Malawi’s main opposition party, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has blasted government for suggesting through the minister of information that hospitals in the country have to be growing crops to feed their patients.
The party’s spokesperson Jessie Kabwila said this only shows that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government is too harsh and says there is no way Malawi hospitals could be told that since farming is the duty of another government department.
“The suggestion that the hospitals should be growing crops to feed patients just shows that the DPP government has failed. For sure they have failed miserably, you cannot tell a person who is ill to go and cultivate.”

“Now you can see that their policy failure has resulted to the death of people. You cannot expect people in the health sector to start doing something which is in another sector, the simple question is what is the mandate of the health sector?” said Kabwila.
She further said that what is wrong in Malawi is that the country is being ruled by DPP. She said every time DPP is in control of this country, there are political conflicts.
However, information minister, Jappie Mhango said the local media misquoted him.
He said he was reacting to Nkhatabay DHO who was, to the minister’s surprise, asking for farm inputs. The minister further said he told Chitipa health officials that at Nkhatabay hospital, land has been cultivated for the benefit of patients.
Mhango said: “Nkhatabay DHO was asking for fertilizer and a borehole which will enable them to grow crops even in the dry season. I was pointing on an issue that was said by the DHO to Chitipa hospital.”
lwe pitala and your boko haram dpp-Malawi are very stupid. Are you mad or crazy? did your fore fathers ever woke from hospital beds to out go and and work in a garden while they were sick? koma pitala ndi mbava zinzakozo usamale. uzifunse kodi njanje inaduka bwanji?
Bola mupange lenti minda yambiri nanga kucipatala mungapezeko munda ndie mukagalauza panado
Nduna Yolanda nZeru kma yinaphunzira
They are being ruled by ppo wh dnt hv vson. So hw d u tnk dy cn prosper.
Amalawi ndi olimbikira pa chilichonse. Kungoti thy ar bng ld blind ppo.
Zipani zina chifukwa sizingalowe mboma have no new things who said patients would be farming?
Why interfere in Executive operations?
Hospital to grow maize,,whose farm,fund and why?what’s on your mind?
Let Me Tink!
Chakudya chakuchipatala chimachokera ku ndende zathu zakomkuno kumalawi, ndie ngati chakudya sichikubwera chokwanira ndie kuti sakukolora mokwanira ndipo mukuenera kupereka zipangizo zokwanira. osati achipatala muwaonjezerenso chintchito thts nosense
Chakudya chakuchipatala chimachokera ku ndende zathu zakomkuno kumalawi, ndie ngati chakudya sichikubwera chokwanira ndie kuti sakukolora mokwanira ndipo mukuenera kupereka zipangizo zokwanira. osati achipatala muwaonjezerenso chintchito thts nosense
Mcp sidzalamulanso Malawi,achipatala osabwelera mmbuyo limani kuti mudyetse nokha odwala kutelo kukhalanso part of job creation
Mcp sidzalamulanso Malawi,achipatala osabwelera mmbuyo limani kuti mudyetse nokha odwala kutelo kukhalanso part of job creation
Boma Lavutani Kuyendetsa A Bwana President
Boma Lavutani Kuyendetsa A Bwana President
Kodi akulu akulu a #DPP M’mitu mwanu mwangozaza #MAMINA anthu akulu akulu kumangokambilana nkhani #zopusa ngati #ana__asukulu_ya_mkaka, kodi #MRA akamalimbikitsa kukhoma msomkho chimene chimatchulidwa koyambilira kwa china chilichonse mmesa ndi chipatala? Mukufuna mube ndalama zogulira ufa kuchipatala eti? Kodi boma la Malawi zizingoyendesa #MBAVA_ZOKHA_ZOKHA?
Kodi akulu akulu a #DPP M’mitu mwanu mwangozaza #MAMINA anthu akulu akulu kumangokambilana nkhani #zopusa ngati #ana__asukulu_ya_mkaka, kodi #MRA akamalimbikitsa kukhoma msomkho chimene chimatchulidwa koyambilira kwa china chilichonse mmesa ndi chipatala? Mukufuna mube ndalama zogulira ufa kuchipatala eti? Kodi boma la Malawi zizingoyendesa #MBAVA_ZOKHA_ZOKHA?
A Malawi24 tauzeni anthu nkhani yoona mmene ilili bwanji mmaonjezera nkhani??
The production of foodstuffs should be the responsibility of Ministry of Agriculture and not that of Healthy. It is like telling citizens to be manning their security issues while there is that department responsible for internal security.
Amon kumalawi kuno ndalama ziliko kma anthu otsogolerawa salibwn.kuno kuli anthu a talent kma fans yokhomerera inadzadza.ukumbukire tili ku xul kuja anthu amene anachta bwn ndi xul ija.uzapeza kut ndi ochepa komas zinatero coz alindi mbale wawo kutsogolo.imagine that.i love Dpp kwambiri and i voted for Dpp bt the pipo around Dpp are nt of gud hearts.the leadr can be ok bt those working wit him salibwino.amon u knw wen u r sick,and how it filz.evrythng is down and if u hapen to be the breadwiner.how cn that be ndi ulimi.gvt should find ways how it cn fid patients and guardians.
The reason why I voted DPP…Manufestal ya DPP always imakhala yolimbikitsa a Malawi…kuti azizidalira okha not kuthandizidwa…a Malawi zonazi tisamangotutsa plz!…dzikoli likufunika anthu olimbikila kuti lipite patsogolo…plz let’s keep on trying njila zina ngati zinthu zikuvutabe plz…aaaa.
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Best way is tengani akaidi tsegulani Government farms azikalima ndumapanga supply food Ku zipatala schools ,military cumps Police training schools and. Even in Colleges. Each and very. District shud have a farm , basis mwaitha.
Yap achitabwino awathira fire.odwala anga lime inu?ufiti chani.
poyambaso i thot it was gud idea kuti zipatala zizilima coz pakhala sense of ownership pachakudya!! koma wht i realise is that we are creating problems inu, kuli Admark press agriculture and ministry of agriculture ma ps ma minister akutanipo mu ma office ngt sangathe kupanga food in hospitals? ndekuttiso kukubwera kuno ministry of agriculture izakhalaso ndimahospitals? nanga kale kale lijchakudya chimakwana bwanji apa ndizongofunika kuunikaso ma policy akale aja koma zomwe amafuna atsogoleriwa tizizaloza kuti icho chinabwera ndi awa
Ojese Muzakhala Otsusa Mpaka Kukalamba Nga Adachitila Ambuyanu Atembo Mpaka Retire Pa Mpando Wa Oposition MCP UDF PP Palibe Zonunkhanso Mpando 2019 Nanji M C P Sindizaiwala Akundiimika Pa Njira Akut Ndidule Khad Chonsecho Ndimadwala
Imagin a petient just coming 4rm the theatre and being told mankhwalawa nd amphamvu mukufunika kudya n only find his/her gurdian in town kukasaka maganyu kut agule chakudya to no avail wth this january..nanga ali mm’bale wanu? dont thnk of ur worthy…..
We hav been ruled by kamuzu, bakili, bingu n j.banda we hav gone through hunger n finicial problems, but neva a minister ever said smthing stupid like this. prisoners r grown their own fud yet vey eat once.. its pathetic nobody wishies to get sick.. CHECK!
Iwe eduard gwesele mbuzi,mbuli ndinso chitsilu ndiwe?????
koma zanu izo mudziona ku Malawi. anthu inu sumamva ife kale kaja tikati tigwilane manja pomvotera UDF koma mungati simungabwelere mbuyo lero ndiizi mukulira chani Malawi
“MCP should reduce baseless talkative”Minister F kasaila, some 4 months ago hitted.till now MCP still forgeting their role,failing to be major opposing party bt managing to be major goverment conquering party.they concertrate on things that sounds better for the people.MCP should indeed reduce baseless talkative.
I salute MCP through Jessie. Govt has ran out of ideas but why not surrender? Koma boma ili landikwana zedi. Khaya kumadzafika 2019 dziko la Malawi lidzakhala likuoneka motani!
Shud the medical staff stop doing their job n start farming? Or they want the patience themselves? Eish! This government they hv no plan B of rulling the nation
Munavotela Nigga nanga mululiranji?
Chibadwile iye akut mtsogo anayamba wazionapo mmalawi zimenezo ifeatumbuka timati maganizo a UZELEZA
Make somebody eat today.
Nonsese osawauza Admarc bwanji? Athu atopa ndikudwazika matenda, kuchipatalako makhwala kulibe muthuyo sanadye patient nae njala ya musasatha ndie muzikawauza kuti akuti lero mukalime kumunda wachipatala kkkkkkkk sichamba chimenecho?
Mwatha ma plan kkkkkk
Why always Malawian rush to an conclussion before understsnding the statement. Do think apatient can cultivate No! No! No! Lets wait and see our conclussion will rise up later.
Mu 2019,muzavotere congress kuti a kayombe azizalima chakudya chopita mzipatala mothandizana ndi a yufi komanso mbumba za chakwera!!
Keep it up thats gd sudgestion DPP
ayikeso zigayo muzipatalamo
Changu polankhula asanaganize kungofuna kutchuka
Ngati Malo Alipo Patsani Akaidi Azilima Ndipo Zokolorazo Zigwire Ntchito Ku Prison Ndi Chipatala Popeza Boma Likulephera Kupeleka Chakudya Chokwanira.
Mtsogoleri uyu adakhalitsa kundende chifukwa zimenezi zimachitika kundende or za ugay zimapangikanso kundende chifukwa chakt anthu aja makhala ndi chilakolako nthawi yaitali asati pusitsepo apa ,MUNTHU OPUSA NGATI APM MSANAMUONEKO INE IYI NDI MISALA BASI
Tiyelekeze kuti pachipatala pali ma ambu lance 8 akuyenda atatu nde funding pobwera ikubwera chimodzimodzi ndikale ndekutitu basi akatenga ndalama kupitisa kumunda sibasi palibe ambulance itayendetu apa.
Gvt shud use Agrct ministry to implement this in all Districts n then distribute the harvests to its Hospitals. Let Agrct n Prison work 2gethr to ease the xpenses.
MCP umbuli mxieeew
Nde kulibwino agule ma pickpick adzipangitsa hire kuti adzipeza zakudya zopasa odwala tu ,mu mbomali mukusonyezeratu kuti muli mbuli zopita ku xool,in history i have never held ministry of agriculture & health being combined y,anaonapo anzanu pachiyambi pomwe kuti nzosagwira,so y mufuna achipatala apange zimenezo wen we have the whole ministry responsible on top of that i support the idea yoti mma prison mwathumu muli anthu ambirii woti inuyo aboma mutati mwathandiza mokwanila ndi zipangizo department ya prison atha kutulusa chakudya chokwanila,tinazionapo izi nthawi yo ngwazi kamuzu banda zimatheka
Bola mcp
ministry of health and agricultural developments,
ministry of health and agricultural developments,
kabwila si munthu uyu…
kabwila wake nde uti….si uyu yenmwe amakamba zoti anthu a edzi nd mitembo nd hence boma lisamataye ndalama pa mitemboyo. nde inu mukukhulupilila Jessie? ? SHAMEEEEEEE
Mudziwa chani? Achisale.Zimafunatu sukulu izi osamangosusa
Queen Elizabeth hospital patients and doctors will plant maize and beans at Kamuzu stadium’s upper and lower ground!all football matches will be played at the Mutharika/Chinese stadium until further notice!DPP boma!chala pansi,oops,sorry,chala mwamba!BEAMing with Madam!chimanga ponse ponse mpakani mu laborotary!
Koma ma comment enawa akudawitsa, a nkhata-bay hosp anena kuti iwowo aganiza zolima chimanga coz malo amangokhala atawafotokozera aminister anati awathandiza, osati boma lawauza kuti alime chimanga ayi. Inu munamuwona wodwala akulima? Pamenepo wina wapezapo chochita inuso ndi kabwira kapena? Kumamvetsesa nkhani wosamangonena.
Koma ma comment enawa akudawitsa, a nkhata-bay hosp anena kuti iwowo aganiza zolima chimanga coz malo amangokhala atawafotokozera aminister anati awathandiza, osati boma lawauza kuti alime chimanga ayi. Inu munamuwona wodwala akulima? Pamenepo wina wapezapo chochita inuso ndi kabwira kapena? Kumamvetsesa nkhani wosamangonena.
Zangooneseratu kuti dziko lanthu liyamba kuyenda bwino mungoti phe muone
makhwala nawo axixala muxipatala,gvment mony its for buying houses and graveyards
Edward ndi Dpp yakoyo mumaudziwa ulimi?Mukanikakugula chimanga cha K10,000 nanga thumba la Fertilizer lafika pa k23,000 mukakwanitsa?Ngati simuzidziwa muzifusa kaye.
Mwina zikoza kuthandi za ena ku peza ntchito
Azilima ndani?
And you the old cruel partisans what is your poor and bad suggestion. Coz it is the hospital’s administration that actually suggested that brilliant idea instead of waiting for your bad donors DPP just accepted the idea. This is why other hospitals are not growing maize may be they would rather starve their patients than have atlesst a means of feeding their patients
Kabwira sangaonepo zanzeru apa sinanga amaganizira pakona myendo
Good idea just the same with the prisoners
chitsiru ndiwe ndi boma lakolo coz ukamba zopanda zeru bola lagaruli lakolo likuti lilibe ndalama ndipo sililemba anthu kodi ndalama mwazipeza osalemba abale anga mwazuza 4yrs mu ma teachers collge. kapena ugula mafuta kuti ambulasi ziyende.kapena kutenga ma arvs amakono ajeckson. kapena ugura chimanga anthu akufa ndinjalawa. kapena upeza njira yothetsera mavuto achilala chikubwerachi kamba kavuto la mvula. iweyo edward uwathandize agaru akazakowo fundo zawana pamchenga. agaru inu Mulungu akuwonani tiwona
Suply to gvt. Hosp
Open farms in dzalanyama
poor ambition
Lets try new ideas
Maganizo abwino koma mvula poti ikuvuta azithilira ndani?
Asiyeni nawonso ali ndiufulu okhala zitsiru zolamula.
Ithink MCP is really full of stupid and childish brains anthu amamina okhaokha. What the minister meant was that For hospitals to sustain food basket intimes of tough economic conditions coupled by donor withdraw, there is aneed to find means of self reliance..This does not mean patients will be involved in farming.. Zipatala zimalandira ndalama kungoti vuto la anthu ndi loti kuba too much!… We dont love our country…. Ndalama zikuthera ma allowance…kudabwa kuti Fuel wa 5million eeee… 3days upeza watha anthu amusungunulako.. It only show kuti there is lack of responsibility.. As amember of parliament who has always criticised subsidies, handouts etc U could be the last to vomit ur mafinya thru mouth out there in stupid kongeresi….Uwill never get my precious VOTE never because u are empty tins….Hon minister go ahead we hve Iddle Estates in each District across malawi we can rent these and employ Farm managers who can facilitate the farming exercise… @ each District Agricultural Offices we have tractors which local communities are hiring in shifts… This will creat employment to our young graduants from NRC who can help achieve this goal. Its simple and practical it only requires Brains not skeletons of brains that have colonised MCP benches.
This means that govt of dpp had failed coz it’s my 1st tym to here this mind u wen u say they shld start planting there own maize they spend much tym on there crop instead of attending patient foolish govt kambwila is right hw many govt in parties had ruled mw bt who say that issue dpp is full of stealing money bushshit govt jst said ur failed gve other chance
Government of Malawi under the leadership of Peter Munthali is trying its best to restore things as soon as possible and i believe in God that everything will be in its normal place. sick people cannot go to farm and even nurses and doctors cannot go to farm to farm. govt must explain to people vividly about this new development becoz many people do not understand who wil go to farm
koma boma lakumalawi sizindu amkawona ngati kulamulila andu ndikwamasewela simbumba yawotu asamasewele ndi andu ngati zakanika azitule pasi asavute andu osalakwa achome athantchito awa
ngati admarc siikulima odwala azilima bwanjii
This just shows how this government has run out of ideas. We are been lead by a bunch of clowns
Yaaah, dats stupitity indeed,Thumbs up MCP,dats de kind of opposition we want.
Ine ndikudabwa, this is just a sugetion, so if it is not a good idea why don’t we advise the goverment instead of kumanyozana a Malawi this spirit yongolowesa ndale chilichose that’s why Malawi at 51 tikungosaukilabe
Kodi Munapita Ku School?,kapena English Inakupindani,khalan Anzeru Osati Kusokoneza Anthu,ngakhale Inuyo Mutalowa M”boma Mungatani?,
That’s impossible. if people are stealing drugs how sure are you that they would not misappropriate the harvest? If hospitals are allowed to do that, do you know how much its going to cost the government? I am sure will cost more than the harvest itself. The idea is good but ill timed and not in good context
If gvt is struggling to procure enough drugs becoz of insufficient funds, where will it get funds for another expensive program like farming? Good suggestion if gvt will take full responsibility and fully fund the program, but it will be a silly decision to put the whole program into the hands of only chiefs, hospital committees and communities around them to do the work, it will be another Thangata instead of being busy with their own respective gardens.
I dont think its indeed a gud plan at all, how many hectares do you think QUENCH can farm to feed the patients for the whole year, what about Ministry of Agriculture, whats there duties as a ministry. Our government must make sure that these ministries work hand in hand, I dont think its a big deal for the min of Agri to do this or else disolve this ministry its useless.
Boma ili (DPP) muli anthu ophunzira osati mbuli ya yatilamulira nkuthawa dziko lake lomweyi,koma kwangokhala kusanvetsetsa kwa Jessie Kabwirayo.komanso tidikire ndondomeko yake,otsutsa nonse manyazi(shem)…
sukuganizira abale ako ndi dziko lako ngat zakusangalatsa zimenezi.
This is why MCP will forever be the opposition party
Guyz ziko ndiwanthu koma anthu anziko ndimbuli zophuzila end inuyo mungalamuleziko amalawi tamakhalan serious muka mayankhula even enanu mulindi abalewanu akuvutika koma ndalama mulinazo muchosa chisoso chanzanu chanu mulinacho mbalume zili pasogoleri ngat inu mulindinzeru vuto lamanyasa musati yabwe apa oloatakupasani kuti mulamule palibe chomwe mungachite
Akabwila sanalakwitse, mwina mukudana ndichipanicho, muyisova potiso wopanda mano nkamwayu sakukuthandizan ndie kupanda kulima mudya chan?
Sizinayambe ku Malawi zimenezi, mayiko odziwika bwino than Malawi atsata zimene, ndipo zimathandiza.
Prisoners can do the work, though this does not make sense! Malawi woyeeee!
Malawi yagwadi mpakana kulimitsa odwala,za uchitsiru zimene mukufuna kupangazo,50 years of independence nde mkufuna kubweretsa za asamunda
Ngati mulibe nzeru zoyendetsera boma asiyileni anzanu,are you happy to see your citizens leaving the country each and every day au mwina kapassport is now ndi kameni mmadalira?stupid boma
Kabwila akupenga amwene!! kkkkk ndine wa MCP koma comon sense ya Jesy z not owez comon….
Yaaaa now i can see, instead of dropping the country to others who can control it then they starting stupid things like this. Tangowasiyirani ena omwe adabadwa ndi leadership mwa iwo kuti akulandireni. Step down bablon…. Although you’l see an overthrow
Bwanji osawapatsa ntchito imeneyi aunduna wa zaulimi? Ku malawi kuno tili ndi ma graduate ambirimbiri from Bunda college of Agriculture,ambiri mwa ma graduate amenewa analowa uphudzitsi ena amangokhala, y cnt u give dem dis job plz?
wt fvcken idea by DPP jst hand over de government back 2 JB
Apa zikuoneka kt m’mutumo mwazaza mazi, cz zomwe anenazo sizinachitikepo, ngati mwatopa asiileni ena zimenezo sinzeru.
if Press Agriculture a corporate institution initiated to perform agricultural activities is failing to implement its intended operations because of uncertainities among others is capital and climate change,,,tell me; how far will hospitals manage this? Because this means alot of funding from public coffers just to mention from the many factors that will ought to be considered. I mean if the government cant manage to fund simple programs, how is it planning on implementing this big project. #a_nation_as #desperate_as_this #is_a_threat #to_itself.
Kkkkkkkkkkkk that’s Malawi I knw see u in beyond
Thanks for speaking on behalf of voiceless Malawians.
Tikathakhala kuti timakonda chipani china chake does not mean kuti tizingosekerera ziri zonse zomwe chipanicho chanena ayi. Ndipo ngati ndife adani achipani china chake sikuti chiri chonse chomwe chinganene ndi choyipa ayi.
Zomwe akutsutsa a MCP apa ndi zowonadi. Ngati mukuti achipatala atha kulemba anthu antchito oti azilima m’mindamo, kodi malipiro ake azichokera kuti? Ngati boma liri ndi maganizo ofuna kuchepetsa chiwerengero cha ma Civil Servant ndiye angalembe olima?
It’s senseless kunena kuti Chipatala chikhale ndi munda wake oti azipezamo chakudya chodyetsa anthu odwala.
Apa boma likanangokhala ndi Minda ngati muja zinaliri nthawi ya Malemu Ngwazi Kamuzu. Nthawi imene ija kunali ma Scheme ndi ma Estate omwe ankalima mbeu zosiyana siyana zomwe mwa izo zimatithandiza.
Enanu mukumatsutsa pongotengera ubale wanu wa ndale ndi chipanicho chanucho.
Jersey Kabwira, wanena zowona. Amene zikumunyansa ayambe ndi iye kukalima minda ya chipatalayo.
Munthu ali kuchipatala ndiye kuti ali m’mavuto asiye kuthandiza , kapena wodwalayo angalime ? Dotolo ntchito yache nkuthandiza , alonda kulondela nanga akalime ndani? Mapulani akanika awa , kapena mwayendera mwambi oti amene alibe alandidwe ndi komwe alinako.
Ma hop anga kb
ameneyo ndiye malawi chimanga tizilima mzipatala nanga mankhwala omwe akusowawa tidzikatenga kuti? kapena muzidzagulitsa chimanngacho mkukagula mankhwala? we are waiting.u better stop this madness and do things that will help malawians not this nonsense ur talking here.
u hv ored gven a solution yoself.. kugulitsa chimanga ndikugula mankhwala so wat els d u nid?? kumangodikila kut boma litipangila zitipindulila chani? tikadzithandiza tokha + thandizo laboma tngz ll wrk out!!
Tell ministry of Agriculture or prisons to do that
How can you blast the rulling party….u MCP
That one is a savage minister of health in the world! Just look at his face
This dpp r stupid alots.
Langa Ndi Funso Kodi Akaidi Akudandaula Ndi Njalawa Samalima Ngati Akusowa Makhwala Nde Ndalama Zolimitsila Zipezeka
my fellow countrymen there’s nothing wrong with this idea bwanji mumakonda kusogola ndi fundo eni ake sanakuwuzeni how it will work…patients cannot farm likewise doctors so muzisusa zinthu akalengeza fundo zonse…rushing into conclusions will not help lets learn to evaluate first.
Greenbelt Project reaches hospitals.
Hospital does not have farm where are they going to get a farm to grow maize.
Anali kuti amcp mmene magetsi,madzi,sugar+chimanga zimakwera?? Anayankhulapo chani pa izi?? They are sleeping dogs. Amalawi akudutsa mmavuto adzaonenei koma a opposition busy kumangoyankhula mmalo motsutsa mmene katundu akukwerera mtengomu.
if in Our mulibe makhwala ndiye farm input muitha?
I Cud Support The Mov If It Follow Proper Procedure If Not A’m Out Of That Circle. To B On Opposition Benches It Does Not Mean U Shud Oppose Every Thing Shame On MCP Shame Jessie
Kkkkkkkkk zakalekale zimenezo kukuladilidwa kenya
Gwesera ndiwe chisiru kwambri uve kmwe uri ko
Ku Prison Amalima Ndi Akaidi.Nanga Kuchipatala Adzikalima Ndani?Odwala,ma nurse,ma doctor.A DHO Asanduka Alangizi A Zaulima. Kayaaaa
Kod akat sukulu ykhale nd munda ndye kut azilima nd azphunzits ngat?.amalemba antchito oti aziwalimila.vuto munadana nd mtengo kotelo simungakonde zipaso zake olo zitakhala zokoma.its a good development ndithu
Kod akat sukulu ykhale nd munda ndye kut azilima nd azphunzits ngat?.amalemba antchito oti aziwalimila.vuto munadana nd mtengo kotelo simungakonde zipaso zake olo zitakhala zokoma.its a good development ndithu
People relax… The idea is not bad at all.. Munakangofusa kuti adzilima ndindani?? And not jump into conclusion… Wait muvetsetse kuti ziziyenda bwanji
atsogo paribe choyenera kuvetsa apa, kumbukiran kut muvi oyang’anira umalowa mmaso. nanga ngat chakudya chomwe achipatala akolora chatha msanga nthaw yokolora zina isadafike odwala adzidzadya chani?
#nyini yako #brenda
So it means hospitals will have to recruit more people to work in the field.
Stupid idea
vuto ndi chani apa akabwira musaganize mopepera apa mesa MCP kare ndikumva kuti imaphunzitsa anthu mma xul, kimanso ma company ena amakhara ndi minda chovuta ndichani kuti zipatara zizikhara ndi minda kumalima y? kabwira kutsutsa ziri zonse? dzikodi lino mcp mumalifuniradi zabwino? sunayamikireko chabwino chomwe boma lapanga maiko anzathu otsutsa sakhara choopsyezera ai boma lidzichita kuda nkhawa ai ikulakwitsa mai iwe pena uziganiza!
Atsogo inu mufuna zipatala zitsekule ma farm? Kkkkkkkkkk
sukudziwa chomwe ukunena iwe, pari chazeru choyenera kusapota apa? zidayamba zachitikapo kuti zimenez?
tchende lako #blessly
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! koma a Malawi. inu bwanji? munena zoona ? kutitola eti?
Kod Ndi Ma Hospital Angat Ali Ndi Malo Olimapo? Kodi Ngati Ma Drugs Amabedwa,nanga Kuli Bwanji Farm Inputs? ADMARC from 2001 to around 2003 inayamba kulima but they failed miserably due to lack of capacity. The idea is good koma it wil be costly,kapena mwina kupanga increase funding ku ma prisons kut azipanga supply food in hospitals because labour is free. e.g matchaya prison in kasungu has plenty of farming land which is iddle.
Dats the point bro osati Ministry healthy kkkkkkk nde mbwelera zeni zeni
hahahaha palibe zimenezo adzilima ndan ntchito yako imeneyo udzionetsetsa kut nzipatala zonse zili bwino..tinakuvotela kut uzipanga zimezo
Athunu, vetsetsani zimene akunena mayiyu, sakutathauza kut ma patient ndiamene azilima, umbuli bas
Mr Gwesele where the hospital ll’ get money for farming and don’t you think that government will spend a lot of money on this?
Tadziwa ife chilungamopalube
This Is A Very Foolish Decision That Can Be Made By An Idiot Person Not Rulers Like Them.
Eddoh,anthu ndiovuta kumvesa,,mchifukwa olo ku nyumba ya malamulo amangotsutsa zili zonse,anthu ake ndingati omwewa
who will be farming? patients or doctors? mbuzi za mano kunsi
koma umbuli wavuta apa kaya ndi u salvage,,koma ndiye amalawi tikuvesa chison,,kodi akati zipatala zizilima pazokha chakudya akutanthauza kuti azilima ndimapetient ngati,,ayi vetsetsani ndipo ganizilani mwakuya osaganiza ngati zisilu zoti simukuziwa chomwe mukupanga,,,hosptals can employ pple 2 farm their products osati zopepela zimene mukuganiza enanu,,,zimene mukanalimbana nazo kufusa ndizoti mafunds ogulira zipangizo zaulimi~wo koma kulemba antchito achokela kuti,,,amalawi plz wen someone has raised an idia let us try 2 help hm on his i idia so that we can make dat idia brilliant than kuthamangila kutsutsa,,
Ooh inu nzeru zidayamba zachitikapop lit mbuz ndiiweyo watch out
Salima I think sulimadi mbuz iwet? Kamuzu Banda anali ndi minda! nde lilipo tsiku lomwe unamuonapo kapena kuva zot Kamuzu amalima kumunda kwake dzana? pena pake muziganiza osangothamangila kutsutsa. evn Boma la malawi lili ndi minda. chimanga chake ndichija amachiika mu nkhwokwe chija. olima sima doctors kapena ma patient bt munda uzakhala wa chipatala. achipatalawo azalemba olima mwina iweyo kumene. iiiiiiii umbuli winawu!
Ukunena zoona aixe enawa umbuli basi
Kusamvesesa nkumene kwavuta.
Zaziii wasuta kanundu eti no fundo
Kuchipata amakolopa ,kutchetcha,ndima doctor, nurse kapena ma odwala? Mitu ya mbuzi
eyah,,kusalorelana,,nsanje,,kaduka komaso nkhwidzi ndizimene timaziwa amalawi,,timatsutsa pazifukwa chabe zasanje pofuna kumuonesa mzathu kuti walephela nt kumuthandiza no wonder salvage wina~we sukuziwa chimene ukunena,,,coz wakula apawu siumbuli koma usalvage,,,”Kabwila Z Educated Salvage”
Mbuzi ndiwe udzikalima ndiwe ndi anzako a DPP.
koma inu ndiye ndinu achaonaine,,ndipo chikanakuonani mukapitiliza kuganiza mopusa chonchi,,,ine ndilibe chipani mwava i support whch z ryt not nonsese zakokozo ayi,,,oky?
Agalu a dpp ndi amenewa onyanyamula ma poster a Petala pa msonkhano uzafa choncho ukufunda chinsalu cha dpp galu iwe.
Mbuzi ndi iwe chifukwa ukuganiza mopelewela,achipatala alembe anthu olima m,minda aipeza kuti ndrama yowalipila anthuwo? Ndichana chomwe azipatala apange kuti apeze ndrama mwaokha posakhala kuti boma lawapasa? Ndiye bomalo likulephela kugula mankhwala mzipatala ukuganiza kuti lingapeze ndrama yolimisila minda ya zipatala?kukhale nsima koma mankhwala asapezeke odwala achila ndi nsimayo?m,malo mopeza mankhwala amzipatala mukukamba zankhutu .
Kodi basi chilichose mufuna tizipanga tokha? Bwanji osawuza apolice kapena a army zopusazi amasowa chochita kumangoyenda bawo.
Iweso you are another headless chicken where in the world unamva kuti hospitals grow food for patients do you know how many patients attend a central hospital like Queens? And chimangacho akalima kuti zaziii
Ngati chipatala chikulephela kudyexa ma patient , kulipila ma nurse , madokotala locum allowances nde ulimiwo utheka? Ministry of agriculture yizitani?
Foolish malawians…! Kuzolowela kususa basi! If he raised that point.. Govnmt will provide budget on that… Instead of using dat money in buying maize they will be using that for cultivating maize….
…… Mxiew!
Stupid.ngati akulephela kugula chimanga wantchito akamulipira bwa
No point.
kkkkkk ndipo Japi yu ndikumudabwa analankhula izi ali ku Chitipa DHO , Ngati kuli chipatala chovesa chisoni ndiye chitipa , old fashioned komaso space chilibe , bwanji ndalama zogula malo olimawo ndikulipira anthu olimawo azingopanga system yomwe yopereka chakudya yi boss gwesere
Mbuzi zadpp sopano.Iwe ndi Jesse mbuli ndindani!Kumangoombela mmanja zilizonse agalu inu.Ucadeti ndiumene ukukupulumusani kunjalayi paja eti!!
mbuzi zimatero kuyakhula kuti akuyamikeni a dpp. ambuyano ndi abale anu akufa kusowa kopita
Zakuvutani adpp ndiboma lanu vomelezani.Kugula chimanga ndikulima kodula ndikulima.Muzitifunsa ife amene zonsezo tazichita.Ndiye ngati akulephera kugula akathe kulima?
Ine ngati one of the mbuli please school me. If the government can’t afford to medicine in the hospitals, where will this extra budget come from to finance the farming projects in hospitals? You have said very well as educated people that kuti sakunena ma patients or staff, ndiye olimawo alima kwaulele? Mukamanene wena umbuli yambani mwaganiza outside matchbox.
paribe choyenera kusapota or kuwombera mmanja apa, dpp ma plan ilibe. chazeru chomwe malaw ingawayamikire paribe. mpakana azipanga budget ya feteleza ndi ogwira ntchito kumunda pari zeru.
chanzelu apa angoyambisa kulipisa kangachepe kuti azintha kugula mankwala nzipatala ndikugula zakuja xinazi tixixiona chilichose chisakhale chaulele ayike mtengo woti aliyese azintha kulipila ndiwakumzi yemwe mwina zingasinthe koma skool yawulele zipatala zawulele tikafika naxo kuti ngakhale mayiko olemelaakumalipilisa mzipatala ma skool koma samabweza munthu kuchipatala chifukwa choti alibe ndalama & samabwexa mwana ku skool chifukwa choti alibe fees tiyeni tikonde xikolanthu koma ixi sixingatipitise pasogolo
Ineyo olo mutandiuza bwanji ndivomera kukhala mbuli coz boma silingauze chipatala zokhudza ulimi,bwanji osauza a agrctre mma District kt akalima chakudyacho adzipanga supply mzipatala m’bomalo? Kodi mesa ma deptmnt onsewa ndi aboma?
U idiot! Who is going to be paying those people? Ukufuna kunena kuti wage bill yomwe amadandaula ambuyakoyi awonjezerenso? Go to hell,ndizosatheka zimenezo,kapena malo ake upereka ndi iweyo? Just zip ur stinking mouth if u have nothing sensible to comment on!
Government hospitals are running without drugs, ndalama zichoka kuti zokalipila anthu? Bakili was the best reader Malawi will ever have! This damn so called proffessor is a complete failure.
edward gwesele are u mlw citzen or you r coward?
edward gwesele are u mlw citzen or you r coward?
Edward u also one of mbuli, r u 4rgoten tht Doctorz n Teacherz v bn crying cz boma silimawalipira? ndie ngati zipatala zingayambe kulemba ntchito anthu oti azilima, ndalama zoendesera dongosolo limenero zizichokera kuti, ngati boma likulephera kulipira madokotara ndi aziphunzisi?
Edward u also one of mbuli, r u 4rgoten tht Doctorz n Teacherz v bn crying cz boma silimawalipira? ndie ngati zipatala zingayambe kulemba ntchito anthu oti azilima, ndalama zoendesera dongosolo limenero zizichokera kuti, ngati boma likulephera kulipira madokotara ndi aziphunzisi?
Boma la mzeru ili,koma amalawi ambiri too mch kupusa,jst negative attitude alwys. This is a brilliant idea,dnt ask me why.
Boma la mzeru ili,koma amalawi ambiri too mch kupusa,jst negative attitude alwys. This is a brilliant idea,dnt ask me why.
prisoners can do that job….and for the funds they can sacrifice money for 2 to 3yrs used on food to get equipment ey can use for so long such that the other money alocated to that same field will be saved for another job
Amene wakometawe #Gwesele nde mbuli yotherathu pamodxi ndi mathanyula wakoyo called president ngati achipatala axilemba anthu ajob kenaka boma kuwalipila kwacha nde akulima ndi achipatala kapena aboma?Basi ximangofanana kut boma lixilima chimangacho.Ngati kuli mbuli yama president mu africa muno pa Top 1 nde Pitala Muthalika
yes its gud idea they mus’t depend on government to provide them with everything
Un nosence i dea
zafika pokhwithima izizi kkkkk ulimi mzipatala! chitukuko! odi uko! tilime basi. eeeeetu!
Ngati dziko silikuyenda bwino mungomenyana basi.
shut up ur toilet jezebel mwaiwala kuti mumadulitsa mzimai woyembekedzera khadi la mwana woti sanabadwe ngati mumadziwa kuti adzakhala ndi moyo?ndie chabwino mchiti awo kuti 80%ya chakudya adzidzilimira okha 20%boma ndi kudulitsa azimai a mimba makadi a wana osabadwa?
Geoffrey Muhupu nkoyenela kuti udwale akupititse kuchipatala oyambira kulima kuchipatalako ukakhale iweyo munthu opusa kwambiri iya!
Anthu enamu mitu yanu ndi ya mbuzi. Funso kukakhala who wil do the farming?mitumo simungaganize kuti some people wil be employed 2 do the farming? I think mulibe reasoni skill in ur mindz mitu ya mbuzi
No money to pay them.Do hospitals have enough land to cultivate?
Umatha iweyo uli ndi nzeru
Government wil be allocating some fund for that initiative
Of course not patients will be growing maize.
mmmmmm a minister amatanthauza owonelera odwala, madotolo,ma nurse chan chan nanga azingokhala mu ma wodi thooooo
Kabwira Alibe Nzeru Amangotsutsa Chilichonse
What if there suggestions be supported n implemented ?…….who will b responsible for farming ? patients?…..or nurses ……mwina doctors ?…..u cannot compare prisoners and patients? Are u guys normal ?????…….Be gentle thinkers plz …….
U better waited for the answer b4 ur conclusion.
Think wisely Mr… Hw can u say ma patients adzilima? Where on earth would that happen… U should have just asked kuti hu is responsible for this?
Kkkkkkkkk iwenso zero pa ten
Akaidi ndi amene azilima minda yazipatala.
ooooooooohhhhhhh gud complements ……n welcomed….bt who do u think could be responsible u wise ones .
Mzimba prizon has big farms but stil tikuvabe kuti kuli njala kodi kuzipaku azakhala serious to imprement this programe? ndalama zogula malo ndi kulipira aganyuwo bwanji angopitiliza system ilipoyi?
this cannot work ……though it oz a suggested point .
hahaha wake up Malawian…. An idea is not a decision… I wonder how Kabwila behaves as if she not an intellectual who can understand the language better…
maybe mr julio u can enlight us …..let it be an idea…..nt a decision …….
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma ndiyetu akuchuluka malamulo, ngati zawavuta akanangoimika manja.
Boma la anthu amisala ili,
each hospotal ili nazo ndalama from health sector the understanding here is simple they can have munda ndikulimitsa so that the food they get will add to the food they will be given…..mukufuna kunena kuti hospita ndi nkhani yakudya sozikugwirizana? muzasiya liti negativity if people suffer in hospitals because they just wait for food donation what if themselves use hospital money to grow their own so that the donation would just top up…..some govenment sec sch. have got polima inorder to minimise the cost of buying maize mesa should we say minstry of education is tamparing arround the ministry of Agr?……
azilima kumene.
#KAMUZU_BANDAnever ever says this hu is #HIM chala changa unandlozera kumanda kwa ana ndi2
koma jesssie uuuu akusowetsaaaa dikira everything kusutsa, last tym ulimi sunayende bwino kunali mvula yambira so mind yo language
Why blasting DPP? Is this new to u? Are u a stranger in this country? Mcp was mixing department so why DPP? Becareful che chobwira
Think twice b4f u walk. Pali cholakwika apa? Kubwezeretsa chitukuko mbuyo basi.
DPP boma la mbuzi!!!!!
opposition for life.thats mcp. simuzatengako boma anamachende
We have to look both sides of the story aminister telling hospitals to grow maize?at the hospital who will be responsible to do farming?the hospital staff?their children?the patients?the guards or who?does those words came out of aminister of sober mind or he was drunk at the time he raised that point?if it is true then shame to you and go to hell.and you the lady kabwila when government do something good you have to come forward and congratulate them who told you that the job of opposition is always to oppose?this is politics dont take it as apersonal thing there were your friends who acted the same as you before but they end up starting clapping hands for the same government they used to attack so take care mamma tommorow pple will laugh on you
Kamuzu Banda anali ndi Minda yambiri…unamuonapo kamuzu Banda ateta Khasu kukalima? mmene anena kut achipatala azilima sikut olimawo ndi ma doctors ayi kapena ma patients…..alemba anthu olima kumeneko azikalima. pamapeto pake azilandila Ndalama. kkkkkk!
wea do they get cash to buy food? dat money can use 4 farming
Ndiye maganizo obwelera mbuyomo amenewo umawaziwa anthu amene ankalima nthawi yakamuzu? Amagwilitsa ntchito apioneer ndi akaidi ndiamene amalima zakudya zija boma nkumagawira nzipatala ndimalo ena ndiye ukuti azilemba anchito olima atazilemba anchitowo ndindani?penapaketu kumafuna kuganiza osamangovomereza mfundo zopusa ai,akukanika kulipila ogwila nchito kuchipatalako ndiye akapeze ndalama zolimisila munda?chabwino achipatalawo mundawo akaupeza kuti
meaning the department will use money to grow there own food that may help them at the hospita
Chimanga kumasowa ku Admarc koma achipani kumachipeza kkkkkkkkk
Mai opusa iwe,kodi tonse omwe timati tikulima kumudzi kwathufe timakhala titakagwira khasu olo uchisilu pandale,you stupite mentally I can see,chakudya ndi ndale is very different,ndipo enanunso mukusapota uyu chifukwa simunamve kuti nkhani ndichani kenako muganize mupeze yankho mungothamangila kunyoza basi,Mr president that is good idea do it,by helping them with farm management me I find it helpful because even xool imene ndinali amalima and food was prenty and flesh and through out a year there was no excuse kuti chakudya kulibe,milk,eggs,fruits,nsima,Nyama masamba was there,this is also apply to the hospital,congratulations on that idea
Mapwala ako iwe. Ndiye u think who will be responsible for that.azikalima matotolo. Man ndinu upusa
Malawi de flames,who wil do de farming??
Koma anthu a dpp akuoneka kuti ali ndi. Ziwanda, kaya ndikutembeleledwa kaya
This idea seems to be profitable esp if they use prisoners,what do these pple who plunder our resources in the name of cashgate like kasambalas & those murders return to us ?Malawi has no death sentences let them handle hoes.
Taona anthu osusa boma koma osati awa! Amangosusa zilizonse
a Geoffrey,musapange zoti anthu akuoneni,kapena kukudziwani,uwaganidzile ambwiyako anakalamba aja,atakhala iwo akudwala ndeso akukakamidzidwa kulima ku hospar ungamve bwa??udziganidzako mwa umunthu>>>>
ur off track man hospital r founded they can use dat cash in farming.
That’s wy Manganya akuti Mthalika must fire his cabinet ministers cos are the one bringing this governmnt down.A minster saying this,shame
Kkkkkk….kusankha moyenelela kumeneku iiii koma DPP ikulanga tisaname mmmm mwatikwa pa zaka zomwezi inu
this government full of mad people,how can someone who is normal suggest such a thing,and why always Health sector? you have been trying to bring alot of useless ideas,you’re troubling our minds, stop the nonsense
Agwila khasu ndani? anamwino? maguardian? apatu mwalilephela dzikoli mumayesa nizophweka . ku prison its fair koma ku chipatala sindinamvepo ndingokula.
Why Mcp owez mumayankhula pa zoipa zokhazolkha why smuyankhulanso pa zabwno? Osalimbana nd Mavuto amchipani mwanu bwanj? Ajessy mesa mumati ndnu ophunzra why osakamba za mzeru apa? kususa bas? Shame
Osat boma likukanikal ndilo liribe nzeru?
#GeoffreyMuhupa who will do the farming? if the nurses then both your gvt and you have to grow yourselves some brains……Time is money bro….
Bwana Geofrey…ma prisoners mwatchulawo ankalima mokakamizidwa ngati punishment…therefor simungafananize ndi zipatala
Malawi for sale
Kabwila ndi anzake onse a MCP aline nzelu
Thats why kuchipaniko angokangananso okhaokha
Makape awa alibe nzeru
Inuso Zisilu Eti Ife Achawa Akuno Kuchiladzulo Sitingakwanitse Zokalima Kuchipatala Mwina Alhomwe Anuwo Ife Takana
Yah! That Is Totally Lunancy.If Dont Have Any Other Thing To Say Then They Should Remain Quite, Rather Than Saying Gabbeges
gud idea. A step to self reliance.
Hw cn a hospa grow maize? Will this government help!? Dnt rule de country with intelligent bt with wise
i missed u Jessie Kabwira
Tell them and ACHOKE !!! ACHOKE !!! Peter
plz kabwila don’t critisiz 4de sake of critecising gt its content not azilima bt he wz refering 4 nkhatabay DHO osati zabodzazo.uziwuza mbuli anthu adapenya kufuna kutchuka ngati palibe chokamba off ur mouth .
Inu a Kabwira… musathe Mawu
Ndiye boma la dppp lomwe ndi malidziwa ine. What’s the duty of the ministry of Agriculture????? Mbuzi za wanthu.