‘Peter Mutharika has run out of ideas’

Peter Mutharika

Malawi President, Peter Mutharika has been asked to seek views from technocrats in the country in a bid to help him with ideas that can bail the country out of the current woes instead of sticking to his own wits which have evidently ‘failed this nation..

The call has been made by Commentator and comedian, Michael Usi.

Peter Mutharika
Mutharika: Asked to consult.

In a press conference, Usi cited need for the Malawi leader to think in the same vein as asked saying that his cabinet Ministers as well as himself have failed to give Malawians confidence on what they are doing to end the current socio- economic woes including the hunger that is already hitting locals hard.

According to Usi, it is a clear fact that Mutharika is clueless on how to end the hunger and the other woes, a development he therefore believes could be ended by involving views from technocrats in related fields.

Michael Usi
Usi: Mutharika must listen to advice.

” It is true that the current government has failed to give us the confidence we had in them. Its time they admit failure and seek views of concerned stakeholders so that the country bounces back and recovers from the numerous problems we are into’ said Usi.

On the other hand, Usi urged the Mutharika led regime to work on the Access to Information Bill (ATI) saying that its passing will see it to it that Malawians are aware of what happens around them and that people will easily access information, to the good of the nation.

Mutharika’s government has been denying that the country has been hit by hunger, but reports that Malawi24 has carried lately indicated that in most rural areas, people are falling to hunger, as evident to the unceasing overcrowding of people in Admarc depots where maize is being scrambled for, something which analysts say Is fueling corruption which is giving the Malawi leader sleepless nights.



  1. Mutharika hasn’t run out of ideas. He didn’t had any. You remember the albino issue, he had to be proded to say something. About a week ago he had to be proded AGAIN to address the nation on hunger. And he said ‘if there was need for more maize’, meaning all this time he didn’t know there was food shortage in the country. Even his truck-load of advisers didn’t advise him, sitting phwiii enjoying three coarse meals three times a day, and telling the citizenry to take one meal a day. No use paying them.

  2. Peter mutharika has run out of ideas indeed and one of the steps he has to take in correcting his mistakes its to fire the whole cabinet and advisors who havent helped him in improving the economy of this country instead they have depleted this country of its hard earn taxes in form of allowances, fuel and salaries. Imagine the president to have an advisor of national unity what for, as if in malawi there are conflicts within tribes instead to have an economic expert advisor. The problem lies with Peter Mutharika bcoz the truth is he has no vision. Had he been the likes of magafuli he could have seen this problem.

  3. Peter mutharika has run out of ideas indeed and one of the steps he has to take in correcting his mistakes its to fire the whole cabinet and advisors who havent helped him in improving the economy of this country instead they have depleted this country of its hard earn taxes in form of allowances, fuel and salaries. Imagine the president to have an advisor of national unity what for, as if in malawi there are conflicts within tribes instead to have an economic expert advisor. The problem lies with Peter Mutharika bcoz the truth is he has no vision. Had he been the likes of magafuli he could have seen this problem.

  4. #Masinga, Sizingatheke kusoveka lero ndi lero ai. Kani Peter ndi mvula kuti sanagwe bwino? Chimanga chikubedwa mma admarc ndi miyala? Elnino simukuiona? Ethiopia, South Africa ali pa mavuto a nyengo mwina simumudziwa.

  5. #Masinga, Sizingatheke kusoveka lero ndi lero ai. Kani Peter ndi mvula kuti sanagwe bwino? Chimanga chikubedwa mma admarc ndi miyala? Elnino simukuiona? Ethiopia, South Africa ali pa mavuto a nyengo mwina simumudziwa.

  6. Sizoona zoti kumalawi kuli zakudya zambiri anthu kumalawi timadalira nsima ndiye ngati chimanga kulibe ndiye kuti kuli njara anthu kumalawi samadalira boma amazinthandiza okha ndiye kuyambira chaka yantha kunari njara kamba kamvura inakokolora mmera ya anthu ndiye poti pano zavuta boma liyenera kupeza chimanga kuika mma admrc kuti anthu azipeza chimanga osati zaulere koma anthu azikagula koma zosezo bomalo sizikuwakhuza anthu athandizidwa bwanji

  7. Penanso, ife aku mwera ife, kusamvetsetsa kwathu nchifukwa tikumafa ndi njala. Tili nkachitsimo koti tikakolola zakudya zathu, zonse kukagulitsa nthawi imodzi, osasungako zina. Mawa kukupezeka kuti njala yalowa, tayamba kukafunafuna gaga ku chigayo. Nzomvetsa chisoni.

  8. Penanso, ife aku mwera ife, kusamvetsetsa kwathu nchifukwa tikumafa ndi njala. Tili nkachitsimo koti tikakolola zakudya zathu, zonse kukagulitsa nthawi imodzi, osasungako zina. Mawa kukupezeka kuti njala yalowa, tayamba kukafunafuna gaga ku chigayo. Nzomvetsa chisoni.

  9. South Africa, simungamayerekedze ndi dziko la Malawi. Zambiri zaku South Africa, zimakhala ngati za chizungu. Eni dziko aku South Africa, za sima sakuziwerengetsera. Chakudya chawo chimene amakonda ndi, bread, nkhuku ndi 2 litres ya fanta kapena Coca Cola. Akatero, chakudya chawo chakwana. Obweranu kuchokera ku Malawi, ndi amene mukumalimbana ndi nsima kuno ku South Africa.

  10. South Africa, simungamayerekedze ndi dziko la Malawi. Zambiri zaku South Africa, zimakhala ngati za chizungu. Eni dziko aku South Africa, za sima sakuziwerengetsera. Chakudya chawo chimene amakonda ndi, bread, nkhuku ndi 2 litres ya fanta kapena Coca Cola. Akatero, chakudya chawo chakwana. Obweranu kuchokera ku Malawi, ndi amene mukumalimbana ndi nsima kuno ku South Africa.

  11. kungoti poti ku malawi cakudya comwe amacidziwa bwino ndi nsima kma kunena zooona ku malawi kumalimidwa zakudya zosianasiana n mutati muone padzakudya dzosezo cikangosowa cimanga akuti kuli njara mmmm sizooona ku joni athu amatha kudya bread masana or maungu amene mwina usiku mkudya nsima kma vuto ndiloti athu akalima akakolola tawayendereni makomomo ca ma 12 ockloc mumpeza kti mwana wadzaka 4 ampatsa nsima ya athu awili makolo amaiwala kti kukubwera january or february votu dzakudya dzikapezeka amaiwala kti kuli mawa lero siizi ndie poti pa malawi nsima ndi dilu tiye nazoni

  12. kungoti poti ku malawi cakudya comwe amacidziwa bwino ndi nsima kma kunena zooona ku malawi kumalimidwa zakudya zosianasiana n mutati muone padzakudya dzosezo cikangosowa cimanga akuti kuli njara mmmm sizooona ku joni athu amatha kudya bread masana or maungu amene mwina usiku mkudya nsima kma vuto ndiloti athu akalima akakolola tawayendereni makomomo ca ma 12 ockloc mumpeza kti mwana wadzaka 4 ampatsa nsima ya athu awili makolo amaiwala kti kukubwera january or february votu dzakudya dzikapezeka amaiwala kti kuli mawa lero siizi ndie poti pa malawi nsima ndi dilu tiye nazoni

  13. Kuli mtundu wina kwathu ku mwera woti sukumva nkomwe. Umangofera mbiri ya chipani koma pali chimene athandizidwe. Kaya nkutembeleredwa, kaya ndi umbuli. Umalimbikira za zii.

  14. Enanu paja ndi magulu oti tikamapita kokavota, simuganizanso kuti mmene tavutikira apa, munthu woti ndikamuvotere, ndi ndani. Mumakavoteranso yemwe uja wakupasani mavuto onsewa, kuli kuziwonjezeranso mavuto ena. Masiku ano kulibe munthu wopusa, wosaganiza kuti ichi ndi choyipa, ichi ndi chabwino.

  15. Joseph Diverson, you are among the Malawians with deaf ears. Don’t blame Manganya. Bear in mind that politics is a dirty game. If your President was saying those remarks as is the way you have written, he just wanted to please the majority. Inwardly, he knew that he can’t accept people’s views. So don’t be attracted by the remarks uttered by your President. Manganya is right and don’t underrate him that way. Malawians have problems. They don’t understand what someone has expressed koma zinthu zikayipa, mpamene mumachita regret ndikuyamba kumakuwakuwa.

  16. This is why I always keep my mouth shut coz I found that making unnecessary noise doesn’t make any difference. Since the removal of Dr Banda Malawi has never been the same. Let him steal the money like his late brother.

  17. Am not a fan of any party in Malawi and i only save de govt of de day. I hav heard him (apm) so many times that if people hav ideas or solutions to our economic challenges let them come forward so that we can collectively redeem our economy. Don’t just use de media to demean de president or his office. So many times Peter has said this. Now i wonder why Manganya says de president is sticking it to himself. I think he (bambo a sikono) lacks honesty.

    1. Joseph also take note that any achievement is heavily politicised and said ‘boma la Peter Mutalika lapanga nfwenfwenfwe ndi zimene zikumapanga put off anthu. Let him alone then carry this burden.

    2. Yes u r right indeed that any single achivement is linked to him and our economic downfall should also be de case. However, if we let him carry de burden alone then we r decieving ourselves. We are all Malawians and anything that comes our way we should be responsible for that and we will be affected, whether postively or negatively. It shouldn’t be a one man show. I wish pof John Chisi was a strong contender to Peter. That guy looks at thing from a positive angle and says things as they are supposed to be said. He compliments and rebuke where is due.

  18. Tingogwirizana chimodzi. Next time, tisazapangenso mistake yomamupatsa mavoti ameneyo. Ndiye poti a Malawi, ndi anthu osamva, wina wache azamuvotera.

  19. munthu anatha dzaka 40 kunja kwa Malawi mukuganiza angalikwanise dziko? Ngakhale njinga ukakhala nthawi usanaikwere,pozakwera imakugwetsa kaye ndiye akuluwa zaka 40 ali kunja iiiiiii ndiye ali ndi alangizi oti palibe chomwe amadziwa

  20. Wanya nayo bwampini. Amati atani nalo dzikoli? Suja amati ndi wanzeru, ndi professor wa Economists? Lero wagwa nayo bwanji?

  21. kkkkk kufuna leadership nfkuilephera…..akwanisa bwnj analephera kukhala jead of hs own family….kkk bwampini go go go!!!!

  22. Mthanyulist dziko lamukanika basi komanso ndiofunika kumthamangitsapo pa mpando pamenepa gologolo ameneyu watikwana kwabasi.Mpofunika zionetsero achoke ndithu ngati ku Aiguputo galu ameneyu ameneyu

  23. Uchitsiru wake ndi umenewo. Mumakonda kunyoza wanthu, mmalo moti munthu uja tithandizane naye maganizo pa nkhani kapena kuti mfundo imene wayankhula. Manganya kapena kuti Michael Usi, alibe vuto. Akunena zoona. Koma kuti a Malawi ena, ndi anthu osazindikira kuti mudziko lathu mwagwa chani. Nchifukwa chake mumavotera anthu olakwika. Lero ndi zimenezo chifukwa chakupupuluma kwanuko.

  24. Kodi mukutanthauza kuti Malawi yonse watunthu, mulibe anthu anzeru oti akhoza kuyendetsa dzikoli bwinobwino? Vuto ndiloti, mumafuna anthu a chuma kale, amphawi simukuwafuna.

  25. The most dull professor in the world can not lead a country.School za samunda zogwilisa ntchito malikasa ndizimenezo sopano.Anthu amenewa amabweleza 11years standard 8 ,masamu ankaloweza ma ansala ngati history pano ndizimenszo

  26. Za Chilimanso ayi. Do you know that birds of the same feathers always flock together? Chilima anali boss wa Airtel. Kuti asiye ntchito ku Airtel, yomweyo Peter Mutharika, ndi amene anamunyengezera kuti azasokoneze ma computer aku MEC kuti abe mavoti. Zinachitikadi, nanga si Chilima ndi munthu woti amadziwa za ma computer. Ndiye lero mukuti Peter angomusiyira u president Chilima? Kodi mkango ukachoka ku tchire, kudzakhala powonekera, umasintha mtundu? Samalani nazo izo.

  27. Kunena zoona zinthu zavuta guyz..apa nde Malawi wayipiratu..amene amene kulemba chi coment chako chonyoza manganya iwe koma a bambo Utsi akunena zoona, mwina mutu wako sugwila..iwe sukuona mavuto dziko lili nawo? Kupusatu kumeneko..osamatisa ma Bp apa.

  28. vuto amalawi kumva kt madala anali professor amaphunzitsa Obama inu kumuunjikira mavoti, akanakhara wanzeru akanangomusiila chilima mwina

  29. That man is not a Malawian by nationality. He is a foreigner. If he were a Malawian, automatically he would understand what the people of Malawi are saying. Above all, he wanted to become a dictator, like what Mugabe is doing in Zimbabwe.

  30. That man is not a Malawian by nationality. He is a foreigner. If he were a Malawian, automatically he would understand what the people of Malawi are saying. Above all, he wanted to become a dictator, like what Mugabe is doing in Zimbabwe.

  31. Peter ndi mphunzitsi osati msogoleri woyendetsa ziko ai inu muñawona mphunzitse panyumba pake palidongosolo?poti akati wagula or wailetsi ndiya ngongole sugar yemwe mpaka buku kwa eni a hawk anthu musalire uyu ndi osiyana ndi mbale wake uja chifukwa uja adali wa economic yomwe ili ndi plan yamomwe mungayendetsera business that’s why mbali yake inkatulutsa zipatso zina zabwino osati fumbi la president ngati uyu mbalame

  32. Peter ndi mphunzitsi osati msogoleri woyendetsa ziko ai inu muñawona mphunzitse panyumba pake palidongosolo?poti akati wagula or wailetsi ndiya ngongole sugar yemwe mpaka buku kwa eni a hawk anthu musalire uyu ndi osiyana ndi mbale wake uja chifukwa uja adali wa economic yomwe ili ndi plan yamomwe mungayendetsera business that’s why mbali yake inkatulutsa zipatso zina zabwino osati fumbi la president ngati uyu mbalame

  33. Manganya ulibe nzeru.u are educated savage.can i remind u what promted hunger in the country?where were u when the country had floods? can we expect bumper yields with the situation like that one? Umean its the head of state who brought those floods.learn to be wise.all the time u critisize govt without contributing measures of coming out of problems.the hunger that the country is facing started way back due to poor harvest pple had.the president himself calls views from pple to address challenges the country is facing but none is showing interest.its unwise to come at the media and attack the govt in that way.running country is not standing at the stage 4 tikuferanji,need matured pple like the one u critisize.sife opepera kuti sikudziwa chiyambi chamavuto omwe dziko likudusamo.if compaign wait time will tell.paja ndinu anthu oti mukamapereka kanthu kwa anthu mumaitana atolankhani alembe komanso akujambuleni munoneke. Just satisfied the position u are holding of acting adra country director,u only looking less than hundred pple,can u run the country as a whole?stupid man stop your nosences.iwe ndi wazitsuzo full stop.u cannot be our spokesperson u are running of knowledge.shame on u.

    1. Petro, the president can’t control the floods yo are right. But true to your words after the floods, we all expected hunger. That’s when the president and cabinet react in time by making first priority the fight against the impending hunger. That didnt happen until the hunger is upon us. Instead they blew all that money in the US for nothing. The problem here bwana Petro is that our govt. always has its priorities upside down. We dont fight hunger when it starts biting but rather prepare when you see the signs.

    2. Hahahaha! U are right but connecting the journey the head of state had to america,u are out of order.are u related to manganya?

    3. Hahahaha! U are right but connecting the journey the head of state had to america,u are out of order.are u related to manganya?

  34. OO! So u ws votin hm wth the hope hee gonna hav idea to on hw to develop Malawi? Shameeee! The guy dont knw nix about malawi.

  35. Anthu inu musiyeni chondeeee peter, mukuganiza angatidyese tonse? Zonsatheka ngat ena analephela kutipasa nsapato zotchipa ndiye uyu mukuganiza angatipase k15,000 ya 50kgs ya chimanga? Chaka chamawa chifika 20pin coz sitikololaso bwino

  36. Ngati dziko likulemphera kuthetsa njala, sindikuziwa ngati mavuto ogwa mwazidzidzi ndi ena otero angatheke?Chifujwa njala imadziwaka zokolo zikadali kumunda olo munthu osaphunzira amagonjetsa.

  37. Ngati dziko likulemphera kuthetsa njala, sindikuziwa ngati mavuto ogwa mwazidzidzi ndi ena otero angatheke?Chifujwa njala imadziwaka zokolo zikadali kumunda olo munthu osaphunzira amagonjetsa.

  38. Ngati dziko likulemphera kuthetsa njala, sindikuziwa ngati mavuto ogwa mwazidzidzi ndi ena otero angatheke?Chifujwa njala imadziwaka zokolo zikadali kumunda olo munthu osaphunzira amagonjetsa.

  39. Michael Usi ndaninso pa mizati ya Malawi? Ankafuna udindo wa Bakili, zamulaka. Bwanji osamaputiriza kumavala sanza ndi zisudzo zanu? South Africa ikuliranso kuno akuiliza Mutharika? Osamaoneka odziwa muli panja pa chiongolero ai. Akakupatsani udindo muukwanisa inu? Izingotiseketsani ndi kulongolola mmabwalo a zamasewerozo basi. Ndizija munapanga convoy drama kumauzunza mtima, kusakhutira. Muyambise chipani tione, osamayankhulura mchigulu ai.

  40. Michael Usi ndaninso pa mizati ya Malawi? Ankafuna udindo wa Bakili, zamulaka. Bwanji osamaputiriza kumavala sanza ndi zisudzo zanu? South Africa ikuliranso kuno akuiliza Mutharika? Osamaoneka odziwa muli panja pa chiongolero ai. Akakupatsani udindo muukwanisa inu? Izingotiseketsani ndi kulongolola mmabwalo a zamasewerozo basi. Ndizija munapanga convoy drama kumauzunza mtima, kusakhutira. Muyambise chipani tione, osamayankhulura mchigulu ai.

  41. Michael Usi ndaninso pa mizati ya Malawi? Ankafuna udindo wa Bakili, zamulaka. Bwanji osamaputiriza kumavala sanza ndi zisudzo zanu? South Africa ikuliranso kuno akuiliza Mutharika? Osamaoneka odziwa muli panja pa chiongolero ai. Akakupatsani udindo muukwanisa inu? Izingotiseketsani ndi kulongolola mmabwalo a zamasewerozo basi. Ndizija munapanga convoy drama kumauzunza mtima, kusakhutira. Muyambise chipani tione, osamayankhulura mchigulu ai.


  43. People rush to be leaders without understanding what are the leadership requirements. Peter Muthalika is a person who is found at a wrong place at a wrong time, so nothing can work. The best way is to pave way for someone who know what it means to be a leader.

  44. People rush to be leaders without understanding what are the leadership requirements. Peter Muthalika is a person who is found at a wrong place at a wrong time, so nothing can work. The best way is to pave way for someone who know what it means to be a leader.

  45. People rush to be leaders without understanding what are the leadership requirements. Peter Muthalika is a person who is found at a wrong place at a wrong time, so nothing can work. The best way is to pave way for someone who know what it means to be a leader.


  47. chonde a adzanga osaika comment yonyoza apa. koma tingosiya manja mwa mulungu madandaulo anthu atiyakha moveka bwino.tikanyoza satiyakha chifukwa cha dzelu zanthu zochepazi!

  48. Invitation to a bide: Recogmised suppliers to supply good sized teeth about 40 in number in two days time to mr president[peter]. May be the problem is the gay has no enough teeth thats why he doesn’t talk sense. Bide for free.

  49. Peter cant do that,and he,s not expect to do that,its only de crazy minds of de few ppl who r trying to do things lik angels. Pamene zili mbuz zeni zeni.


  51. As every loyal and honest Malawian knows pretty well the way how this so called dpp corruptly emerged into power, l bet these idiots will never bother about what Malawians are crying for. Their whole minds are only focussing on how they gonna manouevre to steal more and kill whoever resists, Pajatu Mr. Kalua adati ‘ fisi ndi fisi’, Agalu amenewa safuna kumva za ena,koma zao mbava zokha zokha.

  52. As every loyal and honest Malawian knows pretty well the way how this so called dpp corruptly emerged into power, l bet these idiots will never bother about what Malawians are crying for. Their whole minds are only focussing on how they gonna manouevre to steal more and kill whoever resists, Pajatu Mr. Kalua adati ‘ fisi ndi fisi’, Agalu amenewa safuna kumva za ena,koma zao mbava zokha zokha.

  53. The so called president must resign, there is no time to waist to discuss same issues about his failure. We shall clap hands for u, if u resign amicably. Even if a sinner asked God to be forgiven, he usual

    Apm must resign amicably, in my view, i dont see anything special about this guy. He is just waisting our time to reach millenium development goals as a nation.

  54. Amalawi anzanga ziwani kuti munthuyi ndiwochenjera, iyeyo akuziwa kuti amalawi zaka zino ambiri ndiozindikila ndipo amalawife timaona, ndiye ayamba iye kuwononga kwinaku akukwirila njira zo onetsa kuwononga kwake, basitu ndipamene pali sukulu ya bamboi peter, akuziwa kuti zawo ndi 5 basi ndiye zaachepela.

  55. Njala sinabwere ndi Peter ngakhale nthawi ya UDF 2001 anthu ambiri anamwalira kusowa kogula chimanga kumene osati kukwera kwa mtengo wachimanga ayi. DPP inali ndi chimanga chambiri koma boma la Joyce Mtila Banda anagawa chimanga chonse china kugulitsa ku CP kunama kuti chinaola. Komanso Peter simulungu kuti chaka chatha akanabweretsa mvula. Tione chaka cha mawa kuti munena chani? Komanso si Peter amene anapangitsa ma floods ku Lowershire. Koma enanu poti mmitu mwanumo munazaza ndale ndiye chili chonse mukungoti Peter. Zoti kusintha kwa nyengo kwachita affect mayiko ambiri inu simukudziwa? Kodi mdi Pater amene anathamangitsa ma donors? Mmesa ndi Hule lanu lija Joyce

  56. Inu amene mungathe muthandizeni osamangonena ma weakness okha,tell him how he can bail out tiir nation from the crirpis we are facing

  57. Iwo awa akadangovomeleza kuti zawavuta basi chifukwa awononga zambiri pofuna kuti akonze zithu ndiye ifeso monga boma tidzawafunaso kuti adzayankhepo

  58. Peter and the dpp cant seek any advise from ordinary ppl lik u idiots,there is minsters and attorneys whom he can ask.so r u tel me dat these ppl i,ve mentioned r not capable ? Come on de rubish media,dont critise de man of de moment, he made it.wy cant u write someting reasonable.

    1. NONSENSE!!! Which Ministers U Talking About?..The Corruptive Ones? Just After Money!! Do U Think Can Advise? Who R You Moreover? Alaa!! Senseless!!!!!…..!

    2. And improve ur spellings plyz.iweyo walemba zoti si za reasonable.nanga chizungu mpakana “there is ministers”…nonsense

    3. So whom r u expect to do de right thing? Cuz u dont know wat r u talkng about.its just anger only.but let me tel u 1thing dpp is expecting to walk over believ me.

      1. I have never seen an idiot like u. wangokhala chendelende ulibe nzeru. Zoona munthu wanzeru zake angamasapote Peter. Iwe iwe iwe kuyambira lero dzina lako ndi machende wamva. nyooooo!!!!! pachipyoto pako.aaaass!!!!. Go to school again to improve on ur lame english.

  59. uyutu ndiye mulinaye mpaka 2019, kaya mufune/musafune ndi mpaka chaka chimenecho. ndiye muonanso cha m’ma 2018 zimene azichita muzdaiwala kuti 2016 anatikhaulitsa ndi njala anthu osakwatila inu kuziwa kulankhula mwano.

  60. Don’t blame the leadership here .There are so many factors that have contributed to the fall of kwacha,hunger and shortage of medicine in the clinics.To those who fear god would agree with me that hunger is with us here due to floods and drought.We were hit by floods twice and tonnes of crops were swept away,people became homeless.Drought has not spared any country in southern Africa.The donors stopped helping us because of cashgate .Some people ,selfish people messed up ur country and ran away and they are not facing problems like many malawian s who are home nothing to eat.This time is the time when we need to help ourselves,we must find new ways of dealing with hunger. We must stop asking for help from the West and Britons. They don’t care even if we die of hunger and diseases. They smile seeing africans suffering. All malawians should hold hands and work together for the betterment of our country.The opposition parties are there why are they not bringing solutions to these problems if they are a government in waiting? Let them bring food on the table so that malawians would follow them.we are facing problems which are man made as well as natural

  61. Peter thought dat sleeping @ State house things goes smoothly automatically without any skills v leadership, u r a professor v teaching pupils but this z not teaching now! U driving the country 2 hell now!

  62. nanga zipewa zake zimenezo..!!! mkulu penpha maganizo bas…ine ndikhoza kungokuthandiza mmene ndalama yathu ingapezereso mphavu…koma zanjala zondivita sinanga subsidy wa feteleza munaika ku malata abwana…ndiye kaya anthu adya malata chaka chino zioneka…koma ndisanapite…kod malatawodi akutheka kugula mwa subsidy….mwina tikhoza kumangocita mooda kumakagulitsa maiko akunja….kikikikiki…pepani2 anthu akut ndikumaseka mwano…

    1. Kodi njalayi ndi vuto la subsdy kapena nyengo? Ukuziwa kuti last year zimatheka kuthira 5 bags of fertlizer…kutha masiku awiri munda kukokoka?? Usazakambenso zopusa zakozo wamva

    2. Kodi njalayi ndi vuto la subsdy kapena nyengo? Ukuziwa kuti last year zimatheka kuthira 5 bags of fertlizer…kutha masiku awiri munda kukokoka?? Usazakambenso zopusa zakozo wamva

    3. Kodi njalayi ndi vuto la subsdy kapena nyengo? Ukuziwa kuti last year zimatheka kuthira 5 bags of fertlizer…kutha masiku awiri munda kukokoka?? Usazakambenso zopusa zakozo wamva

    4. iweyo nfi amene ukukamba zopusa…unaona maika aluya kukugwa mvula yoti mapaka angakolore…koma amkhala ndi zokolora zochuluka chaka cose ndipo damapempha cakudya maiko ena…iweyo ndimbuyakoyo mose zitsiru zomwa madzi ometera ndeve…nyapapi…

  63. HahahahahHabah hear urslf,y Malawians ows mk fool of themselves?? by mocking their leaders,,, du u knw what mockery means??,,,,Hu tld u that evry leader z a God given Leader???,,,So u wntd Malawians to remain quiet despyt all da problems ey r facing????,,,,Malawian problems cn only b solved bt Malawians themselves @ #McdonaldGrant

  64. It’s a bull sheet, when did he know that he is running out of ideas? Then why not giving a chance to those who can? Why did you voted for him? As if it is a paramount chief rule, that the person that you have to choose must come from the royal family of the paramount chief. If you have nothing to say then it’s better you keep quiet, for how long will be telling lies. Without a shame cheeting even to your own parents and then to the entire nation. Think about it and you will be a good leader. Always put God first before thinking about getting the money in your pockets. Hope you get the point, thanks.

  65. Ingonenani Kuti Zandikanika Bax, Bwana Inu Amakutamani Kuti Ndi Wazelu Komaso Xool Yanu Ndiyapamwamba, Lero Paliwina Oposa Inu Kkkkkkk, Amalawi Ndamenewo APatseni Zosowa Zawo.

  66. wazelu ophuzila bwino amaphuzitsa azungu ku USA lero afuneso wina kuti amuthandize ai ndakana musiyeni alamulila uyu sukulu ndi utsogoleli ndi zinthu zimodzi.

  67. Why do malawians make a fool of themselves by mocking their presidents and leaders insead of enduring and helping inbrace what the country is going through it says Exodus 22vs28″You must not dishonor God or curse any of your rulers.Lets hold hands join mind and do one thing to develop our country

    1. Iwe ndechinangwadi why using bible in unnecessary way? Why puting a failure at the back? Odanandichilungamo mukomoka nazo pitala ndiolephera

    2. Yes we should join hands thats why he is being ask to consult people who can bring positive change to the nation not just stick to himself and his ideas which seem to be failing us miserably!

    3. #Frank,anakakhala wanzeru sakanaononga ma Million kutenga wanthu kupita nao ku America and kumeneko anakakhala masiku angati and ndalama yanuyi ndi dollar zikulingana? Ankalipila bwanji kumeneko and nthawi anapita iyeyo ndalama anazitenga kuti,sizomwe za Bomazo nkumanama zoti anachita kupangidwa sponsor and who can sponsor anthu 115 for makhala tell me? Kapena ankakavomeleza umathanyula coz pa nkhani ija ya mathanyula yense amene anapita nao kumeneko sakambapo kanthu,anapatsidwa ndalama nkutsekedwa pakamwa,ndalama za Satanic.

    4. Edwin Binwell Malota Phiri,ukusemphana nayo Frank Kay Mfune pang’ono.
      Frank naye sakugwirizanazo zintchito za Mutharika, and iweyo ukukhala ngati wamva mwina mwake.

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