Mutharika advised to fire ‘sleeping’ ministers

Peter Mutharika

A group calling itself Reformed Young Politicians Union (RYPU) has urged Malawi  President Peter Mutharika to consider firing some of his ministers who are consuming government resources while just sleeping in their offices and not performing duties they were appointed to do.

Speaking during the launch of the grouping at Sonda youth center hall on Saturday, president of the group, Shanks Kapote, emphasized that there are some ministers who have never performed their duties since President Mutharika entrusted them with their posts.

Peter Mutharika
Mutharika: Asked to watch his cabinet.

He said some of them have since proved that they are not capable of running the affairs in the ministerial positions they are thus they deserve to be fired and replaced with some fresh graduates who may help Mutharika in taking this country out of the current economic woes.

“People like Emmanuel Fabiano [minister of education] are doing nothing in the ministry of education; they are just sleeping yet at the end of the month they get huge salaries and spend taxpayers’ money for nothing.”

“They are not worth it and Mutharika must just get rid of them if he wants to things to be good for him in the country. Sometimes we just blame the president while his cabinet is full of trash,” fumed Kapote.

He went on to mention Minister of sports Grace Obama Chiumia, Minister of information, tourism, and culture Jappie Mhango, Minister of justice and constitutional affairs Samuel Tembenu, Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining, Bright Msaka and Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Atupele Muluzi as some cabinet members who must be chopped because of their dormancy. “Even the minister of home affairs and internal security is also in deep slumber as evidenced by some insecurity reports in our local press.

”Minister of foreign affairs must go as well; he is doing nothing on his post. “We need active people to help the president run this country.”

”Look, the current state of affairs needs everybody to be alert before this country turns to hell,” added Kapote.

He however hailed the minister of gender, disability, children and social welfare Patricia Kaliati, minister of finance Goodall Gondwe, and minister of health Peter Kumpalume for trying their level best as required by their duties.

He then encouraged them to work extra hard arguing that at this juncture the country needs people with enthusiasm. After being voted into power Mutharika hired a 20 minister cabinet which he said will be effective and work hard for the betterment of Malawi.

At the launch of the organisation, members of the grouping promised to work hand in hand with the government in order to make sure that the country is transformed from worst to best.