The Department of Immigration has urged people living near the country’s borders to love Malawi and be patriotic by reporting illegal immigrants to authorities.
Chief Immigration Officer Masauko Medi made the remarks amid increasing reports of illegal immigrants entering the country.
He said lack of patriotism by the citizens is fuelling the illegal entrance of immigrants into the country. Medi added that the proliferation of the illegal immigrants in the country could be a thing of the past if the local communities were reporting to the department.
The Immigration chief also expressed concern with some Malawians who receive bribes from the immigrants.
Medi then revealed that inadequate resources are among the factors hindering the work of the immigration department. He said the department has 700 officers across the country.
He however assured Malawians that his department will start campaigns to bring awareness on the issue.
Vuto boma la Malawi mukukana kuwapangila anthu ma National Registration Cards which can make it easy to I identify and differentiate Malawian citizens from illegal migrants..
I know the problem is not Department of Immigration or National Registration Council but policy makers…
Dziko lopanda ma NRC???
Wina akayamba nkhani ya NRC Akuti ndale.. Akufuna tibwelele mu nthawi ya MCP. Masiku anonso??
kkkkkk Asiyeni adzadze kumene
Kodi kumakawiko kuli chani chopilikitsira anthu. Anthu azipangako boarder jump ku america& wt iz malawi
Angawagwire bwanji poti maburundi akhala ngati kholo la iwowo apolice, mesa akudyela momo kkkk apolicewatu ndiochenjela anaphuziladieeee!!!
In 2063 Africa will be borderless remember, so do the right things for fellow Africans.
In 2063 Africa will be borderless remember, so do the right things for fellow Africans.
Ife a Malawi ku Joni kuno tilipo mwina kuposa omwe ali kumeneko ndiye mwati tipange chani ziphuphu basi inuyonso makolo anu anachokera ku Zaire muyambe ndinu ulendo,Foreigner wamkulu ndi GAY mwavomeredzayo basi chase away gay first kkkkkk
Ife a Malawi ku Joni kuno tilipo mwina kuposa omwe ali kumeneko ndiye mwati tipange chani ziphuphu basi inuyonso makolo anu anachokera ku Zaire muyambe ndinu ulendo,Foreigner wamkulu ndi GAY mwavomeredzayo basi chase away gay first kkkkkk
Everyone is foreigner somewhere chief just leave them bola osabweretsa nkhondo basi!
Everyone is foreigner somewhere chief just leave them bola osabweretsa nkhondo basi!
Ukufuna udzilandira zamahara? Pita uzikawasaka wekha, ukutiphimba kumaso ngati sunalowemo mma shop mwawo bwanji mkulu wa immigration tyming chanii?
Welcome our fellow africans
Guys tell me something,where were our elders when our boundaries were demarcated because sometimes I don’t understand how our borders were demarcated, when driving along these areas you automatically sense fraud
Zamowa izi anthu obwela onsewa siinu nomwe mumapita ku ma bar kwawo kumakamwa momwa waulere ndi mitu ya mbuzi ya nkhulani zina iyi ayi osamatiphimba mmaso
Zamowa izi anthu obwela onsewa siinu nomwe mumapita ku ma bar kwawo kumakamwa momwa waulere ndi mitu ya mbuzi ya nkhulani zina iyi ayi osamatiphimba mmaso
We people brought the boundaries but for sure God the Creator dont know that there is Malawi, ayi ati Zimbabwe, SA achina Britain. God did just create the Earth so dont mess up we are all immigrants, if you are a Yao, Tumbuka, Ngoni etcs go deep with your history we all came frm far away & ended up here in Malawi dziko lomwe pansipake pali chimoto anthu tikungovutika ndi malawi a moto umenewu. Never play with Fire…
95% corruption
Africa is for Africans#unite
Zapwetekatu? When other countries complaint we all bark like dogs.
inu mzidya ndalama? stupid
Fodya eti.
come to nkhotako you will see Bulundian All Over
Kkkkkk naweso dzuwa ndi iz zikugwilizana patipo
Kkkkkk naweso dzuwa ndi iz zikugwilizana patipo
Passport utsitse price
zausilu osamati nyasa nazo zimenezo maluzi akusupulani
Send ur childrens to do that
Most of the officers sir at ur office are very corrupt,kumene ndimakhala ine am sorrounded by Nigerians and Zimbabweans some of these pipo are using our passport not fake but original and printed their at our immigration offices but atrue citizen is struggling to get one,This world is very unfair where the poor can’t be recognised
Moti mulimbane ndi njala kuno mkutaya nthawi ndi zaziii! No border in Africa
No ID no nothing how can the government identify its real citizens or foreigners Malawi sazathekha
Mr speaker sir go to zim to Zambia SA you see Malawians what are you saying africa is for africans all of them
we dont need them here
we dont need them here
we dont need them here
we dont need them here
Tikamadutsa tilibe ndalama yoonetsa mumatidyera ma 8G. U r making alot of money out of bribe,so awonso asiyeni nawo amadyera momo,prblm solvd!
Tikamadutsa tilibe ndalama yoonetsa mumatidyera ma 8G. U r making alot of money out of bribe,so awonso asiyeni nawo amadyera momo,prblm solvd!
Tikamadutsa tilibe ndalama yoonetsa mumatidyera ma 8G. U r making alot of money out of bribe,so awonso asiyeni nawo amadyera momo,prblm solvd!
Tatuluxani vacancy mulembe ma officers ena apa. Inu ma burundi ali mbwee mu nchesi and kawale oxamapita kumakafunxa if ey ma paperz bwa? Tima barber shop tomwe ma officerz anuwo amakametexa ndi ama bulundi even tima groceries tomwe mumakagula sugar tama bulundi
Stupid. We will not. U the Immigration Officers, are on payroll from Nigerians, Congolese, Burundis, Tanzanians, Lebanese n many more. You are very very stupid.
Zikomo potipasa phanvu, ine ndikuuzeni muyende chochi mukafika mu town ya limbe mbali yomwe kunali police yakale jupter, mbali yoseija ku ma shop a ma Burudi , china, Indias and swahiri please go and check those peaple en arrest them
That’s stupid coz his doing well from the money of ppl getting passports and visas chewing it a lot and telling su to love our country.yes we do but if there is nothing we can do in our country then we move to others
Mungolankhula mmaso muli gwaaa even manyazi mulibe anthu akagwile ntcito ndi inu pamene inu simukuthandiza anthu musolvr even nditawaona nditha kuwasia
Kkkkkk ana anjoka mudzasintha liti?
There can never be an illegal immigrant of African decency in any of African countries. Africa is for all Africans. Viva African Unity….One love..
Mapass port mulukwezga chomene so or pawe illegal immigration we shall never ever report them any where unless otherwise
U are telling us to love our country yet u r on e 4 front issuing malawian passport to these foreigners who don’t even know how to say muli bwanji
U are telling us to love our country yet u r on e 4 front issuing malawian passport to these foreigners who don’t even know how to say muli bwanji
that’s true my brother, he is talking no~sense
These guys thinks a malawi tikanali ogona
pamene mukulalikira izi mwakhuta zamaforena.
pamene mukulalikira izi mwakhuta zamaforena.
Anabwereyunso anali illegal,ndikunena wa Gay rights sanamangidwe bwanji?
Anabwereyunso anali illegal,ndikunena wa Gay rights sanamangidwe bwanji?
shupiti alakwa chani?
shupiti alakwa chani?
mukufuna ndalama muzidya nokha? ifenso tilaweko mwawi kwa oyandikira border
mukufuna ndalama muzidya nokha? ifenso tilaweko mwawi kwa oyandikira border
No wander Chinese kills rhino in Malawi and then arrested in tz..
No wander Chinese kills rhino in Malawi and then arrested in tz..
Tidziziwa bwanji kuti uyu ndi legal kapena illegal immigrant? tidzayamba kulimbana ndi munthu oti ali ndi mapepala;
Tidziziwa bwanji kuti uyu ndi legal kapena illegal immigrant? tidzayamba kulimbana ndi munthu oti ali ndi mapepala;
Whatever this officer is saying, it’s complete bullshit. Because themselves are the owners of corruption. They can’t give passports to the owners by time is issued unless that particular person pay them again. All in all I can only say fuck u Mr officer.
Inu mukupanga katangale mukufuna ena akonde dziko pamene inu ai kkkkkk
Inu mukupanga katangale mukufuna ena akonde dziko pamene inu ai kkkkkk
Basi anthu moti akasake chakudya cham’manyumba mwawo azikhara busy kuyang’ana zaanthu ngati amenewo, iwe uli chete mu office ukatha mwezi kulandira, ine ndili kuno ku jonzi man koma anthu akuno samakatipereka ku police koma boma yokha imagwira ntchito yake yotifusa passport or id, ine sindingapange zimenezo kumupeza ndingachite kumuuza make a plan,
Basi anthu moti akasake chakudya cham’manyumba mwawo azikhara busy kuyang’ana zaanthu ngati amenewo, iwe uli chete mu office ukatha mwezi kulandira, ine ndili kuno ku jonzi man koma anthu akuno samakatipereka ku police koma boma yokha imagwira ntchito yake yotifusa passport or id, ine sindingapange zimenezo kumupeza ndingachite kumuuza make a plan,
Do your duty you are paid for here in South Africa its the responsibility of home affairs to curb illegal immigrants not the citizens to report illegals ayi pezani njira ina katangale wayambira kumtundako nayenso last man kumudzi akufuna naye adyerere dziko lake. Sent a thief to catch a thief, atabwali sametana amaopa kumetana mipala.
Chief what about your people in South Africa? let them stay we all africans let’s learn how to love other people for welcomed them.
Point of order!!! Mr speaker sir,u must b very stupid!.Burundi nationals r about 2 inherit Malawi and hv already occupied half of t yet u r there eating the monies. Mr Speaker sir u must specify the Nationalist which u r against with.Or shud we say a Chief criminal z speaking 2 non criminals?
Es malawi is poor country anzanuo adadziwa kuti apolisi amaenda ndi futi inu muenda ndindodo thats why tanzania akufuna kukulandani nyanja malawi iz too lazy security kenako akulandani sanjika poor governers
This stupid government just employ thieves if they can’t help also I can’t help them, biggest criminals are police
ife tizikugwilirani ntchito inu kumalandira ma salary.And most of the foreigners have Malawi passports.where do they get them?Jst shut up your mouth mr chief officer!!
Ife anyamata akuno tinkayesesa kuthandizana nanu kumbuyoku koma mapeto ake timayika moyo wathu pachiopsezo ndi Amalawi anzathu omwe amathandizila kulowesa ma foreigners amenewa.Panopa timawaona koma palibe chimene tikupanga.Mutakhala serious vuto palibe titha kuyambilaso.
Illegal immigrant chonsecho akulamulirayonso ndie immigrant number one. uchotsa bwanji chitsotso chilimwa wina apo chako chili chothoo. tayambani mwalowa kaye mma office a bomamu tione ngat simugwiramo wina immigrant mmenemo. ngat ukukanika wawuwisi nanga kulii bwanji wowuma. afuseni abwanawo first.
Killing malawi softly
masauko made ngati iweyo silufuna ntchito tayisiye, ukuganiza ngati ife tingakugwilile ntchito yoyang’ana anthu olowa tilandila nawe fuck uuuuuu!
nosense!!!we are all Africans.the boundaries were made by Europeans but we are all one and will all leave this earth one day.
Illegal immigrants for what?this is Africa.Africa is One.you are also blinded?
Kaya zanu zimenezo ndi ntchito yanu ___mwina muzikaima mmalire mwadziko penapaliponse kuti muzigwila nokha_____ ngati zimawakanika awa adziko LA South Africa anthu oti adalambula nseu waukulu bwino kuzungulila mmalire la dziko lawo ndikuikanso fensi wire ngati aluteteza nyama mu_game nkumapanganso frequent patrolling koma at a zosaphula kanthu anthu nkumalowa ndipawaya pompo.______ ndiye dziko lathuli ngakhale pa border sipokungana ngati maboda ena anthu akhoza kudutsa nkumalowa opanda chilolezo.____tatieni tilmbane ndi zina mutikwana chifukwa musatitseke mmaso chilungamo tikuchidziwa kuti inu ndiye eniake amadilu amenewa pano mwina mwaona kuti mbali yanuyo kuli quite kkkkkkk akuyenda zamthengo tsopano wena apezeko dollar
How Can One Love His or Her Country When there is Hunger?
How Can One Love His or Her Country where they allow Somo ndi Gomola?. Akazi Okha Okha Ndi Amunanso Okha Okha?. What Is Happening my Beloved Neighbour Malawi?
Ngati ndi chamba kamweni madzi tose tili amodzi cholinga mkalandilepo basi, yaa zoputsa mwalemela chifukwa cha ziphuphu inu kapumeni adzanu akufuna pamenepo.
I think government has been clueless all the years, why u do not make new system of ID’s then it would be easier than to sniff them like security dogs, mwagwira mwachangu than report to cops bcoz the cops also are full of corruption, they will do nothing only chasing up for money.
Afuna atitape mkamwa a bwanawa!
Illigal immigrants of African Decency in Africa! I dont think so. Lets be honest guys.
Mumayambisa ndinu a imigration zinyengo, ndiye oyamba kukonda dziko lino mukhale inuyo.
So what is going to be done to those illegal immigrants when they are found?
It beggins with them, they must deny coruption which are they doing e evry day
I’m your father your Lord, GOD & I created earth & heaven.I created you in my image ,now I send you to go and live on earth wherever possible & I created everything on it for you to enjoy BUT do not forget to remember Me, Your GOD by praying.
Police inatha kuchoka kwa kamuzu pano mbava zokha zokha kumanga anthu osalakwa ine kundinyas a wapolice
Kapena tibwera ndi south african styl ? I mean xenoph
malawi is a borderless country everyone can enter anyhow no citizenship id no registration responsible officers are busy respecting every foreighner for exchange of money foolish.
How many malawians living outside the country ?leave them if they found thier living there ,malawi have failed us you dnt need our support too
Ife iwe zitimakuwopa ayi
Ndiye ndakhuta nsima ya Morning bwanji odi ndigone
No boarders for Africa. Africa for africans.
Mr, Medi; ur own officers are the ones aiding these illegal immigrants. I rest my case
maBurundi ambirimbiri ali mtawunimu atinamize kuti sakuwawona zakuba basi a polisi enieniwo akumapezeka nthaei zina ali pamashop amaBurundi omwewo sono ma illegal immigrantswo nde ati? sitingawadziwe ngati ma Burundiwa ali ma legal immigrants instance pa Mangochi mwina ¾ ya mashop ndi maBurundi eni nthaka business osayrnda kamba kogawana macustomer, Blantyre Bangwe Mvula okhaokha maBurundi sizobisanso ayi amakhalira kulankhula zilankhulo zawo zija ankabweramo amati akudzachita business? kapena apolisiwo sadziwa kuti anthuwo ndi maforeighner a immigrationwo mwina nawonso sakhala serious or else amadya nawo. no excuse no apology chilungamo pamwamba pa chinzake.
malawi belongs to everybody who lives there,
Akanize anthu obwera chifukwa chani? Ndi a malawi angati ali kunja kwa malawi komanso amalawi samatha kupanga business. For example amwenye akhala ali muziko mwathumo muulamuliro wa Kamuzu mpaka pano palibe amene anatengelako business ngati imeneyo. Ma china omwewa ayamba posachedwapa akulemela amalawi akuona ndi maso. Ndiye muziti ma foreigner chani? Mabulundi mukunenawo ndi ponse ponse or ku zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe,mu Johanesburg ndiye ambiri mbiri. Or atakusiilani shop’yo munalizamo zonse mmalawi ndi business zili kutali kwambiri , koma MABODZA basi ndi BAWO.
Akanize anthu obwera chifukwa chani? Ndi a malawi angati ali kunja kwa malawi komanso amalawi samatha kupanga business. For example amwenye akhala ali muziko mwathumo muulamuliro wa Kamuzu mpaka pano palibe amene anatengelako business ngati imeneyo. Ma china omwewa ayamba posachedwapa akulemela amalawi akuona ndi maso. Ndiye muziti ma foreigner chani? Mabulundi mukunenawo ndi ponse ponse or ku zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe,mu Johanesburg ndiye ambiri mbiri. Or atakusiilani shop’yo munalizamo zonse mmalawi ndi business zili kutali kwambiri , koma MABODZA basi ndi BAWO.
Kupusa ,akukanika kukonda mtundu wa amalawi,kut azipanga biznesss momasuka ,mmidzi mwao,ma burundi ali thooo mmidzimu kugulitsa mafuta oyeza,ndi nyemba kupha bizness za amalawi inu a immigration ,mumakhala kut,zitsilu zidude inu eti shatap zanu
Ngati mayambitsa osalikonda inu nomwe mabwana nde ife ndindaninso kuti tilikonde?
Shupit zako, tikakhala tonse mdziko momuno uzitipatsa chiyan poti mukulemera nokha ife kumangovutika?
Longosolan za chakudya tikhala bwanji ma security mimba muli njala.
Ndiye Ife okhala Ku maiko a eniake nafenso tikupititsa matenda maiko aeniake? There’s a illegal immigrants every country because they are seeking a better living.
iii kaya zanu zimenezo ife tiri kumowa!!!
Our borders are not secured for illegal immigrants.
stupid police corruption too much
illegal immagrants are ones who help to increase malawi population and they are ones who make progression in businesses and externalize our forex leave this country struggle with poverty so when you people live near malawi’s borders see a strange person try to cross borde without travelling documents report immediately to the police. do not allow them because most of illegal immigrants flee from their countries with strange diseases that have not medicine so when you recieve them and allaw them to stay in this country you put this country at risk of diseases which ultimately leads to high cases of death rate hence increase in orphanhood.
Apolisi amalandilaso mabans sinanga mukuwalipila change ndiye akawafumbatisa amaganizila zamuvuto awo kunyumba
lero kuli dzuwa bwanji
Ndipo musatinyase agalu inu inu mmesa ndiamene mumayambitsa takambani ina
izi ndi zopusa. mumakwezeranji mitengo? i encourage people to do it more and more. ndizo mumafuna.
Hahaha tortoise like stone. Corruption ili ndi inu a immigration kukamba zimenezi?Zoona kuti mfiti. Ndiyimene imabangula kwambiri pa maliro kufuna kuputsitsa anamfedwa eti?
Kodi chimanga chikupezeka kuti???
Ndinchito yanu enafe timamvutika mayiko ena ndi a Immigration pamodzi ndi a Police kutifusa ID kakena Passport
love the country yet the country is failing to love us
I like your comment.
tenx Pires
You mean that you dont know that your officers are behind all this?corruption is on the rise in this counrt these people will take this country from us believe me
You can not force peaple to like malawi
Mfiti za anthu izi,,,sitimakuopani, koma timalemekeza ntchito yanu ndi uniform yaboma. Ukandiyambe sunamvale uniform ukayisovaso. Munthu anyamula katundu ku joweni mumafuna atakhala wanu! Mxiim.
what about those who already sneaked in and are doing businesses freely hav they got valid documents what about overstays? All this is the duty of Immigration Department. In Mozambique just close to Blantyre Tete you cant walk 50meters without being asked of an ID or passport everycorner of city of Tete you are questioned!
Passport kukweza ngat galimoto
Apolisi apa mwanza nawonso amawonjeza kutibela amakhala bize kutchaja katundu ngt munthu ukugulanxo kena tikamabwela kumalawko chonde muzitikondako mchitidwe umatilipilisa katundu uthe
WTF Inu nomwe ndi amene mumayambisa nde m’mene dollar ikusoweramu chonenera olo kusiya ndi chani
iyaaaaa muzilemera nokha basi…… ndipo ine kukhara ku boda ndizidusisa anthu
If U kill a gay…yu hav not killed a human
Hahahaha das 2rue
Shoo bro