bola NOMA BFORWARD WANDERERS NDI MORE!
Ndawawona dzulo m’Mzuzu muno dzulo paminibus yake
Hahahaha bola kugulisa amphaka, nakha ndudu, Ana amasiye forever!! KUPEZA CHINGAMBWE!! kupeza Thom-thom, KUPEZA EMBASY, kupeza 2010, KUPEZA MUTU WA MBALAME KKKKKKKKKK
Kkkkkkkkkk, izi sizinachitikepo mu mbiri ya masewero ku Malawi kuno. Kkkkkkkk, Bullets why? Kuyifera kumeneko? Kkkkk, mukukwanisa ndithu……,, asangalatseni mabwana anuwo
Iwe ukundiuza kuti ma shop azibusa sagulitsa fodya? Nkhani ili apa tikamugwilire Namukawa achule ndi amphaka…
Kma NBB chaka chino ndye munyozeka mpaka pamenepo! Zamanyazi.
aaaaaa!simavuto awa,kaya zanu izo
Leave BB aĺone
Kom akumbukire kuti kusuta kumaononga moyo .Dzulo pa 19/02/16 amagulisira kuno ku karonga
Think twise b4 talking shit,popanga bussines pamafunika plan zomwe apanga anyasa sizikutanthauza kut azikhala akutenga ma player mkumaka gulisa fodya kumeneko kunali kuitanila malonda,inuyo simunayambe mwamvapo kut guest wathu pa mwambo uwu ndi uyu simunazionepo? Muzikula amalawi tisiyeni ndi sponser yathu ndipo ndramazo zikuthandizilaso team yathu bb
Kkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk sono fisher mukumupasa ndudu kuti azigulista? Nduduzo mukufuna kuti agulitse kapena asute zonse iyeyo alindichibaba ndenkumpastanso ndudu eish fisher achokepo pogulitsa ndudu.Nyerere ndi more fire moto wambiri NAKAMURA AKUBWERAYU neba unyanayo bibi kkkkkkkkkkk manoma ofewa
Zigulisani Chambacho
evn in england i hv never heard chelsea players selling yokohama tyers simply bcoz tere being sponsod by te company com on guys realy?
there players nt streets vendors,if its part of agrement ur doomed guys…i luv bullets komabe kwaine its not on
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kma masiposashipi enawa ayiyayayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayyyayayayayayyayyayyaya
Ngat zikukuwawa kakolope nyanja ,koma bb ndi more
Hahahahahahahaha! seriously? instead of yomathandiza kuchepetsa kut anthu asamasute mukumalimbikitsanso koma mumafunira anthu anu zabwino? kkkkkkkkk team yafuko ija yasanduka yoonjezera lung cancer lol.
bullets ndi more
heheeeee koma ndiye muonekela uchitsiru bwanji ngati pali a S D A church asagwire nawo zimenezo
Yes last week they were in Mangochi selling tobacco may be its in their memorundum of understanding and articles of association
Mpira ndi umphawi siziyenderana.
iiiii kaya neba ndikusawuka kwakoko uziwona umbuli kwambiri ndiwomwe ukumphetse koma ndudu chaka chino zikuvulaza
akundende ndi ma player ogulitsa fodya zilibe kusiyana Guyz!!!
Zanu izo ife ndimanomatu paja,,,,,!!!
Yamikani fodya nde mwini filimu kikkkk
Yamikani fodya nde mwini filimu kikkkk
Yamikani fodya nde mwini filimu kikkkk
Hi, Are u a graduate, school drop out, and u are looking for job/work to do? Don’t worry again we can’t waite for our government to create jobs. U can start working on ur own and make good money for urself is free. Make up to 2000 US DOLLAR per week right inside ur house anywhere anyday anytime. Hurry now and become who u want to be in life is free. Earn good money online by working as a part time job, u also earn up to 2500 US DOLLAR weekly guranted it’s free no harm join me at http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
Hi, Are u a graduate, school drop out, and u are looking for job/work to do? Don’t worry again we can’t waite for our government to create jobs. U can start working on ur own and make good money for urself is free. Make up to 2000 US DOLLAR per week right inside ur house anywhere anyday anytime. Hurry now and become who u want to be in life is free. Earn good money online by working as a part time job, u also earn up to 2500 US DOLLAR weekly guranted it’s free no harm join me at http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
Hi, Are u a graduate, school drop out, and u are looking for job/work to do? Don’t worry again we can’t waite for our government to create jobs. U can start working on ur own and make good money for urself is free. Make up to 2000 US DOLLAR per week right inside ur house anywhere anyday anytime. Hurry now and become who u want to be in life is free. Earn good money online by working as a part time job, u also earn up to 2500 US DOLLAR weekly guranted it’s free no harm join me at http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
lilongwe ndiozindikira singauze silver to sell tobacco ife timauza kuti azikapanga nsalamazo nkumakazisiya ku lizevu bank.
lilongwe ndiozindikira singauze silver to sell tobacco ife timauza kuti azikapanga nsalamazo nkumakazisiya ku lizevu bank.
lilongwe ndiozindikira singauze silver to sell tobacco ife timauza kuti azikapanga nsalamazo nkumakazisiya ku lizevu bank.
kkkkkkkkkkk koma neba mpaka fodya….
kkkkkkkkkkk koma neba mpaka fodya….
kkkkkkkkkkk koma neba mpaka fodya….
Amwenye Achimalawi Nkhanza. Mwanawa Neba Sulumba Waiwona imeneyo Ukakwera Pansana pa Njobvu Umati Kulibe Mame Nde 3eyrz Kaya
Amwenye Achimalawi Nkhanza. Mwanawa Neba Sulumba Waiwona imeneyo Ukakwera Pansana pa Njobvu Umati Kulibe Mame Nde 3eyrz Kaya
Amwenye Achimalawi Nkhanza. Mwanawa Neba Sulumba Waiwona imeneyo Ukakwera Pansana pa Njobvu Umati Kulibe Mame Nde 3eyrz Kaya
Say no to be the vendors
Say no to be the vendors
Say no to be the vendors
Ngati ma player akutha ku malawi ndi chifukwa cha fodya ndi mowa .Ndiye apa zachita kuonetsa pooela kuti company ya nyasa ikufuna kuononga bullets
Ngati ma player akutha ku malawi ndi chifukwa cha fodya ndi mowa .Ndiye apa zachita kuonetsa pooela kuti company ya nyasa ikufuna kuononga bullets
Ngati ma player akutha ku malawi ndi chifukwa cha fodya ndi mowa .Ndiye apa zachita kuonetsa pooela kuti company ya nyasa ikufuna kuononga bullets
kodi agwape inu bwanji?bullets ili muliyenda kuwaunikila an2 kuti azigula fodya wa NMC sikuti akuyenda ndi ndudu ai.
kodi agwape inu bwanji?bullets ili muliyenda kuwaunikila an2 kuti azigula fodya wa NMC sikuti akuyenda ndi ndudu ai.
kodi agwape inu bwanji?bullets ili muliyenda kuwaunikila an2 kuti azigula fodya wa NMC sikuti akuyenda ndi ndudu ai.
Wages of sin,…
Wages of sin,…
Wages of sin,…
Amenewo nde amalawi…tell me u r kidding?
Amenewo nde amalawi…tell me u r kidding?
Amenewo nde amalawi…tell me u r kidding?
Very madnes
Very madnes
Very madnes
Yoooo zili chaka chino kkkkkk
Yoooo zili chaka chino kkkkkk
Yoooo zili chaka chino kkkkkk
Vesi yomwe alemba kuti fodya ili pati?
Vesi yomwe alemba kuti fodya ili pati?
Vesi yomwe alemba kuti fodya ili pati?
Mtolankhani walemba nkhani iyi samakondwa akamaona BB ikukwapula matimu mosayang’ana kt awa timamwera limodzi m’chilobwemu. Supporter wa nyerere uyu, shupit zake.
Mtolankhani walemba nkhani iyi samakondwa akamaona BB ikukwapula matimu mosayang’ana kt awa timamwera limodzi m’chilobwemu. Supporter wa nyerere uyu, shupit zake.
Mtolankhani walemba nkhani iyi samakondwa akamaona BB ikukwapula matimu mosayang’ana kt awa timamwera limodzi m’chilobwemu. Supporter wa nyerere uyu, shupit zake.
Kkkkkkk neba mpaka kugulitsa kkkk
Kkkkkkk neba mpaka kugulitsa kkkk
Kkkkk mwatsala ndinu, nanunso akuuzani kt mizikapala zigamba zomatira matyre a zibayabaya za magalimoto zanu zija.
Fodya wagwira nsewu ndi chifukwa akukana kusewera bonanza
Fodya wagwira nsewu ndi chifukwa akukana kusewera bonanza
Fodya wagwira nsewu ndi chifukwa akukana kusewera bonanza
Ma Jerous Muvabe Tsoooo…Simunati Sponsor Ndiyathu Iyi
Ma Jerous Muvabe Tsoooo…Simunati Sponsor Ndiyathu Iyi
Ma Jerous Muvabe Tsoooo…Simunati Sponsor Ndiyathu Iyi
Mavuto amapasa uchisiru
Mavuto amapasa uchisiru
Mavuto amapasa uchisiru
Kkkkkk tayendani a Noma mugulitse magalimoto akaunjikawa kkkk no future in the Be Forward wanderers partnership…no gains on part of the kaunjika vehicle dealers bola fodya emweyu
koma zaonjeza player ndimunthu olemekezedwa kwambiri ndisapota ngati player akumutchipitsa chonchi do you think ma player athu akhala osiririka
This is madness
imagine being aplayer,thinking preperations for traing,to other side fodya(hona)selling.ok when the performance of a player goes down you blam a player.kma bb mmmm chfukwach limban vpuli sabwera ndangonena ine wa mabanker
Munkaesa ndimasewela mugulitsatu ndudu zimenezo yamikani fodya mwadzina lake adabwela pakalambo weekyatha kudza gulitsa ndudu zimenezi
imagine being aplayer,thinking preperations for traing,to other side fodya(hona)
Ndmadabwa2 Ine Apa Nde BB Yatha Bas Prayers Kugulisa Cigarates For What? Mukangosya Kuthandzidwa Bwanj? Mukuzuzika 2much!
Kma aNöng’a Sapenga ndi ndudu zophatikiza ndi chingambwe amadya ndikale~ndikale chija? Kikikikik kufela sponsership kiki5
Kma aNöng’a Sapenga ndi ndudu zophatikiza ndi chingambwe amadya ndikale~ndikale chija? Kikikikik kufela sponsership kiki5
Sakugulitsa fodya 2 apa! Zachamba eti!
Koma ndiye kubalarikatu aaah kugulisa uku kumasutaso iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mwakula mwatha muziona zikaipa ziwa nyimbo kkkkkkk mpaka pamenepo mwatonyanya kumuziko nebar aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ai kkkk
Sponsorship yovutirapo iphetsa anthu.
Ngati ndizowona ndikulakwa ine ndiwa NOMA
Chingambwe team!
Alibe pulobulemu bola zawo zikuyenda eyetu
Neba ife ngakhale MTL sinkatituma kokagulitsa ma units,even Beforward sinatizunzeko kumakatsuka magalimoto. Pepa zimachitika neba,!
ukafuna uchi njuchi zimakuluma zawaluma
Mpira pa Malawi
Kkkkkkkkkkk ine phiiii kukomoka, this is anew development in a world of football
Anong’a gulitsani zimenezi basi, this same as aliyenxe adye zomwe akugulitsa kkkkkiest!!!
Koma neba nde wafikapo mpaka player kugulitsa chingambwe??? Ooh maubale enawa, ayi ndithu.
From “players” to “ciger vendors”,kkkkkkk,pepa neba,wakwera yokuphwa,kkkkkkkkk
Bilateral Relationship
Zaboza izi ndinalikonko ku BT
Pepan ife talandiraso ujau. Kaya mukugulitsa kaya simukugulitsa zanu izo ife ndie ndi wamkaka
Nyasa yanzolowera neba wathu,,,’kkkkkkkkk
Zigulisani Mmawona Ngat Mwafika Inuyo Mlikutali Kwambiri Ndi Nyerere Muyisova
Kkkkk mpaka pamenepapa aaa apa nde zanyanya!! BB players akuseva ukaidi wapanja!!!!! Uphaw kuzunza!!!!!!
Kkk Connex Annafi
kkkkkkkkk neba wafikapo umphwawi sidzinthu
ndiye mwafikapo
Mukunyoza a malawi24 lero,akalemba zabwino zainu mumvekele zili bo,akalemba zokhudza noma ma comment mbwee oseka noma lero 24 omweo akuonani mukutakata rali ndi laif mukut zabodza zoona?chaka chino mulemedwa ndithu ma memory card mbali ina fodyanso mbali kkk ma sponsor enawa bolanso fisd
Heheheheee,koma kumeneko.
Panja akuti chakachino mufesa nokha fodya Ee ndiyetu apeza anyamata bola osakatha mkusuta
izi ndiye zachilendo mu mbiri ya mpira sponsor ship yanji imeneyo akupanga anyasaland aaaaaaa ndadabwa nazo ndiye mwati Muhammad sulumba aliposo kogulisa chingambwe
Osagulitsa Fodya Kuno
koma choncho Siboo!! mukusisa molalo ya maplayer Sipangapezeke njira ina Apart 4rm iyiyi. ine ndi Wanoma koma Sizikundiwaza izii olopang’ono.
kuluza kulipo chaka chino
No Vending Fodya Allowed @ Lalilubani Road,coz Smoking Z Hazadous 2 Player’s Life(by Management “Noma”)kkkkkkkkkkk Odi Uko Noma Ipazeko Kkkk
Yidye pomwe ayimangilila koma pamenepa offside
Kachinjika Palibe Chanzeru Ukukamba,zinazi Tamavomerezan Imeneyo Sponsorshp Kkkkkkkk Odi Uko patukani Ndi Fodya Wanuyo Noma Idutseko Kkkkkkkkkkkk
zovetsa chison amwali eee izo akuona anong’a kkkkkkkkkk
Liwonde,Nsanama,Ntaja anafika kale kugulitsa chingambwe pepa neba uli pamavuto
zafika povuta mpakana maprayer kumagulitsa fodya
Chondee, Musawaphulitse njerwa zamoto anyamatawa, ukakhala umphawi anadzolowera
Musatiipitse ma jounalist amene simunagwirepo ntchito inu.graduation munapanga koma ntchito simungwirepo.hahahaha u
Musatiipitse ma jounalist amene simunagwirepo ntchito inu.graduation munapanga koma ntchito simungwirepo.hahahaha u
Thats what happens when you have a monopolous commetee
Thats what happens when you have a monopolous commetee
I CNT c any plblm APA
I CNT c any plblm APA
vuto ndi chani
vuto ndi chani
Mwangodana ndi Bullets. The people’s Team palibenso ina Ku MW
Mwangodana ndi Bullets. The people’s Team palibenso ina Ku MW
Kkkkkk fikani macheso aliponso mukagula fodya tikuyatsiran mmmm koma Neba!
Kkkkkk fikani macheso aliponso mukagula fodya tikuyatsiran mmmm koma Neba!
A MALAWI 24 nanuso mumasuta, mukuyika chithuzi choti anthu ali ku ground nkumanena za kugulitsa fodya, za Ganja basi . Awoneseni ma players atanyamula fodyayo ngati ndinu atolankhani enieni mntshwiiiiiiiiiimmm #NYASA_BULLETs_more_FIREEEEEE
A MALAWI 24 nanuso mumasuta, mukuyika chithuzi choti anthu ali ku ground nkumanena za kugulitsa fodya, za Ganja basi . Awoneseni ma players atanyamula fodyayo ngati ndinu atolankhani enieni mntshwiiiiiiiiiimmm #NYASA_BULLETs_more_FIREEEEEE
Food for work! Kkkkkkkkkkk
Food for work! Kkkkkkkkkkk
Kodi ma player athu olo akugulsa malondaa inu amatimu ena chikukhuzani ndi chani?kaya ndi ma vendor kaya chani koma team iyi imakuchinyanitu,mind yur busness ku ma team anuko,BB ikuziwa chimene ikupanga bwebwebwebwe chani apa?team ikhale yopanda sponsor muyitonze,yapenza sponsor mukulongolola BB imakusowesani mtendere kapena?Fotseki zanu ndithu,imeyi ndi nkhani
Kodi ma player athu olo akugulsa malondaa inu amatimu ena chikukhuzani ndi chani?kaya ndi ma vendor kaya chani koma team iyi imakuchinyanitu,mind yur busness ku ma team anuko,BB ikuziwa chimene ikupanga bwebwebwebwe chani apa?team ikhale yopanda sponsor muyitonze,yapenza sponsor mukulongolola BB imakusowesani mtendere kapena?Fotseki zanu ndithu,imeyi ndi nkhani
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
Kodi alipo akuitonza apa? Osangot zikupweteka zomagulitsa fodya osutazo bwanji?
Inuyo mukuona za BB osapanga za Team Yanu bwanji?ulesi mulibe?
koma kunene zoona izi zomwe apanga acampany yanyasa sizabwino ai kulibe team muno mu africa imapanga ngati izi ai tikhoza kuona kuti akutithandiza koma kulikupha tsogolo la mateam kuno ku malawi chifukwa ngati akufuna kuthandiza akanapezela njila ina yoti nawonso team iziwapindulila osati kuwagwiritsa ntchito anyamata ntchito kaamba kofuna thandizo ai chabwino maplayer ena zipembezo zawo sizimawalola kugulitsa fodya ai malinga ndi Bible limanenela koma lelo akuwagwiritsa fodya komanso monga iwo achinyamata sinkhani yabwino azikaima pastage ndukumakamba za fodya ai nanga momwe akupitamo muli anyamata ena ngati iwo nde nkumawauza chani za tsolo lampira kodi bwanji osasankha kucommite komweko anthu ena monga masapota ena okhulupilika kuti azikagulitsanawo uku maplayer akupanga training bwanji chabwino ngati training akupanga pakepake nde kuli ena achilendo atolelana bwanji poti akupanga matsiku olekalekana pls akuluakulu kambiranani bwino pankhani imenei chifukwa ndikudziwa zonsezi zikuchitika kaamba kofuna sponsaship ndi campany
Best comment so far,,i like it
koma kunene zoona izi zomwe apanga acampany yanyasa sizabwino ai kulibe team muno mu africa imapanga ngati izi ai tikhoza kuona kuti akutithandiza koma kulikupha tsogolo la mateam kuno ku malawi chifukwa ngati akufuna kuthandiza akanapezela njila ina yoti nawonso team iziwapindulila osati kuwagwiritsa ntchito anyamata ntchito kaamba kofuna thandizo ai chabwino maplayer ena zipembezo zawo sizimawalola kugulitsa fodya ai malinga ndi Bible limanenela koma lelo akuwagwiritsa fodya komanso monga iwo achinyamata sinkhani yabwino azikaima pastage ndukumakamba za fodya ai nanga momwe akupitamo muli anyamata ena ngati iwo nde nkumawauza chani za tsolo lampira kodi bwanji osasankha kucommite komweko anthu ena monga masapota ena okhulupilika kuti azikagulitsanawo uku maplayer akupanga training bwanji chabwino ngati training akupanga pakepake nde kuli ena achilendo atolelana bwanji poti akupanga matsiku olekalekana pls akuluakulu kambiranani bwino pankhani imenei chifukwa ndikudziwa zonsezi zikuchitika kaamba kofuna sponsaship ndi campany
Best comment so far,,i like it
Critical thinking,#elias brain umaigwiritsa bwino ntchito
ndithu braz ine zikundikhuza poona kuti izi ndizachilendo kumacampany othandiza kapena mwina akanawalemba ntchito tikanati akupanga ticket yake yatsiku koma gulitsa malonda player katundu wasponser ndizachilendo ine kunva zimenezi, mundilole ndikambepo mau olakwika awa: kumene akuyendako akuyenda pachitsulo chopanga munthu wanja ake mwina mwatsoka ndukuchita ngozi ndie adzalandila compasetion poti sintchito chifukwa ndukukamba izi satana alipachintchito padziko lonse lansi ndipo akutenga myoyo yawanthu munjila zosiyanasiyana ndie ine sindikuona chanzeru player kumanga zimenezi ai ngati ku RSA kuli mateam ambiri koma ine kumeneko sindinaonepo player akugulitsa katundu wa sponser ai ndimamunela player paground or pa TV akusera mpira basi koma izi ai ndithu sizabwino konse koma langa ndipempho basi kwa akulu a team aganize bwino ine ndukuona bola mateam aja amati tikakutenga tikulemba ntchito limenelija nditsolo labwino chifukwa or player yo atatha sikuti angamuchotse ntchito ai iye walo m,boma basi mpaka mtsolo koma awa mmmmmmm.
mesa munkasangalala kuti mwapeza thandizo
mesa munkasangalala kuti mwapeza thandizo
mesa munkasangalala kuti mwapeza thandizo
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
ine ndiwa NOMA izi ndikukamba ngati ine munthu modzi wa amalawi kunvera chisoni anyamata athu adziko kupatula zatimu yanga ndithu bwana
ine ndiwa NOMA izi ndikukamba ngati ine munthu modzi wa amalawi kunvera chisoni anyamata athu adziko kupatula zatimu yanga ndithu bwana
ine ndiwa NOMA izi ndikukamba ngati ine munthu modzi wa amalawi kunvera chisoni anyamata athu adziko kupatula zatimu yanga ndithu bwana
Short story
Short story
This is pure ukapolo. Sponsorship imagery? Apa nde asanduka ogwira ntchito ku Nyasa
This is pure ukapolo. Sponsorship imagery? Apa nde asanduka ogwira ntchito ku Nyasa
Zochititsa manyaazi. Kambaanga mwala. Apa ndi chimodzimodzi kukhala opanda sponsorship. Iyi ndi team ya vendor di.
Zochititsa manyaazi. Kambaanga mwala. Apa ndi chimodzimodzi kukhala opanda sponsorship. Iyi ndi team ya vendor di.
guyz mkana player kugulisa fodya kkkkkk mwakula mwatha mziona
guyz mkana player kugulisa fodya kkkkkk mwakula mwatha mziona
Nong’a zimamukhala heavy
Nong’a zimamukhala heavy
simunati aphwanga…….mwini wake nyasa company ati muzikamusambisa ndinu
simunati aphwanga…….mwini wake nyasa company ati muzikamusambisa ndinu
Ineyo ndi wanoma koma ngati zogulisa fodyazo angwizana pamenepo analakwisa mpaka player kugulisa fodya??????maplayer enawo mipingo yao silola zimenezi mukuwachimwisatu.
Koma sizelu ma prayer azikhala akungulitsa fodya? Mpaka kukana kuti sasewela mbonaza cholinga adzingulitsa fodya mmmm very bad! Osamaiwala kusuta kumaononga moyo !!! mukukweza chiwelengelo chaanthu odwala cancer ndi TB
kkkk kuwazelezeketsa anyamatawatu uku,,aiaiaiaa,
ma bwana a bb aganizileni mapuleya akhalila kukazinga chimanga kusuta chamba lelo mwayandikisa fodya zooona akamamusuta muziti sizikuenda mgraundi?5
Umphawi kupatsa uchitsilu
ma bwana a bb aganizileni mapuleya akhalila kukazinga chimanga kusuta chamba lelo mwayandikisa fodya zooona akamamusuta muziti sizikuenda mgdi?5
Kkkkkkk neba ili paukapolo mpaka ma player ndi masupporter kumagulitsa nawo ndundu aaaah man iyi ndikhaza
Kkkkkkkkkkk, Nyasa company ndiyochenjera kwambiri. M’malo molemba anthu ntchito yowalipira, aganiza zotuma ma player to sell fodya wao without paid.Kaya, zanu izo.
Ndani Fodya?
Nyasa ndiya amwenye nde mukhaulatu mmangololera sponsorship wtht memorandum of understanding…thats bullshit ,the playerz ntchito yawo ndi mground not ma salesman a fodya ,osangolemba mavenda akundix ndi bangwe buaj
Akapitilira choncho mzamva kuti wina wagwidwa coz maplayer ena azigulitsa chamba ndi ma drugs kunamizira nduduzo komanso adzasokoneza ndalama.Apaseni ulemu maplayer chonde msawanyozetse
Penapake mukakhala kumaunikora bwino ximafunika osamangokomenta zopanda mutu CX ya bullets si sponsorship koma partnership nde olo atagulitsa chingambwe ndipomwe akudyera pamene iweyo ukuwanenewe ndinena olo ndi chithu choti uloze ulibe ntchito kukhalaira kupepha ndikudzitukumira ngati uli ndi kathu .iwe ukuti ukuyendera motorcar ya b4wrd galimoto lake unenero nde liti????? Muchikhala ndi ndalama sibwenzi xulumba wanuyo atathawako ndikupita Ku team ya anthu ogulitsa chingambwe , anatha mkulingalira kuti kumeneko kulibe moyo nde palibe chabwino chomwe chimabwera usanachigwirire ntchito mayb u shu go end consult ma dictionary anu da different btwn sponsorship end partnership koz mwaonetseratu umbuli ndipo mudzakhala choncho amalawi ximidzatukuka pakuyang’ana ntchito yomwe nzanu akupezera ndalama olo utakhala kuti ukuseta khalamba bola ukulandira pamene winawe ndiwe spoon umadzi kudya ndikukanyera chepetsani kunena anzanu momwe mukugundika kuwanena APA Iwo akufuna ndalama pamene iwe ukudikira amum ndi adad kuti akudyetse samalira pakamwa pako
Ngati ma player wo akugulisa nduduzo. iwe nkandaniso?? tisute basi.
iwe ikuona ngati ndine ndani????? mxilll ndipo iweyo mkandanoso???? did i metion ur name?????? shupit ukapangire wina zimenezo mwina ngati umachita zopeperazo ndi gal friend wako konko mxilllll
Wy do this news forums post negativities abt their homelands, if selling in the streets can solves th cash crisis at club and make them put something in their pocket so what is wrong
Its not negative but the truth. Players turned into vendors. Where in the world of sports?
We are living in different world my frend,u dont compare yorself with all world of sports country,yet Malawi is struggling to its food as a nation,hw abt a company tht produces cigarettes can copy up th standards of real footbal,in aditional if money is in their pockets it cant go by repoting to evryone tht it hav bn obtain from street vending
We are living in different world my frend,u dont compare yorself with all world of sports country,yet Malawi is struggling to its food as a nation,hw abt a company tht produces cigarettes can copy up th standards of real footbal,in aditional if money is in their pockets it cant go by repoting to evryone tht it hav bn obtain from street vending
Akangosiya kugulitsa ndudu ma player sponsorship kuimilatu pompo,akamaliza awa pakubwera aja akupanga training ulendo wakumpoto.
Izi nde ziti?? Ma players mwawasandusa kukhala ma sales rep. No no no thus not the way to go. Mwagwirizana zopusa. Nthawi ya china Kinna munamvapo kuti ankagulitsa nsapato za Bata?? This is degrading.
Week yatha Jar Man ndi Yamikani Fodya pa Lionde uku akugulitsa fodya kkkkkkkkkkkk
azunguwa ationerera kwabasi!!!
Anthu amamumvera chisoni Fodya malingana ndi age yake kumapanga zimenezi!!!!
Pamene ena ali busy ndi magalimoto, ena ali pikitipikti ndi ndudu kuti mwina angagule kabaza.Kumaona ma sponsors. #team wanderes
Ine ndinaona pa Mpale MANGOCHI pa 5 Feb 2016 ma 5 pm. Umanewu si mpira Kodi tikuwawonongeranji ma players. Musiye zikutinyasa komanso sizovomerezeka
Kkkkk chingambwe ni deal
The cost of sponsorship
Hahahaha hahahaha Kampopi kapena Bale or Chamba?
Kkkkkkkkkk mukhalila yomweyo ife tili m galimoto pano ya B Forwad muledzela komko ndimowa kkkk mwayamba geni kodi mmalo mopuma kuti okuthandizani alipo bolaso kukhala single
ma vendor woyeeeee! kkkkkkk koma adaaa? kkkkk mwati chaniiii??
Ngati sagulitsa fodya nyasa sipanga sponsor. Tit 4 tat
Kkkkkkkkk zayambika ena sagulisa azingosuta
Iwo akugulitsa fodya ife tikugulitsa ma galimoto. Nde Mr Yamikani Fodya nayenso akugulitsa nawo fodya? Akugulitsa m’dala wake
Iwo akugulitsa fodya ife tikugulitsa ma galimoto. Nde Mr Yamikani Fodya nayenso akugulitsa nawo fodya? Akugulitsa m’dala wake
Koma Guys mavenda a bullets amaziona.
Koma Guys mavenda a bullets amaziona.
Zimenezi(zoti Pplayer) kumagulitsa fodyazi ndi zoonadi?Ndiye kuti ngati ndi zoona Yamikani Fodya ndiye adzigulitsa chani?
Zimenezi(zoti Pplayer) kumagulitsa fodyazi ndi zoonadi?Ndiye kuti ngati ndi zoona Yamikani Fodya ndiye adzigulitsa chani?
Kenako timva wa ganja! Ndiye 4lunch akumasuta zingati?
Kenako timva wa ganja! Ndiye 4lunch akumasuta zingati?
Thats gud
Thats gud
Ma supporter a Bullets, chonde, tafufuzani kwa akulu akulu. Osamangopanga phokoso. Sizowona kuti Yamikani ndi anzake adzikagulitsa malonda pamene masapota mwangokhala. Ndiye pamenepa ma player akupuma? Poverty in freedom is better than riches in bandages. Ndatukwana apaaa????
Ma supporter a Bullets, chonde, tafufuzani kwa akulu akulu. Osamangopanga phokoso. Sizowona kuti Yamikani ndi anzake adzikagulitsa malonda pamene masapota mwangokhala. Ndiye pamenepa ma player akupuma? Poverty in freedom is better than riches in bandages. Ndatukwana apaaa????
kodi pad ya nyasa cigarettes ndi bwanji? izi ndi Nkhanza guys
kodi pad ya nyasa cigarettes ndi bwanji? izi ndi Nkhanza guys
mmmmmm its brand selling not that the player are selling cigaretes. it happens everywhere in the world,the problem is the reporter for he is trying to take the issue to suit his mind- poor reporters
Owen, iweyo koma wawawonako? Zina osamatsutsa ngakhale kuti chinthucho umachikonda. Zikuchitiks apa ndikutoza ma player a Bullets.
mmmmmm its brand selling not that the player are selling cigaretes. it happens everywhere in the world,the problem is the reporter for he is trying to take the issue to suit his mind- poor reporters
Owen, iweyo koma wawawonako? Zina osamatsutsa ngakhale kuti chinthucho umachikonda. Zikuchitiks apa ndikutoza ma player a Bullets.
Vuto laku Malawi we always like negative reporting. It could be Nyasa’s markting strategy in marketing their merchandise using BB players to gain the market share. So apa palibe nkhani , bwanji a first Lady akasesa nawo pa mseu all the negatives samamvekapo.
@ mcfield, i met them and none of the player carried the cigaratte packet but they only had words for the products
Osamaikira kumbuyo zinthu zoipa
Osamaikira kumbuyo zinthu zoipa
Kkkkkkkk,ndudu imodzi k20 nde kuti ikwane k100,000 ndiliti??? Ubwino wake poti ma player ndi masapota onse ngosuta.
Kkkkkkkk,ndudu imodzi k20 nde kuti ikwane k100,000 ndiliti??? Ubwino wake poti ma player ndi masapota onse ngosuta.
No sweet without sweat, kkkkkk
No sweet without sweat, kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkk nde bullets yatha mpaka pamenepo,,,,,panopa ndakhulupiliradi kuti ndi team yama vendor komanso makape…..kkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkk nde bullets yatha mpaka pamenepo,,,,,panopa ndakhulupiliradi kuti ndi team yama vendor komanso makape…..kkkkkkkkk
kkkkkk neba
kkkkkk neba
Wamogo tabweretsa ndudu ziwiri zoyatsa kale.
Wamogo tabweretsa ndudu ziwiri zoyatsa kale.
Guys this nt sponsorship but self sponsoring.kungoti somewhere excutive ya BB siyimaganiza they could do this on their own ndikupeza more money then the clud could move on even without sponsorship.koma akudikira anthu ena a nzeru ngati a Nyasa manufactures awaganizire and making more profits pa mutu pawo.Eee nafenso tawawona ku LLs akuwoloka LL bridge we dont know were they ar going nw.zopatsa manyazi.ukapolo chani?kkkkk.
Guys this nt sponsorship but self sponsoring.kungoti somewhere excutive ya BB siyimaganiza they could do this on their own ndikupeza more money then the clud could move on even without sponsorship.koma akudikira anthu ena a nzeru ngati a Nyasa manufactures awaganizire and making more profits pa mutu pawo.Eee nafenso tawawona ku LLs akuwoloka LL bridge we dont know were they ar going nw.zopatsa manyazi.ukapolo chani?kkkkk.
Zimenezo zikufunika yamikani chifukwa ndi dzina lake
Zimenezo zikufunika yamikani chifukwa ndi dzina lake
apange bwanji mesa mpomwe akudyera
apange bwanji mesa mpomwe akudyera
Mchifukwa chake akukana kusewera bonaza eti kutopa akunenako mkumeneku amawatuma kumakagulitsa nyaupe (fodya)
Mchifukwa chake akukana kusewera bonaza eti kutopa akunenako mkumeneku amawatuma kumakagulitsa nyaupe (fodya)
bb ndi bb no matte wht pp cn sy sdzasitha
bb ndi bb no matte wht pp cn sy sdzasitha
Nangabwanj siunaonese chithunz?boza basi!
Nangabwanj siunaonese chithunz?boza basi!
jah man bwa kapena mpase mteza kt uwone pakamwa akuitanila nao?
jah man bwa kapena mpase mteza kt uwone pakamwa akuitanila nao?
Ya ulendo uno akuyendera ya NO FOOD 4 LAZY MAN, NO selling cigarettes NO sponsership.
Ya ulendo uno akuyendera ya NO FOOD 4 LAZY MAN, NO selling cigarettes NO sponsership.
Mwat akutakata chingambwe?, kkkkkkkkk
Mwat akutakata chingambwe?, kkkkkkkkk
fodya wake ndi wa chamba emweu
fodya wake ndi wa chamba emweu
Players cum ciggerate sellers!? This is player abuse and manipulation indeed! Sponsorship kuidyera kuwawatu uku!!!
Players cum ciggerate sellers!? This is player abuse and manipulation indeed! Sponsorship kuidyera kuwawatu uku!!!
Ndiye inu mumati adzitani?
Ndiye inu mumati adzitani?
Ukomela kwake akugulutsa ndi Bullets osati Noma iyayi uyo zamuwawa aphulike ngati balloon ndi nsanje yanuyo Eeee
Ukomela kwake akugulutsa ndi Bullets osati Noma iyayi uyo zamuwawa aphulike ngati balloon ndi nsanje yanuyo Eeee
player wa flames ku camp pa day its 6pin abullets apangazi pa day its 13 ndatukwana ngati?
player wa flames ku camp pa day its 6pin abullets apangazi pa day its 13 ndatukwana ngati?
Dont they have marketing officials in the team?
Dont they have marketing officials in the team?
Baseless!Write something that will have impact on people’s lives not thrash lyk w@ u’v scribbled here.Is it wrong do business?This is not eye catcher,seek guidance frm ur editor even ur lecture on hw 2 come up wth a hot article.
There is nothing to blame here…..he is just stating the factfacts only…mwatani kod
Amagulisa Chingambwe Basi…..no exceptional!!!
Baseless!Write something that will have impact on people’s lives not thrash lyk w@ u’v scribbled here.Is it wrong do business?This is not eye catcher,seek guidance frm ur editor even ur lecture on hw 2 come up wth a hot article.
There is nothing to blame here…..he is just stating the factfacts only…mwatani kod
Amagulisa Chingambwe Basi…..no exceptional!!!
Adya chani ngati sagulitsa ndudu?kkkkkkkk
tobacco seller basi
Chingambwe fc kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
why run away from the truth? ???
this is very pathetic indeed! i saw fitcher at kasungu boma yesterday plying dat business enroute to mzuzu.Zinandikhuza.
Vuto timaziwa kt inu malwawi 24 mumasapota Ayaya Fc chipezereni bullets sponsorship mwakhala mukunyoza BB chosecho mumafuna kt azivutika pakana kalekale mwagwa nayo popeza zomwe mumafuna inu Mlungu wakana siupindura moyo wasenje patumbo pamayi anu nose mukuvomereza zopusa apa
Vuto timaziwa kt inu malwawi 24 mumasapota Ayaya Fc chipezereni bullets sponsorship mwakhala mukunyoza BB chosecho mumafuna kt azivutika pakana kalekale mwagwa nayo popeza zomwe mumafuna inu Mlungu wakana siupindura moyo wasenje patumbo pamayi anu nose mukuvomereza zopusa apa
wa mogo!!! wamogo!!! shouted a BB player kkkkkk. yambani kusuta basi ndipo siyani kumenya mpira. kkk that’s the new motto
wa mogo!!! wamogo!!! shouted a BB player kkkkkk. yambani kusuta basi ndipo siyani kumenya mpira. kkk that’s the new motto
Part of training keep up Nyasa Ndudu players
Part of training keep up Nyasa Ndudu players
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha wandudu wandudu wandudu tabwerani tigule muli ndi embassy tilibe bwelera ife timasuta embassy hahahahahahahahaha siza mpila koma fodya.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha wandudu wandudu wandudu tabwerani tigule muli ndi embassy tilibe bwelera ife timasuta embassy hahahahahahahahaha siza mpila koma fodya.
Kkkkkk wamkaka
Kkkkkk wamkaka
nothing comes easy. that’s what we money generating. nothing wrong er. mwasowa cholemba eti.
nothing comes easy. that’s what we money generating. nothing wrong er. mwasowa cholemba eti.
Auzen anyamata chisangalaro chikakula chimabala chisoni adziyenda Bo pansewo sitikufuna pomayamba czon pazakhale wina palibe asayende ataledzela
Auzen anyamata chisangalaro chikakula chimabala chisoni adziyenda Bo pansewo sitikufuna pomayamba czon pazakhale wina palibe asayende ataledzela
Or chamba ikhoza kugulisa teamyi coz anthuakewo mmmm
Or chamba ikhoza kugulisa teamyi coz anthuakewo mmmm
Umphawi szn2 ndimwana emwe amatha kukutuma kkkkk
Umphawi szn2 ndimwana emwe amatha kukutuma kkkkk
Team yonse ndi shehe uja akugulitsa fodya??koma yaaah chaka chino ziliko,Anyamata atatu andibwelesele 18cartoon kuno,ndiwagule
Team yonse ndi shehe uja akugulitsa fodya??koma yaaah chaka chino ziliko,Anyamata atatu andibwelesele 18cartoon kuno,ndiwagule
Koma gyz ndinee @Noma fan bt zomwe akuchita anyansa apaaa sibhooo m’malo moti maplayer azikozekera za czon ali bzyyy kugulinsa zingambwee nomwenuuu mumafuna mpira upiteee pansogoro uvaya bwanji pasogoro mpira mukumvutinsa maplayer chinchooo kuli ma bonanzer mwati ooo BB sitenga nawooo mbali pa bonanzer iliyonsee kuwapuminsaa maplayer apuma bwanji maplayer akupezeka ku mangochi kukagulinsa fodyaaa ishhhhhhh shame to u Neba with ur nyasaaa
Koma gyz ndinee @Noma fan bt zomwe akuchita anyansa apaaa sibhooo m’malo moti maplayer azikozekera za czon ali bzyyy kugulinsa zingambwee nomwenuuu mumafuna mpira upiteee pansogoro uvaya bwanji pasogoro mpira mukumvutinsa maplayer chinchooo kuli ma bonanzer mwati ooo BB sitenga nawooo mbali pa bonanzer iliyonsee kuwapuminsaa maplayer apuma bwanji maplayer akupezeka ku mangochi kukagulinsa fodyaaa ishhhhhhh shame to u Neba with ur nyasaaa
Koma gyz ndinee @Noma fan bt zomwe akuchita anyansa apaaa sibhooo m’malo moti maplayer azikozekera za czon ali bzyyy kugulinsa zingambwee nomwenuuu mumafuna mpira upiteee pansogoro uvaya bwanji pasogoro mpira mukumvutinsa maplayer chinchooo kuli ma bonanzer mwati ooo BB sitenga nawooo mbali pa bonanzer iliyonsee kuwapuminsaa maplayer apuma bwanji maplayer akupezeka ku mangochi kukagulinsa fodyaaa ishhhhhhh shame to u Neba with ur nyasaaa
adutsa kumene ku kasungu kuno, akumalengeza zaubwino wosuta fodya…koma Malawi
adutsa kumene ku kasungu kuno, akumalengeza zaubwino wosuta fodya…koma Malawi
adutsa kumene ku kasungu kuno, akumalengeza zaubwino wosuta fodya…koma Malawi
Tudikira pa Jenda
Tudikira pa Jenda
Y B abweleratu ku lilongwe
Y B abweleratu ku lilongwe
Hahaha mungoyamba kusuta basi
Kkkk ndakwiya timavaya pa trading pa
Ndizabodza zimenezo a malawi24!!!!!
Ndizabodza zimenezo a malawi24!!!!!
Ndizabodza zimenezo a malawi24!!!!!
kkkkk mabvuto alipo
kkkkk mabvuto alipo
kkkkk mabvuto alipo
mukhalira yomeyo BB player akulandila 100 thousand pamwezi + 40 pin game alawasi, Ayaya Wanderez ukumva bwanji????
mukhalira yomeyo BB player akulandila 100 thousand pamwezi + 40 pin game alawasi, Ayaya Wanderez ukumva bwanji????
mukhalira yomeyo BB player akulandila 100 thousand pamwezi + 40 pin game alawasi, Ayaya Wanderez ukumva bwanji????
Shame on BB for promoting anti life program
Shame on BB for promoting anti life program
Shame on BB for promoting anti life program
Dere is no shame bro
Kkkkkk tisute zimezi bas monga ine oyikonda Bullets
Kkkkkk tisute zimezi bas monga ine oyikonda Bullets
Kkkkkk tisute zimezi bas monga ine oyikonda Bullets
That’s why ku Malawi simudzatukukuka because we only focus on what kind of activity is someone doing to generate funds.
After all I don’t see any reason coz akamanka napempha nomwenunso mumadzalemba yapa kut ndi team yopempha so what do u want them to do?.
The players are setting a good example thus it’s another way of attracting more fans. Otherwise it’s not by compulsory whether one shud buy or not, what they need is money which in end the players are beneficiaries themselves.
That’s why ku Malawi simudzatukukuka because we only focus on what kind of activity is someone doing to generate funds.
After all I don’t see any reason coz akamanka napempha nomwenunso mumadzalemba yapa kut ndi team yopempha so what do u want them to do?.
The players are setting a good example thus it’s another way of attracting more fans. Otherwise it’s not by compulsory whether one shud buy or not, what they need is money which in end the players are beneficiaries themselves.
That’s why ku Malawi simudzatukukuka because we only focus on what kind of activity is someone doing to generate funds.
After all I don’t see any reason coz akamanka napempha nomwenunso mumadzalemba yapa kut ndi team yopempha so what do u want them to do?.
The players are setting a good example thus it’s another way of attracting more fans. Otherwise it’s not by compulsory whether one shud buy or not, what they need is money which in end the players are beneficiaries themselves.
Wamogo ndudu ziwiri aaaa ndimawona ngati ndi Embasy zomwe akukumana nazo achina anong’a kkkkkk no pain no gain instead of football player to mogo seller tiye nazoni mpwimpwimpwimpwiiiiii
Wamogo ndudu ziwiri aaaa ndimawona ngati ndi Embasy zomwe akukumana nazo achina anong’a kkkkkk no pain no gain instead of football player to mogo seller tiye nazoni mpwimpwimpwimpwiiiiii
Wamogo ndudu ziwiri aaaa ndimawona ngati ndi Embasy zomwe akukumana nazo achina anong’a kkkkkk no pain no gain instead of football player to mogo seller tiye nazoni mpwimpwimpwimpwiiiiii
This is cheap propaganda ! Sheet this newspaper always write false stories, last time you write za Mangichi district hospital, but on the picture you placed Machinga hospital it shows you employed unprofessional and unexperienced journalist ! To hell with your cooked stories kaya akutumani ndi a Be forward mumwa therere chaka chino mtima wanjiru !
This story is very true boss
This is cheap propaganda ! Sheet this newspaper always write false stories, last time you write za Mangichi district hospital, but on the picture you placed Machinga hospital it shows you employed unprofessional and unexperienced journalist ! To hell with your cooked stories kaya akutumani ndi a Be forward mumwa therere chaka chino mtima wanjiru !
This story is very true boss
This is cheap propaganda ! Sheet this newspaper always write false stories, last time you write za Mangichi district hospital, but on the picture you placed Machinga hospital it shows you employed unprofessional and unexperienced journalist ! To hell with your cooked stories kaya akutumani ndi a Be forward mumwa therere chaka chino mtima wanjiru !
This story is very true boss
This is true story. If you are a Bullets Supporter, ask your friends.
This is true story. If you are a Bullets Supporter, ask your friends.
Mangochi turn off adutsa last week
Mangochi turn off adutsa last week
Kkkk ulira sunati.ulira ntooooo kkkkkkk
Kkkk ulira sunati.ulira ntooooo kkkkkkk
eeeeeh……kupeza tom tom ……ganja ……achina ascort…kkkkkkkk
mavenda akomana!
mavenda akomana!
mavenda akomana!
Inu amalawi 24 ngati mukufuna ndewu munene mwamvaa? Mxm ndakwiya nanu kwabasi 🙁
Inu amalawi 24 ngati mukufuna ndewu munene mwamvaa? Mxm ndakwiya nanu kwabasi 🙁
Inu amalawi 24 ngati mukufuna ndewu munene mwamvaa? Mxm ndakwiya nanu kwabasi 🙁
Inu a Malawi24 lembani zoti zipindulire mtundu wa a Malawi not kukhala busy ndi zinthu zopanda pake.
Inu a Malawi24 lembani zoti zipindulire mtundu wa a Malawi not kukhala busy ndi zinthu zopanda pake.
Inu a Malawi24 lembani zoti zipindulire mtundu wa a Malawi not kukhala busy ndi zinthu zopanda pake.
lziso alembazi ndekupindulako!coz ife taziwa kuti team yapita kogulisa ndudu!!!!!
Moti SULUMBA ali pa road kutsatsa chingambwe?kkkkkkkkk!!shem on uu!!
Moti SULUMBA ali pa road kutsatsa chingambwe?kkkkkkkkk!!shem on uu!!
Moti SULUMBA ali pa road kutsatsa chingambwe?kkkkkkkkk!!shem on uu!!
ndkamat bullets nd team ya ma vendor ndemuzkana……nanga player wa people team kmangulisa fodya ….mukfalitsa tb nd chancer
ndkamat bullets nd team ya ma vendor ndemuzkana……nanga player wa people team kmangulisa fodya ….mukfalitsa tb nd chancer
ndkamat bullets nd team ya ma vendor ndemuzkana……nanga player wa people team kmangulisa fodya ….mukfalitsa tb nd chancer
so? What’s ur problem? Mind ur business
so? What’s ur problem? Mind ur business
so? What’s ur problem? Mind ur business
#Malawi24 ngat mwasowa nkhani munene!
#Malawi24 ngat mwasowa nkhani munene!
#Malawi24 ngat mwasowa nkhani munene!
Have you seen them?if yes where is the picture showing players selling ciga?i want to believe you.
Have you seen them?if yes where is the picture showing players selling ciga?i want to believe you.
Have you seen them?if yes where is the picture showing players selling ciga?i want to believe you.
Ayamba kugulitsa ndudu? Wina adzigulisa opera dzigogo amamukonda kwambiri,
Ayamba kugulitsa ndudu? Wina adzigulisa opera dzigogo amamukonda kwambiri,
Ayamba kugulitsa ndudu? Wina adzigulisa opera dzigogo amamukonda kwambiri,
Kkkkkkk Nyasa mwaganiza bwanji?
Kkkkkkk Nyasa mwaganiza bwanji?
Kkkkkkk Nyasa mwaganiza bwanji?
koma maplayer athuwa nde ali pa ukapolotu yamikani fodya ndi Seventh Day koma akumagulisa nawo fodya guys nzabwino zimenezi
koma maplayer athuwa nde ali pa ukapolotu yamikani fodya ndi Seventh Day koma akumagulisa nawo fodya guys nzabwino zimenezi
koma maplayer athuwa nde ali pa ukapolotu yamikani fodya ndi Seventh Day koma akumagulisa nawo fodya guys nzabwino zimenezi
Kkkkk abwerese kuno makatoni atatu kkk
Kkkkk abwerese kuno makatoni atatu kkk
Kkkkk abwerese kuno makatoni atatu kkk
Kkkk, dont give them fish but teach them how to fish. Hahaha.
Kkkk, dont give them fish but teach them how to fish. Hahaha.
Kkkk, dont give them fish but teach them how to fish. Hahaha.
Kkkkkkk … Is this a punishment?
Kkkkkkk … Is this a punishment?
Kkkkkkk … Is this a punishment?
Kkkkkkkk Sulumba wafera fodya kusiya njale.umphawi sizinthudi ndiyetu muziwauza anthu kuti kusuta kumawononga moyo.
Kkkkkkkk Sulumba wafera fodya kusiya njale.umphawi sizinthudi ndiyetu muziwauza anthu kuti kusuta kumawononga moyo.
Kkkkkkkk Sulumba wafera fodya kusiya njale.umphawi sizinthudi ndiyetu muziwauza anthu kuti kusuta kumawononga moyo.
Zovesa Chisoni Kwabasi,player Anamulemba Ntchito Yampila Pa Ground Akutiso Pita Kunsika Ukagulitse Chingambwe Pamozi Ndimandasiwa Kuti Ulipidwe.Sponsership Yaukapeeeeeee
Zovesa Chisoni Kwabasi,player Anamulemba Ntchito Yampila Pa Ground Akutiso Pita Kunsika Ukagulitse Chingambwe Pamozi Ndimandasiwa Kuti Ulipidwe.Sponsership Yaukapeeeeeee
Zovesa Chisoni Kwabasi,player Anamulemba Ntchito Yampila Pa Ground Akutiso Pita Kunsika Ukagulitse Chingambwe Pamozi Ndimandasiwa Kuti Ulipidwe.Sponsership Yaukapeeeeeee
sponser ship and partnership are zotsiyana tikuwina ndiife maule
sponser ship and partnership are zotsiyana tikuwina ndiife maule
sponser ship and partnership are zotsiyana tikuwina ndiife maule
Iyayi ineyo sindine wa Bullets bt don’t devalue some of our National Team players lyk this inuyo a secretary ndi anzanuwo are responsible to do the advert NOT a player akuthawirani ku Moscotu mwatani kodi? Yesterday in morning Hrs. were in the Capital City Lakeshore minbus area station kubangula moipa
Iyayi ineyo sindine wa Bullets bt don’t devalue some of our National Team players lyk this inuyo a secretary ndi anzanuwo are responsible to do the advert NOT a player akuthawirani ku Moscotu mwatani kodi? Yesterday in morning Hrs. were in the Capital City Lakeshore minbus area station kubangula moipa
Iyayi ineyo sindine wa Bullets bt don’t devalue some of our National Team players lyk this inuyo a secretary ndi anzanuwo are responsible to do the advert NOT a player akuthawirani ku Moscotu mwatani kodi? Yesterday in morning Hrs. were in the Capital City Lakeshore minbus area station kubangula moipa
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
See more here http://job4america.xyz/?user=7301
Hahahaha kusuta kumaononga moyo neba walimbadi mtima kupha wathu ndi utsi???
Hahahaha kusuta kumaononga moyo neba walimbadi mtima kupha wathu ndi utsi???
Hahahaha kusuta kumaononga moyo neba walimbadi mtima kupha wathu ndi utsi???
Ati sponser maplayer azikagulisanso chingambwe? Koma ndiye zosekesa kikikikikiki
Ati sponser maplayer azikagulisanso chingambwe? Koma ndiye zosekesa kikikikikiki
Ati sponser maplayer azikagulisanso chingambwe? Koma ndiye zosekesa kikikikikiki
Kkkkkk neighbour wakumana ndi venda mzako,
Kkkkkk neighbour wakumana ndi venda mzako,
Kkkkkk neighbour wakumana ndi venda mzako,
neba sunati uvutika
neba sunati uvutika
neba sunati uvutika
B4 they start selling should they test it,so that they can kno the goodness or badnes of those cigarettes??
kkkkkkkk i hop Anong’a did that
B4 they start selling should they test it,so that they can kno the goodness or badnes of those cigarettes??
kkkkkkkk i hop Anong’a did that
B4 they start selling should they test it,so that they can kno the goodness or badnes of those cigarettes??
kkkkkkkk i hop Anong’a did that
I dnt think thats ethical trading
I dnt think thats ethical trading
I dnt think thats ethical trading
Yes nde kuti zikuyenda pamenepo,,,,,,,coz malonda nkusasa. #Teambulletsman.
Yes nde kuti zikuyenda pamenepo,,,,,,,coz malonda nkusasa. #Teambulletsman.
Yes nde kuti zikuyenda pamenepo,,,,,,,coz malonda nkusasa. #Teambulletsman.
yamikani fodya avekere akaone aka kangambwee kali booo akaone aka kobanda aka.kkkkk
Man kutwonjezatu kumeneko kkkkkk
kkkk pepani achris kkkkk zovuta izi
yamikani fodya avekere akaone aka kangambwee kali booo akaone aka kobanda aka.kkkkk
Man kutwonjezatu kumeneko kkkkkk
kkkk pepani achris kkkkk zovuta izi
yamikani fodya avekere akaone aka kangambwee kali booo akaone aka kobanda aka.kkkkk
Man kutwonjezatu kumeneko kkkkkk
kkkk pepani achris kkkkk zovuta izi
they were selling chingambwe as part of the sponsorship deal kkkkk
they were selling chingambwe as part of the sponsorship deal kkkkk
they were selling chingambwe as part of the sponsorship deal kkkkk
Yes! i saw them on small minibus in kasungu! part of their work,promoting nyasa brand! No question about that!!!
Yes! i saw them on small minibus in kasungu! part of their work,promoting nyasa brand! No question about that!!!
Yes! i saw them on small minibus in kasungu! part of their work,promoting nyasa brand! No question about that!!!
How will that affect the preparations?
How will that affect the preparations?
How will that affect the preparations?
Akuwazuza anyamatawa ndisaname. Vuto la umphawi ndi limenelo nanga anyamata abwinobwinowa kumanka asatsa chingambwe kwa anayamata anzawo? Sikuonong tsogolo la dziko uku. Kusuta kumaononga moyo osaiwala
inu guyz das part of deal mukudabwa chan
thats not true moyo. let them join their friends now. from December to now they haven’t rested ? paja iwetu ndi wa Noma galu iwe moyo