Slessor to drop album on New Year’s Day


One of Malawi’s hip hop artists who made hits in 2015, Slessor, is set to drop his first album, “Nkhani za ku Malawi” on 1st January 2016.

In an interview with Malawi24, Slessor said people should expect one of the most unique albums ever produced in Malawi’s hip hop music history.

Slessor: Am on a new project.

“I wouldn’t want to brag too much on expectations but I can say this is one of the most unique albums ever produced in Malawi,” explained the singer-cum journalist.

“The theme in ‘Nkhani za ku Malawi’ revolves around stories that happen in Malawi. It’s basically in the form of a storybook. I even went as far as explaining how Malawi came about as a nation on a song called “Mbiri”,” the “Pachiwaya” hit-maker said.

As a New Year gift, Slessor also disclosed that he will release a new video on the same date.

The 15 track album carries bangers such as “Swag yakabaza” and “Pa chiwaya” which made a big buzz on local radio and television stations.

Urban music heavyweights such as Nepman, Trap Squad and Sangie, just to mention a few were featured on the project. “Nkhani za Ku Malawi” has been released independently, without Slessor’s attachment to any record label.

Copies of the CD can be ordered through Slessor’s Facebook page and will be distributed nationwide.