With days numbered before Malawi’s ex ruling Peoples Party (PP) spokesperson Kenneth Msonda appears before Blantyre Magistrate Court over anti-homosexual remarks he made in December last year, a group called Rainbow Generation (Blantyre Chapter) is calling on gays and lesbians to ‘flock’ to the court in support of the cause.
A statement released by the group on Wednesday which Malawi24 has seen, bears a repertoire of sentiments in support of activists, Timothy Mtambo and Gift Trapence, who are spearheading the fight for their rights.
“The gay community in Malawi under the banner, Rainbow Generation (RG), is calling upon all gays and lesbians to come to Blantyre Magistrate Court on Friday January 22, 2016 and provide moral support and encouragement to those fighting the battle for us at the court,” reads the introductory part of the statement

Although RG is a gay community, it is extending the call to lesbians because they are all in need of rights. Most Malawians do not condone same sex acts, a stand which forces them to be vigilant against the groups.
“We are shocked that the country seems to be drifting towards creating courts outside the courts when in the spirit of justice and human rights, the courts are the rightful places to obtain justice,” the group says.
In its statement, RG has labelled people who speak ill of them as inhumane and barbaric, behaviours which they believe poses a threat to gay people’s free existence. It is therefore in their interest to fight for their rights with their every inch.
Should gays and lesbians manage to gather in solidarity at the court, they will be running the risk of getting harmed by straight people who are also planning to show support for Msonda.
well everyone has ever had sex with their hand..what wrong with trying to have sex with another part of the body or somebodys hand or somebodys other part of the body as long as their legally consenting and it is done outside the family in private. who carea. we are not a rwligious country we are not a cultural country we are a democratic country..the basics of democracy is allowing people to do what they want especially in private places as long as it is not hazardous to their other peoples heath and security or economy. .it cannot be a matter national concern to wprry about where men are putinf their penis..The state shouldn’t dictate what typw of sex feels better tham the other..we all havw tongue s the state shouldnt dictate what taste better on thw tongues. its a strange behaviour…against religion and culture however if your neighbour’s were gay that wouldnt even disturb a mouse in your house from sleeping. malawians meed to accept that in democracy wevw got to accept some unusualness..if hindis want to burn corpses to ashes we shouldnt stop thwm coz its against our culture or religion
.infact what makes us thonk we are superior. .or our religion or culture is so superiour to rule other peoples lives . Obviously the gays have a right to follow religion and culture of their choice amd it is clearly that they dont follow our cultture and our religion. .we also do not follow theirs..they dont like the way we have our sex and we dont like their way too..we are superior or right coz we have vaginal sex we are superior and right because we let other people enjoy democracy by giving them their frwedoms. the same law freedom that we have which made us choose the way we have sex should be extended to gays. dont worry if thwy do not like thw way you like your sex.the state amd you shouldnt worry or patrol or dictate O.P.P ( OTHER peoples penises and pussies).it might be dirty or distinguishing to thinkk about other ways of having sex but thats just the way you feel or think buy others do not think or feel that way so we should have a law based on what you only. sadly in a democracy okudya chula and okudya aphaka are allowed.if we let government dictate issues of private life then we are tempering with human rights wecant draw a line to a right to private life married life based on what feels right to us..whatabout what feels right to gay.malawians need to be open minded I.e realise that whilst catholic think theyre the real gods cchurch other religious also think theyre the real gods church..pastors think theyre gods announted..but we should also be open minded to realise that some people dont even belive in our churches or any religion atall.they believe people are born through sex and that humans die amd decompose and it all ends there and that theyre the universe with earth and stars planets and noone else ruling it. its time we have to painfully allow other people to exist yogether with us and lets understand that whilst moslems think they god and rules are the real deal ..christans too think the same and non believers too think what thwy believe in its the truth.
Tiwapha agalu ( gay) ndipo tikuti mwawayamba ndi mavuto afiti inu pitani ku americà kwa agalu anzanu dziko lathu takana nalo
Kodi inu kogonana mesa kumakhala kobisala, nanga amadziwika bwanji, ngati zimawakomela sdzichita mwa seli, chomwe amabwelela poyela amakhala atauzidwa ndi otsutsa boma, cholinga apezepo khani, mukawapha olongololepo, akawaleka atokotepo.
Kodi inu kogonana mesa kumakhala kobisala, nanga amadziwika bwanji, ngati zimawakomela sdzichita mwa seli, chomwe amabwelela poyela amakhala atauzidwa ndi otsutsa boma, cholinga apezepo khani, mukawapha olongololepo, akawaleka atokotepo.
Boko Haram, in its accurate meaning means [Western Education is evil.] I finally think its high time we organised our own Boko haram in Malawi.
Boko Haram, in its accurate meaning means [Western Education is evil.] I finally think its high time we organised our own Boko haram in Malawi.
Mr. Nsonda do not be afraid because the majority are against this evil act
Gays and lesbians are a disgrace to our nation, they should really be storned to death
Government must release Nsonda with an immediate effect, if not, mob justice will deal with the gays and lesbians.
msonda msonda tell’em aphedwe ma gay
Ine ndikapezeka ndi chikwanje. Tikaphere2 anthu opusawa plz.
I hope those gays wont rape Kenneth Msonda.
anyamata oipitsitsa opangana zadama malo otulukira katundu wachambe……. mutsekula mmimba muona
This is a great opportunity for the CHURCH to deliver these gays. We have many many men of God – Prophets, Apostles, Pastors , priests and Evangelists. Please if you trully pray in truth and in spirit go and hold an overnight vigil at the court premises. So that this area should be Holly Ground. That if any one covered in sin steps on this holly ground he/she should be delivered.
I pray that men and women of God should find it in themselves to do this correct thing. This is Gods battle not mans. We should only pray for the Holly Spirit to desend on this court. Deliver these gays Oh Holly Spirit and expose them.
Please note it is futile for the church to fight government over this. Fighting the wrong battle using wrong tools. This battle can only be won in the spirit. God bless all men of God as they ponder this message.
This is a great opportunity for the CHURCH to deliver these gays. We have many many men of God – Prophets, Apostles, Pastors , priests and Evangelists. Please if you trully pray in truth and in spirit go and hold an overnight vigil at the court premises. So that this area should be Holly Ground. That if any one covered in sin steps on this holly ground he/she should be delivered.
I pray that men and women of God should find it in themselves to do this correct thing. This is Gods battle not mans. We should only pray for the Holly Spirit to desend on this court. Deliver these gays Oh Holly Spirit and expose them.
Please note it is futile for the church to fight government over this. Fighting the wrong battle using wrong tools. This battle can only be won in the spirit. God bless all men of God as they ponder this message.
vendors to face homosexuals in blantyre
mmmm dont go mukakamenyedwa mudzati kulibe ufulu?
i doubt if the parents of these two guys are alive. i wouldnt accept my son to be of this ill minded. may the Lord have mercy.
Govt iz playing hide n seek game. It has suspended the law until when? We want time flame. It seems govt has legalised it using the statement “we have suspended the law until further notice”.
Palibe gay emwe angapite mwadala ku blantyre magstret court unless mutu wake suukugwirayi or apo ayi wakonzeka kumwalira
agents of the devil. very sorry. Timothy and Trapence, olo mutandigulira mowa sindingalandile, ndalama zake zochokela kumathanyulako?
Mulungu ima nayeni Msonda kuti woyipayo achite manyazi.
zachibwana ndimakana osanvomele za!
Koma ndiye kufuna poferatu..
Ndili pambuyo pa Tanzania, coz gwape uyu gay wamkuluyu atilaula bola Tanzania ilande ndi dziko lomwe osati nyanja
Musiyeni yekha kenneth msonda munthu wopephera. ntambo & trapence atumiki asatana.
Kodi ndiliti komanso nthawi yanji tatiuzani Malawi24, tikaphe amenewa anthu ochita chinthu chonyansa pamaso pa Mulungu!!! Fotseki to Hell
These people are really an abomination to the lord.this is satan at his best.but our countly will always be blessed and protected by our LORD.
GOD help malawi!!!
Nsonda is clever
kkkkkkk guts ngati nkukhuta kwakuoangitsani mathanyula go to AMERICA mukakhale mwamtendere otherwise mpaliro wanga ndanola kale ndikakuthushulirani komko mxiew chifukwa boma liri kumbuyo kwanu nde mupange matama agalu inu muona
Wosadandaula ndizomwe mumafuna kuvotera muthu okut naye ndi wa homo muziwon simunat
Killing them is the best way let us not waste our time debating on this stupid thing and Msonda dont worry about these Idiots
Even BIBLE outlne some of the sgns of last dyz ths isue z one of them hence we need to be more carefl bcz satana through his followers they try to change christian in name of RIGHTS so we need to stand and againt them,those who r involved r under SATANISM
Blantyre vendors nkhani ndi imeney
Siife iyayi koma mulungu. Simusonda anatero koma mau akutero
Freedom brings rubish things if we were in war countries like Bulundi, Rwanda, Bukinafaso, DRC, Somalia we cant waist our time,resources in discussing the so called Gays
Ife ma non-homoz we will be there too
Wth my verses n my Head,, simunditha guys until yr evil desires takes you 5feet underground
Your fighting God and nobody wins fighting God
Abwere tidzawaotchera konko..
Am a Ugandan and I condemn this vehemently
Chakwera Ali chete osayankhulapo
May de almighty God in heaven come fast 2 judge us b4 we r entangled in de net of these dirty sins.These pipo should b thrown in de pacific ocean 2 feed crocodiles b4 they bring omens and curses in or beloved Malawi. Lets join our hands 2 oppose dis silly proposal.malawi is a God fearing nation.the devil is manipulating mind of these thick headed people.Mw is not ready 2 bow down 2 ur redicullous demands.SHAME ON YOU DEVIL 2GETHER WITH UR AGENTS.
Let’s beat them there this is absolutely nonsense. How can the majority be defeated by the minority on such stupid and rotten acts. Malawians let’s hold hands let’s not accept and allow this evil act in Malawi
Bola ndikanavotela CHAKWERA,eesh!!!nevr knw.
Nsonda sanalakwitse chifukwa malamulo amalawi amene alipo salola khalidweli, kukubwelaku amalawi aziwe zochitanawo anthu amene amapanga izi
Mbuli zokha zokha Munthu wamzeru woti unabadwa ndi Munthu Wa Mayi Ungakwatire Mwamuna Mzako.. Lack Of Knowledge
Let them come, its a gd time 2 deal with them.
The gays are for sure breaking the law of Malawi and whoever has said that there should be no arrests for gays is breaking the law too. Why should you block the flow of justice by illegally protecting those who break the law of the land? If these people in leadership swore to uphold the rule of law and today they are chickening out because of external pressure, then they are proving to all law abiding Malawians that they are not leaders of integrity. Those who are speaking for the gays in Malawi are also breaking the law as their conduct is likely to cause breach of peace. All they are doing is to stir social unrest, as they knowingly propagate what Malawians are against.
Usadere nkhawa ken, apapa udalankhula za nzeru zedi.
Zauchitsiru basi.. Kungoliwonongawononga dziko labwino lija kumangovomela zilizonse ndi zopusa zomwe kenako akuwuzani kuti mukwatilane ndi agalu… Dikilani muwone mkwiyo wa MULENGI iwe woyambisa ndiwe wovomela zopusazi.
Tili m’masiku otsiliza,kma chodziwika mchakuti palibe angakhale ndi nyere ndi mamuna kapena mkazi mzake.UCHIMO BASI!
Kkkkkkkk, your destruction has come.
We will meet you there dogs!
Welcome development,let us know them tiwapha mmozi mmozi, we are tired of this nonsence.
Satan Himself Has Never Been Gay..Neither Will..Mw Need A Leader Not A Ruler…He Will Follow His Brother…I See A National Mourning…Flag Will Fly HalfMast!! Viva Lungu Edger!!
Ma tyres a galimoto ndinyamulako pamodzi ndi petrol. Tikaotche braiii kumeneko. #team_msonda
Its good we should know them and shun them accordingly. They can also rape
We will smoke u out,,,,,,,,tikakumana komko busy kunora wanga mpaliro
Nthaw yatha alindinzeru achenjere ndimtunda otsiliza tikuyendawu,,,,,,akumenyera ufulu wamagay awawa makutu awo agontha,maso awo aliakhungu ,,,owatsogolera akuwasocheretsa ndi osatirawo myoyo yawo ikuongeka,,,,,zoti uyu ndimlandu kwamlengi ndan mwainu sadziwa?
here is opportunity to show to them how we will kill them, see you there. if you have killed a guy or a lesbian you have not killed a human being becoz a human being knows well that a marriage is between a man and a women. they deserve nothing but death the Bible SAYS
pliz boko haram come to malawi and see hw we gat to deal with this evil though u r also the evil ones.
It will deal with them then bomb your family. careful what you wish for . We alone can handle these
hahaha bra.so u r very scared with jst a coment and not this evil which is just right on ur nose.where do these coments result to?gud bra.
hahaha,,,boko halam ya we are ready to enrol,,
You’re funny man, ”though they’re also evil” ? ? ?
ine ndinyamula chikwanje ndaneneratu…gay wina ndkamukhapa…ndanena in advance..usakadabwe chikwanje chitatsenda akatumba ako owumawoooo
#Timothy_Ntambo n #Gift_Trapence, just wait soon or later GOD will punish u devils, why does animals go for the females???? What’s wrong with people???? Last days indeed. I tell u n all those who r supporting this dirt that ur time is coming.
Tiyen guyz tikazonere tokha
Tikaonana konko ndi guy yo!
Lord have mercy on their souls.
mtambo nd trapence akwatirane bas
Do you people remember what God did to Sodom and Gomorah because of this malpractice? God is watching you Trapense and Mtambo. Zikazachitika mpomwe muzamudziwe mulungu
My Malawi…….. Matsiku osiriza ndithu… Mpaka maufulu awu gay?? Osachitanso ndimanyazi omwe.
Za nsete
Akapezeka aphedwe #team nsonda
Ndilikomko Basi Ndikazione Mbuzi Zimenez.
Akapezeka aphedwe #team nsonda
Tangoyerekezani mubwere tithana nanu nonse a mathyanyulanu. Tikukhapani muwona. Taguliratu petro tikakuotchani komweko. Asatana inu mbuzi zachabe chabe zokwera amawo. Anyani inu zoona kugulitsa chikhalidwe. Tikumana komweko. We will smoke you out! To hell with your minority rights!
You gays come and you will see what we will do to you we will cut your genitals tomorrow. Mob justice is awaiting you dogs! We will deal with you right there
Let the Mtambos come will be face to face & fight to fight if they will manage.
Gays musatibowe mwamva! We will also be there to kick ur asses. Tikumana konko. Stupid
The gays and Lesbians are provoking the situation. They should understand that they are in minority and whatever they believe in or practice in is immoral to majority of Malawians and they are surviving because Malawi is poor and dictated by donors. I suggest they follow the proceedings from media. Dont test the waters. The only thing Msonda said which was bad is to ask people to kill you but you need a good beating no doubt about that
Is this hapening in Malawi? all these bcz of money God have mercy on us.