The Zomba first grade magistrate court in Malawi’s old capital city sentenced 36 year-old Biniwelo Sayenda to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling his seven year-old step-daughter.
The court heard that the convict in October this year went to the bedroom of the victim where he defiled her while her mother went to draw water at a nearby borehole.
The victim then met her aunt who noticed that she was having difficulties in walking and when questioned, the girl disclosed that her stepfather had defiled her.
A medical report from Zomba Central Hospital revealed that the girl was indeed defiled though the accused pleaded not guilty in court.
Passing his judgement, magistrate Robert Khamisa slapped Sayenda with 14 years in prison saying his offence is a serious one.
Khamisa deplored the increase in defilement and rape cases in the country and said the sentence was meant to deter would-be offenders.
Sayenda hails from Malonje in the area of Traditional Authority Malemia in Zomba district.
a malawi tachulutsa mchitidwa umeneu 4ever in hell
36 divide by 7 is equal to 5remaindr 1. yeooo, rapn cases wil neva end, de best way z 2cut off da penis or burn de rapist 2death. akutionongera atsogo amawa
ndiku pusa abambo akulu
Raping = 14years.
Convicted of cashgate = 3years.
Akaseve amweneyo
Osamawamvera awa kunama awa
One ndinanena kale,kuti amend adzagwilire mwana wanga,not 14yrs wat wat,ndidzamupha n a polisi ndinakuwuzani kale.
Eishhh!! Zochitika kumalawi,,,,,,,,,,
ufiti sikutamba kokha umenewunso ndi ufiti
mwina ali ndi kamchra kakang’ono kolowa pa mwana ngat ameneyo,
He needs life not 14 years for taking an innocent life!!!!
Bread pa nyelele,mpatu suffocation.kufuna kutumbula chani?Si nsena ameneyo coz asenatu nde sawona yamwana.Kkk
komanso uyu siwofunika ndende zaku malawi kuno2,ndende zachepa!!Ofunika ku GUANTANAMAL-BAY!!!!
Mulingo wa Size 36 kulowa mu size 7. Koma ndye Pentagon ndi2 uku kunali kuphwasula. Kaya ziduswa zaonekapo kumeneko?
Ufiti chani ? Amafunika akhale mundende moyo wake onse . Mpaka mwana wa class 1 ?apatatu mwapha mwana chilango kundende moyo wake onse
Mlandu umenewu ndi “criminal bonjour” ofunika lyf imprisonment plus 25 yrs in jail.
Mmm!!! koma guys adzafa imfa yowawatu ameneyo!
Improper Fraction Kkkkk Shame On U
Kma Zoona Mpakana A Std 1 Pupil Ufiti Chani? Mahule Onsewa Ena Akumalolanso Kulembesa Uzawapase Ndalama Ukazalandira Nde Wina Mkumagwilira Shame On Him!!!
wt abot a cashgate 3yrs
nkhani izi zandikwana bwanji daily unyolo wathuwu ukuchitiranji manyazi kugwira ntchito?
That’s nosense,courts do not allow such pple 2 behave dogs.Alangidwe basi.Wats wrong wth a kid plz
Hahahahah Koma ndekuti amamva kukoma ngati mmene zimakhalira kupanga ndi munthu wamkulu???? Hahahaha
simapangepo ine. mwin ufunse anzangawa
We must bared him alive!!
osangobunyula bwanj?
(free hand style)
wapangaz uyu smunthu nd galu wachwewe,ng’ona ymeneyo angomutaya mshre
Nyere too much anthu okhulupirira zisamba. Ameneyo2 wayenera imfa yonyongedwa bcz pofika pogwida wakhazula ana angati? Pliz munthuyu wasiyana pati ndi bokohalamu? M23? My mother malawi finyirani bele pansi munthuyu afe bac
Komanso, Mulungu anatipatsadi mnzeru zosiyanasiyana eeee!mpaka 7yrs girl???
chondeee tangondiwuzani ali kuti ndimuzomola ndekha
miyoyo ya ana ambr a ng’ono ili pa chiopsezotu apa, nanga mpka wa stndad 1? Tondeyo Amaenela Kulandla Chilango Chokhala Kundende Moyo Wake Wonxe Apo Ay Aphedwe Chfkwa Anthu Ngt awa Ndiomwe Akunyasisa Malaw Wathu.
Haha mwina anapeza mahule atatha kubala.14 yearz koma cashgate ndye 3yearz zaganja bas kod mukamaweluza mumakhala mutabanda et.kkk
Waitha nanga siadalakwitsa nd adam nd mkaz wake uja kikikikikikikikiki! Ndye zitero ndthu
Defilement not rape!!!
Uchitsilu mpaka mwana wa Standard 1? Ali ndi mwai poti mwanayo siwanga akanakhala wanga ndikanamangidwa ndine iyi nditamudula chimamutumacho.
Akazionsewa kumalimbana ndimwana apachikidwe
Malawi the God fearing nation.
Kukhwima kapena uchisiru?
Alot f bitchez n pubs n barz y under age.they cud av hang hm
Nde amavanso kukoma ngati mmene zimakhalila ndi akuluwa kkkkkkk Yesu bwerani nsanga muzalange anthuwa
Kkkkkkkk Hazwel Kumweenda nane ndimafuna ndizifunsa motelo… Zandidabwisa nane kkkkkkkkk
Apa bolaso kukapanga ma gay….kkkkk
We need to see the man and the girl here.
Musamati a man muziti a boy!!!! Kodi onyengayo akanakhala wa mkazi wa zaka 14 mukunenazo munakati a woman 14 yrs??????? Mumafuna kukometsa nkhani bwanji?????Ndakwiya nanu kwambiri…
Musamati a man muziti a boy!!!! Kodi onyengayo akanakhala wa mkazi wa zaka 14 mukunenanso munakati a woman 14 yrs??????? Mumafuna kukometsa nkhani bwanji?????Ndakwiya nanu kwambiri…
Ufiti chani?
I wish such brutes to rot behind bars forever not jst yrs. They dnt deserve life. I hate such ppo
If cashgate criminals are given 3 years,,, To say for sure this man deservs 12 months
I thnk winawu ndi ufiti ndthu iyaaa
Achewa ndi choncho ndi njalayi amangothamangitsa tiana nkugwirilira .zochita ngati nkhuku
He should have given him 30 plus
Mmmmmh!! kmaaaaa zoonadi {cry emoticon}
Eeeh chilango chachepa tampaseni 36yrs mfiti ameneyo.
This is crazy what r u raping there she is still a child!! Please to all men be considerate before doing this kind of act. That girl is someone’s daughter who may as well be like ur own daughter or sister.lets fear God and stop destroying futures of children whom might do something in our society coz what this man did is destroying that Childs future.too bad.my fellow Malawians lets stop this kind of acts
To make matters worse, He is the Stepfather of th innocent Daughter
Kodi ukumakhala ufitii chan?
Iiiiiiih raping std 1 girl? Mwikhooooo :'( :'( :'( n’ dey charge him only 14yrs ayi atichawo awonjeza atipwetekela ana kaya
simphunzitsi, read the story again.
Wow kodi ndichapakhomo shaaaaa
Kunoko ofunika sharia law bcz ths malpractice is increasing everyday
Kukhwima eti? Osamakatenga Atsungwana osangalatsa anthu ali mmiseuwa bwanj? Chilangocho chachepanso bwanj osangoti 50yrs? Ama Court zinazi tamayang’anani kumbali chonde akuononga Malawi wawatu anthu.
why 14 judge instead of 36 aaaaaaaa judge him again plz