A Malawian woman in her late 20’s in Mangochi died on Sunday after giving birth as she was bleeding heavily and the district’s hospital failed to assist her due to power failure at the institution.
Reports reaching Malawi24 show that the deceased – whose name has not yet been established – gave birth to a baby boy on Saturday and she was later taken to Mangochi district hospital as she heavily bleeding.
At the hospital, the woman was told that there was a problem with her uterus and it had to be removed. She was later taken to the theatre for surgery.

In the process of the operation, there was a black out at the whole institution and the standby generator which is manual was not functioning to rescue the lady. The woman died within 10 minutes of the power failure.
Reacting to this, Mangochi district health officer, Dr. William Mpeno, said investigations are still underway to establish what really happened. However, other reports from some sources shows that this is not the first time for this to happen at the hospital.
The sources says the standby generator has much faults and there is only one person who knows it better but the problem is that this person is not always available at the hospital.
They said this could be proven by this development where it took almost ten minutes for the generator to start functioning and the woman died in the process.
Despite the black out(Escom) but u mean in the 21st century, a District hospital z failing 2 have back-ups??? Really!!!!! Really!!!! Very pathetic, I’m crying my ccta has lost her life due to gloss negligence by responsible health personnel
Link leacked
Kusowa gwirizano kwa anthu amawudido kukuzuzisa anthu osalakwa, every day black out frm morn up 2 th noon kukhal amatel??? Magesi kumagozimisl ngat candal.
Why blaming the nurses and midwives let us blame ourselves malawian let us feel sorry for ourselves for the mistake we have done in malawi. ( Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where others people see nothing).
Akamati Ali Ndipakati Amatanthauza Pakatipamoyo Ndi Imfa Kwamuhtu Yemwe Anabelekapo Ululu Wamimba Sizibwana Nde Lets Not Blame The Nurses Maybe Due To Blakout Patients Analephera Kupanga Report Kwa Ma Nurse That She Was Bleeding Hevly Candle Angawale Labour Ward Yonse Lets Just Pray 4 Her Soul To Rest In Peace & That the baby akulebwinobwino kubereka ndi imfa kale omwe timabwerako ndimoyo tizingoyamika ambuye apa zagwa tisalozane zala ayi
Only God knowns
That’s bad!!!
Its So Sad, Komatu Amayi Olo Ku Mwayiwathu Amamwalira Magetsi Akuyaka
yona,,,,,,, wayamba kunyanya ndi pulezidenti ,,,,, osamangoti ths nurses ,,,, that nurses,,,,,,,,
ndizomveka ngati a nurse kapena adokotala ankagwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zamagetsi kuti mzimayiyo achile. koma ngati magetsiwo amagwira ntchito yongounikila yokha, imfayi yachitika chifukwa othandiza kuti mzimayiyo asataye magazi ambili anatailira. zipatala zopanda magetsi ndizambili mmalawi muno koma azimayi amachila bwino lomwe. specify magetsiwo adafunikila panjira yanji???
may her soul rest internal peace,
Fuck Peter mthalika chi galu cha munthu nde iweyo panyoo pa amako, pa bambo wako ndi pa azigogo ako onse ndi pako fuck uuuuu!!!
So so sad
Mwawanthu imwe chiboma ichi wakutu cashgate aaaa amama mulinkhu wonani ivo wakuchita wamwembe tawanakazi tikholenge kwaalee
Shaa koma dpp ya peter uyu
Apozonadi! Frequen Power black out is a big problem in Malawi! There is nothing to blame Escom on that matter since there was no operation taking place. That was her day of death. It happens also due to early Pregnancies and weakness of the body…
Inu imfa zuna nzopeweka mwatani
MHSRP, dziko likugwa ili, ku Chileka Airport… When there is Blackout, Passenger Check-in Stops coz DCA says they have no fuel. That means Ndege singatere coz ku runway kulibe electricity … cry my beloved Malawi!!
Amalawi tigwilane manja pothetsa imfa za uchembere osati kulozana zala.
characteristics of dpp
Very painful, apa sizolozana zala kuti wakuti nde walephela. Tiyeni tonse Amalawi ti
It’s unacceptable for a woman to die while giving birth like this. A wake up call to stakeholders!
Nkhani mwachidule.
A Escom ndi amene apha nakubalayu .
when u r ignorant u just comment anything that comes out of ur mind,not knowing whether u r doing the ryt thing or not.u need to use wisdom before u make a comment.dont blame health personels here blame ur govt for inadequate funding.
Jehovah save our country. RIP
The more things change the more they remain the same.Ndiye bolanso amayi omwe aja.Apa tabesa kuponi
Boma likukanika kugula generator yothandizira magetsi akazima, shame Peter koma kuba basi
iwonder it has been raining for more than three weeks now!should we say the water is still on transit?idon’t understand!or should isay the devil is visiting my country that he needs more electricity to warm himselves up?qualified bt incompetetent leaders!
Page iyi kukokomeza
zaonjeza asa
@Owen Matemba, I wish you were one of the midwives otherwise you can’t really understand what it means to bring a good outcome of both your wife and your newborn. Let me tell you one thing, if you are a midwife working in labour ward specifically, at times you need to be stiff to the laboring woman just for the sake of better outcome but this can’t be well understood by the woman who is in pain and let alone by you a husband or whoever guardian who maybe there. Yet all of you need the best outcome, more especially you husband/guardian.
Sometimes I may be in labor ward where I have a number of clients laboring one of them being your wife. Normally when a woman enters the labor ward you do the initial assessment and by this you know what can be done and when to be done and you explain the mgt plan to the woman something that most women don’t take seriously even your wife whom is known of being obidient. Labor progress in phases you have to know that, now your wife and all other clients might be calling for my help at once, now the fact that I know my clients by the initial assessment I will know who to attend to first basing on their progress and other special needs that maybe there. Now that I have delayed to come to your wife to you mistakenly I suppose you view me as a bad-hearted and uncaring midwife something which makes me really feel sorry for myself. So look now, what if it was the other way, coming to you first not the other client who really was to be assisted first?
Let me just rest by saying, to be honest enough all of you when you come to the Hosp. you want to be helped as soon as possible but as a health professional you always priotise basing on your assessment.
You may not know this but our government knows that there are lots of challenges in terms of resources which compromises quality health care for our brothers and sisters.
It pains when you realize that there is no A,B,C,D to save a life of someone and bcoz we are there watching someone dying then we carry the cross and all sorts of insults and names but God always sees the actuals of events.
That true
It may be other reason/s that has led her to death not what the Malawi 24 has pointed out.I once ever been stayed at one of most poor health centre in Mangochi,where women derivers their babies.It has neither electricity nor generators but i have never heard that a woman has died for sach reason.May be we dont know is it electricity that prevent flooding of blood or it just brings enough light in the room? Let us know if it is like that.We are not kids that you can trick us or tell us lies.Its better to keep quite when there is nothing to post rather than to post sach unonsense things like this.SHAME ON YOU MALAWI 24
Zonsez kale-kale kudalibe kmano adalakwitsa nd adam m’munda umene Mulungu adamupatsa zipatso kt ichi utha kudya ngkhalenso chinachi kma kupatulako chimodz kkkkkkkkkkk! Ndye mkaz atanamizidwa nd njoka kt ndchokoma tachirawe kunapezeka kt onse alimbulanda kikikikiki! Pompa chyambi chainfa moti kaya ufuna kaya sufuna kma udzafa basi palibenso kt magesi kapena wadwala kanthawi kochepa ayi poti tidatembereredwa kuchokela pamenepo! Mwachidule omayi tikaonana kumanda konko basi.
Iwe nawe, Kofi mungobwebwetuka zilizonse apa eti? Kodi generator yimagwira ntchito popanda fuel? Kupusa kumeneko nkona mukumakakamira kumati zinthu zilibwino not knowing what problems are on the ground. How sure are you kuti mugenset munali fuel? Do you think pple can live a patient to die just like that? Tiyeni tizikhalako sensible at times
Midwives ar to be blamed for this. They have an attitude of insulting,shouting or neglecting to the patients.They are not concerned that some one is underpanic to give birth, it’s when they go out to play with their skirtchasers,listening music etc. So sad indeed.
shame on whoeva is propelin this to b hapenin only 4 hz or hr personal benefit…shame indeed…coz thez blackouts r al political…
Azapangira olakwika akunamizira magesi magenireta amakhala komweko mukungofuna kuipisa mbiri ya PETER
Yo!my poor Mother Malawi
mwat amataya magazi kwambili thats y wamwalira nt magetsi anathima
Eeeeesh!!! Very sory.
Where was the District Health Officer (DHO)or District Medical Officer (DMO) by that time to do the good job of saving life of this Malawian woman from dieing.
Bvuto longotenga anthu opanda experience kuti ankhale ma DHO or DMO ndilimenerotu. Deaths after deaths basi. Madolo timakabwereka small generator enough for the theatre and labour ward. Mangochi yonseyo palibe ali ndi generator yaing`ono or wa bottle store. Wa Suncity a linayo wa 700 komanso wa tchalilichi plus wa Mzikiti alinayo. Bvuto ndi kuganiza mochepa, mochedwa ndimopanda Mzeru. Mangochi Woyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Very sorry 4 de loss , this z very painful ,,
Vuto si ma doctor kumangonamizi nyani pepani nyani sadziwa pamene pali swich ok kkkkkkkkkkkk
blackouts is one of the fruit from DPP led govt.
Cry my beloved country malawi..blackout the order of the day
Zandikhuza! The Government is nt making sense at al. They knw vuto lamagesi yet they are nt providing enough fuel for mageneta muzipatalamu! Agalu awa akutipha tikuwona
para nawona nesi khuwona satana wakenda. para nawona nesi nawona fwiti mukolido kkk R I P mama
Collatelal damage
Kodi anthuwa amabelekela magetsi?
Kodi mesa mumalumbira inu kuti muzagwira ntchito imeneyi ndi mtima wanu onse inu ma nurse ndi ma doctor?…pliz tisamaleni ngati mungasamalire wachibale wanu atakhala kuti naye ali mu kanyengo ngati kameneko
ntchito za professor! yes malawians voted… rest in peace mama!
OOO! It’s too bad, azitsogoreri athu muyenera kusamala, chifukwa mudzakafunsidwa za utsogoreri wanu pamaso pa MULUNGU.
so bad
Facebook doctors and midwives busy making comments here! Go on the ground and see how tough this job is. Osamangoti wewewewe apa…
Koma Kanyemba..aah
Aaa waboza iwe nthawi zonse amai apakati amakudandaulani kuti simugwila ntchito yanu bwino ya ubelekesi ndie anthu kukuzuzulani alakwa?
Aaa waboza iwe nthawi zonse amai apakati amakudandaulani kuti simugwila ntchito yanu bwino ya ubelekesi ndie anthu kukuzuzulani alakwa?
Nde iweyo chikutumbwe ngati uli ndi nzeru pita ukakhale dokotala tizaone ngati uzizapanga operation pogwilitsa torch or nyali.
@ Chikutumbwe u don’t know wat u r talking about. I have ever worked @ Mangochi Maternity ward. Kulibe masewera uku. Do u how impossible it is to differentiate human tissues without adequate light? It was lucky that some women we operated under torch light survived. Without magetsi ku Theatre ntchito singatheke man…
pliz can u connect me 2 carolyn
Mr kanyemba vuto lakwathu kuno chilungamo chimabitsika under de politics apa ena akupatsani kale chipani kamba konena chilungamo
Lets Point @e ryt pple on ths issue nurses r too ‘SMART,BOSSY’ TO SUPPORT PATIENTS Ts their wsh
Vuto lomangosakaniza zinthu:ndale,chipani,boma,chipongwe,ntchito,ulesi mwinanso kaufiti pompo thyaa as a result Malawi pwirikiti.Okavutika’munthu wamba, akati boma linamthandizapo ngati nzika nde kumpangila ID akavote FINISH.
Iwe malawi 24 bwanji nthawi zambiri umatichititsa manyazi? Usamakhale ngati ukuuza mbuli wamva taona ndemanga zomwe akunena anthuzi, chonde tasintha machitidwe ako. Muma health centre ambiri mulibe magetsi koma azimayi amachila ndithu osafa watch your reporting.
True zichani inu nkieee mungapange oparation popanda magetsi? Aaaa Nyapapi fans r stupids mxieeeeeeeeeeee
these foolish midwives and mid husbands ihate them so much they neither attend to patients but listening to thier radios and gossips even if you call 4help they order u 2b quiet or help ur self 1de iwl beat one of them
these foolish midwives and mid husbands ihate them so much they neither attend to patients but listening to thier radios and gossips even if you call 4help they order u 2b quiet or help ur self 1de iwl beat one of them
Phunzitsa m’bale Wako ngati Ali ndi nzeru akakhale midwife or husband.USOVA
Chinyengo pakatangale tithad
Very sad Rip
Sad news,it z her tym i think so!!
A escom mmmmm tapota nanu plz
Sad mweee
Boma LA a pulofesa limenero,ng’ombe yamphongodi eeeeeee…….
Big blow
ii kulakwa akanaesesabe koma
Aunt akazakuwuzani kuti tiyeni Ku theatre amakhala kuti njira zonse ayesa,yomaliza ndikutheatre ko
Bwana #Dan wenje nkhaniyi ndiyandale
Mmmm Wat a sad news
Mutakhala kuti ndi inuyo anurse (dockorter) winawake akupangeni zimenezo,simpakana mukagwila nyanga?kuti nayenso afe.don’t forget wakuba akabeledwa amalusa kwambili.
Mwatizachitika kuti? Ngatiili mangochi Mbaliyakeitiiti?,.
may b she had aclampsia(sp)BP in pregnancy or placenta idakhalira thats y padali bleedng ndiye mwina ndi mdima sadathe kuchotsa
Still problem was she bleeded alot.solution was to control bleeding n give her replacement like normal saline or blood to avoid dehydration . Thats why when doing check up for pregnant women blood group is asked in case of emergency like this.and always emergency kit is supposed to be ready for case like this
ys thats true kma mudziwaso ma nurse amasiku ano ,akakhala jackson amachita kuponya kkkk
May her soul rest in peace
Atolankhani aboza awa mesa kuli ma generator mufuna kunama bwanji
Escom yatikwana tsopano kulibwino kungokhala no magets becoz wa ku twn nd wakumudzi sakusiyana kulibwino kukhala opanda magets dziko lonse bas!!
Mmmm very bad
So Sad….
Who is to blame?
Khanundu basi, muzinamizira magetsi pomwe vuto ndi azamba anu oyerekedwawo
Pepani Pepani Pepani
zachisoni kodi mukapolo oterewu tizatulukamo liti abale
is not true, careless of administration, even big torch can supply sufficient light which may assist to any procedure during the black out, do you want to tell us that all africa has got enough electricity every where? no , people has to show their ability( competency) even with little thing to save the life of some one, I think the hospital administration has to be answerable for that issue.
u r a witchcraft::::seems u r happy eti?
Zipatala Za Boma Ma Nurse Amaonjeza Mwano Osasamala Azimai Odwala Sibwn
There might be a connection to the black out and her death. …breading due to ruptured uterus (if it was) z a serious condition. …so if she was in operating room en this happened then it was eminent the consequences wud be fatal if back up light to restore visual ability wasn’t available in time……Rip…..
DPP +escom woyeeee!
RIP,but wat happened?wat is the connection btwn power and her death!
Chaninso nawe iwe,ife tikufuna kudziwa kuti zinali bwanji chifukwa olembawo sanafotokoze momveka bwino,BACK TO SENDER!!Kumamvetsetsa,phuma ndi …….sizigwirizana.
Maybe she was on oxygen
And that needs electricity
wat is the connection??? ungapange labour ku mdima?? shame on u
Mwina apopo Resh zikhozadi kutheka!!
Shame on u too Hastings,ine ndati ndikufuna kumvetsetsa kuti zinali bwanji,not kuti ndingabereke kumdima…mutu kumaugwiritsa bwino tchito.
a escom mugultsdwa tsopano vuto nd chn kwenkwen??dats nt fair
U mean O2 therapy would v been commenced using candles?Dont always think negatively of midwives.Limited resources,limit their competences.
Mmmmmmm kma ku mw abale……
Sad story
Kuyambira peter mthalika, wamkulu wa escom, manurses nose ndinu agalu aanthu makamaka peter fwefwe kuti chani apa mbuzi yeniyeni,, ndakwiya nawe kwambiri,,,,
zonsezi ndi Pitala.
thats bad R . I . P
Sorry. Kma sikuti munthuyo wafa kamba koti magetsi anadzima. Chilipo chinavuta. Masiku ku chipatala ndi ma blackout awa amayetsetsa kukhala ndi altanative yoti kuwala kukhaliko makamaka ku labour.
….sorry,yes,for the loss of human life but at Mangochi Dist Hosp i remember there’s a Genset standby for such cases of ESCOM power failure,isn’t it?
Mukunama guys!!!! Ineyo madam anga ndimafuna kulira and lucky enough anayaka mwachangu despite that ndiri wamasiye, musandikumbuse
Foooooooliiiiishhh!!! Ine sinditukwana nde sinditero!!!
A Malawi24 are not professional on reporting. It may happens kti pamali vuto lina. Nkhani zokuza uchebele panopa mabungwe ambiri amayetsetsa kuthandizapo. Okha anena za bleeding kenaka magetsi. Dont just blame. Sorry kti munthu wataya moyo.
Anthu inu zikuoneka kuti muli ku UK
escom yawonjezadi musatsutse,amene mukutsutsanu simuli ku malawi.
escom motsogozedwa ndi utsogoleri opanda masomphenya
Otsutsa, Peter, escom nose mbuzi
Yambili ikususa apa ndi midyomba ndikunama kapena?
Patient had Ru and DIC so it was had to control bleeding. I hope that if there was DIC,there could be alternative regardless of blackout. May her so..R
Adawa kwenikweni bwanji? Mmesa musegure link muone osamangobwebwetuka apa
Dzana i was in salima & kunali blackout fo 2 days and 2 nights ……i didn’t like it & a escom even excuse pa radio ayi’ escom nayo ikufunika kusintha ma bwana wa akhalitsa
“the district’s hospital failed to assist her due to power failure at the institution” sukumva chani pa sentence imeneyi?
oooo……so sad……?? delays in referring the patient……?transport……….wt black outs ……..horror…..may her soul rest in peace….
i think although kuti kunalibe power but mene kumakhalira ku labour ward kumakhala means ina yake kuti kukhale ma lights even ma candle timayasa omwe amagulidwa ndi ma patient so i dont think kuti kunali completely black out
adolo awaso…. ur talkn bou ma alternative, dey hav generators but the gvt z nt suplyn money 4 fuel kut it shd operate…. wil da doctors hav 2 urinate dea kut it shd work den assist da sik ku labour????
Dziko lili mmanja mwa agalu, pitala and his govt onse zitsiru
It happens .
May Her Precious Soul rest in eternal,everlasting peace
Malawi24 please try to validate your heading with the contents of your main body. You are saying 1. While goving birth but in the contents you wrote that she gave birth to a baby boy. 2. Due to power blackout but in the contents you are saying she was bleeding heavily. Please dont rush to write an article that may be confusing to the readers. You have to know that we have different types of individuals reading the article. The first may cite technical languages and analyze them while the second will read without completely following the contents and the last will read and misinterpret the contents in their confused state and confuse others.
Pliz Nurses and midwives kondani ntchito yanu.inde magetsi koma mzipatala zaboma mwanyanya.
mwanyanya chani
Nyasaland 24….what was the mode of delivery?……Caesarian Section, Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery or Induced Vaginal Delivery????……more questions to put here b4 I put the blame on somebody or institution….. Or is it my phone failling to glab something????????
Blame on Escom and boma nalo ligule ma generator
I urge govt to remove all top ESCOM management as soon as possible.
y alwayz ESCOM
y alwayz ESCOM
Very sorry!
Government is not doing nothing..ciz they suppose to buy generator in District hospital ..instead giving more money to mp and minster and buy chakwera expensive car…
Iwe,vuto ndi Peter wakoyo, yamukanika Escom kukoza. Chakwera musiye apume
Kodi Chakwera Walakwanso Chani Man? Akuphetsa Anthu Ndi Bwampini APM,he is the most stupid Prezdent We Have Eve Had In Malawi
ine sindivota guys and am in south but I hate peter..he is one he bought car for Chakwera 80 million imagine guys ..
Takambani zolongosoka amampanga opaleshoni kapena tikufuna kudziwa kuti zikugwirizana bwanji ndikuthima kwamagetsi.
Ndinu achichepere simungaimvetse nkhaniyi
Open the link osakharA mmlesi….
Open the link osakharA mmlesi….
So sad, may so R I P
it makes no sense to e authorities until a day wen it wil b wamunyumba Rip innocent soul
ESCOM and the goverment of Malawi they have to be charged for murder
SO SAD REALLY….FROM Study in Belarus
Mmmm ndezintchito zapitala inu mexa munkati ophonzila ndamene angayendese bwn ziko lamalawi undele jb apapa munkumbuka
3 late
Tengani tembowo mukapatse a state pulzdnt,amphungu onse, a escom ndi aliyetse yemwe ali nd kuthekera kocnthisa znthu zkol adye atchuke.
Not good at all
RIP,ESCOM can kill bware!
So sad, Malawi at 51
Ooh so sad, but power off and bleeding death? I wonder, something could have still been done to save her life even with no power. They could have accessed the veins still unless the problem needed a surgical intervention or otherwise
Which veins?do u thick one is sent to theatre before trying the other methods??That was their last option brother
Eyi U People Dont U Have Stand By Gen Sets?
can some1 tell me how does this connects to the death?
Tandra Omar Kananji wawelenga Koma. She was in Theatre for hestelectomy. How is that the midwives fault? In Theatre amene amakhala responsible for transfusion is the anesthetist.
Escom:torwards power black-out everyday.
Sad death news how electricity stop the bleeding?Educate us
so sad indeed
LA professor
They would have done better
what happened to power back up generator?
Bolanso kwa #Farao komwekuja km apa mmmm zaonjedza. MHSRIP!
And Mangochi ESCOM offices are so close (roughly not more than 2 kilometres) to the Mangochi District Hospital.
They should sure know and notice electricity is virtual there.They
(ESCOM) may say customers are misusing the electricity, this what, that which. It doesn’t make real sense. They (the customers) pay for the electricity.
May the 20 year old soul rest in peace.
If English is expensive Chichewa & Chiyawo are cheapest languages you can afford
It might be. I will take you with me when I will be going to buy them because you also need THE cheapest languages. *** VITAL*** not VIRTUAL is what I wanted Mr Blessings Robert, the Malawian-English English expert. Zinandipeza zingerezi ndiye angambeje kungululuchira amwene. Mowa gane chinjinyindirira kuti iwecheto yasyene tinayilembe chenene. Sikomo ligongo lyakulola chiswani chaliji mmeso mwangumu.
I think most people here are thinking using their dicks instead of their brains.What do you think the nurse or clinician done where there’s blackout?Blame it on your stupid govt of Peter mathanyula nyapapi
The government should react fast on ths blackouts otherwise many will loose their lifes
mmmmmmmmm rest in peace sister.
very sad
Koma ulendo uno president akhale nyamata,no wat kay udf or mcp, dpp,panop zachigogo ayi,ndakwiya nanu
so sad.
Too bad..may her soul R.I.P.
May her soul rest in peace.but i don’t see any connection between power cut off n her death. She died because of mistakes of those midwives power supply has nothing to do with this.she had severe bleeding n they where suppose to replace her with normal saline drip or blood drip even using candles or touch from the phone.mistake here it’s from those who worked at that moment they were not serious or didn’t make emergency judgement on the case. Because wen woman is delivering they suppose to know her blood type and make any emergency equipment ready in case of situation like this
The hospital top guys have their excuse. And mind you, some Malawian hospitals, especially government hospitals, do not have all required equipment. The blame MAY BE shared, but not equally, to the ESCOM, the hospital, the deceased, ESCOM customers….
I really agree with you #Tandra. That death has come due to reckless, merciless evil midwives not Electr. I hate these kind of midwives
Jailos I’m also a nurse studied out side country but I cant back them if they make mistakes. A delivery room is supposed to have some equipment available always incase of Emergency n how did they do that without even having just normal saline drip that they could have used after realising she is loosing out! And in the first place there suppose to do final check up before deliver to ensure their is safety procedure n ready for anything that can come up as Emergency.I work in hospital n i know that it was their problem.may be they didn’t act quickly
when i see the nurse its like ihave seen sa….
Davie don’t say that. There gud nurse n bad nurse.u know nursing is career that need someone who love to do the work not someone who study it for sake of making money. Its like any other jobs u will always find gud people n bad people at each job. And nursing is a job that need lot of judgement when ot comes to cases so depends also on how the person responds to it
Zili ngati football,wowonerela amakamba zambili pa kamwa koma kuti akamenye mpira mkatimo mbola zokhazokha.we were not there so we do not what really happened.
Kungoti athu ambilife sitimaziwa mmene zithu zimayendela mzipatala zakuno kuno kwathu.for example timangowona mbale wathu amupasa magazi koma what happens 4 a nurse tu find apt of blood we do not not know the process(they pass thr offices)
parakhuwona nesi. khuwona satana wakwenda. para nawona nesi nawona fwiti yikwenda kkk kkk
Kkkkkkkk kodi mtumbuka uyunso akuti chani?
is this so called tandra, a nurse? ndakaika.
is this so called tandra, a nurse? ndakaika.
;( ;( ;( ambuye tichitileni chifundo RIP ma
so sad
It’s not escom but TESCOM Tempolary electricity supply of mw
sorry very much
Very sad.
Escom Mw,shut up!
Beat upon our Leader & Escom,they are behind deaths!
dzikoli lingogulitsidwa a boma nwalephela
So sad……may her soul RIP,she really is a victim of the situation
so sad!!
pa ujen pawo a escom
#escom And #govt mbola zokhazokha
Ankati kwa iwo sizizachitika,nanga lero ndichani chimenechi?BOMA ulendo uwuuu!.
It’s a hundrend of women dyin’ and lucky u atleast pin-point this one. #ESCOM is wholly to blame!!!!!!!
i’m shocked
Very Sad
so sad, R.I.P. poor administration will die in large number in poor countries eg. malawi.
Sorry! RIP
So sad this is happening after 51yrs of our independence…
Very Sad Development.
mmmmm abale!! akon amanena zoona mwa Africa vuto lalikulu ndi magetsi