Malawi’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is failing to pay an Information Technology (IT) expert, Christopher Aublic Ligomeka, millions of Kwacha for hacking a Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) system used for counting votes during the 2014 Tripartite Elections.
Ligomeka made the claims when Malawi24 interviewed him but he refused to reveal the amount of money the blue party owes him.
When asked to reveal contract agreements he had with the DPP, Ligomeka said he was linked to the party by Ken Kalirani after doing some work at his hospital.
According to Ligomeka, he is only recognized in DPP by the country’s Vice President Saulos Chilima.
He said despite his efforts communicating with Chilima, there have been no positive results from the party and he does not know when his money will be paid.

He said: “I was never paid; Mr Kalirani exploited my potential by promising me a contract to connect all hospitals. So he later asked for help to connect DPP tally centre which was beyond my expectation and there was no turning back but to finish and pretend nothing happened.”
“DPP officials don’t know about me, only Chilima acknowledged my presence that I was the one who helped them. After I emailed him my concerns he promised me to wait for some time as things take time to mature.”
In a Facebook post, Ligomeka revealed that he was invited to Kalirani’s office in city centre where he was asked to use his router to access a mirror system for MEC because the system was similar to his.
“I didn’t doubt because they issued me a soft copy of MEC letter allowing them to host tally centre same with all other parties. The objectives were to provide access to statistics of figures (results) from all centres.”
“After having successful connection, I was advised to block at least 50 laptops of DPP monitors from access[ing] everything apart from web interface of results and I did per instructed.”

“To my surprise there were no figures or results coming in and I observed that somebody with officials was making changes to a file within a mirrored folder regularly. They would instruct me to connect at a certain period then disconnect while they work with the file offline until next day when I overheard them saying “Tayipomboneza MEC”. I was the one who printed the copy of that letter which blocked even MDF for investigations,” reads part of his Facebook post.
During the 2014 Tripartite Elections, MEC officials announced that the electronic vote-tallying system had broken, a situation that forced them to resort to fax and email.
The system “was failing to take the information from the ground where data clerks were stationed to send the results.”
Whereas former head of state Joyce Banda claimed the information system that MEC used for the management of the results of the poll was tampered deliberately, limiting monitors’ ability to effectively carry out their duties.
Though she faced resistant from quarters of the society, Banda called for a recount just days after the general election amid claims of vote-rigging and computer hacking.
Banda said: “It has come to my attention that there [are] some serious irregularities in the counting and announcement of results in some parts of the country. In light of these concerns – and concerns emerging from other stakeholders, which includes other political parties – I call upon MEC to carry out an immediate manual audit of the whole process.”
Malawi24 could not establish the authenticity of the claims but MEC told Malawi24 they are investigating and taking the revealing claims Ligomeka has made seriously.
No secret under d sun.
Iwa ovata ndife ndiye ukuti chani?
P…ny….p…ko amene ukuli..b…a..nd…..dpp
Does this guy really exist or he is fictitious?. If he does really exist then I expect our police to visit him because based on his own story, he was involved in criminal activities.
Ligomeka Shd Face The Law,whether He Dd T/nt.Hs Act Z Likely 2 Coz Unstability In Our Country.Anjatidwe.He Z A confunst.Ngat Anakutuma AKupweteketsa.
Dats Unofficial.
Panyapanu a malawi 24 bodza lanu tatopanalo
P Zodo ameneyo, mukubwera ndi ma propaganda oti sangasithe zithu, zakale zonse zapita plan better and prepare well muzawina osachedwa ndi izi or kuotcha misika no! no! no! Just plan
Ine kudabwatu, ma ballot pepaz apsa, eee ena anyowa, eee galimoto imabwelera mbuyo yachita ngozi
The hacking foiled PP’s move.
kodi Jb mufunayo adawina kuti akhale pa mpando? Ndewu ndiyonse or kulumila kaya miyala no khani apa ….
DPP mbava
Cool down fellow Malawians.Let’s give Chilima a chance to clarify the matter.Mind u Chilima,GOD is listening & watching u.Tell us the truth.
propaganda! iyi mmmmm
Mulungu ndiwodabwisa mwini mpandowu akuwudziwa then he will make the way to reach there………
Fake story! why now? be legit plz
Zaululika kamtundu kakang’ono pano kavomera mathanyula kuonjezera matembelero munya muona
Zaululika kamtundu kakang’ono pano kavomera mathanyula kuonjezera matembelero munya muona
Ma editor a24 ndmakudziwani, mukonzeke mmawa madzulo kumenya ndeu ku #chitawira komko.. mxii
Munabela komaso palibe comwe mukucita mungotzuza bas
Udaombela Mfiti Mmanja Zisatikhuze Ife Kulira Kwathu Palibe akutinva zonsezi ndiweyo potibera chala chathu.
Ine ndinavotera DPP voti yanga inagwira ntchito
Fuck him we should kick his stupid ass
So it means Mec has very big problems that require complete investigations!!! It is never fit to run any elections
Alhomwe inu chokani,munabela mavoti pano muti anthu amakonda dpp.Pano mwavomera mathanyula mukuganiza kuti ife tikusangalala? Munayambitsa mulakho wa alhomwe ,kodi mukufuna kutanthauza kuti akadzalowa wachichewa naye azayambitse mlakho wa achewa? Mtumbuka mlakho wa atumbuka? Mwayambitsa tsankho inu a dpp komaso mukamapanga mulakho wanuyo mukuononga ndalama za boma.
With all the authorities which PP had, bt DPP made it into power!!! Yankhulani mukatopa musiya, mmuuze ali kunja uja abwereko azafotokoze ngati anaberedwa mavoti!!!
Only idiots believe there was rigging. If DPP rigged PP must have been full of idiots!
Malaswians , and the Globe, this ts very Heart-Breaking.
MEC [Mbendera Maxion] weren’t you the one denying about the 2014 May 20 Tripartite Elections Rigging, MEC computers hacked? You dangerous thieves and murderers, God Will deal with you accordingly soon.
kkkk ndietu a dpp wo anali ndi chinchito kuwauza azitola nkhani mziko lonse la malawi kuulutsa zokomera iwo nanga mchani ndikakumbuka bwinobwino dpp inayamba kumveka kuti ikuwina kuyambira ma unoficiall results pamene mcp,udf ndi pp zipanizi zinayambira kuluza chisankho ndi ma unoficial results omwewo kwaine chisankho tikanati chaberedwa pokhapokha mec ikanapambanitsa mwa zipani zitatu izi mcp ,pp kapena udf koma anayendera mau oti chilungamo chiende ngati madzi mkupambanitsa chipani chomwe chimatsogola finish paja olephera savomeredza kulephera kwake
fresh propagnda iyi olo mulimbane ndi dpp anthu mazanamazana anayamba kuikonda chipanichi chitangokhazikitsidwa kumene,adakachikondabe ndipo azamkera akuchikondabe simungamusinthe munthu ndi mapropaganda anuwo dpp its a national party not regional party ngati mcp kapena constituency party ngati pp kapenaso house party like aford,mufune musafune anthu amakondabe dpp ngati chipani chokhacho cha maso mphenya mziko muno ndipo simungawasinthe mkukhala a mcp never
unaba nawo ma vot et kapena akutuma
Auze Pasadi angadzaname!
mavoti anaberedwa kuyambira mu mapoling center mpaka kuberanso ma un oficial results uyo mpaka ku tally center akubelabe mpaka kubelanso oficial results kkk iwe ndie mbuzi basi mmutumo muli bongo wachiwala
Pasadi Katole ulibe mzeru unangokula mbuzi yotheratu
iwe ndie gwape weniweni opumira kuphazi mphuno ali nazo ndale sumazitsata nkhumba iwe
Cholinga cha atolankhani nkutidziwitsa zimene ena amati ndi zachisisi, osadanawo…keep on updating us mw newz 24
Achichitsiru inu mwatsowa zolemba lero,
DPP leaders,followers what you know is always evil.okey! you know how to slaughter men too we know & i know you are planning to kill a dscent man like he,you will forget his deeds he done for your prence thats why you are draying &denying paying him too you say he did nothing to you while you know the benefits of him to you.warning never try to slaughter or witchhunt the man am telling you just give his belongs immideatly.expecially PETER you hear me take care God see through all you do & you are answereable for them.
You don’t even attempt to make any sense! mxieew
you! go to hell.
He musnt get it ndi mbuzi anawagwira mmaso nae anthu
I knew that a black cat has passed. It’s a clear fact that APM and DPP rigged the the results. That’s why they resorted of bringing Chilima into their fold, just to use him in the same. Let’s wait for 2019.
Koma anthu simutopa,do u thing if u bring nonses here wat wil change after all? Peter wil remain aleader of dis republic,ukondwe or usakondwe zako zimenezo,
Kamugulire mano nzakoyu. I we mphenembe eti? u r a shame…..
Chakwera won! but look now everybody knew that something fishy took place God wil eliminate the evil one their days are numbered!
manual counting of ballot papers was done at polling centres and total counts for each centre was released before sending them to the so called data base you are talking about,,,,people could add the totals and find the winner even before the official anouncement of the results,,that simply means hacking the database was meaningless coz these DPP guys knew their victory before the results reached the database,,,,thats why he aint getin paid i gueess,,coz he did nothing worth a kwacha,zkkk
……the most intelligent comment in this post……
Tinkadziwa ife,ngakhale munakakamila alibenso chomwe mukuchita.a Malawi atopa ndi nkhanza zanu.
Kuputsa Kwanu! Mzilemba Nkhani Zabodza Kuti Muziti Ndinu Otchuka? Makape Inu Pa Tu…..Ndu Panu. Mwandikwana Ndi Ndale Zanu Zapa Fb.
Paja mukasowa zolemba mumayamba zopusa eti?kuyambila iweyo wolembawe,wonamawe kupusa kwanu,wondifuna andipeze ndithana nanu pa zonse,DPP woyeeee
Mbava inu,palibenxo chomwe mukuchita ulamuliro wanu.guy&satanic zili mwainu
Mbendera ankalira uja nde opusa no# 1. …
And bwino wake adauuza mtundu wa Malawi kuti system yawo yasokonezedwa….tinamva ndi makutu athuwa…
Lero ndi izi .chuma chochita kuba sichikhalitsa…
chisiru iwe ndithana nawe
things failing apart!!!! mulungu wakwiya
That’s just bushit of news writting!! Why is ligomeka coming out now? Oh becoz he has not been paid? What if he was paid? He would hav been queit? That bushit propaganda!! Amalawi tamayang’anani zolemba!!!
Ameneyu a yankhe mlandu wa votegate
Kkk..mwat votegate??!
so this rulling party won the elections by hacking,hehehehe so pity,they rot in hell.amulipiletu ndalama zake ameneo
Dont forget that computer counting was stopped instead they reverted to manual counting ,so weather its true or not it has no effect on the outcome of results
Social networks
wakhate samnamiza nsapato,!
Za Zzzzzz
Kinda hard to believe this story. Sounds like something fabricated. If the guy is smart enough to hack the system, I see no reason as to why he would be dumb enough to work without pay and also to come in public and give the said interview. Smh
Ine kudabwatu
If we were not mad,we could not have allowed this fool to rule us.
Why not going to nearest police station?
wat comes round goes round
Kkkkk zaululika basi, koma ndiye adatiyikatu mumabvuto mkulu ameneyo ndichifukwa chake zinthu zikumuvuta pano ku malawi. Si Malawi wakale uja Mpando unali wa Chakwera.
Malawi and her mad people.No wonder even the president is mad
we are not mad its only luck of ur thinking capacity u said like that
Ndalama zimenezo sudzatenga unyeraaaaa
Mkulu woyendetsa chisankho analiraaaaaaa
Kikikiki koma news 24
Difficult to believe!
Zayamba kuululika tsopano,Malawi walelo ndi ameneyo otchuka ndi mbiri zoipa Eeeee!shame.Mlungu abwere changu azaweluze
Where Will You Be When He Comes? Hell Or Paradise? Are You Ready For The Judgement Day? It’s Not A Joke My Friend, Don’t Play With God For Vanity, Do Not Take God Forgranted But Pray Always, Worship And Honour Him. Be A Real Christian Because Jesus Loves Us To Be That Way. I An Wishing You Good Luck As You Re-think And Reflect Your Life.
no #simon walakwisapo chani zakoyo even you to don’t judge others
Maybe akudziwapo kanthu ameneyo bt kunena zoona zomwe zikuchitka dziko lino zikuwawa
Oyamba kutengedwa statement ndameneyu
I knew it
Zayamba kuululika kkkkkkk,there is no secret under sun.if I was one the DPP exectutive committe I wouldn’t allow this guy to be given his malipilo-watiyalusa so why should he be payed for.
hahahaha munapanga hack computer yakut anthu amavota ndi ma hard copies ndikuwelenga pamanja lol!!
Iwe akawelenga amalemba pa pepala mesa amasunga database. …
ndiye database imakhala ma polling centre?,,,,,,,,,,,
kikiki am here 2read coments
Kkkkkkk,koma abale umbuli,,,,,,Emmal ayayayayayayaya
ashanty samazitsata,,,,,,,,,,manual counting of ballot papers was done at polling centres and total counts for each centre was released before sending them to the so called data base you are talking about,,,,people could add the totals and find the winner even before the official anouncement of the results,,that simply means hacking the database was meaningless coz these DPP guys knew their victory before the results reached the database,,,,thats why he aint getin paid i gueess,,coz he did nothing worth a kwacha,zkkk go to ZBS for more info
@ mynes nanuso simuzitsataa,,,,mmm kuvetsa chison
Mbwerera izi uyu walembayu sazitsata…
There is no secret under the sun!! The truth will always come out weather in this world or on the judgement day.always do the right things
Akutelodi eti? ndangomvadi nkhani imeneyi, simwaona? adatipweteketsatu uyu, ndiye timutani guys? kapena tikangomunenela ku mpingo amugwetsetu? nanga titaa?
when the Police discovered storen goods, they give to the owner. Now if this will be true that it was rigged, would you give it to the owner? Do you have powers yet in the first place you failed.
Malawi ameneyo
Koma yaaa,akatengeko mwa aja awadyetsa banz kuti atulutse ma guy
if ligomeka was ebo and successfully mirrore MEC’s router it mean some MEC official gave him IP address for the mirrord router.osewa ndakuba
Arrest him and lets get real facts from him. There is no way a learned person like him can enter into a contract he doesn’t know the conditions about!
But this world so you have found a formulae to implicate the VP so that you can finish him from being a politician. Mel my words this is the same DPP syndicate to finish the VP politically by using this Lifomeka man.
You already dragged malawians in hot soup. Malawians voted wisely, but you killed them this way. You deserve death sentence together with your so called Kalirani and chilima. Otherwise we will pray tha God should punish you accordingly for this.