Eph 5:15-16 “Take care then how you are living, not as unwise, but as wise; Making good use of the time, because the days are evil.”
Many relax at the begining and then panick towards the end. This may be true for diiferent age groups and different occupations including students who only work on their assignment when the deadline is getting so close. Some workers and even business men, some pastors and spiritual leaders are also part of the group.

As we have just begun the year, ensure that you have straight away started working on your plans and visions for the year. Dont wait till some days are gone. It may be tempting to relax thinking that there are still more days to go, but dont do that. The earlier you start, the better. This is wisdom at work. Col 4:5 “Be wise in your behaviour to those who are outside, making good use of the time.”
Paul tells Timothy not to procrastinate (put it forward) in preaching the gospel. Instead he admonishes Timothy to do the work right away, whether it was convenient or not. 2Tim 4:2 “to proclaim the gospel. Be ready to do this whether or not the time is convenient. Refute, warn, and encourage with the utmost patience when you teach.”
Ensure you do the neccessary thing right away because it is necessary to do it regardless of whether the time is convenient or not. Always look at the necessity of the matter and guidance of the Holy Spirit rather than the convenience of time to you.
Chance and time are available to all, those who use them will be a success.Ecc 9:11 “And again I saw under the sun that the reward goes not to him who is quick, or the fruits of war to the strong; and there is no bread for the wise, or wealth for men of learning, or respect for those who have knowledge; but time and chance come to all.”
Thank you Father for the time yu have given me which I can use without wasting it. As I am in the new year, I will yield to your Spirit as He guides me in using time appropriately. In Jesus Name. amen. For prayer and counseling +265888326247
Amen Malawi 24! I like U!
post ilikhenge iyi…God is everywhere…
For sure!
Alemekezeke wakumwamba.
The docters are right about transgender, it is a medical problem can be fixed
Masiku omaliza awa
amen!!!! powerful words
Ambuye ndinu linga lathu azitumiki ndiawa apandukawa tiziwa bwanji choonadi ife ngati inu simutionetsera
True for real, the days are Evil
Nanga mukati inu chetee;atilalikire ndani?? Poti ambiri mwa aja timkati mazibusa aja akutidwa ndi mphamvu za kumidima maso awo alunjika pa chuma chodza ndi matembelero chuma cha nsambi.#AMEN
e e h? Malawi 24 imeneyi ?ayi tamva