Member of Parliament for Balaka North Honourable Lucius Banda has joined Malawians on social media criticizing government’s decision to suspend laws that criminalize gays in the country.
In a Facebook post, Banda also strongly condemned the government for releasing two gay people who were arrested earlier this month.
Banda’s comments come barely a day after President Peter Mutharika released the gay couple and dropped their charges immediately.

Banda wrote: “When they say poverty is a crime that’s what they mean. As long as we live as beggars to the western countries we have no moral grounds to condemn the evils that come with it.
When you don’t pay even a penny in your hospitals, when you continue with free primary education, when you enjoy the free fertilizer and seed via FISP, when you celebrate free malata and cement, yet your country is struggling economically, that’s what happens.”
Banda also suggested that God will judge Malawians for not using what they were given to develop themselves.
“If we don’t pay through our sweat we end up paying through our morals and dignity. As a God fearing country, God will not excuse us for this sin, rather he will say I gave you everything you needed to succeed but you never used it until you embarrassed me by selling your country, money vs Mathanyula (sex between people of the same sex.),” he said in the post.
Malawi dropped charges against the gay pair on Saturday after Germany and United States of America through their embassies urged the government to change the country’s law on gays.
It’s very pathetic and disgusting to see such acts being allowed by the authorities we entrusted.Why should we sell our lovely country to westerners cheaply like that?Do u think if they cease their financial support we will all die?NOOOOOOOOO FUKCN NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!We should never allow them to impose laws on us,Malawi is an independent state with its own constitution that binds us together.We will not progress if we remain puppets of the western nations.Let Malawi be governed by A REAL AND AUTHENTIC MALAWIAN…..PLEASE GOD!!!!!!
Kukadakhara Bwino Atsogoreri Opanda Nzeruwa Akanapanda Kubadwa
kkkkkkkk koma eeeeeh
kkkkkkkk koma eeeeeh
2 bad
That Is Why We Like U Lucius
ine akamati Malawi analandira ufulu wozilamulira tsindikhulupilira, si apa tamugonjera nzungu, tsiku lina azanena kuti idyani bibi ngati mukufuna ndalama tizadya ndithu
I think there are so many issues to talk about development than talking about gays. It is clearly from founding of this earth that man can not marry his fellow man, that is inhuman. These people they know that our country is in problems materially and they want to give us problems mentally.
once these gay pple r caught, it will be mob justice since our constitution has failed
LUCIUS! this time around wachepesa ma critics bwanji kodi? Paliso zoopa apa? can’t you see all this mbwelera akuchitazi.. don’t lose focus criticise up to that expected cardiac arrest (god’s bail out)! we O support ya!
I knew about this after elections, for we made such huge mistake to allow this one in the office of readership,I tell you you will hear kuti ayamba kuloreza satanic worshippers on public…they can amend our laws just to meet their evil needs! muona lucias amuda agalu amenewa becoz of that criticism.
Effects of being Gay!
Chimene ndaona ine angokhazikisa lamulo azikwatilana amuna okhaokha coz ndimathelo aziko zinalembedwa kale
stupid government
Makosana,tisamanamizane kuti we are 51 years old,it shows that our leaders today are puppets of the whites.To hell with them!!
We are in the last days… all these are written in the Bible..the problem is that we take the Bible as just as a novel then our spiritual eyes can not be open and see what is coming ahead of us… WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS!!!
Fulfilment of what was written in the Bible about the signs of the end.I and my familly wil continue serving the true God.
Ngat amadonors akufuna asiye kutandiza dziko lamalawi asapezelepo chifukwa ayi we r nt fools lik them malawi is a God fearling country
Do not just critised but wisely you should also see the good side of the Law.If government say no to it that means it (government)say no to what these Europeans want to assist to our country financially and even materially.Just one’no’ can make our poor people to die.For your information to you who just critise the Law,mind you, this is not a must but its a human right.
this is stupid
pachiyambi Mulungu analenga Adam and Eve sanalenge Adam and Judas nanga bwanji anthu tikufuna kusintha zinthu Mulungu wakwiya ndi chifukwa zochitika zikuchuluka matenda osiyana mvula yoononga zinthu zonsezi ndi chilango ko
Simungatengele Kulimba Mtima Kwa Mugabe? I Wish I Wz A Zimbabwian
Come on Malawians to suspend laws that criminalize gays it doesn’t mean that all Malawians will be practicing same sex intercourses,Its only those who are foolish and full with demons and they are few in number. So We need just to preach the words of God to them,advice them,mock them,isolate them and because they will not benefit anything they completely stop it,no one will fund them because they are not fight with any one. Well done Mr President, We need PEACE,keep on be flexible in decision making to manage fight these foolish evil Gay people. Only people with Wisdom can see that’s the only way of curbing Same sex intercourses in Malawi. God bless Malawi!!Wow marry Xmas and happy New Year!!b
what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah will soon happen to Malawi.Take heed about yourself Malawians,do not sell life because u r poor.to whom who have an ear,let him hear
I like your courage mwna wa mmudzi
Amalawi choti mudziwe ndichakuti,musamanene kuti this is the GOD fearing nation ayi chifukwa Mulungu samayang’ana dziko labwino koma mtima wamunthu payekhapayekha.When we say gay its asin zikusiyana chani ndikukapanga chigololo mubala,anthu akubawa,kupha alubino,achinyamata kugonana asanakwatirane,kuwonera mafilm olawula,kusuta chamba.zonsezi nditchimo,ndiye mukamati this is GOD fearing nation what do u mean?what is difference betwn gay sin ndi chigolo chomwe anthu akupanga?Asiyeni abomawo avomereze koma soka kwa iwo akupanga tchimolo ndi omwe asayinire kuti gay marriage should be allowed.Remember we are in end days so whether you like it or not zinthu zimenezi zikuyenera kuchitika and if we truely love GOD sitingachite zimenezi zitakhala kuti boma lavomereza.
Amaudindo inu chenjerani amalawi sizitsiru mwamva? Koma mukudziwa kuti Mulungu alipo? Atsogoleri muchenjere 2019 tikupumitsani mutu wanu ukugwira ntchito? Shit nose mukuvomereza zopusazo.
Malawians we should criticis ourselves for failing to pay taxes faithfully, stealing from givernment coffers, laziness and dampness. They will always control us as long as we rely on them financially. Lets work hard to support the spirit of zero deficit government budget. Personally I don’t fault the government decision. Let the gays alone, their sins are not ours to judge. If we believe in the true God, we know their fate is not ours to give but God. Lets move on.
Thumb up on u Lucius Banda, we need mps like u speaking with no fear. Malawi is dancing the tune of USA and Europe that we see.
Last days chronicals. The church soon will go home.
Osadziululatu apa….kkkkkkkkkk
Marriage to be welcomed…
Atate Akumwamba Dzina Lanu Liyeretsedwe Kufuna Kwanu Kuchitidwe, Munatipatsa Yesu Khristu Kudzatiombola Kunyas Zasatana. Atate Zikudza Padziko Pano Mukuona Ndipo Zikuchoka Kwasatana ,Atate Ndikupepha Mphamvu Iphwanye Onse Amene Akutenga Mbali Kukhazikitsa Ufumu Wasatana.Atate Satana Wafika Poipa Kamb Kot Atsogoleri Anthu Wawagwetsa Kale Ndip Ndi Atumiki Asatana Kamb Kandalama.Atate Ose Amene Akutenga Gawo Pasatana Pozitenga Kt Anaphunzir Mkumadzitenga Kt Atha Kumaphwanya Ulemerero Wanu Pobwerets Zasatana Ngat Mathanyula Atate Amenewa Afe Ndithu.Tsitsan Mzimu Oyera Mdziko Lathu Lamalawi Kmaso Padziko Lapas. Atate Zolankhula Zanga Olo Anthuwa Sangazitenge Kma Dzanja Lanu Liakanthe, Ndilibe Mphavu Yotemberer Kma Atate Tengani Ulamuliro Chonde Atate Ndalama Yatizuza Kwakwana Mphwanyani Satana Atate.Ulemerero Ukhale Kwa Inu Kumwamba Ndp Mtendere Kwa Onse Akufuna Chilungam Chanu Ndip Imfa Kwa Onse Akubweretsa Nyas Kt Titae Inu Mulungu.Atate Ndapepha Kwainu Dziko Silingamve Zaine Kma Inu Atate Mutamandike, AMEN!!!
All Africans countries they re puppets to western countries so close ur stinking mouth
Mulungu Atenge Ulamuliro Nthaw Zons Ndip Tingaphunzre Bwanj Tilibe Mphamv Yosintha Chilengedwe Ndikumutenga Mulungu Kt Iye Amapanga Zosakwana Ai! Mathanyula Mukukakamira Mkumat Inu Ndi A Zaufulu Dziwan Themberero Kwa Onse Okwanitsa Malemba. Ndip Othandiza Kukhazikitsa Ulamuliro Wasatana Yesu Khrist Awakanthe Ndithu. Mudzapindulanji Kupeza Ndalama Kamb Kophwanya Malamulo Amulungu Kulemekeza Satana! Themberero Atate Lidze Kwa Onse Omanga Ufumu Wasatana Ati Kumenyera Ufulu Mtima Ukutsutseni Ndp Umunthu Ukhale Mwaife ! Mulungu Alemekezeke Kunthaw Za Nthaw!! AMEN!!
zina mwazizindukilo zoti mwana wamunthu ali pafupi ndizimenezi,,,koma ndichiyambi chabe kukubwela zina zowawa zoposa,,, pano satana akulamulira dziko,, koma ilimkudza nthawi satanayo adzalangidwa,, chilango chosantha,, anthu akupusa ndi mau oti ufulu,, mmalo motsatira bible kuti likuti chani,, amuna okhaokha asagonane,, sry Malawi we r on fire now!!
Ndikuchenjezeni inu nonse mukufuna kubweretsa khalidwe lonunkhanu kuti musiyiletu chifukwa tikakupezani tidzingokuphani. palibeso nkhani yopita nanu kuboma chifukwa ndikomwe mwasamila/kodalira kwanu. koma mumve idzi ndi president wanuyo, sitidzakunyengeleraniso ayi. mukapedzeka mwatha basi. Ngati mwatopa ndi dziko lanthu chonde musatiipitsire mbiri ya dziko lanthu # proud to be malawi
Peter ndi amene waligulitsa kwa mathanyula
Malawi Nzoona Kuligulitsa Dziko Lako Kwa Satana? Amakudoda Ngati Mphepo Yamwel, Pa Nyanja, Pepa Chiweluzo Chilipafupi Penipeni Chonde Galamukani. Nchabwino Nchiti Kumvela Anthu Ndi Mulungu?
No gayism in Malawi and nothing else above this!
we dont hav to follow stupid things, how come a5 sensed person could marry another person of the same sex? This is satanic in my own view, therefore it is not allowed in malawian soils. Hon Lucius is right to criticise that nosense.
Fire pon deh babylon!
Tidzilanga tokha sitingalole zachibwanazo
haha let them do it fo us..abapakana setezo akutimenyerabe ufulu nthawi inayake tizaimba lokoma koz ov those fools..mubanja sumulephera chixiru
Ine ndiye ndakonzeka kumufunsira Lucius Banda kkkkkkkk
Anthu awa ndichifukwa chake amakwatila akapeza mpando wauprezdent ndizitsilu panopa akupanga program ya 666
Luciaus Banda he is not your God in our African way of life gay law must be put in place which will abolish such act akazi ndiambili Ku Malawi tienela kukwatila akaziwo
Boma likuphweketsa move onse oipawa fire.
A Malawi tikawapeza Anthu oterewa kumangolanga tokha sinanga bimali likely we less move, mukuona Bwa? Akakhala madonors WO akagwere munaonako kuti banja la abambo kapena amayi okhaokha? Tikawapeza fire adzazoloera ngati akufuna apite Ku America konko kumalawi kuno nyansi takana or ndakana.
kungot ambuye atichitire chifundo zinthu zosayenerazi zisatichitike zoona president kuvomereza kut amuna azikwatilana okhaokha bwanji tionere kwazisogoleri athuwa akupanga zopusazo ndiye zisiru zina zisatire mumbuyo malawi warm heart of africa uja uyu aaaaaa alomwe inu zopusa zamakolo anu ndithu mwaononga ziko kukhala ngati ndi banja lanu.
Gay people are also human. Their love affairs are fantabulous if you don’t know. Why criticizing?
amipingo akuti bwanji?
de tym has cme dat we who r ant-gayz (mkwatulo) shd go n knock @ Zion gates fi sellasie I guidance n protection……. big up Lucius 4 somtyms u act az a Normal Human being ( Iwe ndie Munthu)
say no to mathanyula let’s join hands as malawians
Koma ya malawi.
Donor community!!!!The west doing the waste on a highly indebted poor country just to alleviate the poor, say no to evil, say no to satanic ideology ,better be poor than to serve Satan.Always ask for Almighty GOD to entervine whenever we are lacking .
ine apa ndili ndthu mbal yosusa munthu wopusayu koposa kaya amazdalra chan chmuthu chotopa ndkale ichi,choyamba khondo yngathandzed kuchangamsa zalomwez,federation ychtke bas kuno kumupoto tyme patokha zzguthana zokha kumeneko zofusa mzungu ndkachan kwa ife,sazwaso akhondo omwe amadalrawo tmawakwapula moyendamu kamuthu kopusa kwambr kameneka.nawoso mabunjwe kumakopeka ndzopusaz ay tgwilane manja kut ttukule dzkol mkunena zachambazo one ndnu zslu kwambr.
Do we know the results of not suspending gay rights or even just arguing about it! Let’s not forget that the whole western world is controlled by pro-devil characters. Don’t forget what we went through last time Autie Tiwo and his/her friend were arrested!
Koma ndipempha mutidikile ambuye MALAWI yu musaoche moto mudikile mwina asintha.tazawina nkhondo mphavu yake mulu
Tikolowera kuti?
these r really the last dayz surely God wil punish us as he did to sodom and gomola
viva soja
Zikanakhalanso kuti boma lakana kumvera zomwe ayankhula ma donours oimba ake ndi omwewa akanayambanso kuyimba nyimbo zonyoza boma.. Munthu alibe pa bwino
Mr lucius tisiyeni tizingovomele chilicho chifukwa kumalawi kuno timafuna zaulere ndiye opeleka zaulelewo nawonso ali ndimalamulo awo.tikazafuna kukhetsa thukuta wina sangatiuze zochita ayi.
Mr lucius tisiyeni tizingovomele chilicho chifukwa kumalawi kuno timafuna zaulere ndiye opeleka zaulelewo nawonso ali ndimalamulo awo.tikazafuna kukhetsa thukuta wina sangatiuze zochita ayi.
Muzingotisiyila ma gay wo tizilanga tokha,zikuoneka kuti akamangidwa zikumazetsa mapokoso #lets_jst_burn_thm
Muzingotisiyila ma gay wo tizilanga tokha,zikuoneka kuti akamangidwa zikumazetsa mapokoso #lets_jst_burn_thm
awamenyele nyimb
awamenyele nyimb
Ngati mukangana nda kulumana chenjerani mungaonongane. kalekale kudali Dr kamuzu Banda adapita kanako Bakiri koma kungobwera anthu awa osokonekerawa dziko lathu lidanyasa koma ngati ali ndichikhulupiliro kuti mwamuna akakwatana ndi mwamuna nzake angakhale ndi mwana achite ine monga mmalawi ndikutikudakakhala kale ompereka yesu sakadakhala yudasi komamtsogoleri wopusayu Lucius banda usawasekelere chomchomake a song for those stupid gentromens and ladys
Ngati mukangana nda kulumana chenjerani mungaonongane. kalekale kudali Dr kamuzu Banda adapita kanako Bakiri koma kungobwera anthu awa osokonekerawa dziko lathu lidanyasa koma ngati ali ndichikhulupiliro kuti mwamuna akakwatana ndi mwamuna nzake angakhale ndi mwana achite ine monga mmalawi ndikutikudakakhala kale ompereka yesu sakadakhala yudasi komamtsogoleri wopusayu Lucius banda usawasekelere chomchomake a song for those stupid gentromens and ladys
As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah so it shall be in the last days God is going to judge this planet very soon APA mpang’ono atsala pang’ono APAnga force ngakhale mi pingo kuti ivomeleze ili ndi limodzi LA dongosolo law LAmmust New world order
As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah so it shall be in the last days God is going to judge this planet very soon APA mpang’ono atsala pang’ono APAnga force ngakhale mi pingo kuti ivomeleze ili ndi limodzi LA dongosolo law LAmmust New world order
Serious, aMalawi tikudikila za fuel akuti akufuna ayambe ku boolayo, apano ndipamene alidzadzukeno kuti kani anthuwa ndi okwiya, pamene timagulu tothandiza zigawenga titapezeke tsopano, pano madonar oti angathandize anthu wamba kulimbana ndi mkalidwe opusa wa boma la malawi alipo, koma akubwelera sinanga palibe zomwe azikapezamo m’malawimo, koma ayambe zamafutazo, palibe nduna yaboma yomwe unduna wake anthu akuudandaula kuti idzayenda ayi!! Ikudza nthawi!
Serious, aMalawi tikudikila za fuel akuti akufuna ayambe ku boolayo, apano ndipamene alidzadzukeno kuti kani anthuwa ndi okwiya, pamene timagulu tothandiza zigawenga titapezeke tsopano, pano madonar oti angathandize anthu wamba kulimbana ndi mkalidwe opusa wa boma la malawi alipo, koma akubwelera sinanga palibe zomwe azikapezamo m’malawimo, koma ayambe zamafutazo, palibe nduna yaboma yomwe unduna wake anthu akuudandaula kuti idzayenda ayi!! Ikudza nthawi!
Kodi tinene kuti Pitalayu ndi gay kapena? Koma ine ndikuona ngati ayi chifukwa ali ndi mkazi wake Getrude. Nanga nchifukwa chiyani akuchita support magay? Pamenepa ndie pakufunika kumufufuza bwinobwino mkulu ameneyu. Tikumbutsane paja kuti Pitalayu wakhala zaka zoposa 20 osakwatira. Kapena tinene kuti munthawiyi adalinso gay? Ine ndikuona kuti mkuluyu pokhala nzika ya Ku America kumenenso anthu ake amakonda maukwati aamuna okhaokha, nzosadabwitsa kuti Pitala lero lino akuchita support magay.
Kodi tinene kuti Pitalayu ndi gay kapena? Koma ine ndikuona ngati ayi chifukwa ali ndi mkazi wake Getrude. Nanga nchifukwa chiyani akuchita support magay? Pamenepa ndie pakufunika kumufufuza bwinobwino mkulu ameneyu. Tikumbutsane paja kuti Pitalayu wakhala zaka zoposa 20 osakwatira. Kapena tinene kuti munthawiyi adalinso gay? Ine ndikuona kuti mkuluyu pokhala nzika ya Ku America kumenenso anthu ake amakonda maukwati aamuna okhaokha, nzosadabwitsa kuti Pitala lero lino akuchita support magay.
vuto ndi umphawi! amene akufuna adzipanga
vuto ndi umphawi! amene akufuna adzipanga
brovo hon lucius! this is how we have known you as a fighter for the speechless. we are behind you already. this time they won’t even dare to arrest you because their prison won’t contain us all. let’s fight this disease in our country
brovo hon lucius! this is how we have known you as a fighter for the speechless. we are behind you already. this time they won’t even dare to arrest you because their prison won’t contain us all. let’s fight this disease in our country
Chitsilu chamuthu,, mbuzi yeniyeni ,,,shame
The only solution on this issue if someone has been known to be practicing this forbidden thing mob justice is the way……the Courts were there to protect us but nowadays they are no longer
Ine ndizafera mndende chifukwa ndidzayesesa kuphapo mmodzi mwa atumiki a satanawa, Malawi yasiya kuyendera constitution Yake tayambaso kuyendera ya Ku mangalande.
Ine ndizafera mndende chifukwa ndidzayesesa kuphapo mmodzi mwa atumiki a satanawa, Malawi yasiya kuyendera constitution Yake tayambaso kuyendera ya Ku mangalande.
Pitala munthalika u r a pulse nai
Pitala munthalika u r a pulse nai
Lord please save Mother Malawi
Australian members of parliament have overwhelmingly rejected a bill that would have legalised gay marriages after days of heated debate. The House of Representatives voted 98 to 42 against the bill, with one MP resigning a key post after making controversial comments against it. Australia does not permit gay marriage, though some states allow civil unions. Gay rights activists called the decision a “slap on the face,” ABC News reported. The majority Labor MPs were allowed to vote on the bill based on their beliefs rather than on party lines, while the opposition voted against it. Both Prime Minister Julia Gillard and opposition leader Tony Abbot voted against the bill. Labor MP Anthony Albanese, who voted for the bill, remained optimistic despite its defeat. “I think at some future time our parliament will catch up with community opinion, just as it has on other issues,” he said. “When marriage equality occurs, people will wonder what the fuss was about.” The debate on the bill saw the resignation of Liberal MP Cory Bernardi from his parliamentary secretary post after linking gay marriage to bestiality. He had also questioned whether the passage of the bill would lead to broader definitions of who could legally get married.
Australian members of parliament have
overwhelmingly rejected a bill that would have
legalised gay marriages after days of heated
debate. The House of Representatives voted 98 to 42
against the bill, with one MP resigning a key post
after making controversial comments against it. Australia does not permit gay marriage, though
some states allow civil unions. Gay rights activists called the decision a “slap on
the face,” ABC News reported. The majority Labor MPs were allowed to vote on
the bill based on their beliefs rather than on party
lines, while the opposition voted against it. Both Prime Minister Julia Gillard and opposition
leader Tony Abbot voted against the bill. Labor MP Anthony Albanese, who voted for the
bill, remained optimistic despite its defeat. “I think at some future time our parliament will
catch up with community opinion, just as it has
on other issues,” he said. “When marriage equality occurs, people will
wonder what the fuss was about.” The debate on the bill saw the resignation of
Liberal MP Cory Bernardi from his parliamentary
secretary post after linking gay marriage to
bestiality. He had also questioned whether the passage of
the bill would lead to broader definitions of who
could legally get married.
Naweso lucius ndiwe chitsilu bwanji iwe sumakwatila ndi mamuna mzako pano ukufuna kumapusitsa anthu ndicholinga kufuna kutchuka eti?
Inu Muli Kutsogolo Musatisandutse Zitsuru Mwamva? Ine Ndili Pambuyo Pa Soja Nganganga!
Mutharika should be impeached for breaking the laws of Malawi by suspending laws that criminalizes homosexuals.These laws were duly passed by Parliament & can also only be suspended with the consent of the Parliament.Mutharika has betrayed the nation & is discharging his duties not in the interest of Malawians but Westerners hence the need to impeach him.
In slovenia people denied same sex marriages,uganda n zimbabwe did the same only in malawi the president has accepted it,Obama is leading us to hell through peter!This president is against us n want to amend our laws to suit foreign cultures which are obscene for us.I hate
peter n palmer because they both dont respect our culture and our rights! What z minority right ?madnes americanos!
Kusauka tisanduka zitsilu
zoooooooooooooooooooooopusa basi
Doctors plz come in, tell us the effects of this habit before we go astray
uziti come agan!! Adaimba kale Mafunyeta
ma donar atayeni tiyeni tizilima chamba
order order mr speaker sir agalu inu ndikupezani konko
Ngati mtsogoleri wamkulu wampingo wodziwika bwino dzikolonse lapansi anavomeleza kuti amathanyulawa ndi ufulu wao ndipo alemekezedwe, presdent wadziko lopemphesa ngati lathuli atsutsa mpaka pati.
Ithink Mr Bwana iz gay
Mathanyura ndi satan ameneyo,mukupezera ndalama mu njira yoyipa
Who suspended gay laws in the year 2013?
Umphawi usapangitse kuiwala mulungu, tell them boss,
In Slovenia white people have voted against legalising homosexuality
kkkkkk dziko langa ndiloseketsa kwabasi!!!!!!! azungu akati polamani!! Ife kupolama. Akati, dzimenyeni mapama!! Ife, thwaaaaa!!!!! Akati, khalani pansi , ife phwatha!!!!!!!! Kodi abale, tidzakula liti, tidzachenjera liti??? zoona mpaka tipepele chomchi? Mutati mufuffuze bwino za nkhani ya anyamata awiri opukutana ku reverse aja, mupeza kuti ndizochita kutumidwa kuti ayese ngati pamutu pa tambala palidi moto. Funso loyamba kufunsa ndilakuti, kodi ndi chachilendo ku Malawi kuno kuona amuna awiri akucheza? Nanga emwe anazindikira kuti amunawa amachokera kopukutana ku reverse ndindani? Chinamupangitsa ndi chani ndipo anachokera kuti? ZOPUSA BASI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nde wati reverse
Apapa ndisaname wandiseketsa kkkkk ku reverse?
Kulakwa kwa munthu mmodzi Akani kunazunzitsa a Israel onse amalawi ngati tmakhlupilira kut mlung wakale alipo tsalole anyamata aganyu kuononga Malawi amoyofe tlipo kusamalira okufa muuzmu Mlw z ours
The Only solution is to hold a Refrendum, anthu awa asationongere Dziko
For those who read the bible and understand, when they see these things happening its time to celebrate because God is near to come.people are busy criticizing the president here but thats not an issue,the issue is signs of the times and we need to see these things.For me am happy to see what is happening because soon and very soon I will be going home where there is no sorrows.peter ndichongotengera chathu kuti malemba akwaniritsidwe
Ndipo amene azamuvoteleso thalika ndi zanthana naye ,ndikubwela konko ndidzamatncha ameneyo ,ndichifukwa yesu anakwapula anthu nkachisi ngati izii, peter thalika usandichimwinse apaa iyaa
our president had green card from America! so he is still bowing down to Americans ,Nanga pakadzavuta adzakabisalekuti?akukonza kapansitu ameneyu but in avery bad way! zitipose nyama zakutchire?
Phwando ikakhala ya akulu okha ana adyera obwera nawo timawaponda zala ndipo amachoka akulira ngakhale kholo liwauzenso koma salola kubwera.
There’re other gft whch we can’t tolaret if they’r comin in wrong way,lyk wat iz hapen now coz we r poor then we s’d allow evrythng whch these white pple want???!!! No No No!o wake up Mw!
Dear Fellow Malawians,
Before I begin I would like to state that I am a God fearing Catholic, who has chosen a path that allows God to act as he wants. I remind all of us “Christians” and other religious people that Jesus said to us to love others as we woul like our selves/do unto others as you want them to do to you, I also further remind you that the Bible says that we are mere humans and have no right to judge and punish sin, that is God’s job and we have to respect his law, now this does not condemn acts that blatantly defy the rights of others such murder or theft, after all those tangibly affect the community we live in, homosexuality however, does not. It is nobody’s business what others choose to do with their private lives. With that being said I’d also like to call out the following people:
●All the men and women out there who are married or are in serious relationships but despite their situation are still moving around town with men and women who are not their wives or husbands or boyfriends or girlfriends.
●All those men and women who are sleeping with other people’s husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends.
●All those men and women who are sleeping with men and women they are not married to.
●All those men and women who lie and have ever lied about anything.
●All those men and women who steal and have ever stolen anything even as small as a piece of gum.
●All those men and women who didn’t go to church last Sunday.
●All those men and women who don’t pay their 10% tithe to the church in full.
●All the men and women who didn’t go to confession last month.
And lastly
All those men and women who have judged others instead of letting God do it, you men and women who damn your fellow humans to he’ll which you have no right to, at all.
All of you are sinners, and that’s the truth, and it’s a shame that we ourselves can’t see that, we’d be so happy to condemn gay men and women who haven’t stolen, or murdered but are just in love with eachother as you are with your wife or husband, yet you steal, you cheat on your spouse, you fornicate, you evade your taxes, you don’t pay your full 10% to the church, you lie consciouslyknowing that you are lying, you judge others while you yourself are not perfect and yet you think you have the audacity to decide who loves who. That is disgusting. Ans what’s even worse is that I hear and see men and women condemning homosexuality stating that gay people should be imprisoned yet themselves they cheat on their wives and husbands. Tell me, what makes you so much more forgI able in God’s eyes? An adulterer/fornicator is no different from a gay man or woman in God’s eyes if he truly condemns them. Therefore you have no right to say such things.
That is how I feel about people who shamelessly use their religion to condemn others, Malawians are tooo concerned with looking good a nd God fearing in the light when in the shadows they are just as guilty as Satan himself of grave sin. All this talk about Malawi being a god-fearing nation is nonsense, if that were true, adultery, fornication, divorce as well as homosexuality would be illegal.
Please don’t disgrace your religion, it’s bad enough that you lie, cheat or steal but to try and fool others that you are god-fearing, please go find a bible and re-evaluate your life.
Now onto more pressing matters. The answer to thus issue is simple: The Malawian governem net has more I portante things to deal with then homosexuality, and frankly arresting and trying homosexuals is a gros waste of resources. As a Malawian I honestly don’t give a damn, we are struggling though an economic crisis and I don’t appreciate being taxed so my money can go to the trial of a homosexual, do you people realise that these things cost money?
You have to investigate the case (which costs money), you have to get an arrest warrant (which costs money), you have to bother the juste and prosecution (who get paid to do this, which costs money), you pay the polive (which costs money), and when the donors get you to release them for them only to sue the state for wrongful arrest, the state will probably lose then have to pay reparations, which again, COSTS MONEY FROM OUR TAX.
It is with this I leave us to think about what we say and do.
Goodnight and God bless.
Adapondapo ndi mapazi “satanah” pa mutu pa peter muthalika osadabwa ai
Does t mean dat de president brings rules in parliament wth a final say,Mps where r u 2 criticize?May b u r receivn somtn 2 stay silent?Ah no,wakeup plz…U r leadn a country 2wards God’s wrath..If u r nt able 2 lead y being in front?May u surrender it 2 others and go to america if u wana get rich!!Peter nkesa muli nd ana aakazi awili inu?Akwatisen ife titolepo chisanzo otherwise Go To Hell Peter…..Kukamwa kwako kukonda ndalama
The Free & Cheap Things Malawi Wants Will Lead The Nation To Gaysm. Morals For Sale #LordHealMalawi
The Free & Cheap Things Malawi Wants Will Lead The Nation To Gaysm. Morals For Sale #LordHealMalawi
#thats deadly for a country…..
Ngati a MALAWI tidakagonabe nde kti dziko la MALAWI ndimaloto etii… Kumangovomera chili chose pofuna ndalama, pamapeto pake ndalama zomwezo mube ife tikungovutikabe chonchi. Palibe kulola apa za GAY zanuzo, inuyo mungopita konko muzikapanga zimenezo osati mziko lathu lino. Kwinakutu ndikupanda mzeru eti, zausilu kwambiri. Kuphunzira kwambiri sikudziwa kulamulira anthu iziz zimakhala mzeru zina zapadera. Chabwino ingogulitsani dzikoli kti mwina chokhumba mtima wanu chichitike basi
being a gay is worse than munthu odya mphemvu ……
simpe equation to solve the problem; umo anthu atengera malamulo mmanja ndikumalanga okha okhuba ie kuwayasa, kuwakhapa etc, wamathanyula aliyese timuoneyo kungompanga zompangazo basi,,, I believe okonda kumanyiwa azindikira kuti a malawi sitilora. azimayi oyendayendawa ambiri akumayamba mchitidweu coz sanapeze munthu owakwatira nde mwamuna wina azikafuna kobibila sibola kutchedwa malemu pamenepo!
Vuto lake Mmati malawi ndi dziko la christu that’s wy amakutolani ndizamathanyulazi, likanakhala la chisilamu, ngati ku GAZA amalawi tikanaima njiiii!!!! kulimbana ndasatanawa even if it mean kutitumizila ma drones kuzatipha. pali zinthu 6 zimene munthu suyenera kuzisiya zikuonongeka. iwe uli wa moyo: 1. umoyo, aliyense opeleka chipsinjo/kupha apangidwe eliminate pomupha to serves miyoyo ina! 2. dziko, malawi z our home, wecant allow munthu waku america kumatifinya choncho,,,learn from mugabe and museven. 3 knowledge, why shld we malawians allow to be brain washed Like this that maoney shld make us leave the accepted natural way of comprehension!,,,, chosangalasa ndichoti sitonse tikusekelera zimenezi papezeka ena adzaima kupeleka moyo wawo to serve malawi!
there is homo’s in iraq, afghanistan if you don’t know. Find out what a ‘chai boy’ is.
there are homo’s in iraq, afghanistan if you don’t know. Find out what a ‘chai boy’ is.
hope u understand the route cause of such wars + anko sam’s hidden agenda for the same!
hope u have also led the protocols of the zionist elsers, the confession of an economic hitman and CIA fact file for all nations,,,,, esp on MW think u’ll a tincture of their plans even to us poorly rated malwians
The President betrays his pple coz of money ayi ndithu nthawi yathadii
There shall be no sorrow in your life, there shall be no afflictions, and no calamity; only voice
of rejoicing and good news shall be heard always in your tabernacle. The glory of God will shine upon you,
the anointing for good health, success, progress, prosperity and breakthrough shall rest permanent in your
life in Jesus mighty name
Ponena nkumati Warm Heart of Africa &God fearing Country ziipe kamba ka lwe?
Zikoli tinakamupasa munthu wakuti wabadwila kumalawi wakulila kumalawi waphuzira kumalawi sukulu yake yonse sibwezi akupanga zofoila
A Malawi tiyeni tichenjere…Mulungu adalenga zamoyo ndi zopanda moyo.Munthu ndiye wopambana pa zolengedwa zonse.Cholinga chawo akufuna kuononga chilengedwe ndiye choyamba ayambe kaye auza: agalu, mbuzi,anyani,afisi,nyerere,abwamtasa ndi nyama zonse zopuma.Nyama zonse zikavomereza ifenso anthu tivomera.May God send peace,love and grace in MALAWI
Malawi is american fearing not God lol zasitha zithu kuchoka God fearing ndikudzakhala american fearing.
Bravo Lucius, go on!
kodi mulungu angakhale opusa kulenga mwamuna ndi mkazi kungofuna kubweretsa chisokonezo kudziko basi apa nde zkuchta kuonekeratu poyera kt angerezi akutira mulirabe mpaka pano tsogoliri alipoyu mmmm! sioopa mulungu
kodi mulungu angakhale opusa kulenga mwamuna ndi mkazi kungofuna kubweretsa chisokonezo kudziko basi apa nde zkuchta kuonekeratu poyera kt angerezi akutira mulirabe mpaka pano tsogoliri alipoyu mmmm! sioopa mulungu
Umphawi Sizinthu,umatha Kuchita Zinthu Zopusa Kuti Usangalase Mabwana.Nanga Mkutani Pomwe Wafika Malawipa
Timeup heeee sheeeeeee!?; nowdays leader full of satanism
they do coz de know that malawi is abanana republic
Timeup heeee sheeeeeee!?; nowdays leader full of satanism
Can this decision solve numerous problems which Malawians face in their lives. Because agreeing to this decision means Malawi acquires donner funds.
He has chosen the easy path. Shame. Being the voice of the voiceless often means making a tough choices ethically. Political choices are easier because people always applaud those who oppose the ruling elite. Not the case now. Just what morals do you stand for Lucius? Are you real? Do you really understand the issues?
Kodi inu mmati ndinu lucius makolo anu akanakhala ma gay mkanapeza pa dziko lapansi? Shame on u
Adakatani yekhayekha umphawi utavuta mdziko
Koma ziko likupita kuti
Lucius u can’t sound just leave them and focus on truth.
Malawi it’s a very gud country BT the leaders ar very stupit if u allow gay in Malawi let Mugabe marry peter muthalika otherwise no way if ur father akanakhara gay bwezi uliko iwe naweso iwe usamatere.
Who is ready to compete with God’s plan.God doesn’t forget or need an adviser. A God fearing nation is not known by its slogan but its action. Poverty persecults but never kill people. Give citizens freedom to express their vies by voting. Without humbling ourselves before the Lord,no blessing shall be upon Malawi,curses shall be unspeakable,MALAWI take cover and remember about Sodom and Gomorrah!!!!
Chisilu Ndi Munthu Amene Amavomeleza Zitho Zosusana Ndi Baibulo. Enawa Anangosakhidwa Koma Alibe Zoziyeneleza Pa Mpando Wawo Ndichifukwa Amangololela Zili Zonse. Nyasi Ngati Zimenezo.
A Malawi kodi tikupita kuti? Tingotengeka zili zonse zochita azungu olo zikhale zoipa. Mwina zimapangidwa ndi anthu omwe mitu yawo siyenda bwino kumeneko. Pakuti anthu akudafe kaya mzungu wa misala achite chilichonse choipa kaya chabwino timangoti zili bwino,bola wachitayo akhale mzungu. shame on us!!
sojah iz a hero
peter machende ake god punish him as he punish his brother you will die like chikern
Kungo chichosa chinsiru chamunthu nyaniyo ..bingu nsimunthu ayi
The first tym we had this issue it was aunt tiwo n monjeza. govt was pressured by western nations n the then govt tried to uphold the law up until ban ki moon came n beg their release. this time around it was virginia palmer who started. to condemn followed by uk parliament govt was pressed to release the guys. anthuwa ali mu system. yovuta kwambiri ali busy kufesa mbewu ya satans in every country.
but dont get decieves or carried away for truth shall prevail n woboola mpanda njoka izamuluma.
let the reader understand thats its time the labour pains have started.
ndiyosavuta kuzithesa kwake tingowsiya amene akufnawo ife kumasata zimene amapanga makolo kale
it started with the program of circumcision.they new uncircumcised………
…….that’s bullshit lets not tollarate gay marriages.
Ndiufulu wawo
this is very shameful thing to our country sexuality is part of satanism.so if we allow this tendency it mean we are worshipping money not God.kugwa mmanja mwa Jahovah ndi koopsa.azungu nthawi zonse amafuna kuononga mchifukwa chake Mugabe anawathamangisa.amene akufuna kumva speech ya Mugabe just give me ur #
let them b free, is their time, siyani nansongole ndi trigu zikulile limozi, izafika nthawi nansongole azazulidwamo. ino ndi nthawi yongolimba ndi chikhulupiriro chako basi. nkhaniyi inali yoenera kuisova ma anthu monga decentrisation + mipingo. osati boma ai, boma kwake kunali kungoichita implement, western power akamachita pressure boma kwake kunali kungoitula mmanja mwaanthu kuti tithane nao ma western wo
Msilikali wanena basi. Chilungamo kuwawa
kuyambili Lucius nayeso ndi gay akufuna kukupusisani kukada amakhala limodzi ndi satanic Oseo
Ching ndi china only Gods mecy should cover our lovely country.
Ndilibe chonena peter mmmm ndi democracy mmmi Malawi alira mpaka imfa basi
Ndalama zikulamula kuposa chilungamo,umphawi nditchimo ndakhulupirira.
Khondo ndi izi sizikugwirizana
Timothy ntambo ndiye akukamiza Boma zopusazo.
Ena omwe akuvomereza zopusazi sakudziwa kuti this system is part of satanism they are accepting stupid ideas
Ena omwe akuvomereza zopusazi sakudziwa kuti this system is part of satanism they are accepting stupid ideas
Ufulu wa masatanic ndi umenewo osati wamulungu
Uzafa infa yowawa
mtsogoleri wathu mutu wake sumakoka, kod kapena ndi proffessor wa mathanyula iyeu? ndapsa mtima kobasi ndikubwera komweko ndikuonetsa zokuonetsa
But do we think all this power it come from where? very soon we going Home, (are u?)
mtsogoleri wathu mutu wake sumakoka
Leaders where r you drivng us? Inu mudakwatira mkaz muliso nd ziana,nde mukuvomeleza bwanj zopusaz .zaonesa kut ndnu anthu ozikonda,zikanakhala bwino mukadayamba ndnu kukwatra mamuna kapena mkaz nzanu
Mob justice igwilepo ntchito basi,tizizinga tokha ma batty bwoi tikawapeza
Auzeni anthu zoona athu Madala this is a piece of shit
Ndiye ma Americans achite changu kugula mankhwala muchipatala osati azingotigona ulele chifukwa ndikuziwa kuti iwowo akabwera kuzacheza kuno amapanga zoputsazi. Ngati sathandiza Mavuto a Malawi nsanga President Peter akhala wa ku America.
Mwene we talk about this osati zinazo
Wrong Crown The Anaki On Duty Just Prayer For Its Near To Ur Home
if we r going to allow this rubbish behaviour seriously God will punish us. remember sodom n gomola was destroyed because of evil things like this…. n mind you God amalanga anthu dziko coz of decision yolakwika yochoka kwa nfumu n being a spirit is going to circulate tremendously n our children will be affected movetsa chisoni….. Lord have mercy to our lovely Land please musalolele this things kuvomelezedwa in this land
Ine Ndanola Kale Zikwanje Ziwiri Pa Glinder Ndikampeza Gay Ndidula Khosi, Asatizolowere Azungu Amenewa
Mayi Malawi unali bwino padzana paja,panthawi ija mbalame zimapanga zisa zake pansi…
Malawi dazakula mpaka kale
Chapita kuti chikhalidwe chabwino chachimalawi timkaziwika nacho chijA
Am here to announce that on 9th January am marrying Peter Mutharika
Sizoona mamuna sangakwatire mwamuna nzake.zimafunika nkazi ndi mamuna.nanga abadwa bwanji? Eee zoopyatu izi.olo umphawiwo nde mpaka kumangovomeleza zili xonse? Tisiyeni my mtendere please ife ndife anthu oopa mulungu ndi nkona mulungu m:munda muja anaikamo omuthangatira ndipo anali wankazi osati wamamuna….muganizepo bwino APA ngati munalandira kale ndalamazo.kabwezeni ndithu…
gay law was suspended in 2013, mpake apa ma donor anatokota kwambli coz atakambilana kale nd bola lapta lija ndpo boma latha lija linavomeleza kupanga suspend gay law.
Tithanananu ma guy silently
Bombocrat pple
Peter how did u born ngati fuck off
mwayi wake sizoakamiza its a 3ling wanga ndilinaye kale
soldier tili pambvyo pako!
Mwana wa m’mudzi tiye nazo
Peter ivo wakuchita wakunikwantha pa mdoto! Watinangirenge charu uyu. Uli wawerere ku Amereka? Chindere.
Tibvomere cifukwa tilibe migodi ukunenayo never respect your self
Lets go for war
Uphwawi ndi wanthu koma izi ndi ucitsiru president wanthu ngati ndi gay adziwe izi ukwati ndi awiri mkazi ndi mamuna basi
Ndi opusa apeter ngati akuvomeleza u gay chifukwa poyamba anamveka kuti nawo anali agay ndicho chifukwa chake analibe mkazi chitsilu akupembedza Mulungu wakuti Mulungu analenga nkazi ndi mwamuna Mulungu akhale wopusa wochenjela mukhale inu zopusa basi
Uchimo udziwika ndi chilamulo popanda lamulo palibe uchimo
Mmmmmmm ndinenese pano kuti kwamene anatenga nthawi yake nkukhala pansi kuwenga Bible ndimikize pano kuti tili munthawi yakumapeto, ndinenese pano poela ineyo palibe ngakhale pamodzi pamene ndikugwilizana ndiboma pazimene lachitavzoleka kuimba milandu anthu awiri aja, Bible limanenesa kuti nkosatheka kuti choipacho chisadze koma tsoka kwaiye wakudza ndichoipawo, nde titha kuankha tokha pamenepa kuti oipa ndani? ndipo finso limene ngafunse ineyo ndelakuti amene akunena zimenezi wa khomo lakachisi amapita? chabwino iwowo abambo awo akanakwatila mwamuna nzawo iwowo pano akulankhula nyasizi? akanabadwa? uku ndimati kupusa ndipo boma ilili ndisaname palibe chanzeru chonse linabweleseko kumtundu wamalawi, ine ndisaone mtsogoleli osapemphela ngati uyu ndithu ndi chifukwa azingovomela ndinyasi zomwe, Amalawi tisaipute mdala miriri
Wa foxy
Osaiwala ambuye yesu atachirisa wakhungu pa sabata ena anakwiyanazo amafuna iwo achirisese cholinga munthuyo azitsatira zomwe iwo angafune, ndiye awa amatithandiza cholinga tizipanga zomwe iwo angafune. Amen
I hope more members follow suit we al behind so disgustinghim
Offcuse we ralay on donation bt is two mush thuts why late bungu wamuthalika chese them away bt the same pple you saide bingu achoke achoke to day is the fruits of donase
Nkhani yomwe yangotipeza kumene,,,, MOTO OLUSA WASAKAZA NYANJA YA MALAWI (LAKE MALAWI) M24
Fuck the president peter fuck you and everybody else engaged in this act Fuck you
Zafikapa Mwaonjeza Man Peter Kd Akadakhala Kt Makolo Ako Iweyo Bwenzi Ulipo!, Kd Zimenezi, Unakapepha Paulendo Omwe Unapita Ndi Anthu 115 Aja!!!,.Chonde Chonde Apeter Tisiileni Dzikoli, Km Usapuse Malawi Ndidziko Lanthu Osat Lako Wava!!!!
INE ndakwera soider
y must we forced to do bad things
Kkkkkkkkkkk dziko lathu
Tiligu ndi nasongore zilekeni zikulire limozi
but still we need donors support,tipange zofuna zawo basi,ndikudabwa aliyense akuti malawi dziko loopa Mulungu nde bwenzi ma albino mukuwapha,umbanda uli tho.asiyeni Mulungu adzawalanga okha ma gay wo.
hey man r u crazy?????? tiwasiye????? ndiye kuti nawenso ndi gay ukufuna upulumuke????????? akapezeka guyz osamusiya dulani khosi azajaila……
mayaz am nt gay ni hate gaysim,koma dziko lathuli nidz donors tilibe migodi ngati zimz,botswana etc.
Iweso coment yako ndyambuli bwanji bola ukanangosiya ixey, u seem similar to them y? Au ok bro ??? Eeee
akuoneka kuti mutu wake sumaenda bwino uyu
Kdi ameneeyu wamisala eti,or ndalama ukutchulazo zibwere udzadya nawo iweyo? Akamapanga mphwando agalu amenewa amayang’ananso inuyo? Peter chilowelleni ndichiyani champhindu wapanga panthawi yochepa imeneyi utandiuza?
Kulora tchimo chifukwa chanjala? God forgive u man.
Nyapala uyu, mwana obadwa Satana akudutsa pakwawo, kachitsiru ukonda ndalama ng@ kuti pali nkhope yake, Umapha ma Albino ndiwenso eti? ‘Mpandeni makofi mwana ophunzitsa ana ufiti uyu
wayankhula wekha zopusazo..ma donorz nde kuti.chan
Kakakakaka …ndinayamba kale kuwauza awa,lero si izi??mpandeni…..
Who is you? Havent you read in the bible about Sodom & Gomora?my prodigal son keep in your mind that,this is our Mother land we need to have the responsibilities to defend it.Shabbs you need deliverance so that you can be in a good relationships with God.
thandizo lachani ndalama zake amabazo
cmon guyz,sizonyozana izi nde muziti mumaopa mulungu shame on u guyz.AM NOT GAY.
Migodi ndiye nchani ngati ndichoncho uyambe I we wakwatiwa ndi mwamuna mzako
I like ur coment a million times….people jst talk they dont see thngs from the ground…without donors we are nothing, makwala, our newly graduated doctors n’ nurses couldnt get jobs coz th WHO withdrew aid… No one is in support of the gay thing, truth be told we have no option, we 100% depend on donors…only God wul judge
I like ur coment a million times….people jst talk they dont see thngs from the ground…without donors we are nothing, makwala, our newly graduated doctors n’ nurses couldnt get jobs coz th WHO withdrew aid… No one is in support of the gay thing, truth be told we have no option, we 100% depend on donors…only God wul judge
Izi ndiye chibwana if we say no let be ngati tikulakwa mulunguyo alange Ife kuti tinakana mathanyula. Even the bible says onse opanga mathanyula aphedwe ndithu. Moti awa anayenera kuphwedwa basi.
Izi ndiye chibwana if we say no let be ngati tikulakwa mulunguyo alange Ife kuti tinakana mathanyula. Even the bible says onse opanga mathanyula aphedwe ndithu. Moti awa anayenera kuphwedwa basi.
and in ths case if u truly blv n God and u do evrythn accordn to hs words..u will nvr b punishd cs of smbdys sin..opanga zawozo thy knw mawu amulungu akuletsa koma iwowo akupanga zawozo..its obvious thy wll b punishd..ndiye aliyense angopanga zoti zimuthandize..ukati ufele mzako ndee uvutika..lets just work hard n our doings and fnd money..sikuti dziko lilibe ndalama ili..it hs zambiliso..ena akuyankhula uku akutukuka..ena kuyankhula akuzibwezela mmbuyo ati poti boma lati ndalama lilibe…mupwetekeka nazo komaso kupepela nazo
zipatso za democracy zimenezo osadabwa kwambiri
Maxwell Patrick am nt gay n i dnt support gays ok.CARADHO PA.
ok ndamva guyz,,,, ndiyesetsa kusintha zinthu
In Gods Creation Every Part Of Our Body Was Created For A Particular Task; The Nose, Ears,eyes,legs. You Name It. He Created Man And Woman With Two Different Parts Of All For A Special Reason. That They May Stay Together And If Possible Reproduce. Give These Gays A 100 years. Will They Reproduce And Fill The Earth? They Are Who They Are Because Of Mai Ndi Bambo.
Ok you need sponsors . so a u saying if they can say do anything for money u can do it even if they say join Satanism or kill yr mom u can do it. Money z not everything we a Africans let’s pray to god and merry opposite sex so that we can also multiply
What the bible say Malawi ikulora zopusazi why president is the big mavuto kuli bwino kukhala osauka kusiyana ndikuvomera manyi ngati amenew
Fuck u gays n all western slave masters we dnt need your donation from now!
Chimene ndaona kuno ku Malawi,pofunika tiyambitse nkhondo tipandaneko kaye mwina tingachangamuke.
moti zoonadi wina ndkumapanga support this fulish thng zo o na a Malawi zimenez mhhh,God wl indid dil with u gayz coz of kulir kwa ana ake,just wyt muona zokuda oky.
bwampini atilangitsa kwa chauta uyu
Chimene ndaona kuno ku Malawi,pofunika tiyambitse nkhondo tipandaneko kaye mwina tingachangamuke.
Pepani mayi nkhondo siimanga mudzi
Everyn,Imeneyi imanga mudzi chifukwa apapa aliyese wapasuka zedi,ndinabadwa mubanja la mai ndi bambo,wina akubweretsa nyasi zake muno or kodi ndalama akuhongazo zimapita kuti? Sadzatenganso anthu 200 waku America kukalandila malipilo awo povomereza zamanyazizi?
you dont know what your talking about,(one family torn apart by war is too many) so becareful what your asking from God
tingobulanapo basi
Zilire man tithamange !!!!!
Tiyambise gulu la anti gay kuwapeza akunyengana shalia basi
Amene Ukufuna Nkhondowe Unawaona Magazi Akuyenda Ngati Mtsinje, Iweyo Kukhala Opanda Chilichonse Even Phone Imene Wa User Kuponya Ka Status Kako, Have Time To Visit Dzaleka Refugee Camp In Dowa Sudzakambanso.
Dont be stupit mumangomva mkhondo hold ur mouth&listen.
mmm mwakula mopusa ma Nyasa eeeti
Go to rwanda…you will never talk of war anymore
Will deal with you if you continue this malpractice here in the God fearing nation Malawi, am not afraid of whoever is supporting this gayish act whether you are fro USA , Germany else where go back to your roots and wr shall not bow down to your dollars, pounds or deutsche mark go to hell we don’t eat at your neither mxiiiiiii stupid. .
Donor Aid yavuta eeeeee koma kusauka sikwabwinodi.Ambuye mutikhululukire pakuti sikufuna kwathu koma ndi kwa Americ, Germany ndi Uk.
zausiru zimenezozo amene angafune INE ndiripo andikwatire koma INE ndizafuna mwana pa myezi 10,koma osapezeka mwana mwaine akuru ndizapha munthu ameneyoyo
Will deal with you if you continue this malpractice here in the God fearing nation Malawi, am not afraid of whoever is supporting this gayish act
Will deal with you if you continue this malpractice here in the God fearing nation Malawi, am not afraid of whoever is supporting this gayish act
Your the one talking shit infront of Malawians asso!
big up Mr Banda muwayimbetso nyimbo wonyatsidwa akakorope swimming pool Malawi is God fearing country chitsiru chakulira ku America dats y chimangovomera zopanda nzeru izi
Just follow instruction from someone who give you something there is no issue here munatani amalawi makani pamene muli osauka
we are still under Britain.
we are still under Britain.
zachibwana eti zaazungu zisabwere kwanthu kuno.
Gays continue will definitely deal with you accordingly you shall see
mphavu yasatana ndiymene ili patsogolo.ndipo palibe chingqsinthe.jst play and don’t worry mulungu azakutetezani.
Mulungu wakukumwa ndiwachilongosoko according 2 Bible zicitika”KOMA” tsoka kwa okwanilitsa ndi ocita conyasaco znali chochiso ku Sodom ndi Gomola belive Jesus is coming soon
Dats y Chilembwe die Coz of de same Sh*t
Even Satan was not gay he persuaded Adam and Eve to do sex
Akapezeka otchani ndimateyala izi nyansi bolanso wakuba.
Let them grow together we shall see during the time of harvest, why do you trouble yourself?
Malawi needs leaders lyk dis man.
Say No gay in Malawi pls
Vlad devil iwe n not Malawian so shut your ass!
Political mileage too late
on moto!!!!!!
Suspension was done 2013 were you not in Malawi?whom are you hoodwicking?
haaaaah ulosi ukwanilidwe basi Koma soka kwa okwanirasa yoo
Any Evidence?
Mulungu adalemga Adam&Hava,bwanji sadalenge amuna okhaokha?b4 u accept things u must think,vuto ndi mtsogoleri wathu!!
We sold the our country to the devil. But all is not lost we can still reverse the situation.
Vuto ndiloti apulezidenti athuwa ndi GAY angakane bwanji? Mlungu akuwona.
Hope our first MAN dances the same tune, no wonder….
Koma bwanji peter titanchosa akusokonenza zambiri
Uganizile ukapolo wako ukugwira ku SA ko usazitenge ngati dolo
Am not behind them but I can’t sit on my chair and start judging them ,,we r not perfect that’s all what I say ,,,
Kdi inu asoldier mukadakhala inu mukadatan coz dolla mulibe ndye muyendetsa bwnji dzko kkkkkkkkk! Moti apa zakhala bwno ngkhalenso Bingu anawakhulukira anthu aja kusonyeza kt ndkufuna kt adziwike kmanso apatsidwe dolla
l support guy marriage, whats yo problem? Is it yo marriage?? zopux eti?
Vuto lake tizikumenyanika ngati simukudziwa because your supporting nonsense!
who are u? policeman? soldier? why talking shit, talking rubish…?
dats wat da bible aint tchng us.. To hell wit you gay marriage
chitsiru ichi inu musalimbane naco chimatamba
Wen Speajing U Hv To Know That God Wil Judge Ur Words One Day Thanks
av never a stupid person lyk in my life coz akankhala kuti amako aja amkagonanana akazi ökhowokha iweyo ukanabadwa?????????????? ndiwe chitsiru kwambiri wamva!!!!!!!!!! uwawuze amako azipanGa zimenezo wamVa????????????????????
#phil Romeo tell yo fucken mum with big pussy & yo dad with 30cm black penis wamva kkk
hooyaaaa uzafa imfa yowawa amene ukubakira za ma gay,,, uzaikidwa drip ya acid ndi2
Forgive Him Something Z Missing And Soul Already In Captivity Cell In Hell With Mercy On U.God Forgive U For Anything U Wl Utter.
to b agay its normal ever u want not ena axibale anu ndi gayz bt u dont knw,anthu muli bizy kukambilana zopanda tchito kuleka kumapexa solutions ama problems amalawi muno
petulo wakulira ku USA ndipo wakhala nthawi yaitali ali batchala ndipo anakwatira chifukwa cha udindowu mwina nayenso anali gay nchifukwa chake sakuona vuto
Thats against God.
Dont talk shit u pple.de PREWSIDENT has done dat 4 ur sake.donners r 2 blame.mind u about aboyt AUNT TIO.wht dd BINGO do?& why? wat dd de so called NGO’S say.u furish pple know dat u owez turn agaist de President bt NGOs r de ones who r selling Malawi 2 donors so shut up ur probosis.period.
Umphawi watichitsera umunthu, watilowetsa uchitsilu, watichotsera ulemu.
Good for nothing
Nzigwira ngumbi ine
51 years of independence still, akutisatabe ati ufulu wachibadwidwe ndibwino anthu awiri aphwanye ufulu wa anthu 15,000,000 ? Cso ali kuti inakakhala nkhani ina unakamva timatche koma lero kuli zii . Akazembe onse palibe chaphindu chomwe akupanga, koma dama ndevu vs ndevu, lamulo ligwire ntchito , makobiri awo akhale nawo sizosowa mcherezo
Masawo your perfect that’s why your behind gays
Haha a Jossy chauya ndinu spokesperson wamulungu kkkk nanga mukutukwana bwanjiso kkkkk
zamatsiku otsiliza Baibulo inanena kale zimenezi.
M means malawi. N means nyasaland
Inu kodi akati avomara u gayiwo KODI ndikuti ineso ndizasanduka gay??? Kodi akavomeleza Chamba ndikuti ineso ndizakhala wa chamba, asiyeni azipanga, nthawi zina anthu ena amaziwa ubwino ndi kuyipa akapanga chinthucho, nde kwa ine ndikuona ngati kuwasiya apange omwe akufunawob KOMA sapita nazo patali
Malawi ukanthidwa ndi mukwiyo wa Mulungu, Did you forget Sodom and Gomola? ma Ukwati ake adalinso omwewa, Come back Jesus with judgement
M means malawi
Hahaha you are judging gay people are u guys perfect,,,,??
Ati malawi analandila ufulu ozilamulira payekha,kkkk mbuzi za anthu
Who are u Godfrey Masawo pamaso pa Malawi??
Meanwhile in another news;: Dausi’s reaction to Mourinho’s sack..Jose Mourinho’s sack is attributable to a vaudeville of rationcinations Miasma. Most of the players are in a state of psychological quagmire, mental phantasmagoria and moral disequilibrium which has plummeted the club below sea level..Let me posit prestissimo the prebendal, narcissistic and namby-pamby that led to this acidic acrimony..Mr Abramovich is like a political sirocco or a micro cossum in a macro cossim. His actions are discobolus.”
Olemekezeka anzanu ku pariament anayambitsa nkhani ya kupanga legalize chamba osati chosutachi koma cha industrial ngati kazembe waku britain anayikilapo ndemanga njila yopezela ndalama ndi imeneyi
Slovenians yesterday just voted NO to same sex marriages and kadziko kenakake komvetsa chisoni m’maso ngati ako kakupanga suspend laws on these insane pple, really? This nation is the definition of pathetic. The Warm Heart of Idiots
Malawi kukonda ndalama,Mulungu akwiya nafe tizafa dziko lizatha lili losauka ili
let God strike u , u want gays in malawi
u didn’t understand what he said admin.
We have never change laws in USA, Britain, Germany to suite our needs so plz leave leave Malawi to be Malawi and people will recognize ours with our culture and beliefs .Sorry we are Malawian we can’t be British, Germans or Merican no and believe or not it will not be another Malawi .# NO GAYS IN MALAWI #
Yeah We Won’t Be Them
powerful massage. leave malawi alone not to exchange ur donnation and ur evil activities
mr Godfrey in the same bible God destroy sodom because of same sex marriage thats sin dont mis use God holy bible,God made man and woman to marry and become one not man and man thats wrong and sin
Your voice may be ?!
Malawi Malawi ine ndie ndigoona ma coment anuwa bs iya
Yes go on soja
Aaa Mw leaders always on the 4front saying we ar a God fearing nation, nw, if laws ar suspended, wht will bcm of us??? Koma ukapunthabuweu sizinthu ayi
kkkkkk amalawi nthawizina sitidziwa chimene timafuna. Bingu ankathamangitsa atsamundawa ifetomwe tinadananaye kuti we can’t do without atsamunda lero akuti atipatse thandizo tikama thanyulana mwayamba kulira. tikanalimba mtima nthawi yomweyija bwenzi izi titayiwara
action solder!!!!!!
wamisala lucius ,inu makolo anu anayamba akhuwusani zimene
anthuwa akupanga zopusa mmene ma beb amakomelamo ndingawasiye??
Timaikilanji Malamulowa Umphawiwu Dzikoli Tiligulitsa Kwa Asatanawa Azungu Ndiozungulila Mitu
My country why?
Our laws are jst in the hands of stupid people.i hope Kamuzu is nt happy wit this too Rip.Lamuloli linachoka nthawi ya The late president Kamuzu Banda. Majority of AU leaders are weak.wake up.
Haha am not a gay but I can the comments here that are so stressing and A Africa needs civic education about freedom and human rights,, even the bible says don’t judge so who are u to judge gay people ,,,let them live their life the way they need it,,,,and its so concening seing people like mr Banda saing what is teling , ,
Next time use your mother tongue,,,, sizikumveka at aaa
mmm @ Godfrey don’t be dull please! do you know what the word God mean?
@Godfrey..Fuck Ur dirty asshole….who z judgin’ here? zithu zoti mulungu amadana nazo wina akukuletsa nde uzit its Judge? Mwana wahule ur mama’s pussi!
Eya man ufulu ndumewo,koma ufulu onyegana kuthakowo kwathu kuno ayi, we respect our cutural values ,thoz who want that system must leave dis country to join others out there to avoid de violation of their rights, few pipo destroyng country’s dignity. De majority is sayng Big! No! To Gaysm!
#gays must fall
NO GAYS Malawi plz
Timaikilanji Malamulowa Umphawiwu Dzikoli Tiligulitsa Kwa Asatanawa Azungu Ndiozungulila Mitu
Demo Malawians plz ziko sila azungu ili ndilathu, anagwira makolo athu ukapolo n now they are back to finish our nation so lets fight back
Without action a Malawi tikusochera mu dzina la imphawi. Mathanyula inayambiranso ku America kumene APM president wathu wakhala zaka zochuluka. Poyamba akadatifunsa pa vote ya referendum kuti tokha tilankhule maganizo athu. Koma apa zaonekadi kuti adasainiradi ndalama za nkhani nkhani za global fund zomwe ntchito yake ina ndi imeneyi.
Mvuto ra malawi amayang’an ndarama kuyiwara za umu2 wawo a sojaah angorakhur akuwona ngt ari pa stage ayiwara kt akupanga za dziko!!
That’s good development and don’t be afraid Lucius, we are together,fighting for anti-gays in Malawi,our Nation is a real God fearing.
Kungowawotcha ndi moto agalu amenewa!
Always when ur poor umangoti yes bwana osandaula I will do it u don’t care about the others Malawi kumangogumuka ngati chigumu oooh my Lord
We need to hold massive demonstrations across the country!
totally agree wit u wi need massive demostrations across da country
I second that
Yes! that’s only the move which can indicate the westerns that we love God more than satan in Malawi!
Say No To Gaysm n Lesbianism,,,,,,,,iyi ndi nkhondo yaosauka ndiolemera (Chachidziwikire osauka aluza) Malawi ngati mipitiliza kukaniza u Guy NO chithandizo,Malawi waopa kkkkk,bvuto amalawi inakula nsanje kukokerana pansi titagwilana manja ngati family tikhoza kutukula dziko lathu popanda kudalira ma donors.
Guys please mpaka agalu akakhale ndi nzeru kuposa inu-agalu sakwatana amuna okha okha oro mbewa zimene zizingachite,koma ndithu chimunthu,mutu wawukulu nkumapanga aaaiiinu zamanyazi,ngatiali anzathu kunjako chonde tiasiyile khalidwe lao lanyansili,komanschina
We are living in the time of prophecy of Daniel
Passive President
Muli Bobo
soldier umakwana.
Azungu ndianthu onyaxa awa,opuxixa awa. Anabwela ndi bible ndpo chikuda anagonjexedwa lero awa ayambapo zokwatrana amuna kapena akazi okhaokha malawi akugonjexedwa
Dont legerise homesexual amuna sanga mange banja #DZUKA_MALAWI
koma ma lesbians sikwen kweni ndekuti eti? or amapanga mkachibisira? samagwidwa buanj? am not alesbian thou
Proffessor of law,but cant defend even single law of a country…this is a passive president malawi has ever had……
thats very laughable and shameful….isn’t it!
No to gay malawians
zikuyenera kukwanirisidwa ndithawi yake 666
Yeah We Need More People Who Will Always Stand Against Uve Ngati Umenewu. I Wonder Why The Whites Are Against The Laws Of Malawi As If We Are Still Under Their Leadership.Ife Kuno Uchitsiru Ayi Pasapezekenso Wina Wonena Kuti Tingowasiya.Malamulo Athu Timapanga Ndife Amalawi Osakhala Petulo Mutharika Ndi Anzake Oipa Mtimawo.
Note: There Should Be No Revision Of The Law Against Same Sex Marriages.
Mukakalamba siyirani ena osatiika mu maufulu otitha ai
#no gay in Malawi
Don’t date an image of this country with
i say no to gaysm!!!!!!
Shaaaah #Malawi swimmin in the pool of the west UP LUCIUS #Soldier shoot dem all!!!!!
Angovomeleza mathanyulawa,,,,,,,tikufuna ndalama ife,,,,,,,ndani sadziwa kuti mathanyula ndi sin? Amene azipangawa awasiye ndimachimu awo amenewo………ngati ndichoncho bwanji bomayi ingoletsa machimo onse amene amachita anthu!
Umphawidi ndi tchimo komabe sitilora………Allah created things in pairs
Nthawi Yatha…Baibulo Linanena Za Masiku Osiliza…Okwanilisa Malembawo Ndi Munthu Osati Galu/mphaka/mbuzi,
Izi Ndye Zopusa Izi
Zimenezi Ndizopusa Heavy Ukiyeneleka Iweyo Umusiye Mkaziwakoyo Ukwatilane Ndi Chilima, Monga Atsogoleri Achitsanzo.
Zimenezo Ndizopoila Bwanji Iwe Muthalika Ukuleka Kumuxiya Getrude Ndi Kukwatirana Ndi Chilima Monga Atsogoleri Achitsanzo
remember He Is Alpha & Omega..Nobody Is Above Him..666, Illuminate, Free Masons, Or Whatever They Called They Are Under His( Jesus) Foot…Ndchopondapo Cha Mapazi Ake..Chasankho Chili Ndi Inu Kulambla Mulungu Kapena Beast(666).
Better to legalize marlijuana than that bad ting
We will establish the jihad group in malawi which wll be called MALAWI ISLAMIC JIHAD.MIJ.Which will fightng against Infidels if malawian country wll allow gay,lesbians stay in the country free not behind the bar.THREAT FROM ISLAMIC STATE GROUP NORTH AFRICA LIBYA.
666 ndi imeneyi.. Jesus Is Around The Corner To Come…Zonse Zakwanlska..Konzani Mitima Yanu Lipenga Lisanalre…Nchifukwa Chan Mukulmbana Ndi Ufumu Wa Padzko Lapansi M’malo Mosamila Nkono Wanu Kwa Mulungu…Dziwani Kuti Tsiku La Chiweruzo(judgement Day) Aliyense Akayankha Mlandu Wake Payekha~payekha…Lapan, Batizidwan, Ndpo Muzpemphela Molimba Kuopa Mungagwe Plz..Plz..Plz…Musalore Satana Akukopeni Ndkumalimbana Ndi Znthu Zopanda Pake M’malo Mompembeza/momtumikila Mulungu.
It’s bad but it was written in the bible, nobody can oppose the bible, muchedwa ndkulimbana ndi utsogoleri komanso mtsogoleri m’malo motembenukla kwa Mulungu lipenga lisanalire…baibulo linauzla mayeso okalowela mu ufumu wakumwamba…pa mpikisano olo mayeso pamakhala owina ndi olephela, zonse zmatengela ndi m’mene wakonzekela….Lipenga Losiliza Lili Pafupi Kulira…Mkwatulo Ukubwela Kwa Awo Oyela Mtima…Ali Ndi Khutu Amve Zomwe Baibulo Linena….
Soldier is rIght, they promised to get us out from beggarship but now they r still worshiping western countries. We have our Laws they have theirs why interfering with our laws, Gays are worse than dogs we all know it n that’s final, th@s y Obama married Michelle, Germany ambassador is married 2 a woman, even that evil fool american ambassador is married to a man. Africa is rich only that most of our leaders currently r blind n they have a feeling th@ after 5 to 10 years they’ll be dead n what they doing is for today forgetting that tha more years to come n we need proper Plans 4 beta Africa. Western country wants africa to be v home of mathanyulas so that God shud punish us n we remain beggars for good
Malawi where are you going? Ths what happens when you let strangers into power to lead you. If same sex marriage was fine why Peter Muthalika married Getrude instead of marrying Ben Phiri, why has those Americsn children, if it was good he and his insane/modals cabinet could have not been born and rule our Malawi today. I support DPP but Malawi could have been better if we voted for Chakwera to lead us. Peter Mtharika please please turn to God as quickly as possible and before it is too late